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Corrosion-Resistant Coatings on Spent Nuclear Fuel Canisters to Mitigate and Repair Potential Stress Corrosion Cracking (FY22 Status)

Knight, Andrew W.; Nation, Brendan L.; Maguire, Makeila M.; Schaller, Rebecca S.; Bryan, Charles R.

This report summarizes the activities performed by Sandia National Laboratories in FY22 to identify and test coating materials for the prevention, mitigation, and/or repair of potential chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking in spent nuclear fuel dry storage canisters. This work continues efforts by Sandia National Laboratories that are summarized in previous reports in FY20 and FY21 on the same topic. The previous work detailed the specific coating properties desired for application and implementation to spent nuclear fuel canisters (FY20) and identified several potential coatings for evaluation (FY21). In FY22, Sandia National Laboratories, in collaboration with four industry partners through a Memorandum of Understanding, started evaluating the physical, mechanical, and corrosion-resistance properties of 6 different coating systems (11 total coating variants) to develop a baseline understanding of the viability of each coating type for use to prevent, mitigate, and/or repair potential stress corrosion on cracking on spent nuclear fuel canisters. This collaborative R&D program leverages the analytical and laboratory capabilities at Sandia National Laboratories and the material design and synthesis capabilities of the industry collaborators. The coating systems include organic (polyetherketoneketone, modified polyimide/polyurea, modified phenolic resin), organic/inorganic ceramic hybrids (silane-based polyurethane hybrid and a quasi-ceramic sol-gel polyurethane hybrid), and hybrid systems in conjuncture with a Zn-rich primer. These coatings were applied to stainless steel coupons (the same coupons were supplied to all vendors by SNL for direct comparison) and have undergone several physical, mechanical, and electrochemical tests. The results and implications of these tests are summarized in this report. These analyses will be used to identify the most effective coatings for potential use on spent nuclear fuel dry storage canisters, and also to identify specific needs for further optimization of coating technologies for their application on spent nuclear fuel canisters. In FY22, Sandia National Laboratories performed baseline testing and atmospheric exposure tests of the coating samples supplied by the vendors in accordance with the scope of work defined in the Memorandum of Understanding. In FY23, Sandia National Laboratories will continue evaluating coating performance with a focus on thermal and radiolytic stability.

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Analysis of Dust Samples Collected from a Near-Marine East Coast ISFSI Site ("Site C")

Bryan, Charles R.; Knight, Andrew W.; Maguire, Makeila M.

In June of 2022, dust samples were collected from the surface of an in-service spent nuclear fuel dry storage canister during an inspection at an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation. The site is anonymous but is a near-marine or brackish water east coast location referred to here as "Site C". The purpose of the sampling was to assess the composition and abundance of the soluble salts present on the canister surface, information that provides a metric for potential corrosion risks. Following collection, the samples were delivered to Sandia National Laboratories for analysis. At Sandia, the soluble salts were leached from the dust and quantified by ion chromatography. In addition, subsamples of the dust were taken for scanning electron microscopy to determine the particle sizes, morphology, and mineralogy of the dust and salts. The results of those analyses are presented in this report.

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FY2022 Status Update: A Probabilistic Model for Stress Corrosion Cracking of SNF Dry Storage Canisters

Gilkey, Lindsay N.; Brooks, Dusty M.; Katona, Ryan M.; Bryan, Charles R.; Schaller, Rebecca S.

Understanding the potential risk of stress corrosion cracking of spent nuclear fuel dry storage canisters has been identified as a knowledge gap for determining the safety of long-term interim storage of spent nuclear fuel. To address this, the DOE is funding a multi-lab DOE effort to understand the timing, occurrence, and consequences of potential canister SCC. Sandia National Laboratories has developed a probabilistic model for canister penetration by SCC. This model has been continuously updated at SNL since 2014. Model uncertainties are treated using a nested loop structure, where the outer loop accounts for uncertainties due to lack of data and the inner aleatoric loop accounts for uncertainties due to variation in nature. By separating uncertainties into these categories, it is possible to focus future work on reducing the most influential epistemic uncertainties. Several experimental studies have already been performed to improve the modeling approach through expanded process understanding and improved model parameterization. The resulting code is physics-based and intended to inform future work by identifying (1) important modeling assumptions, (2) experimental data needs, and (3) necessary model developments. In this document, several of the sub-models in the probabilistic SCC model have been exercised, and the intermediate results, as the model progresses from one sub-model to the next, are presented. Evaluating the sub-models in this manner provides a better understanding of sub-model outputs and has identified several unintended consequences of model assumptions or parameterizations, requiring updates to the modeling approach. The following updates have been made, and future updates have been identified.

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Physical and chemical properties of sea salt deliquescent brines as a function of temperature and relative humidity

Science of the Total Environment

Bryan, Charles R.; Knight, A.W.; Katona, Ryan M.; Sanchez, A.C.; Schindelholz, E.J.; Schaller, Rebecca S.

Thermodynamic modeling has been used to predict chemical compositions of brines formed by the deliquescence of sea salt aerosols. Representative brines have been mixed, and physical and chemical properties have been measured over a range of temperatures. Brine properties are discussed in terms of atmospheric corrosion of austenitic stainless steel, using spent nuclear fuel dry storage canisters as an example. After initial loading with spent fuel, during dry storage, the canisters cool over time, leading to increased surface relative humidities and evolving brine chemistries and properties. These parameters affect corrosion kinetics and damage distributions, and may offer important constraints on the expected timing, rate, and long-term impacts of canister corrosion.

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Development of Surface Sampling Techniques for the Canister Deposition Field Demonstration (FY22 Update)

Knight, Andrew W.; Schaller, Rebecca S.; Nation, Brendan L.; Durbin, S.G.; Bryan, Charles R.

This report describes the proposed surface sampling techniques and plan for the multi-year Canister Deposition Field Demonstration (CDFD). The CDFD is primarily a dust deposition test that will use three commercial 32PTH2 NUHOMS welded stainless steel storage canisters in Advanced Horizontal Storage Modules, with planned exposure testing for up to 10 years at an operating ISFSI site. One canister will be left at ambient condition, unheated; the other two will have heaters to achieve canister surface temperatures that match, to the degree possible, spent nuclear fuel (SNF) loaded canisters with heat loads of 10 kW and 40 kW. Surface sampling campaigns for dust analysis will take place on a yearly or bi-yearly basis. The goal of the planned dust sampling and analysis is to determine important environmental parameters that impact the potential occurrence of stress corrosion cracking on SNF dry storage canisters. Specifically, measured dust deposition rates and deposited particle sizes will improve parameterization of dust deposition models employed to predict the potential occurrence and timing of stress corrosion cracks on the stainless steel SNF canisters. The size, morphology, and composition of the deposited dust and salt particles will be quantified, as well as the soluble salt load per unit area and the rate of deposition, as a function of canister surface temperature, location, time, and orientation. Previously, a preliminary sampling plan was developed, identifying possible sampling locations on the canister surfaces and sampling intervals; possible sampling methods were also described. Further development of the sampling plan has commenced through three different tasks. First, canister surface roughness, a potentially important parameter for air flow and dust deposition, was characterized at several locations on one of the test canisters. Second, corrosion testing to evaluate the potential lifetime and aging of thermocouple wires, spot welds, and attachments was initiated. Third, hand sampling protocols were developed, and initial testing was carried out. The results of those efforts are presented in this report. The information obtained from the CDFD will be critical for ongoing efforts to develop a detailed understanding of the potential for stress corrosion cracking of SNF dry storage canisters.

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SNF Interim Storage Canister Corrosion and Surface Environment Investigations (FY21 Status Report)

Bryan, Charles R.; Knight, Andrew W.; Nation, Brendan L.; Montoya, Timothy M.; Karasz, Erin K.; Katona, Ryan M.; Schaller, Rebecca S.

This progress report describes work performed during FY21 at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) to assess the localized corrosion performance of canister materials used in the interim storage of spent nuclear fuel (SNF). Of particular concern is stress corrosion cracking (SCC), by which a through-wall crack could potentially form in a canister outer wall over time intervals that are shorter than possible dry storage times. In FY21, modeling and experimental work was performed that further defined our understanding of the potential chemical and physical environment present on canister surfaces at both marine and inland sites. Research also evaluated the relationship between the environment and the rate, extent, and morphology of corrosion, as well as the corrosion processes that occur. Finally, crack growth rate testing under relevant environmental conditions was initiated.

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SNF Canister Coatings for Corrosion Prevention and Mitigation (FY21 Status Report)

Knight, Andrew W.; Nation, Brendan L.; Bryan, Charles R.; Schaller, Rebecca S.

This report summarizes the current actives in FY21 related to the effort by Sandia National Laboratories to identify and test coating materials for the prevention, mitigation, and repair of spent nuclear fuel dry storage canisters against potential chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking. This work follows up on the details provided in Sandia National Laboratories FY20 report on the same topic, which provided a detailed description of the specific coating properties desired for application and implementation on spent nuclear fuel canisters, as well as provided detail into several different coatings and their applicability to coat spent nuclear fuel canisters. In FY21, Sandia National Laboratories has engaged with private industry to create a Memorandum of Understanding and established a collaborative R&D program building off the analytical and laboratory capabilities at Sandia National Laboratories and the material design and synthesis capabilities of private industry. The resulting Memorandum of Understanding included four companies to date (Oxford Performance Materials, White Horse R&D, Luna Innovations, and Flora Coating) proposing six different coating technologies (polyetherketoneketone, modified polyimide/polyurea, modified phenolic resin, silane-based polyurethane hybrid with and without a Znrich primer, and a quasi-ceramic sol-gel polyurethane hybrid) to be tested, evaluated, and optimized for their potential use for this application. This report provides a detailed description of each of the coating systems proposed by the participating industry partners. It also provides a description of the planned experimental actives to be performed by Sandia National Laboratories including physical tests, electrochemical tests, and characterization methods. These analyses will be used to identify specific ways to further improve coating technologies toward their application and implementation on spent nuclear fuel canisters. In FY21, Sandia National Laboratories began baseline testing of the base metal material in according with activities of the Memorandum of Understanding. In FY22, Sandia National Laboratories will receive coated coupons from each of the participating industry partners and begin characterization, physical, and electrochemical testing following the test plan described herein.

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FY21 Status Report: Probabilistic SCC Model for SNF Dry Storage Canisters

Porter, N.W.; Brooks, Dusty M.; Bryan, Charles R.; Katona, Ryan M.; Schaller, Rebecca S.

Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is an important failure degradation mechanism for storage of spent nuclear fuel. Since 2014, Sandia National Laboratories has been developing a probabilistic methodology for predicting SCC. The model is intended to provide qualitative assessment of data needs, model sensitivities, and future model development. In fiscal year 2021, improvement of the SCC model focused on the salt deposition, maximum pit size, and crack growth rate models.

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Neutron diffraction illustrates residual stress behavior of welded alloys used as radioactive confinement boundary

International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping

Chatzidakis, Stylianos; Tang, Wei; Miller, Roger; Payzant, Andrew; Bunn, Jeff; Bryan, Charles R.; Scaglione, John; Wang, Jy A.

Corrosion-resistant welded alloys are frequently used as a leak-tight boundary in critical applications that require confinement of hazardous and/or radioactive substances, including an increasing population of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) canisters. The behavior of residual stresses generated as a result of irregular elastic–plastic deformation during processes such as welding is one of today's key issues to a full understanding of the aging mechanisms that may compromise the confinement boundary. Whether such processes and any subsequent weld repairs, not subjected to post-weld heat treatment, would negatively affect the initial material by introducing through-thickness tensile stresses remains an open question. Here we report the first residual stress measurements using neutron diffraction on the welded joints of a SNF canister. We found significant tensile residual stresses in the as welded sample, indicating that initiation and through-thickness growth of cracks may be possible. Following repair, we observed a stress redistribution and introduction of beneficial compressive stresses. We anticipate our results will improve understanding of confinement susceptibility to aging and guide improvements in repair techniques.

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Surface Sampling Techniques for the Canister Deposition Field Demonstration

Bryan, Charles R.; Knight, Andrew W.; Schaller, Rebecca S.; Durbin, S.G.; Nation, Brendan L.; Jensen, Philip J.

This report describes plans for dust sampling and analysis for the multi-year Canister Deposition Field Demonstration. The demonstration will use three commercial 32PTH2 NUHOMS welded stainless steel storage canisters, which will be stored at an ISFSI site in Advanced Horizontal Storage Modules. One canister will be unheated; the other two will have heaters to achieve canister surface temperatures that match, to the degree possible, spent nuclear fuel (SNF) loaded canisters with heat loads of 10 kW and 40 kW. Surface sampling campaigns will take place on a yearly or bi-yearly basis. The goal of the planned dust sampling and analysis is to determine important environmental parameters that impact the potential occurrence of stress corrosion cracking on SNF dry storage canisters. Specifically, the size, morphology, and composition of the deposited dust and salt particles will be quantified, as well as the soluble salt load per unit area and the rate of deposition, as a function of canister surface temperature, location, time, and orientation. Sampling locations on the canister surface will nominally include 25 locations, corresponding to 5 circumferential locations at each of the 5 longitudinal locations. At each sampling location, a 2x2 sampling grid (containing 4 sample cells) will be painted onto the metal surface. During each sampling campaign, two samples at each sampling location will be collected, in a specific routine to measure both periodic (yearly or bi-yearly) and cumulative deposition rates. For each sample, a wet and a dry sample will be collected. Wet samples will be analyzed to determine the composition of the soluble salt fraction and to estimate salt loading per unit area. Dry samples will be analyzed to assess particle size, morphology, mineralogy, and identity (e.g. for floral/faunal fragments). The data generated by this proposed sampling plan will provide detailed information on dust and salt aerosol deposits on spent nuclear fuel canister surfaces. The anticipated results include information regarding particle compositions, size distributions, and morphologies, in addition to particle deposition rates as a function of canister surface location, orientation, time, and temperature. The information gathered during the Canister Deposition Field Demonstration is critical for ongoing efforts to develop a detailed understanding of the potential for stress corrosion cracking on SNF dry storage canisters

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Quantitative assessment of environmental phenomena on maximum pit size predictions in marine environments

Electrochimica Acta

Katona, Ryan M.; Knight, A.W.; Schindelholz, E.J.; Bryan, Charles R.; Schaller, Rebecca S.; Kelly, R.G.

Maximum pit sizes were predicted for dilute and concentrated NaCl and MgCl2 solutions as well as sea-salt brine solutions corresponding to 40% relative humidity (RH) (MgCl2-rich) and 76% RH (NaCl-rich) at 25 °C. A quantitative method was developed to capture the effects of various cathode evolution phenomena including precipitation and dehydration reactions. Additionally, the sensitivity of the model to input parameters was explored. Despite one's intuition, the highest chloride concentration (roughly 10.3 M Cl−) did not produce the largest predicted pit size as the ohmic drop was more severe in concentrated MgCl2 solutions. Therefore, the largest predicted pits were calculated for saturated NaCl (roughly 5 M Cl−). Next, it was determined that pit size predictions are most sensitive to model input parameters for concentrated brines. However, when the effects of cathodic reactions on brine chemistry are considered, the sensitivity to input parameters is decreased. Although there was not one main input parameter that influenced pit size predictions, two main categories were identified. Under similar chloride concentrations (similar RH), the water layer thickness (WL), and pit stability product, (i·x)sf, are the most influential factors. When varying chloride concentrations (RH), changes in WL, the brine specific cathodic kinetics on the external surface (captured in the equivalent current density (ieq)), and conductivity (κo) are the most influential parameters. Finally, it was noted that dehydration reactions coupled with precipitation in the cathode will have the largest effect on predicted pit size, and cause the most significant inhibition of corrosion damage.

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Analysis of Dust Samples Collected from an Inland ISFSI Site (''Site B'')

Knight, Andrew W.; Bryan, Charles R.

In October of 2020, dust samples were collected from the surface of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) dry storage canisters during an inspection at an inland Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation, the second inland site at which surface deposits have been sampled. The purpose of the sampling was to assess the composition and abundance of the soluble salts present on the canister surface, information which provides a metric for potential corrosion risks. The samples were delivered to Sandia National laboratories for analysis. At Sandia, the soluble salts were leached from the dust and quantified by ion chromatography. In addition, subsamples of the dust were taken for scanning electron microscopy to determine the texture and mineralogy of the dust and salts. The results of those analyses are presented in this report.

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Importance of the hydrogen evolution reaction in magnesium chloride solutions on stainless steel

Corrosion Science

Katona, Ryan M.; Carpenter, J.C.; Knight, A.W.; Bryan, Charles R.; Schaller, Rebecca S.; Kelly, R.G.; Schindelholz, E.J.

Cathodic kinetics in magnesium chloride (MgCl2) solutions were investigated on platinum (Pt) and stainless steel 304 L (SS304 L). Density, viscosity, and dissolved oxygen concentration for MgCl2 solutions were also measured. A 2-electron transfer for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) on Pt was determined using a rotating disk electrode. SS304 L displayed non-Levich behavior for ORR and, due to ORR suppression and buffering of near surface pH by Mg-species precipitation, the primary cathodic reaction was the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) in saturated MgCl2. Furthermore, non-carbonate precipitates were found to be kinetically favored. Implications of HER are discussed through atmospheric corrosion and stress corrosion cracking.

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Analysis of Dust Samples Collected from an Inland ISFSI Site (Site A)

Bryan, Charles R.; Knight, Andrew W.

In September of 2020, dust samples were collected from the surface of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) dry storage canisters during an inspection at an inland Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation. The purpose of the sampling was to assess the composition and abundance of the soluble salts present on the canister surface, information which provides a metric for potential corrosion risks. The samples were delivered to Sandia National laboratories for analysis. At Sandia, the soluble salts were leached from the dust and quantified by ion chromatography. In addition, subsamples of the dust were taken for scanning electron microscope analysis to determine the texture and mineralogy of the dust and salts. The results of those analyses are presented in this report.

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Disposal Concepts for a High-Temperature Repository in Shale

Stein, Emily S.; Bryan, Charles R.; Dobson, David C.; Hardin, Ernest H.; Jove Colon, Carlos F.; Lopez, Carlos M.; Matteo, Edward N.; Mohanty, Sitakanta N.; Pendleton, Martha W.; Perry, Frank V.; Prouty, Jeralyn L.; Sassani, David C.; Wang, Yifeng; Rutqvist, Jonny R.; Zheng, Liange Z.; Sauer, Kirsten B.; Caporuscio, Florie C.; Howard, Robert H.; Adeniyi, Abiodun A.; Joseph, Robby J.

Disposal of large, heat-generating waste packages containing the equivalent of 21 pressurized water reactor (PWR) assemblies or more is among the disposal concepts under investigation for a future repository for spent nuclear fuel (SNF) in the United States. Without a long (>200 years) surface storage period, disposal of 21-PWR or larger waste packages (especially if they contain high-burnup fuel) would result in in-drift and near-field temperatures considerably higher than considered in previous generic reference cases that assume either 4-PWR or 12-PWR waste packages (Jové Colón et al. 2014; Mariner et al. 2015; 2017). Sevougian et al. (2019c) identified high-temperature process understanding as a key research and development (R&D) area for the Spent Fuel and Waste Science and Technology (SFWST) Campaign. A two-day workshop in February 2020 brought together campaign scientists with expertise in geology, geochemistry, geomechanics, engineered barriers, waste forms, and corrosion processes to begin integrated development of a high-temperature reference case for disposal of SNF in a mined repository in a shale host rock. Building on the progress made in the workshop, the study team further explored the concepts and processes needed to form the basis for a high-temperature shale repository reference case. The results are described in this report and summarized..

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SNF Interim Storage Canister Corrosion and Surface Environment Investigations (FY2020 Status Report)

Schaller, Rebecca S.; Knight, Andrew W.; Bryan, Charles R.; Nation, Brendan L.; Montoya, Timothy M.; Katona, Ryan M.

This progress report describes work performed during FY20 at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) to assess the localized corrosion performance of container/cask materials used in the interim storage of spent nuclear fuel (SNF). Of particular concern is stress corrosion cracking (SCC), by which a through-wall crack could potentially form in a canister outer wall over time intervals that are shorter than possible dry storage times. Work in FY20 further defined our understanding of the potential chemical and physical environment present on canister surfaces, evaluated the relationship between the environment and the resultant corrosion that occurs, and initiated crack growth rate testing under relevant environmental conditions. In FY20, work to define dry storage canister surface environments included several tasks. First, collection of dust deposition specimens from independent spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI) site locations helped to establish a more complete understanding of the potential chemical environment formed on the canister. Second, the predicted evolution of canister surface relative humidity RH) values was estimated using ISFSI site weather data and the horizontal canister thermal model used by the SNL probabilistic SCC model. These calculations determined that for typical ISFSI weather conditions, seasalt deliquescence to produce MgCl2-rich brines could occur in less than 20 years at the coolest locations on the canister surface, and, even after nearly 300 years, conditions for NaCl deliquescence (75% RH) are not reached. This work illustrates the importance of understanding the stability of MgCl2-rich brines on the heated canister surface, and the potential impact of brine composition on corrosion processes, including pitting and stress corrosion cracking. In an additional study, the description of the canister surface environment was refined in order to define more realistic corrosion testing environments including diurnal cycles, soluble salt chemistries, and inert mineral particles. The potential impacts of these phenomena on canister corrosion are being evaluated experimentally. Finally, work over the past few years to evaluate the stability of magnesium chloride brines continued in FY20. MgCl2 degassing experiments were carried out, confirming that MgCl2 brines slowly degas HCl on heated surfaces, converting to less deliquescent magnesium hydroxychloride phases and potentially leading to brine dryout.

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Use of in situ Raman spectroelectrochemical technique to explore atmospheric corrosion in marine-relevant environments

Electrochemistry Communications

Katona, Ryan M.; Kelly, R.G.; Bryan, Charles R.; Schaller, Rebecca S.; Knight, A.W.

Here, for the first time, we demonstrate the use of an in situ spectroelectrochemical Raman technique to explore simulated atmospheric corrosion scenarios with a variable boundary layer thickness (δ). The effects of solution flow rate on oxygen concentration and δ were explored. It was found solution regeneration is necessary to prevent oxygen depletion in the Raman cell. It was further shown that by increasing the solution flow rate, the effective δ decreases and allows for the investigation of atmospheric corrosion scenarios. Finally, the technique developed was utilized to explore the effect of precipitation on the cathodic behavior of SS304L in dilute MgCl2. During cathodic polarization, evidence supports previous observations that magnesium hydroxide species are kinetically favored over the thermodynamically predicted magnesium carbonate.

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Corrosion-Resistant Coatings for Mitigation and Repair of Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Storage Canisters

Knight, Andrew W.; Schaller, Rebecca S.; Bryan, Charles R.; Montoya, Timothy M.; Parey, Alana M.; Carpenter, Jacob C.; Maguire, Makeila M.

This report summarizes the results of a literature survey on coatings and surface treatments that are used to provide corrosion protection for exposed metal surfaces. The coatings are discussed in the context of being used on stainless steel spent nuclear fuel (SNF) dry storage canisters for potential prevention or repair of corrosion and stress corrosion cracking. The report summarizes the properties of different coating classes, including the mechanisms of protection, their physical properties, and modes of degradation (thermal, chemical, radiological). Also discussed are the current standard technologies for application of the coatings, including necessary surface pretreatments (degreasing, rust removal, grinding) and their effects on coating adhesion and performance. The coatings are also classified according their possible use for in situ repair; ex situ repair, requiring removal from the overpack; and ex situ prevention, or application prior to fuel loading to provide corrosion protection over the lifetime of the canister.

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Molecular dynamics simulation of zirconium tungstate amorphization and the amorphous-crystalline interface

Journal of Physics Condensed Matter

Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Weck, Philippe F.; Gordon, Margaret E.; Kim, Eunja; Bryan, Charles R.

Classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed to provide a conceptual understanding of the amorphous-crystalline interface for a candidate negative thermal expansion (NTE) material, ZrW2O8. Simulations of pressure-induced amorphization at 300 K indicate that an amorphous phase forms at pressures of 10 GPa and greater, and this phase persists when the pressure is subsequently decreased to 1 bar. However, the crystalline phase is recovered when the slightly distorted 5 GPa phase is relaxed to 1 bar. Simulations were also performed on a two-phase model consisting of the high-pressure amorphous phase in direct contact with the crystalline phase. Upon equilibration at 300 K and 1 bar, the crystalline phase remains unchanged beyond a thin layer of disrupted structure at the crystalline-amorphous interface. Differences in local atomic structure at the interface are quantified from the simulation trajectories.

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Novel Zoned Waste-forms for High-Priority Radionuclide Waste Streams

Bryan, Charles R.; Gordon, Margaret E.; Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Weck, Philippe F.; Kim, Eunja

This report describes the potential of a novel class of materials--a-ZrW 2 0 8 , Zr 2 WP 2 0 12 , and related compounds that contract upon amorphization as possible radionuclide waste-forms. The proposed ceramic waste-forms would consist of zoned grains, or sintered ceramics with center- loaded radionuclides and barren shells. Radiation-induced amorphization would result in core shrinkage but would not fracture the shells or overgrowths, maintaining isolation of the radionuclide. In this report, we have described synthesis techniques to produce phase-pure forms of the materials, and how to fully densify those materials. Structural models for the materials were developed and validated using DFPT approaches, and radionuclide substitution was evaluated; U(IV), Pu(IV), Tc(IV) and Tc(VII) all readily substitute into the material structures. MD modeling indicated that strain associated with radiation-induced amorphization would not affect the integrity of surrounding crystalline materials, and these results were validated via ion beam experimental studies. Finally, we have evaluated the leach rates of the barren materials, as determined by batch and flow-through reactor experiments. ZrW 2 0 8 leaches rapidly, releasing tungstate while Zr is retained as a solid oxide or hydroxide. Tungsten release rates remain elevated over time and are highly sensitive to contact times, suggesting that this material will not be an effective waste-form. Conversely, tungsten releases rates from Zr2WP2012 rapidly drop, show little dependence on short-term changes in fluid contact time, and in over time, become tied to P release rates. The results presented here suggest that this material may be a viable waste-form for some hard-to-handle radionuclides such as Pu and Tc. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors acknowledge the contributions to this report from Sandia National Laboratories researchers Steven Meserole, Mark Rodriguez, Clay Payne, Tim Boyle, Nate Padilla, Khalid Hattar, Anthony Monterrosa, Trevor Clark, and Daniel Perry.

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Elucidating Structure-Spectral Property Relationships of Negative Thermal Expansion Zr2(WO4)(PO4)2: A First-Principles Study with Experimental Validation

Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Weck, Philippe F.; Kim, Eunja; Gordon, Margaret E.; Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Meserole, Stephen M.; Bryan, Charles R.

The phonon, infrared, and Raman spectroscopic properties of zirconium tungsten phosphate, Zr2(WO4)(PO4)2 (space group Pbcn, IT No. 60; Z = 4), have been extensively investigated using density functional perturbation theory (DFPT) calculations with the Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof exchange-correlation functional revised for solids (PBEsol) and validated by experimental characterization of Zr2(WO4)(PO4)2 prepared by hydrothermal synthesis. Using DFPT-simulated infrared, Raman, and phonon density-of-state spectra combined with Fourier transform infrared and Raman measurements, new comprehensive and extensive assignments have been made for the spectra of Zr2(WO4)(PO4)2, resulting in the characterization of its 29 and 34 most intense IR- and Raman-active modes, respectively. DFPT results also reveal that ν1(PO4) symmetric stretching and ν3(PO4) antisymmetric stretching bands have been interchanged in previous Raman experimental assignments. Negative thermal expansion in Zr2(WO4)(PO4)2 appears to have very limited impact on the spectral properties of this compound. This work shows the high accuracy of the PBEsol exchange-correlation functional for studying the spectroscopic properties of crystalline materials using first-principles methods.

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Stability of sea-salt deliquescent brines on heated surfaces of SNF dry storage canisters

International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management 2019, IHLRWM 2019

Bryan, Charles R.; Schindelholz, Eric J.; Knight, Andrew W.; Taylor, Jason M.; Dingreville, Remi P.

For long-term storage, spent nuclear fuel (SNF) is placed in dry storage systems, commonly consisting of welded stainless steel canisters enclosed in ventilated overpacks. Choride-induced stress corrosion cracking (CISCC) of these canisters may occur due to the deliquescence of sea-salt aerosols as the canisters cool. Current experimental and modeling efforts to evaluate canister CISCC assume that the deliquescent brines, once formed, persist on the metal surface, without changing chemical or physical properties. Here we present data that show that magnesium chloride rich-brines, which form first as the canisters cool and sea-salts deliquesce, are not stable at elevated temperatures, degassing HCl and converting to solid carbonates and hydroxychloride phases, thus limiting conditions for corrosion. Moreover, once pitting corrosion begins on the metal surface, oxygen reduction in the cathode region surrounding the pits produces hydroxide ions, increasing the pH under some experimental conditions, leads to precipitation of magnesium hydroxychloride hydrates. Because magnesium carbonates and hydroxychloride hydrates are less deliquescent than magnesium chloride, precipitation of these compounds causes a reduction in the brine volume on the metal surface, potentially limiting the extent of corrosion. If taken to completion, such reactions may lead to brine dry-out, and cessation of corrosion.

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Synthesis and processing of meta-stable negative thermal expansion materials, zirconium tungstate and zirconium phosphotungstate (ZrW2O8 and ZrWP2O12)

International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management 2019, IHLRWM 2019

Gordon, Margaret E.; Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Weck, Philippe F.; Kim, Eunja; Bryan, Charles R.

Synthetic routes and Direct Current Sintering were investigated to form core-shell structured materials or pellets of negative thermal expansion materials, ZrW2O8 and Zr2WP2O12 to be used as a radionuclide wasteform. The solution synthetic routes, while successful in the growth of additional phase pure ZrW2O8 on the surface of the ZrW2O8 seeds, did not completely encapsulate them. Via Direct Current Sintering, a narrow temperature band of phase stability for ZrW2O8 was identified from 650-700 C at a pressure of 60 MPa. The pellet was partially sintered, showing some void spaces by SEM. Zr2WP2O12 necessitated much higher temperatures to maintain phase purity, at 1400 C and produced a dense pellet.

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Structural properties of crystalline and amorphous zirconium tungstate from classical molecular dynamics simulations

International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management 2019, IHLRWM 2019

Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Weck, Philippe F.; Gordon, Margaret E.; Kim, Eunja; Bryan, Charles R.

We use molecular simulations to provide a conceptual understanding of a crystalline-amorphous interface for a candidate negative thermal expansion (NTE) material. Specifically, classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were used to investigate the temperature and pressure dependence on structural properties of ZrW2O8. Polarizability of oxygen atoms was included to better account for the electronic charge distribution within the lattice. Constant-pressure simulations of cubic crystalline ZrW2O8 at ambient pressure reveal a slight NTE behavior, characterized by a small structural rearrangement resulting in oxygen sharing between adjacent WO4 tetrahedra. Periodic quantum calculations confirm that the MD-optimized structure is lower in energy than the idealized structure obtained from neutron diffraction experiments. Additionally, simulations of pressure-induced amorphization of ZrW2O8 at 300 K indicate that an amorphous phase forms at pressures greater than 10 GPa, and this phase persists when the pressure is decreased to 1 bar. Simulations were performed on a hybrid model consisting of amorphous ZrW2O8 in direct contact with the cubic crystalline phase. Upon equilibration at 300 K and 1 bar, the crystalline phase remains unchanged beyond a thin layer of disrupted structure at the amorphous interface. Detailed analysis reveals the transition in metal coordination at the interface.

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Potential use of novel Zr-P-W wasteforms for radionuclide waste streams

International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management 2019, IHLRWM 2019

Bryan, Charles R.; Gordon, Margaret E.; Weck, Philippe F.; Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Kim, Eunja; Payne, Clay P.

Appropriate waste-forms for radioactive materials must isolate the radionuclides from the environment for long time periods. To accomplish this typically requires low waste-form solubility, to minimize radionuclide release to the environment. However, radiation eventually damages most waste-forms, leading to expansion, crumbling, increased exposed surface area, and faster dissolution. We have evaluated the use of a novel class of materials-ZrW2O8, Zr2P2WO12 and related compounds-that contract upon amorphization. The proposed ceramic waste-forms would consist of zoned grains, or sintered ceramics with center-loaded radionuclides and barren shells. Radiation-induced amorphization would result in core shrinkage but would not fracture the shells or overgrowths, maintaining isolation of the radionuclide. We have synthesized these phases and have evaluated their leach rates. Tungsten forms stable aqueous species at neutral to basic conditions, making it a reliable indicator of phase dissolution. ZrW2O8 leaches rapidly, releasing tungstate while Zr is retained as a solid oxide or hydroxide. Tungsten release rates remain elevated over time and are highly sensitive to contact times, suggesting that this material will not be an effective waste-form. Conversely, tungsten release rates from Zr2P2WO12 rapidly drop and are tied to P release rates; we speculate that a low-solubility protective Zr-phosphate leach layer forms, slowing further dissolution.

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Analysis of gas samples collected from the DOE high burn-up demonstration cask

International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management 2019, IHLRWM 2019

Bryan, Charles R.; Jarek, Russell L.; Flores, Christopher; Leonard, Elliott J.

The DOE and industry collaborators have initiated the high burn-up demonstration project to evaluate the effects of drying and long-term dry storage on high burn-up fuel. Fuel was transferred to a dry storage cask, which was then dried using standard industry vacuum-drying techniques and placed on a storage pad to be opened and the fuel examined in 10 years. Helium fill gas samples were collected 5 hours, 5 days, and 12 days after closure. The samples were analyzed for fission gases (85Kr) as an indicator of damaged or leaking rods, and then analyzed to determine water content and concentrations of other trace gases. Gamma-ray spectroscopy found no detectible 85Kr. Sample water contents proved difficult to measure, requiring heating to desorb water from the inner surface of the sampling bottles. Final results indicated that water in the cask gas phase built up over 12 days to 17,400 ppmv ±10%, equivalent to ∼100 ml of water within the cask gas phase. Trace gases were measured by direct gas mass spectrometry. Carbon dioxide built up over two weeks to 930 ppmv, likely due to breakdown of hydrocarbon contaminants (possibly vacuum pump oil) in the cask. Hydrogen built up to nearly 500 ppmv. and may be attributable to water radiolysis and/or to metal corrosion in the cask.

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Factors Affecting Hydrocarbon and Water Mobility in Shales

Geophysical Monograph Series

Bryan, Charles R.; Brady, Patrick V.

In hydrofractured shales, elevated formation pore pressures drive movement of fluids toward hydrofractures, but other forces are equally important. Connate waters are saline to hypersaline, and have much higher osmotic potentials than the dilute hydrofracturing/treatment waters. Moreover, very low water saturations and small matrix pore sizes produce high in situ capillary potentials. Strong capillary and osmotic potentials drive matrix imbibition of dilute fracking fluids, and the resulting counterflow of hydrocarbons may account for a significant fraction of initial hydrocarbon yields. However, strong capillary and osmotic pressures can result in formation damage through water blocking or sanding, adversely affecting hydrocarbon production. In oil shales, imbibition of aqueous fracking fluids provides access to matrix mineral surfaces, allowing chemical amendments in process fluids to modify oil adhesion and improve oil mobility. While gas sorption in shales is physisorption, oil adhesion is controlled by surface complexation and is affected by the surface chemistry of the oil and of the minerals, and the chemistry of the intervening water layer. Shale solid surfaces are likely dominated by illite and kerogen; oil‐illite adhesion is controlled by electrostatics. Oil adhesion to the mineral matrix is favored by lower salinities and low pH.

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Combined computational and experimental study of zirconium tungstate

International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management 2019, IHLRWM 2019

Kim, Eunja; Gordon, M.E.; Weck, Philippe F.; Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Meserole, S.P.; Rodriguez, Mark A.; Payne, Clay P.; Bryan, Charles R.

We have investigated cubic zirconium tungstate (ZrW2O8) using density functional perturbation theory (DFPT), along with experimental characterization to assess and validate computational results. Cubic zirconium tungstate is among the few known materials exhibiting isotropic negative thermal expansion (NTE) over a broad temperature range, including room temperature where it occurs metastably. Isotropic NTE materials are important for technological applications requiring thermal-expansion compensators in composites designed to have overall zero or adjustable thermal expansion. While cubic zirconium tungstate has attracted considerable attention experimentally, a very few computational studies have been dedicated to this well-known NTE material. Therefore, spectroscopic, mechanical and thermodynamic properties have been derived from DFPT calculations. A systematic comparison of the calculated infrared, Raman, and phonon density-of-state spectra has been made with Fourier transform far-/mid-infrared and Raman data collected in this study, as well as with available inelastic neutron scattering measurements. The thermal evolution of the lattice parameter computed within the quasi-harmonic approximation exhibits negative values below the Debye temperature, consistent with the observed negative thermal expansion characteristics of cubic zirconium tungstate, α-ZrW2O8. These results show that this DFPT approach can be used for studying the spectroscopic, mechanical and thermodynamic properties of prospective NTE ceramic waste forms for encapsulation of radionuclides produced during the nuclear fuel cycle.

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FY18 Status Report: SNL Research into Stress Corrosion Cracking of SNF Interim Storage Canisters

Bryan, Charles R.; Schindelholz, Eric J.

This progress report describes work done in FY18 at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) to assess the localized corrosion performance of container/cask materials used in the interim storage of spent nuclear fuel (SNF). The work focuses on stress corrosion cracking (SCC), the only mechanism by which a through-wall crack could potentially form in a canister outer wall over time intervals that are shorter than possible dry storage times. Work in FY18 continued several studies initiated in FY17 that are aimed at refining the understanding of the chemical and physical environment on canister surfaces, and evaluating the relationship between chemical and physical environment and the form and extent of corrosion that occurs. The SNL canister environment work focused on evaluating the stability of sea-salt deliquescent brines on the heated canister surface; an additional opportunity to analyze dusts sampled from an inservice spent nuclear fuel storage canister also arose. The SNL corrosion work focused predominantly on pitting corrosion, a necessary precursor for SCC, and process of pit-to-crack transition. SNL is collaborating with several university partners to investigate SCC crack growth experimentally, providing guidance for design and interpretation of experiments. The scope of these efforts targets near-marine Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation environments which are generally considered to be most aggressive for pitting and SCC. Work to define the chemical and physical environment that could develop on storage canister surfaces in near-marine environments included experiments to evaluate the thermal stability of magnesium chloride brines, representative of the first brines to form when sea-salts deliquesce, with the specific goal of understanding and interpreting results of sea-salt and magnesium chloride corrosion experiments carried out under accelerated conditions. The experiments showed that magnesium chloride brines, and by extension, low RH sea-salt deliquescent brines, are not stable at elevated temperatures, losing chloride via degassing of HC1 and conversion to Mg-hydroxychlorides and carbonates. The experiments were carried out on an inert substrate to eliminate the effects of corrosion reactions, simulating brine stabilities in the absence of, or prior to, corrosion. Moreover, analysis of salts recovered from actively corroding metal samples shows that corrosion also supports or drives conversion of magnesium chloride or sea-salt brines to less deliquescent salts. This process has significant implications on corrosion, as the secondary phases are less deliquescent than magnesium chloride; the conversion reaction results in decreases in brine volume, and potentially results in brine dry-out. The deliquescence properties of these reaction products will be a topic of active research in FY19.

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Innovative Technologies for Optical Detection of Stress Corrosion Cracks

Bryan, Charles R.; Pfeifer, Kent B.; Buerger, Stephen B.; Schindelholz, Eric J.

Stress corrosion cracks (SCC) represent a major concern for the structural integrity of engineered metal structures. In hazardous or restricted-access environments, remote detection of corrosion or SCC frequently relies on visual methods; however, with standard VT-1 visual inspection techniques, probabilities of SCC detection are low. Here, we develop and evaluate an improved optical sensor for SCC in restricted access-environments by combining a robotically controlled camera/fiber-optic based probe with software-based super-resolution imaging (SRI) techniques to increase image quality and detection of SCC. SRI techniques combine multiple images taken at different viewing angles, locations, or rotations, to produce a single higher- resolution composite image. We have created and tested an imaging system and algorithms for combining optimized, controlled camera movements and super- resolution imaging, improving SCC detection probabilities, and potentially revolutionizing techniques for remote visual inspections of any type.

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Infrared and Raman spectroscopy of α-ZrW2O8: A comprehensive density functional perturbation theory and experimental study

Journal of Raman Spectroscopy

Weck, Philippe F.; Gordon, Margaret E.; Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Bryan, Charles R.; Meserole, Stephen M.; Rodriguez, Mark A.; Payne, Clay P.; Kim, Eunja

Cubic zirconium tungstate (α-ZrW2O8), a well-known negative thermal expansion material, has been investigated within the framework of density functional perturbation theory (DFPT), combined with experimental characterization to assess and validate computational results. Using combined Fourier transform infrared measurements and DFPT calculations, new and extensive assignments were made for the far-infrared (<400 cm−1) spectrum of α-ZrW2O8. A systematic comparison of DFPT-simulated infrared, Raman, and phonon density-of-state spectra with Fourier transform far-/mid-infrared and Raman data collected in this study, as well as with available inelastic neutron scattering measurements, shows the superior accuracy of the PBEsol exchange-correlation functional over standard PBE calculations for studying the spectroscopic properties of this material.

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Properties of brines formed by deliquescence of sea-salt aerosols

NACE - International Corrosion Conference Series

Bryan, Charles R.; Schindelholz, Eric J.

For long-term dry storage, most spent nuclear fuel in the United States is placed in welded 304 SS or 316 SS canisters that are stored within passively ventilated overpacks. As the canisters cool, sea-salt aerosols deposited on the canister surfaces will deliquesce to form potentially corrosive brines. We have used thermodynamic modeling to predict the chemical composition of the brines that form by deliquescence of sea-salt aerosols, and to estimate brine volumes and salt/brine volume ratios as a function of temperature and atmospheric relative humidity. We have also mixed representative brines and measured the physical and chemical properties of those brines over a range of temperatures. These data provide a matrix that can be used to predict the evolution of deliquescent brine properties over time on storage canister surfaces, as the canisters cool and surface relative humidity increases. Brine volumes and properties affect corrosion kinetics and damage distributions on the metal surface, and may offer important constraints on the expected rate and extent of corrosion and the timing of SCC crack initiation. The predicted brines do not consider reactions with atmospheric gases that are known to affect sea-salt particle and deliquescent brine compositions under field conditions. The potential effects of such reactions are discussed, and preliminary modeling and experimental data are presented.

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Analysis of Samples Collected from the Surface of Interim Storage Canisters at Calvert Cliffs in June 2017: Revision 01

Bryan, Charles R.; Schindelholz, Eric J.

In June 2017, dust and salt samples were collected from the surface of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) dry storage canisters at the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant. The samples were delivered to Sandia National laboratories for analysis. Two types of samples were collected: filter-backed Scotch-Brite TM pads were used to collect dry dust samples for characterization of salt and dust morphologies and distributions; and Saltsmart TM test strips were used to collect soluble salts for determining salt surface loadings per unit area. After collection, the samples were sealed into plastic sleeves for shipping. Condensation within the sleeves containing the Scotch-Brite TM samples remobilized the salts, rendering them ineffective for the intended purpose, and also led to mold growth, further compromising the samples; for these reasons, the samples were not analyzed. The SaltSmart TM samples were unaffected and were analyzed by ion chromatography for major anions and cations. The results of those analyses are presented here.

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FY17 Status Report: Research on Stress Corrosion Cracking of SNF Interim Storage Canisters

Schindelholz, Eric J.; Bryan, Charles R.; Alexander, Christopher L.

This progress report describes work done in FY17 at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) to assess the localized corrosion performance of container/cask materials used in the interim storage of spent nuclear fuel (SNF). Of particular concern is stress corrosion cracking (SCC), by which a through-wall crack could potentially form in a canister outer wall over time intervals that are shorter than possible dry storage times. Work in FY17 refined our understanding of the chemical and physical environment on canister surfaces, and evaluated the relationship between chemical and physical environment and the form and extent of corrosion that occurs. The SNL corrosion work focused predominantly on pitting corrosion, a necessary precursor for SCC, and process of pit-to-crack transition; it has been carried out in collaboration with university partners. SNL is collaborating with several university partners to investigate SCC crack growth experimentally, providing guidance for design and interpretation of experiments.

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Analysis of Corrosion Residues Collected from the Aluminum Basket Rails of the High-Burnup Demonstration Cask

Bryan, Charles R.

On September, 2015, an inspection was performed on the TN-32B cask that will be used for the high-burnup demonstration project. During the survey, wooden cribbing that had been placed within the cask eleven years earlier to prevent shifting of the basket during transport was removed, revealing two areas of residue on the aluminum basket rails, where they had contacted the cribbing. The residue appeared to be a corrosion product, and concerns were raised that similar attack could exist at more difficult-to-inspect locations in the canister. Accordingly, when the canister was reopened, samples of the residue were collected for analysis. This report presents the results of that assessment, which determined that the corrosion was due to the presence of the cribbing. The corrosion was associated with fungal material, and fungal activity likely contributed to an aggressive chemical environment. Once the cask has been cleaned, there will be no risk of further corrosion.

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Final Report: Characterization of Canister Mockup Weld Residual Stresses

Enos, David E.; Bryan, Charles R.

Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of interim storage containers has been indicated as a high priority data gap by the Department of Energy (DOE) (Hanson et al., 2012), the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI, 2011), the Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board (NWTRB, 2010a), and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC, 2012a, 2012b). Uncertainties exist in terms of the environmental conditions that prevail on the surface of the storage containers, the stress state within the container walls associated both with weldments as well as within the base metal itself, and the electrochemical properties of the storage containers themselves. The goal of the work described in this document is to determine the stress states that exists at various locations within a typical storage canister by evaluating the properties of a full-diameter cylindrical mockup of an interim storage canister. This mockup has been produced using the same manufacturing procedures as the majority of the fielded spent nuclear fuel interim storage canisters. This document describes the design and procurement of the mockup and the characterization of the stress state associated with various portions of the container. It also describes the cutting of the mockup into sections for further analyses, and a discussion of the potential impact of the results from the stress characterization effort.

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Analysis of Dust Samples Collected from an In-Service Interim Storage System at the Maine Yankee Nuclear Site

Bryan, Charles R.; Enos, David E.

In July, 2016, the Electric Power Research Institute and industry partners performed a field test at the Maine Yankee Nuclear Site, located near Wiscasset, Maine. The primary goal of the field test was to evaluate the use of robots in surveying the surface of an in-service interim storage canister within an overpack; however, as part of the demonstration, dust and soluble salt samples were collected from horizontal surfaces within the interim storage system. The storage system is a vertical system made by NAC International, consisting of a steel-lined concrete overpack containing a 304 stainless steel (SS) welded storage canister. The canister did not contain spent fuel but rather greater-than-class-C waste, which did not generate significant heat, limiting airflow through the storage system. The surfaces that were sampled for deposits included the top of the shield plug, the side of the canister, and a shelf at the bottom of the overpack, just below the level of the pillar on which the canister sits. The samples were sent to Sandia National Laboratories for analysis. This report summarizes the results of those analyses. Because the primary goal of the field test was to evaluate the use of robots in surveying the surface of the canister within the overpack, collection of dust samples was carried out in a qualitative fashion, using paper filters and sponges as the sampling media. The sampling focused mostly on determining the composition of soluble salts present in the dust. It was anticipated that a wet substrate would more effectively extract soluble salts from the surface that was sampled, so both the sponges and the filter paper were wetted prior to being applied to the surface of the metal. Sampling was accomplished by simply pressing the damp substrate against the metal surface for two minutes, and then removing it. It is unlikely that the sampling method quantitatively collected dust or salts from the metal surface; however, both substrates did extract a significant amount of material. The paper filters collected both particles, trapped within the cellulose fibers of the filter, and salts, while the sponges collected only the soluble salts, with very few particles. Upon delivery to Sandia, both collection media were analyzed using the same methods. The soluble salts were leached from the substrates and analyzed via ion chromatography, and insoluble minerals were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The insoluble minerals were found to consist largely of terrestrially-derived mineral fragments, dominantly quartz and biotite. Large (mm-sized) aggregates of calcium carbonate, calcium silicate, and calcium aluminum silicate were also present. The aggregates had one flat, smooth surface and one well crystallized surface, and were interpreted to be efflorescence on the inside of the overpack and in the vent, formed by seepage of cement pore fluids through joints in the steel liner of the overpack. Such efflorescence was commonly observed during the boroscope inspection of the storage system at the site. The material may have flaked off and fallen to the point where the dust was collected, or may have brushed off onto the sponges when the robot was retrieved through the inlet vent. Chemical analysis showed that the soluble salts on the shield plug were Ca- and Na-rich, with lesser K and minor Mg; the anionic component was dominated by SO 4 and Cl, with minor amounts of NO 3 . The cation composition of the soluble salts from the overpack shelf and the canister surface was similar to the filter samples, but the anions differed significantly, being dominantly NO 3 with lesser Cl and only trace SO 4 . The salts appear to represent a mixture of sea-salts (probably partially converted to nitrates and sulfates by particle-gas conversion reactions) and continental salt aerosols. Ammonium, a common component in continental aerosols, was not observed and may have been lost by degassing from the canister surface or after collection during sample storage and transportation. The demonstration at Maine Yankee has shown that the robot and sampling method used for the test can successfully be used to collect soluble salts from metal surfaces within an interim storage system overpack. The results were consistent from sample to sample, suggesting that a representative sample of the soluble salts was being collected. However, it is unlikely that the salt samples collected here represent quantitative sampling of the salts on the surfaces evaluated; for that reason, chloride densities per unit area are not presented here. It should also be noted that the relevance to storage systems at the site that contain SNF may be limited, because a heat- generating canister will result in greater airflow through the overpack, affecting dust deposition rates and possibly salt compositions.

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Uncertainty quantification methodologies development for stress corrosion cracking of canister welds

Dingreville, Remi P.; Bryan, Charles R.

This letter report presents a probabilistic performance assessment model to evaluate the probability of canister failure (through-wall penetration) by SCC. The model first assesses whether environmental conditions for SCC – the presence of an aqueous film – are present at canister weld locations (where tensile stresses are likely to occur) on the canister surface. Geometry-specific storage system thermal models and weather data sets representative of U.S. spent nuclear fuel (SNF) storage sites are implemented to evaluate location-specific canister surface temperature and relative humidity (RH). As the canister cools and aqueous conditions become possible, the occurrence of corrosion is evaluated. Corrosion is modeled as a two-step process: first, pitting is initiated, and the extent and depth of pitting is a function of the chloride surface load and the environmental conditions (temperature and RH). Second, as corrosion penetration increases, the pit eventually transitions to a SCC crack, with crack initiation becoming more likely with increasing pit depth. Once pits convert to cracks, a crack growth model is implemented. The SCC growth model includes rate dependencies on both temperature and crack tip stress intensity factor, and crack growth only occurs in time steps when aqueous conditions are predicted. The model suggests that SCC is likely to occur over potential SNF interim storage intervals; however, this result is based on many modeling assumptions. Sensitivity analyses provide information on the model assumptions and parameter values that have the greatest impact on predicted storage canister performance, and provide guidance for further research to reduce uncertainties.

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Deep Borehole Field Test Laboratory and Borehole Testing Strategy

Kuhlman, Kristopher L.; Brady, Patrick V.; MacKinnon, R.J.; Heath, Jason; Herrick, Courtney G.; Jensen, Richard P.; Gardner, W.P.; Sevougian, Stephen D.; Bryan, Charles R.; Jang, Jay J.; Stein, Emily S.; Bauer, Stephen J.; Daley, Tom D.; Freifeld, Barry M.; Birkholzer, Jens T.; Spane, Frank A.

Deep Borehole Disposal (DBD) of high-level radioactive wastes has been considered an option for geological isolation for many years (Hess et al. 1957). Recent advances in drilling technology have decreased costs and increased reliability for large-diameter (i.e., ≥50 cm [19.7”]) boreholes to depths of several kilometers (Beswick 2008; Beswick et al. 2014). These advances have therefore also increased the feasibility of the DBD concept (Brady et al. 2009; Cornwall 2015), and the current field test design will demonstrate the DBD concept and these advances. The US Department of Energy (DOE) Strategy for the Management and Disposal of Used Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste (DOE 2013) specifically recommended developing a research and development plan for DBD. DOE sought input or expression of interest from States, local communities, individuals, private groups, academia, or any other stakeholders willing to host a Deep Borehole Field Test (DBFT). The DBFT includes drilling two boreholes nominally 200m [656’] apart to approximately 5 km [16,400’] total depth, in a region where crystalline basement is expected to begin at less than 2 km depth [6,560’]. The characterization borehole (CB) is the smaller-diameter borehole (i.e., 21.6 cm [8.5”] diameter at total depth), and will be drilled first. The geologic, hydrogeologic, geochemical, geomechanical and thermal testing will take place in the CB. The field test borehole (FTB) is the larger-diameter borehole (i.e., 43.2 cm [17”] diameter at total depth). Surface handling and borehole emplacement of test package will be demonstrated using the FTB to evaluate engineering feasibility and safety of disposal operations (SNL 2016).

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Altering wettability to recover more oil from tight formations

Journal of Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources

Brady, Patrick V.; Bryan, Charles R.; Thyne, Geoffrey; Li, Huina

We describe here a method for modifying the bulk composition (pH, salinity, hardness) of fracturing fluids and overflushes to modify wettability and increase oil recovery from tight formations. Oil wetting of tight formations is usually controlled by adhesion to illite, kerogen, or both; adhesion to carbonate minerals may also play a role when clays are minor. Oil-illite adhesion is sensitive to salinity, dissolved divalent cation content, and pH. We measure adhesion between middle Bakken formation oil and core to verify a surface complexation model of reservoir wettability. The agreement between the model and experiments suggests that wettability trends in tight formations can be quantitatively predicted and that the bulk compositions of fracturing fluid and overflush compositions might be individually tailored to increase oil recovery.

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Evaluation of the Frequencies for Canister Inspections for SCC

Stockman, Christine S.; Bryan, Charles R.

This report fulfills the M3 milestone M3FT-15SN0802042, “Evaluate the Frequencies for Canister Inspections for SCC” under Work Package FT-15SN080204, “ST Field Demonstration Support – SNL”. It reviews the current state of knowledge on the potential for stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of dry storage canisters and evaluates the implications of this state of knowledge on the establishment of an SCC inspection frequency. Models for the prediction of SCC by the Japanese Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI), the United States (U.S.) Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), and Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) are summarized, and their limitations discussed.

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Understanding the risk of chloride induced stress corrosion cracking of interim storage containers for the dry storage of spent nuclear fuel: Residual stresses in typical welded containers

NACE - International Corrosion Conference Series

Enos, David E.; Bryan, Charles R.

The majority of current dry storage systems used for spent nuclear fuel consist of a welded 304 stainless steel container placed within a passively-ventilated concrete or steel overpack. In service, atmospheric salts, a portion of which will be chloride bearing, will be deposited on the surface of these containers. As the canister surface cools over time, these salts will deliquesce to form potentially corrosive chloride-rich brines. Because austenitic stainless steels are prone to chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking (CISCC), the concern has been raised that SCC may significantly impact long-Term canister performance. While the susceptibility of austenitic stainless steels to CISCC is well known, uncertainties exist in terms of the residual stress states that will exist at the container welds. A full- scale cylindrical mock-up was produced, and the residual stresses associated with the weldments in that structure characterized. Results to date indicate that residual stresses will.

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SNF Interim Storage Canister Corrosion and Surface Environment Investigations

Bryan, Charles R.; Enos, David E.

This progress report describes work being done at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) to assess the localized corrosion performance of container/cask materials used in the interim storage of spent nuclear fuel (SNF). Of particular concern is stress corrosion cracking (SCC), by which a through-wall crack could potentially form in a canister outer wall over time intervals that are shorter than possible dry storage times. In order for SCC to occur, three criteria must be met. A corrosive environment must be present on the canister surface, the metal must susceptible to SCC, and sufficient tensile stress to support SCC must be present through the entire thickness of the canister wall. SNL is currently evaluating the potential for each of these criteria to be met.

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Status report. Characterization of Weld Residual Stresses on a Full-Diameter SNF Interim Storage Canister Mockup

Enos, David E.; Bryan, Charles R.

This report documents the mockup specifications and manufacturing processes; the initial cutting of the mockup into three cylindrical pieces for testing and the measured strain changes that occurred during the cutting process; and the planned weld residual stress characterization activities and the status of those activities.

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The long-term corrosion performance of alloy 22 in heated brine solutions


Enos, David E.; Bryan, Charles R.

Long-term corrosion experiments have been performed on Alloy 22 (UNS N06022), in a series of heated brines formulated to represent evaporatively concentrated ground water, to evaluate the long-term corrosion performance of the material. These solutions included 0.5 M NaCl, in addition to two simulated concentrated ground water solutions. Under conditions where Alloy 22 was anticipated to be passive, the corrosion rate was found to be vanishingly small (i.e., below the resolution of the weight-loss technique used to quantify corrosion in this study). However, under low pH conditions where Alloy 22 was anticipated to be active, or more specifically, where the chromium oxide passive film was not thermodynamically stable, the corrosion rate was appreciable. Furthermore, under such conditions the corrosion rate was observed to be a strong function of temperature, with an activation energy of 72.9±1.8 kJ/mol. Time of Flight-Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy analysis of the oxide layer revealed that, while sulfur was present within the oxide for all test conditions, no accumulation was observed at or near the metal/oxide interface. These observations confirm that inhibition of passive film formation via sulfur accumulation does not occur during the corrosion of Alloy 22.

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Draft evaluation of the frequency for gas sampling for the high burnup confirmatory data project

Stockman, C.T.; Alsaed, Halim A.; Bryan, Charles R.

This report fulfills the M3 milestone M3FT-15SN0802041, “Draft Evaluation of the Frequency for Gas Sampling for the High Burn-up Storage Demonstration Project” under Work Package FT-15SN080204, “ST Field Demonstration Support – SNL”. This report provides a technically based gas sampling frequency strategy for the High Burnup (HBU) Confirmatory Data Project. The evaluation of: 1) the types and magnitudes of gases that could be present in the project cask and, 2) the degradation mechanisms that could change gas compositions culminates in an adaptive gas sampling frequency strategy. This adaptive strategy is compared against the sampling frequency that has been developed based on operational considerations. Gas sampling will provide information on the presence of residual water (and byproducts associated with its reactions and decomposition) and breach of cladding, which could inform the decision of when to open the project cask.

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Draft Geologic Disposal Requirements Basis for STAD Specification

Ilgen, Anastasia G.; Bryan, Charles R.; Hardin, Ernest H.

This document provides the basis for requirements in the current version of Performance Specification for Standardized Transportation, Aging, and Disposal Canister Systems, (FCRD-NFST-2014-0000579) that are driven by storage and geologic disposal considerations. Performance requirements for the Standardized Transportation, Aging, and Disposal (STAD) canister are given in Section 3.1 of that report. Here, the requirements are reviewed and the rationale for each provided. Note that, while FCRD-NFST-2014-0000579 provides performance specifications for other components of the STAD storage system (e.g. storage overpack, transfer and transportation casks, and others), these have no impact on the canister performance during disposal, and are not discussed here.

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Results of stainless steel canister corrosion studies and environmental sample investigations

Bryan, Charles R.; Enos, David E.

This progress report describes work being done at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) to assess the localized corrosion performance of container/cask materials used in the interim storage of used nuclear fuel. The work involves both characterization of the potential physical and chemical environment on the surface of the storage canisters and how it might evolve through time, and testing to evaluate performance of the canister materials under anticipated storage conditions. To evaluate the potential environment on the surface of the canisters, SNL is working with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) to collect and analyze dust samples from the surface of in-service SNF storage canisters. In FY 13, SNL analyzed samples from the Calvert Cliffs Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI); here, results are presented for samples collected from two additional near-marine ISFSI sites, Hope Creek NJ, and Diablo Canyon CA. The Hope Creek site is located on the shores of the Delaware River within the tidal zone; the water is brackish and wave action is normally minor. The Diablo Canyon site is located on a rocky Pacific Ocean shoreline with breaking waves. Two types of samples were collected: SaltSmart™ samples, which leach the soluble salts from a known surface area of the canister, and dry pad samples, which collected a surface salt and dust using a swipe method with a mildly abrasive ScotchBrite™ pad. The dry samples were used to characterize the mineralogy and texture of the soluble and insoluble components in the dust via microanalytical techniques, including mapping X-ray Fluorescence spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy. For both Hope Creek and Diablo Canyon canisters, dust loadings were much higher on the flat upper surfaces of the canisters than on the vertical sides. Maximum dust sizes collected at both sites were slightly larger than 20 μm, but Phragmites grass seeds ~1 mm in size, were observed on the tops of the Hope Creek canisters. At both sites, the surface dust could be divided into fractions generated by manufacturing processes and by natural processes. The fraction from manufacturing processes consisted of variably-oxidized angular and spherical particles of stainless steel and iron, generated by machining and welding/cutting processes, respectively. Dust from natural sources consisted largely of detrital quartz and aluminosilicates (feldspars and clays) at both sites. At Hope Creek, soluble salts were dominated by sulfates and nitrates, mostly of calcium. Chloride was a trace component and the only chloride mineral observed by SEM was NaCl. Chloride surface loads measured by the Saltsmart™ sensors were very low, less than 60 mg m–2 on the canister top, and less than 10 mg m–2 on the canister sides. At Diablo Canyon, sea-salt aggregates of NaCl and Mg-SO4, with minor K and Ca, were abundant in the dust, in some cases dominating the observed dust assemblage. Measured Saltsmart™ chloride surface loads were very low (<5 mg m–2); however, high canister surface temperatures damaged the Saltsmart™ sensors, and, in view of the SEM observations of abundant sea-salts on the package surfaces, the measured surface loads may not be valid. Moreover, the more heavily-loaded canister tops at Diablo Canyon were not sampled with the Saltsmart™ sensors. The observed low surface loads do not preclude chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking (CISCC) at either site, because (1) the measured data may not be valid for the Diablo Canyon canisters; (2) the surface coverage was not complete (for instance, the 45º offset between the outlet and inlet vents means that near-inlet areas, likely to have heavier dust and salt loads, were not sampled); and (3) CISCC has been experimentally been observed at salt loads as low as 5-8 mg/m2. Experimental efforts at SNL to assess corrosion of interim storage canister materials include three tasks in FY14. First, a full-diameter canister mockup, made using materials and techniques identical to those used to make interim storage canisters, was designed and ordered from Ranor Inc., a cask vendor for Areva/TN. The mockup will be delivered prior to the end of FY14, and will be used for evaluating weld residual stresses and degrees of sensitization for typical interim storage canister welds. Following weld characterization, the mockup will be sectioned and provided to participating organizations for corrosion testing purposes. A test plan is being developed for these efforts. In a second task, experimental work was carried out to evaluate crevice corrosion of 304SS in the presence of limited reactants, as would be present on a dustcovered storage canister. This work tests the theory that limited salt loads will limit corrosion penetration over time, and is a continuation of work carried out in FY13. Laser confocal microscopy was utilized to assess the volume and depth of corrosion pits formed during the crevice corrosion tests. Results indicate that for the duration of the current experiments (100 days), no stifling of corrosion occurred due to limitations in the amount of reactants present at three different salt loadings. Finally, work has been carried out this year perfecting an instrument for depositing sea-salts onto metal surfaces for atmospheric corrosion testing purposes. The system uses an X-Y plotter system with a commercial airbrush, and deposition is monitored with a quartz crystal microbalance. The system is capable of depositing very even salt loadings, even at very low total deposition rates.

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DPC materials and corrosion environments

Ilgen, Anastasia G.; Bryan, Charles R.; Teich-McGoldrick, Stephanie T.; Hardin, Ernest H.

After an exposition of the materials used in DPCs and the factors controlling material corrosion in disposal environments, a survey is given of the corrosion rates, mechanisms, and products for commonly used stainless steels. Research needs are then identified for predicting stability of DPC materials in disposal environments. Stainless steel corrosion rates may be low enough to sustain DPC basket structural integrity for performance periods of as long as 10,000 years, especially in reducing conditions. Uncertainties include basket component design, disposal environment conditions, and the in-package chemical environment including any localized effects from radiolysis. Prospective disposal overpack materials exist for most disposal environments, including both corrosion allowance and corrosion resistant materials. Whereas the behavior of corrosion allowance materials is understood for a wide range of corrosion environments, demonstrating corrosion resistance could be more technically challenging and require environment-specific testing. A preliminary screening of the existing inventory of DPCs and other types of canisters is described, according to the type of closure, whether they can be readily transported, and what types of materials are used in basket construction.

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Materials for Consideration in Standardized Canister Design Activities

Bryan, Charles R.; Ilgen, Anastasia G.; Enos, David E.; Teich-McGoldrick, Stephanie T.; Hardin, Ernest H.

This document identifies materials and material mitigation processes that might be used in new designs for standardized canisters for storage, transportation, and disposal of spent nuclear fuel. It also addresses potential corrosion issues with existing dual-purpose canisters (DPCs) that could be addressed in new canister designs. The major potential corrosion risk during storage is stress corrosion cracking of the weld regions on the 304 SS/316 SS canister shell due to deliquescence of chloride salts on the surface. Two approaches are proposed to alleviate this potential risk. First, the existing canister materials (304 and 316 SS) could be used, but the welds mitigated to relieve residual stresses and/or sensitization. Alternatively, more corrosion-resistant steels such as super-austenitic or duplex stainless steels, could be used. Experimental testing is needed to verify that these alternatives would successfully reduce the risk of stress corrosion cracking during fuel storage. For disposal in a geologic repository, the canister will be enclosed in a corrosion-resistant or corrosion-allowance overpack that will provide barrier capability and mechanical strength. The canister shell will no longer have a barrier function and its containment integrity can be ignored. The basket and neutron absorbers within the canister have the important role of limiting the possibility of post-closure criticality. The time period for corrosion is much longer in the post-closure period, and one major unanswered question is whether the basket materials will corrode slowly enough to maintain structural integrity for at least 10,000 years. Whereas there is extensive literature on stainless steels, this evaluation recommends testing of 304 and 316 SS, and more corrosion-resistant steels such as super-austenitic, duplex, and super-duplex stainless steels, at repository-relevant physical and chemical conditions. Both general and localized corrosion testing methods would be used to establish corrosion rates and component lifetimes. Finally, it is unlikely that the aluminum-based neutron absorber materials that are commonly used in existing DPCs would survive for 10,000 years in disposal environments, because the aluminum will act as a sacrificial anode for the steel. We recommend additional testing of borated and Gd-bearing stainless steels, to establish general and localized corrosion resistance in repository-relevant environmental conditions.

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Draft report: Results of stainless steel canister corrosion studies and environmental sample investigations

Bryan, Charles R.; Enos, David E.

This progress report describes work being done at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) to assess the localized corrosion performance of container/cask materials used in the interim storage of used nuclear fuel. The work involves both characterization of the potential physical and chemical environment on the surface of the storage canisters and how it might evolve through time, and testing to evaluate performance of the canister materials under anticipated storage conditions.

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Analysis of dust samples collected from spent nuclear fuel interim storage containers at Hope Creek, Delaware, and Diablo Canyon, California

Bryan, Charles R.; Enos, David E.

Potentially corrosive environments may form on the surface of spent nuclear fuel dry storage canisters by deliquescence of deposited dusts. To assess this, samples of dust were collected from in-service dry storage canisters at two near-marine sites, the Hope Creek and Diablo Canyon storage installations, and have been characterized with respect to mineralogy, chemistry, and texture. At both sites, terrestrially-derived silicate minerals, including quartz, feldspars, micas, and clays, comprise the largest fraction of the dust. Also significant at both sites were particles of iron and iron-chromium metal and oxides generated by the manufacturing process. Soluble salt phases were minor component of the Hope Creek dusts, and were compositionally similar to inland salt aerosols, rich in calcium, sulfate, and nitrate. At Diablo Canyon, however, sea-salt aerosols, occurring as aggregates of NaCl and Mg-sulfate, were a major component of the dust samples. The seasalt aerosols commonly occurred as hollow spheres, which may have formed by evaporation of suspended aerosol seawater droplets, possibly while rising through the heated annulus between the canister and the overpack. The differences in salt composition and abundance for the two sites are attributed to differences in proximity to the open ocean and wave action. The Diablo Canyon facility is on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, while the Hope Creek facility is on the shores of the Delaware River, several miles from the open ocean.

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Review of inputs provided to Jason Associates Corporation in support of RWEV-REP-001, the Analysis of Postclosure Groundwater Impacts report

Bryan, Charles R.; Weck, Philippe F.; Vaughn, P.; Arnold, Bill W.

Report RWEV-REP-001, Analysis of Postclosure Groundwater Impacts for a Geologic Repository for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High Level Radioactive Waste at Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada was issued by the DOE in 2009 and is currently being updated. Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) provided support for the original document, performing calculations and extracting data from the Yucca Mountain Performance Assessment Model that were used as inputs to the contaminant transport and dose calculations by Jason Associates Corporation, the primary developers of the DOE report. The inputs from SNL were documented in LSA-AR-037, Inputs to Jason Associates Corporation in Support of the Postclosure Repository Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. To support the updating of the original Groundwater Impacts document, SNL has reviewed the inputs provided in LSA-AR-037 to verify that they are current and appropriate for use. The results of that assessment are documented here.

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Waste package degradation from thermal and chemical processes in performance assessments for the Yucca Mountain disposal system for spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste

Reliability Engineering and System Safety

Rechard, Rob P.; Lee, Joon L.; Hardin, Ernest H.; Bryan, Charles R.

This paper summarizes modeling of waste container degradation in performance assessments conducted between 1984 and 2008 to evaluate feasibility, viability, and assess compliance of a repository for spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. As understanding of the Yucca Mountain disposal system increased, modeling of container degradation evolved from a component of the source term in 1984 to a separate module describing both container and drip shield degradation in 2008. A thermal module for evaluating the influence of higher heat loads from more closely packed, large waste packages was also introduced. In addition, a module for evaluating drift chemistry was added in later PAs to evaluate the potential for localized corrosion of the outer barrier of the waste container composed of Alloy 22, a highly corrosion-resistant nickel-chromium-tungsten-molybdenum alloy. The uncertainty of parameters related to container degradation contributed significantly to the estimated uncertainty of performance measures (cumulative release in assessments prior to 1995 and individual dose, thereafter). © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.

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Fundamental study of CO2-H2O-mineral interactions for carbon sequestration, with emphasis on the nature of the supercritical fluid-mineral interface

Bryan, Charles R.; Dewers, Thomas D.; Heath, Jason; Wang, Yifeng; Matteo, Edward N.; Meserole, Stephen M.

In the supercritical CO2-water-mineral systems relevant to subsurface CO2 sequestration, interfacial processes at the supercritical fluid-mineral interface will strongly affect core- and reservoir-scale hydrologic properties. Experimental and theoretical studies have shown that water films will form on mineral surfaces in supercritical CO2, but will be thinner than those that form in vadose zone environments at any given matric potential. The theoretical model presented here allows assessment of water saturation as a function of matric potential, a critical step for evaluating relative permeabilities the CO2 sequestration environment. The experimental water adsorption studies, using Quartz Crystal Microbalance and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy methods, confirm the major conclusions of the adsorption/condensation model. Additional data provided by the FTIR study is that CO2 intercalation into clays, if it occurs, does not involve carbonate or bicarbonate formation, or significant restriction of CO2 mobility. We have shown that the water film that forms in supercritical CO2 is reactive with common rock-forming minerals, including albite, orthoclase, labradorite, and muscovite. The experimental data indicate that reactivity is a function of water film thickness; at an activity of water of 0.9, the greatest extent of reaction in scCO2 occurred in areas (step edges, surface pits) where capillary condensation thickened the water films. This suggests that dissolution/precipitation reactions may occur preferentially in small pores and pore throats, where it may have a disproportionately large effect on rock hydrologic properties. Finally, a theoretical model is presented here that describes the formation and movement of CO2 ganglia in porous media, allowing assessment of the effect of pore size and structural heterogeneity on capillary trapping efficiency. The model results also suggest possible engineering approaches for optimizing trapping capacity and for monitoring ganglion formation in the subsurface.

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Overview of Total System Model Used for the 2008 Performance Assessment for the Proposed High-Level Radioactive Waste Repository at Yucca Mountain Nevada

Proposed for publication in Reliability Engineering and System Safety.

Hansen, Clifford H.; Olszewska-Wasiolek, Maryla A.; Bryan, Charles R.; Hardin, Ernest H.; Jarek, Russell L.; Mariner, Paul M.; Mattie, Patrick D.; Sassani, David C.; Sevougian, Stephen D.; Stein, Joshua S.

Abstract not provided.

Computational investigation of thermal gas separation for CO2 capture

Torczynski, J.R.; Gallis, Michail A.; Brooks, Carlton F.; Brady, Patrick V.; Bryan, Charles R.

This report summarizes the work completed under the Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) project 09-1351, 'Computational Investigation of Thermal Gas Separation for CO{sub 2} Capture'. Thermal gas separation for a binary mixture of carbon dioxide and nitrogen is investigated using the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method of molecular gas dynamics. Molecular models for nitrogen and carbon dioxide are developed, implemented, compared to theoretical results, and compared to several experimental thermophysical properties. The molecular models include three translational modes, two fully excited rotational modes, and vibrational modes, whose degree of excitation depends on the temperature. Nitrogen has one vibrational mode, and carbon dioxide has four vibrational modes (two of which are degenerate). These models are used to perform a parameter study for mixtures of carbon dioxide and nitrogen confined between parallel walls over realistic ranges of gas temperatures and nominal concentrations of carbon dioxide. The degree of thermal separation predicted by DSMC is slightly higher than experimental values and is sensitive to the details of the molecular models.

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Waste package corrosion studies using small mockup experiments

Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings

Anderson, B.E.; Helean, Katheryn B.; Bryan, Charles R.; Brady, Patrick V.; Ewing, R.C.

Understanding the corrosion of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and the subsequent mobilization of released radionuclides, particularly under oxidizing conditions, is one of the key issues in evaluating the long-term performance of a nuclear waste repository. However, the large amounts of iron in the metal waste package may create locally reducing conditions that would lower corrosion rates for the SNF, as well as reduce the solubility of some key radionuclides, e.g., Tc and Np. In order to investigate the interactions among SNF-waste package-fluids, four smallscale (∼1:40 by length) waste package mockups were constructed using metals similar to those proposed for use in waste packages at the proposed repository at Yucca Mountain. Each mockup experiment differed with respect to water input, exposure to the atmosphere, and temperature. Simulated Yucca Mountain process water (YMPW) was injected into three of the mockups at a rate of 200 μL per day for five days a week using a calibrated needle syringe. The YMPW was prepared by equilibrating 50 mg/L silica as sodium metasilicate with air, and adding enough HC1 to lower the pH to 7.6 in contact with an excess of powdered calcite. X-ray powder diffraction and scanning electron microscopy confirm that, where corrosion occurred, the dominant corrosion product in all cases was magnetite. In the high temperature (60°C) experiment, hematite and a fibrous, Fe-O-Cl phase were also identified. The Fe(II)/Fe(III) ratios measured in the corrosion products using a wet chemistry technique indicate extremely low oxygen fugacities (10-36 bar). Experiments are in progress in which 0.1g powdered UO2 was included in the mock-up in order to investigate the relative kinetics of Fe and U oxidation and to identify the U corrosion products formed under these conditions. © 2008 Materials Research Society.

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