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Replacing missing data between airborne SAR coherent image Pairs

IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems

Musgrove, Cameron M.; West, James C.

For synthetic aperture radar systems, missing data samples can cause severe image distortion. When multiple, coherent data collections exist and the missing data samples do not overlap between collections, there exists the possibility of replacing data samples between collections. For airborne radar, the known and unknown motions of the aircraft prevent direct data sample replacement to repair image features. This paper presents a method to calculate the necessary phase corrections to enable data sample replacement using only the collected radar data.

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Mitigating Effects of Missing Data for SAR Coherent Images

IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems

Musgrove, Cameron M.; West, James C.

Missing samples within synthetic aperture radar data result in image distortions. For coherent data products, such as coherent change detection and interferometric processing, the image distortion can be devastating to these second-order products, resulting in missed detections, and inaccurate height maps. Previous approaches to repair the coherent data products focus upon reconstructing the missing data samples. This paper demonstrates that reconstruction is not necessary to restore the quality of the coherent data products.

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Interference Mitigation Effects on Synthetic Aperture Radar Coherent Data Products

Musgrove, Cameron M.

For synthetic aperture radars radio frequency interference from sources external to the radar system and techniques to mitigate the interference can degrade the quality of the image products. Usually the radar system designer will try to balance the amount of mitigation for an acceptable amount of interference to optimize the image quality. This dissertation examines the effect of interference mitigation upon coherent data products of fine resolution, high frequency synthetic aperture radars using stretch processing. Novel interference mitigation techniques are introduced that operate on single or multiple apertures of data that increase average coherence compared to existing techniques. New metrics are applied to evaluate multiple mitigation techniques for image quality and average coherence. The underlying mechanism for interference mitigation techniques that affect coherence is revealed.

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Application of equalization notch to improve synthetic aperture radar coherent data products

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Musgrove, Cameron M.; West, James C.

Interference and interference mitigation techniques degrade synthetic aperture radar (SAR) coherent data products. Radars utilizing stretch processing present a unique challenge for many mitigation techniques because the interference signal itself is modified through stretch processing from its original signal characteristics. Many sources of interference, including constant tones, are only present within the fast-time sample data for a limited number of samples, depending on the radar and interference bandwidth. Adaptive filtering algorithms to estimate and remove the interference signal that rely upon assuming stationary interference signal characteristics can be ineffective. An effective mitigation method, called notching, forces the value of the data samples containing interference to zero. However, as the number of data samples set to zero increases, image distortion and loss of resolution degrade both the image product and any second order image products. Techniques to repair image distortions,1 are effective for point-like targets. However, these techniques are not designed to model and repair distortions in SAR image terrain. Good terrain coherence is important for SAR second order image products because terrain occupies the majority of many scenes. For the case of coherent change detection it is the terrain coherence itself that determines the quality of the change detection image. This paper proposes an unique equalization technique that improves coherence over existing notching techniques. First, the proposed algorithm limits mitigation to only the samples containing interference, unlike adaptive filtering algorithms, so the remaining samples are not modified. Additionally, the mitigation adapts to changing interference power such that the resulting correction equalizes the power across the data samples. The result is reduced distortion and improved coherence for the terrain. SAR data demonstrates improved coherence from the proposed equalization correction over existing notching methods for chirped interference sources.

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Interference Mitigation Effects on Synthetic Aperture Radar Coherent Data Products

Musgrove, Cameron M.

For synthetic aperture radar image products interference can degrade the quality of the images while techniques to mitigate the interference also reduce the image quality. Usually the radar system designer will try to balance the amount of mitigation for the amount of interference to optimize the image quality. This may work well for many situations, but coherent data products derived from the image products are more sensitive than the human eye to distortions caused by interference and mitigation of interference. This dissertation examines the e ect that interference and mitigation of interference has upon coherent data products. An improvement to the standard notch mitigation is introduced, called the equalization notch. Other methods are suggested to mitigation interference while improving the quality of coherent data products over existing methods.

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20 Results