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Local Electronic Structure Changes in Polycrystalline CdTe with CdCl2 Treatment and Air Exposure

ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces

Berg, Morgann B.; Kephart, Jason M.; Munshi, Amit; Sampath, Walajabad S.; Ohta, Taisuke O.; Chan, Calvin C.

Postdeposition CdCl2 treatment of polycrystalline CdTe is known to increase the photovoltaic device efficiency. However, the precise chemical, structural, and electronic changes that underpin this improvement are still debated. In this study, spectroscopic photoemission electron microscopy was used to spatially map the vacuum level and ionization energy of CdTe films, enabling the identification of electronic structure variations between grains and grain boundaries (GBs). In vacuo preparation and inert transfer of oxide-free CdTe surfaces isolated the separate effects of CdCl2 treatment and ambient oxygen exposure. Qualitatively, grain boundaries displayed lower work function and downward band bending relative to grain interiors, but only after air exposure of CdCl2-treated CdTe. Analysis of numerous space charge regions at grain boundaries showed an average depletion width of 290 nm and an average band bending magnitude of 70 meV, corresponding to a GB trap density of 1011 cm-2 and a net carrier density of 1015 cm-3. These results suggest that both CdCl2 treatment and oxygen exposure may be independently tuned to enhance the CdTe photovoltaic performance by engineering the interface and bulk electronic structure.

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Experimental Determination of the Ionization Energies of MoSe2, WS2, and MoS2 on SiO2 Using Photoemission Electron Microscopy

ACS Nano

Keyshar, Keyshar; Kunttal, Kunttal; Berg, Morgann B.; Zhang, Zhang; Xiang, Xiang; Vajtai, Vajtai; Robert, Robert; Gupta, Gupta; Gautam, Gautam; Chan, Calvin C.; Beechem, Thomas E.; Ajayan, Ajayan; Pulickel, Pulickel; Mohite, Mohite; D., Aditya D.; Ohta, Taisuke O.

Here, the values of the ionization energies of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are needed to assess their potential usefulness in semiconductor heterojunctions for high-performance optoelectronics. Here, we report on the systematic determination of ionization energies for three prototypical TMD monolayers (MoSe2, WS2, and MoS2) on SiO2 using photoemission electron microscopy with deep ultraviolet illumination. The ionization energy displays a progressive decrease from MoS2, to WS2, to MoSe2, in agreement with predictions of density functional theory calculations. Combined with the measured energy positions of the valence band edge at the Brillouin zone center, we deduce that, in the absence of interlayer coupling, a vertical heterojunction comprising any of the three TMD monolayers would form a staggered (type-II) band alignment. This band alignment could give rise to long-lived interlayer excitons that are potentially useful for valleytronics or efficient electron–hole separation in photovoltaics.

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Atom-scale covalent electrochemical modification of single-layer graphene on SiC substrates by diaryliodonium salts

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry

Gearba, Raluca I.; Mueller, Kory M.; Veneman, Peter A.; Holliday, Bradley J.; Chan, Calvin C.; Stevenson, Keith J.

Owing to its high conductivity, graphene holds promise as an electrode for energy devices such as batteries and photovoltaics. However, to this end, the work function and doping levels in graphene need to be precisely tuned. One promising route for modifying graphene's electronic properties is via controlled covalent electrochemical grafting of molecules. We show that by employing diaryliodonium salts instead of the commonly used diazonium salts, spontaneous functionalization is avoided. This allows for precise tuning of the grafting density. By employing bis(4-nitrophenyl)iodonium(III) tetrafluoroborate (DNP) salt calibration curves, the surface functionalization density (coverage) of glassy carbon was controlled using cyclic voltammetry in varying salt concentrations. These electro-grafting conditions and calibration curves translated directly over to modifying single layer epitaxial graphene substrates (grown on insulating 6H-SiC (0 0 0 1)). In addition to quantifying the functionalization densities using electrochemical methods, samples with low grafting densities were characterized by low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy (LT-STM). We show that the use of buffer-layer free graphene substrates is required for clear observation of the nitrophenyl modifications. Atomically-resolved STM images of single site modifications were obtained, showing no preferential grafting at defect sites or SiC step edges as supposed previously in the literature. Most of the grafts exhibit threefold symmetry, but occasional extended modifications (larger than 4 nm) were observed as well.

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Direct observation of grain boundary PN junction potentials in cigs using photoemission and low energy electron microscopy (PELEEM)

2014 IEEE 40th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference, PVSC 2014

Chan, Calvin C.; Ohta, Taisuke O.; Kellogg, Gary L.; Mansfield, Lorelle; Ramanathan, Kannan; Noufi, Rommel

Spectroscopic microscopies with chemical and electronic structure information have become important tools for understanding the complex structure-property-performance relationships of high performing Cu(In1-xGax)Se2 (CIGS) photovoltaic materials and devices. Here, we describe the application of spectrally resolved photoemission and low-energy electron microscopy (spec-PELEEM) to CIGS. With the ability to map relative electric potentials with high fidelity, a large variation in the built-in pn junction potential was observed at CIGS grain boundaries. In any given 20 μm region, the built-in voltage spanned the range from depletion (∼ 0.5 V) to inversion (∼ 1.4 V). These grain-to-grain variations could explain the electron collection efficiency of CIGS grain boundaries and devices. These results highlight the potential of spec-PELEEM to solve critical structure-property-performance issues facing compound thin-film materials.

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Accelerating the development of transparent graphene electrodes through basic science driven chemical functionalization

Chan, Calvin C.; Beechem, Thomas E.; Ohta, Taisuke O.; Brumbach, Michael T.

Chemical functionalization is required to adapt graphenes properties to many applications. However, most covalent functionalization schemes are spontaneous or defect driven and are not suitable for applications requiring directed assembly of molecules on graphene substrates. In this work, we demonstrated electrochemically driven covalent bonding of phenyl iodoniums onto epitaxial graphene. The amount of chemisorption was demonstrated by varying the duration of the electrochemical driving potential. Chemical, electronic, and defect states of phenyl-modified graphene were studied by photoemission spectroscopy, spatially resolved Raman spectroscopy, and water contact angle measurement. Covalent attachment rehybridized some of the delocalized graphene sp2 orbitals to localized sp3 states. Control over the relative spontaneity (reaction rate) of covalent graphene functionalization is an important first step to the practical realization of directed molecular assembly on graphene. More than 10 publications, conference presentations, and program highlights were produced (some invited), and follow-on funding was obtained to continue this work.

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46 Results
46 Results