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Temporal Frequency Analysis: Target Isolation and Signal Optimization

Conference Record - Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers

Stubbs, Jaclynn J.; Birch, Gabriel C.; Woo, Bryana L.; Kouhestani, Camron G.; Novick, David K.

Unmanned aircraft systems (UASs) have grown significantly within the private sector with ease of acquisition and platform capabilities far outstretching what previously existed. Where once the operation of these platforms was limited to skilled individuals, increased computational power, manufacturing techniques, and increased autonomy allows inexperienced individuals to skillfully maneuver these devices. With this rise in consumer use of UAS comes an increased security concern regarding their use for malicious intent.The focus area of counter UAS (CUAS) remains a challenging space due to a small cross-sectioned UAS's ability to move in all three dimensions, attain very high speeds, carry payloads of notable weight, and avoid standard delay techniques.We examine frequency analysis of pixel fluctuation over time to exploit the temporal frequency signature present in UAS imagery. This signature allows for lower pixels-on-target detection [1]. The methodology also acts as a method of assessment due to the distinct frequency signatures of UAS when examined against the standard nuisance alarms such as birds. The temporal frequency analysis (TFA) method demonstrates a UAS detection and assessment method. In this paper we discuss signal processing and Fourier filter optimization methodologies that increase UAS contrast.

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Physical Security Assessment Using Temporal Machine Learning

Proceedings - International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology

Galiardi, Meghan A.; Verzi, Stephen J.; Birch, Gabriel C.; Stubbs, Jaclynn J.; Woo, Bryana L.; Kouhestani, Camron G.

Nuisance and false alarms are prevalent in modern physical security systems and often overwhelm the alarm station operators. Deep learning has shown progress in detection and classification tasks, however, it has rarely been implemented as a solution to reduce the nuisance and false alarm rates in a physical security systems. Previous work has shown that transfer learning using a convolutional neural network can provide benefit to physical security systems by achieving high accuracy of physical security targets [10]. We leverage this work by coupling the convolutional neural network, which operates on a frame-by-frame basis, with temporal algorithms which evaluate a sequence of such frames (e.g. video analytics). We discuss several alternatives for performing this temporal analysis, in particular Long Short-Term Memory and Liquid State Machine, and demonstrate their respective value on exemplar physical security videos. We also outline an architecture for developing an ensemble learner which leverages the strength of each individual algorithm in its aggregation. The incorporation of these algorithms into physical security systems creates a new paradigm in which we aim to decrease the volume of nuisance and false alarms in order to allow the alarm station operators to focus on the most relevant threats.

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Human Factors in Security

Proceedings - International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology

Speed, Ann S.; Woo, Bryana L.; Kouhestani, Camron G.; Stubbs, Jaclynn J.; Birch, Gabriel C.

Physical security systems (PSS) and humans are inescapably tied in the current physical security paradigm. Yet, physical security system evaluations often end at the console that displays information to the human. That is, these evaluations do not account for human-in-The-loop factors that can greatly impact performance of the security system, even though methods for doing so are well-established. This paper highlights two examples of methods for evaluating the human component of the current physical security system. One of these methods is qualitative, focusing on the information the human needs to adequately monitor alarms on a physical site. The other of these methods objectively measures the impact of false alarm rates on threat detection. These types of human-centric evaluations are often treated as unnecessary or not cost effective under the belief that human cognition is straightforward and errors can be either trained away or mitigated with technology. These assumptions are not always correct, are often surprising, and can often only be identified with objective assessments of human-system performance. Thus, taking the time to perform human element evaluations can identify unintuitive human-system weaknesses and can provide significant cost savings in the form of mitigating vulnerabilities and reducing costly system patches or retrofits to correct an issue after the system has been deployed.

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Counter Unmanned Aerial System Security Education

Proceedings - International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology

Stubbs, Jaclynn J.; Kouhestani, Camron G.; Woo, Bryana L.; Birch, Gabriel C.

Unmanned aircraft system (UAS) technologies have gained immense popularity in the commercial sector and have enabled capabilities that were not available just a short time ago. Once limited to the domain of highly skilled hobbyists or precision military instruments, consumer UAS are now widespread due to increased computational power, manufacturing techniques, and numerous commercial applications. The rise of consumer UAS and the low barrier to entry necessary to utilize these systems provides an increased potential for using a UAS as a delivery platform for malicious intent. This creates a new security concern which must be addressed. The contribution presented in this work is the realization of counter UAS security technology concepts viewed through the traditional security framework and the associated challenges to such a framework.

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Physical security assessment with convolutional neural network transfer learning

Proceedings - International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology

Stubbs, Jaclynn J.; Birch, Gabriel C.; Woo, Bryana L.; Kouhestani, Camron G.

Deep learning techniques have demonstrated the ability to perform a variety of object recognition tasks using visible imager data; however, deep learning has not been implemented as a means to autonomously detect and assess targets of interest in a physical security system. We demonstrate the use of transfer learning on a convolutional neural network (CNN) to significantly reduce training time while keeping detection accuracy of physical security relevant targets high. Unlike many detection algorithms employed by video analytics within physical security systems, this method does not rely on temporal data to construct a background scene; targets of interest can halt motion indefinitely and still be detected by the implemented CNN. A key advantage of using deep learning is the ability for a network to improve over time. Periodic retraining can lead to better detection and higher confidence rates. We investigate training data size versus CNN test accuracy using physical security video data. Due to the large number of visible imagers, significant volume of data collected daily, and currently deployed human in the loop ground truth data, physical security systems present a unique environment that is well suited for analysis via CNNs. This could lead to the creation of algorithmic element that reduces human burden and decreases human analyzed nuisance alarms.

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Unmanned aerial system detection and assessment through temporal frequency analysis

Proceedings - International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology

Woo, Bryana L.; Birch, Gabriel C.; Stubbs, Jaclynn J.; Kouhestani, Camron G.

There is a desire to detect and assess unmanned aerial systems (UAS) with a high probability of detection and low nuisance alarm rates in numerous fields of security. Currently available solutions rely upon exploiting electronic signals emitted from the UAS. While these methods may enable some degree of security, they fail to address the emerging domain of autonomous UAS that do not transmit or receive information during the course of a mission. We examine frequency analysis of pixel fluctuation over time to exploit the temporal frequency signature present in imagery data of UAS. This signature is present for autonomous or controlled multirotor UAS and allows for lower pixels-on-target detection. The methodology also acts as a method of assessment due to the distinct frequency signatures of UAS when examined against the standard nuisance alarms such as birds or non-UAS electronic signal emitters. The temporal frequency analysis method is paired with machine learning algorithms to demonstrate a UAS detection and assessment method that requires minimal human interaction. The use of the machine learning algorithm allows each necessary human assess to increase the likelihood of autonomous assessment, allowing for increased system performance over time.

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Computational optical physical unclonable functions

Proceedings - International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology

Birch, Gabriel C.; Woo, Bryana L.; LaCasse, Charles F.; Stubbs, Jaclynn J.; Dagel, Amber L.

Physical unclonable functions (PUFs) are devices which are easily probed but difficult to predict. Optical PUFs have been discussed within the literature, with traditional optical PUFs typically using spatial light modulators, coherent illumination, and scattering volumes; however, these systems can be large, expensive, and difficult to maintain alignment in practical conditions. We propose and demonstrate a new kind of optical PUF based on computational imaging and compressive sensing to address these challenges with traditional optical PUFs. This work describes the design, simulation, and prototyping of this computational optical PUF (COPUF) that utilizes incoherent polychromatic illumination passing through an additively manufactured refracting optical polymer element. We demonstrate the ability to pass information through a COPUF using a variety of sampling methods, including the use of compressive sensing. The sensitivity of the COPUF system is also explored. We explore non-traditional PUF configurations enabled by the COPUF architecture. The double COPUF system, which employees two serially connected COPUFs, is proposed and analyzed as a means to authenticate and communicate between two entities that have previously agreed to communicate. This configuration enables estimation of a message inversion key without the calculation of individual COPUF inversion keys at any point in the PUF life cycle. Our results show that it is possible to construct inexpensive optical PUFs using computational imaging. This could lead to new uses of PUFs in places where electrical PUFs cannot be utilized effectively, as low cost tags and seals, and potentially as authenticating and communicating devices.

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Image quality, meteorological optical range, and fog particulate number evaluation using the Sandia National Laboratories fog chamber

Optical Engineering

Birch, Gabriel C.; Woo, Bryana L.; Sanchez, A.L.; Knapp, Haley

The evaluation of optical system performance in fog conditions typically requires field testing. This can be challenging due to the unpredictable nature of fog generation and the temporal and spatial nonuniformity of the phenomenon itself. We describe the Sandia National Laboratories fog chamber, a new test facility that enables the repeatable generation of fog within a 55m×3m×3m (L×W×H) environment, and demonstrate the fog chamber through a series of optical tests. These tests are performed to evaluate system image quality, determine meteorological optical range (MOR), and measure the number of particles in the atmosphere. Relationships between typical optical quality metrics, MOR values, and total number of fog particles are described using the data obtained from the fog chamber and repeated over a series of three tests.

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Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems Testing: Evaluation of VIS SWIR MWIR and LWIR passive imagers

Birch, Gabriel C.; Woo, Bryana L.

This report contains analysis of unmanned aerial systems as imaged by visible, short-wave infrared, mid-wave infrared, and long-wave infrared passive devices. Testing was conducted at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS) during the week of August 15, 2016. Target images in all spectral bands are shown and contrast versus background is reported. Calculations are performed to determine estimated pixels-on-target for detection and assessment levels, and the number of pixels needed to cover a hemisphere for detection or assessment at defined distances. Background clutter challenges are qualitatively discussed for different spectral bands, and low contrast scenarios are highlighted for long-wave infrared imagers.

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Lensless computational imaging using 3D printed transparent elements

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Birch, Gabriel C.; LaCasse, Charles F.; Dagel, Amber L.; Woo, Bryana L.

Lensless imaging systems have the potential to provide new capabilities for lower size and weight configuration than traditional imaging systems. Lensless imagers frequently utilize computational imaging techniques, which moves the complexity of the system away from optical subcomponents and into a calibration process whereby the measurement matrix is estimated. We report on the design, simulation, and prototyping of a lensless imaging system that utilizes a 3D printed optically transparent random scattering element. Development of end-to-end system simulations, which includes simulations of the calibration process, as well as the data processing algorithm used to generate an image from the raw data are presented. These simulations utilize GPU-based raytracing software, and parallelized minimization algorithms to bring complete system simulation times down to the order of seconds. Hardware prototype results are presented, and practical lessons such as the effect of sensor noise on reconstructed image quality are discussed. System performance metrics are proposed and evaluated to discuss image quality in a manner that is relatable to traditional image quality metrics. Various hardware instantiations are discussed.

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29 Results
29 Results