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Characterization of self-magnetic pinch (SMP) radiographic diode performance on RITS-6 at Sandia National Laboratories. I. Diode dynamics, DC heating to extend radiation pulse

Physics of Plasmas

Renk, Timothy J.; Oliver, Bryan V.; Kiefer, Mark l.; Webb, Timothy J.; Leckbee, J.J.; Johnston, Mark D.; Simpson, Stephen S.; Mazarkis, M.G.

Radiographic diodes focus on an intense electron beam to a small spot size to minimize the source area of energetic photons for radiographic interrogation. The self-magnetic pinch (SMP) diode has been developed as such a source and operated as a load for the six-cavity radiographic integrated test stand (RITS-6) inductive voltage adder driver. While experiments support the generally accepted conclusion that a 1:1 aspect diode (cathode diameter equals anode–cathode gap) delivers optimum SMP performance, such experiments also show that reducing the cathode diameter, while reducing spot size, also results in reduced radiation dose, by as much as 50%, and degraded shot reproducibility. Analysis of the effective electron impingement angle on the anode converter with time made possible by a newly developed dose-rate array diagnostic indicates that fast-developing oscillations of the angle are correlated with early termination of the radiation pulse on many of the smaller-diameter SMP shots. This behavior as a function of relative cathode size persists through experiments with output voltages and currents up to 11.5 MV and 225 kA, respectively, and with spot sizes below approximately few millimeters. Since simulations to date have not predicted such oscillatory behavior, considerable discussion of the angle behavior of SMP shots is made to lend credence to the inference. We report there is clear anecdotal evidence that DC heating of the SMP diode region leads to stabilization of this oscillatory behavior. This is the first of two papers on the performance of the SMP diode on the RITS-6 accelerator.

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Characterization of self-magnetic pinch radiographic diode performance on RITS-6 at Sandia National Laboratories. II. Coupling between the inductive voltage adder and the SMP load

Physics of Plasmas

Renk, Timothy J.; Oliver, Bryan V.; Kiefer, M.L.; Webb, Timothy J.; Leckbee, J.J.; Johnston, Mark D.; Simpson, Stephen S.; Mazarakis, Michael G.

The self-magnetic pinch (SMP) diode is a type of radiographic diode used to generate an intense electron beam for radiographic applications. At Sandia National Laboratories, SMP was the diode load for the six-cavity radiographic integrated test stand inductive voltage adder (IVA) driver operated in a magnetically insulated transmission line (MITL). The MITL contributes a flow current in addition to the current generated within the diode itself. Extensive experiments with a MITL of 40 Ω load impedance [T. J. Renk et al., Phys. Plasmas 29, 023105 (2022)] indicate that the additional flow current leads to results similar to what might be expected from a conventional high-voltage interface driver, where flow current is not present. However, when the MITL flow impedance was increased to 80 Ω, qualitatively different diode behavior was observed. This includes large retrapping waves suggestive of an initial coupling to low impedance as well as diode current decreasing with time even as the total current does not. A key observation is that the driver generates total current (flow + diode) consistent with the flow impedance of the MITL used. The case is made in this paper that the 80 Ω MITL experiments detailed here can only be understood when the IVA-MITL-SMP diode is considered as a total system. The constraint of fixed total current plus the relatively high flow impedance limits the ability of the diode (whether SMP or other type) to act as an independent load. An unexpected new result is that in tracking the behavior of the electron strike angle on the converter as a function of time, we observed that the conventional cIV x “Radiographic” radiation scaling (where x ∼ 2.2) begins to break down for voltages above 8 MV, and cubic scaling is required to recover accurate angle tracking.

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Characterization of Self-Magnetic Pinch (SMP) radiographic diode performance on RITS-6 at Sandia National Laboratories: 1) Diode Dynamics, DC Heating to extend Radiation Pulse

Renk, Timothy J.; Oliver, Bryan V.; Kiefer, Mark.L.; Webb, Timothy J.; Leckbee, Joshua J.; Johnston, Mark D.; Simpson, Sean S.; Mazarakis, Michael G.

Radiographic diodes focus an intense electron beam to a small spot size to minimize the source area of energetic photons for radiographic interrogation. The self-magnetic pinch (SMP) diode has been developed as such a source and operated as a load for the RITS-6 Inductive Voltage Adder (IVA) driver. While experiments support the generally accepted conclusion that a 1:1 aspect diode (cathode diameter equals anode-cathode gap) delivers optimum SMP performance, such experiments also show that reducing the cathode diameter, while reducing spot size, also results in reduced radiation dose, by as much as 50%, and degraded shot reproducibility. Analyzation of the effective electron impingement angle on the anode converter with time made possible by a newly developed dose-rate array diagnostic indicates that fast-developing oscillations of the angle are correlated with early termination of the radiation pulse on many of the smaller-diameter SMP shots. This behavior as a function of relative cathode size persists through experiments with output voltages and currents up to 11.5 MV and 225 kA, respectively, and with spot sizes below ~ few mm. Since simulations to date have not predicted such oscillatory behavior, considerable discussion of the angle-behavior of SMP shots is made to lend credence to the inference. There is clear anecdotal evidence that DC heating of the SMP diode region leads to stabilization of this oscillatory behavior. This is the first of two papers on the performance of the SMP diode on the RITS-6 accelerator.

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Considerations for improvements to the 25 TW Saturn high-current driver

IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference

Savage, Mark E.; Struve, Kenneth W.; Austin, Kevin N.; Coffey, S.K.; Jones, Peter A.; Joseph, Nathan R.; Kirschner, Debra S.; Lott, John A.; Oliver, Bryan V.; Spielman, Rick B.

The Saturn X-ray generator is a 2.5 megavolt, 10 megampere electrical driver at Sandia National Laboratories. Saturn has been in operation for more than 30 years. Work is underway to identify key areas of the machine, improvement of which would benefit operational efficiency and reproducibility of the system. Saturn is used to create high-dose, short-pulse intense ionizing radiation environments for testing electronic and mechanical systems. Saturn has 36 identical modules driving a common electron beam bremsstrahlung load. Each module utilizes a microsecond Marx generator, a megavolt gas switch, and untriggered water switches in a largely conventional pulse-forming system. Achieving predictable and reliable radiation exposure is critical for users of the facility. Saturn has endured decades of continual use with minimal opportunities for research, improvements, or significant preventive maintenance. Because of degradation in components and limited attention to electrical performance, the facility has declined both in the number of useful tests per year and their repeatability. The Saturn system resides in a cylindrical tank 33m in diameter, and stores 5.6 MJ at the nominal operating Marx charge voltage. The system today is essentially identical to that described by Bloomquist in 1987. [1] Advances in technology for large pulsed power systems affords opportunities to improve the performance and more efficiently utilize the energy stored. Increased efficiency can improve reliability and reduce maintenance. The goals for the Saturn improvement work are increased shot rate, reduced X-ray dose shot-To-shot dose fluctuation, and reduced required maintenance. Major redesign with alternate pulsed power technology is considered outside the scope of this effort. More X-ray dose, larger exposure area, and lower X-ray endpoint energy are also important considerations but also deemed outside the scope of the present project due to schedule and resource constraints. The first considerations, described here, are improving the present design with better components.

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Contribution of the backstreaming ions to the self-magnetic pinch (SMP) diode current

Physics of Plasmas

Mazarakis, Michael G.; Bennett, Nichelle; Cuneo, M.E.; Fournier, Sean D.; Johnston, Mark D.; Kiefer, Mark L.; Leckbee, Joshua L.; Nielsen, D.S.; Oliver, Bryan V.; Sceiford, Matthew S.; Simpson, Sean S.; Renk, Timothy J.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Webb, Timothy J.; Ziska, Derek Z.; Droemer, Darryl W.; Gignac, Raymond E.; Obregon, Robert J.; Wilkins, Frank L.; Welch, Dale R.

The results presented here were obtained with a self-magnetic pinch (SMP) diode mounted at the front high voltage end of the RITS accelerator. RITS is a Self-Magnetically Insulated Transmission Line (MITL) voltage adder that adds the voltage pulse of six 1.3 MV inductively insulated cavities. The RITS driver together with the SMP diode has produced x-ray spots of the order of 1 mm in diameter and doses adequate for the radiographic imaging of high area density objects. Although, through the years, a number of different types of radiographic electron diodes have been utilized with SABER, HERMES III and RITS accelerators, the SMP diode appears to be the most successful and simplest diode for the radiographic investigation of various objects. Our experiments had two objectives: first to measure the contribution of the back-streaming ion currents emitted from the anode target and second to try to evaluate the energy of those ions and hence the Anode-Cathode (A-K) gap actual voltage. In any very high voltage inductive voltage adder utilizing MITLs to transmit the power to the diode load, the precise knowledge of the accelerating voltage applied on the A-K gap is problematic. This is even more difficult in an SMP diode where the A-K gap is very small (∼1 cm) and the diode region very hostile. The accelerating voltage quoted in the literature is from estimates based on the measurements of the anode and cathode currents of the MITL far upstream from the diode and utilizing the para-potential flow theories and inductive corrections. Thus, it would be interesting to have another independent measurement to evaluate the A-K voltage. The diode's anode is made of a number of high-Z metals in order to produce copious and energetic flash x-rays. It was established experimentally that the back-streaming ion currents are a strong function of the anode materials and their stage of cleanness. We have measured the back-streaming ion currents emitted from the anode and propagating through a hollow cathode tip for various diode configurations and different techniques of target cleaning treatment: namely, heating at very high temperatures with DC and pulsed current, with RF plasma cleaning, and with both plasma cleaning and heating. We have also evaluated the A-K gap voltage by energy filtering technique. Experimental results in comparison with LSP simulations are presented.

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Factors affecting the output pulse flatness of the linear transformer driver cavity systems with 5th harmonics

Physical Review Accelerators and Beams

Alexeenko, V.M.; Mazarakis, Michael G.; Kim, A.A.; Kondratiev, S.S.; Sinebryukhov, V.A.; Volkov, S.N.; Cuneo, M.E.; Kiefer, Mark L.; Leckby, J.J.; Oliver, Bryan V.; Maloney, P.D.

We describe the study we have undertaken to evaluate the effect of component tolerances in obtaining a voltage output flat top for a linear transformer driver (LTD) cavity containing 3rd and 5th harmonic bricks [A. A. Kim et al., in Proc. IEEE Pulsed Power and Plasma Science PPPS2013 (San Francisco, California, USA, 2013), pp. 1354-1356.] and for 30 cavity voltage adder. Our goal was to define the necessary component value precision in order to obtain a voltage output flat top with no more than ±0.5% amplitude variation.

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Optical Spectroscopy Results for the Self-Magnetic Pinch Electron Beam Diode on the RITS-6 Accelerator

Johnston, Mark D.; Oliver, Bryan V.; Hahn, Kelly D.

Experiments have been conducted at Sandia National Laboratories' RITS-6 accelerator facility [1] (operating at 7.5 MV and 180 kA) investigating plasma formation and propagation in relativistic electron beam diodes used for flash x-ray radiography. High resolution, visible and ultraviolet spectra were collected in the anode-cathode (A-K) vacuum gap of the Self-Magnetic Pinch (SMP) diode [2-4]. Time and space resolved spectra are compared with time-dependent, collisional-radiative (CR) calculations [5-7] and Lsp, hybrid particle-in-cell code simulations [8,9]. Results indicate the presence of a dense (>1x1017cm-3), low temperature (few eV), on-axis plasma, composed of hydrocarbon and metal ion species, which expands at a rate of several cm/s from the anode to the cathode. In addition, cathode plasmas are observed which extend several millimeters into the A-K gap [10]. It is believed that the interaction of these electrode plasmas cause premature impedance collapse of the diode and subsequent reduction in the total radiation output. Diagnostics include high speed imaging and spectroscopy using nanosecond gated ICCD cameras, streak cameras, and photodiode arrays.

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PIC simulations of power flow in a linear transformer driver for radiographic applications

Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference

Pointon, Timothy D.; Seidel, David B.; Leckbee, Joshua L.; Oliver, Bryan V.

The 7 cavity, 1 MV linear transformer driver for radiography at Sandia National Laboratories has recently been upgraded to 21 cavities with an output voltage of 2.5 MV. In this paper, results from 2-D, r-z particle-in-cell simulations of the full 21 cavity system are presented. Each cavity feed is driven with its own external RLC circuit that is independently triggered, and has a realistic 45° slanted vacuum/insulator. Electrons are emitted from the central cathode with a conventional space-charge-limited emission model. Detailed diagnostics monitor electron loss to the anode, cavity conductors, and the insulators. The most significant and encouraging result is that the simulations have absolutely no electron loss to the insulators, even with large random variations in the trigger timing. © 2011 IEEE.

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Controlling feed electron flow in MITL-driven radiographic diodes

Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference

Seidel, David B.; Pointon, Timothy D.; Oliver, Bryan V.

The electrons flowing in a coaxial magnetically insulated transmission line (MITL), if allowed to flow uncontrolled into a radiographic electron diode load, can have an adverse impact on the performance of the system. Total radiation dose, impedance lifetime, and spot quality (size, shape, position, and stability) can all be affected. Current approaches to deal with this problem require a large volume in the vicinity of the electron diode load. For applications where this volume is not available, an alternate method of controlling the feed electrons is needed. In this paper, we will investigate various ideas for dealing with this issue and present results showing the properties of the various schemes investigated. © 2011 IEEE.

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Option study of an orthogonal X-ray radiography axis for pRad at LANSCE area C, Los Alamos

Oliver, Bryan V.; Leckbee, Joshua L.

We report on an option study of two potential x-ray systems for orthogonal radiography at Area C in the LANSCE facility at Los Alamos National Laboratory. The systems assessed are expected to be near equivalent systems to the presently existing Cygnus capability at the Nevada Test Site. Nominal dose and radiographic resolution of 4 rad (measured at one meter) and 1 mm spot are desired. Both a system study and qualitative design are presented as well as estimated cost and schedule. Each x-ray system analyzed is designed to drive a rod-pinch electron beam diode capable of producing the nominal dose and spot.

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Absolute calibration method for fast-streaked, fiber optic light collection, spectroscopy systems

Johnston, Mark D.; Oliver, Bryan V.

This report outlines a convenient method to calibrate fast (<1ns resolution) streaked, fiber optic light collection, spectroscopy systems. Such a system is used to collect spectral data on plasmas generated in the A-K gap of electron beam diodes fielded on the RITS-6 accelerator (8-12MV, 140-200kA). On RITS, light is collected through a small diameter (200 micron) optical fiber and recorded on a fast streak camera at the output of 1 meter Czerny-Turner monochromator (F/7 optics). To calibrate such a system, it is necessary to efficiently couple light from a spectral lamp into a 200 micron diameter fiber, split it into its spectral components, with 10 Angstroms or less resolution, and record it on a streak camera with 1ns or less temporal resolution.

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Advances in high intensity e-beam diode development for flash X-ray radiography

Acta Physica Polonica A

Oliver, Bryan V.; Hahn, K.; Johnston, Mark D.; Portillo, Salvador

Recent experiments at Sandia National Laboratories have demonstrated an electron beam diode X-ray source capable of producing > 350 rad at one meter with 1.7 mm FWHM X-ray source distribution, with a 50 ns pulse-width and X-ray photon endpoint energy spectrum in the 6-7 MeV range. The diode operates at current densities of ≈ 1 MA/cm2. The intense electron beam rapidly (≈ 5 ns) heats the X-ray conversion anode/target, liberating material in the form of low density ion emission early in the pulse and high density plasma later. This environment gives rise to beam/plasma collective effects which dominate the diode and beam characteristics, affecting the radiation properties (dose and spot-size). A review of the diode operation, the measured source characteristics and the simulation methods and diagnostics used to guide its optimization is given.

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Load line evaluation of a 1-MV linear transformer driver (LTD)

Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Power Modulators and High Voltage Conference, PMHVC

Leckbee, Joshua L.; Cordova, S.; Oliver, Bryan V.; Johnson, David L.; Toury, Martial; Rosol, Rodolphe; Bui, Bill

A seven cavity LTD system has been assembled and tested in a voltage adder configuration capable of producing approximately 1-MV into a 7-Ω, critically damped load. Individual cavities have been tested with a resistive load. The seven cavity adder has been tested with a large area electron beam diode. The output pulse when tested into a resistive load is that of an RLC circuit. When tested with a dynamic load impedance, the output voltages of the cavities have an added oscillation. The oscillation affects the output pulse shape but is not harmful to the cavity components. © 2008 IEEE.

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Characterization of the self magnetic pinch diode at high voltages for flash radiography

Oliver, Bryan V.; Cordova, S.

The Sandia Laboratories Advanced Radiographic Technologies Department, in collaboration with the United Kingdom Atomic Weapons Establishment, has been conducting research into the development of the Self-Magnetic-Pinched diode as an x-ray source suitable for flash radiographic experiments. We have demonstrated that this source is capable of meeting and exceeding the initial requirements of 250 rads (measured at one meter) with a 2.75 mm source spot-size. Recent experiments conducted on the RITS-6 accelerator have demonstrated the ability of this diode to meet intermediate requirements with a sub 3 mm source spot size and a dose in excess of 400 rads at one meter.

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Design of a 7-MV Linear Transformer Driver (LTD) for down-hole flash x-ray radiography

Leckbee, Joshua L.; Oliver, Bryan V.

Pulsed power driven flash x-ray radiography is a valuable diagnostic for subcritical experiments at the Nevada Test Site. The existing dual-axis Cygnus system produces images using a 2.25 MV electron beam diode to produce intense x-rays from a small source. Future hydrodynamic experiments will likely use objects with higher areal mass, requiring increased x-ray dose and higher voltages while maintaining small source spot size. A linear transformer driver (LTD) is a compact pulsed power technology with applications ranging from pulsed power flash x-ray radiography to high current Z-pinch accelerators. This report describes the design of a 7-MV dual-axis system that occupies the same lab space as the Cygnus accelerators. The work builds on a design proposed in a previous report [1]. This new design provides increased diode voltage from a lower impedance accelerator to improve coupling to low impedance diodes such as the self magnetic pinch (SMP) diode. The design also improves the predicted reliability by operating at a lower charge voltage and removing components that have proven vulnerable to failure. Simulations of the new design and experimental results of the 1-MV prototype are presented.

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Volumetric plasma source development and characterization

Johnston, Mark D.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Oliver, Bryan V.; Mehlhorn, Thomas A.

The development of plasma sources with densities and temperatures in the 10{sup 15}-10{sup 17} cm{sup -3} and 1-10eV ranges which are slowly varying over several hundreds of nanoseconds within several cubic centimeter volumes is of interest for applications such as intense electron beam focusing as part of the x-ray radiography program. In particular, theoretical work [1,2] suggests that replacing neutral gas in electron beam focusing cells with highly conductive, pre-ionized plasma increases the time-averaged e-beam intensity on target, resulting in brighter x-ray sources. This LDRD project was an attempt to generate such a plasma source from fine metal wires. A high voltage (20-60kV), high current (12-45kA) capacitive discharge was sent through a 100 {micro}m diameter aluminum wire forming a plasma. The plasma's expansion was measured in time and space using spectroscopic techniques. Lineshapes and intensities from various plasma species were used to determine electron and ion densities and temperatures. Electron densities from the mid-10{sup 15} to mid-10{sup 16} cm{sup -3} were generated with corresponding electron temperatures of between 1 and 10eV. These parameters were measured at distances of up to 1.85 cm from the wire surface at times in excess of 1 {micro}s from the initial wire breakdown event. In addition, a hydrocarbon plasma from surface contaminants on the wire was also measured. Control of these contaminants by judicious choice of wire material, size, and/or surface coating allows for the ability to generate plasmas with similar density and temperature to those given above, but with lower atomic masses.

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Investigation of compressible electromagnetic flute mode instability in finite beta plasma in support of Z-pinch and laboratory astrophysics experiments

Communications in Computational Physics

Sotnikov, V.I.; Ivanov, V.V.; Presura, R.; Leboeuf, J.N.; Onishchenko, O.G.; Oliver, Bryan V.; Jones, Brent M.; Mehlhorn, Thomas A.; Deeney, Chris

Flute mode turbulence plays an important role in numerous applications, such as tokamak, Z-pinch, space and astrophysical plasmas. In a low beta plasma flute oscillations are electrostatic and in the nonlinear stage they produce large scale density structures co-mingling with short scale oscillations. Large scale structures are responsible for the enhanced transport across the magnetic field and appearance of short scales leads to ion heating, associated with the ion viscosity. In the present paper nonlinear equations which describe the nonlinear evolution of the flute modes treated as compressible electromagnetic oscillations in a finite beta inhomogeneous plasma with nonuniform magnetic field are derived and solved numerically. For this purpose the 2D numerical code FLUTE was developed. Numerical results show that even in a finite beta plasma flute mode instability can develop along with formation of large scale structures co-existing with short scale perturbations in the nonlinear stage. © 2008 Global-Science Press.

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The role of ions during stable impedance operation of the immersed- B z diode at 4 to 5 MV

Physics of Plasmas

Rovang, Dean C.; Bruner, N.; Maenchen, John E.; Oliver, Bryan V.; Portillo, Salvador; Puetz, E.; Rose, D.V.; Welch, D.R.

The immersed- Bz diode is being developed as a high-brightness, flash x-ray radiography source at Sandia National Laboratories. This diode is a foil-less electron-beam diode with a long, thin, needlelike cathode that is inserted into the bore of a solenoid. The solenoidal magnetic field guides the electron beam emitted from the cathode to the anode while maintaining a small beam radius. The electron beam strikes a thin, high-atomic-number anode and produces forward-directed bremsstrahlung. In addition, electron beam heating of the anode produces surface plasmas allowing ion emission. Two different operating regimes for this diode have been identified: a nominal operating regime where the total diode current is characterized as classically bipolar and an anomalous operating regime characterized by a dramatic impedance collapse where the total diode current greatly exceeds the bipolar limit. Data from a comprehensive series of experiments fielded at 4 and 5 MV, where the diode operates in the nominal or stable impedance regime, with beam currents ranging from 20-40 kA on target are presented. In this mode, both the measured diode current and experimental radiation production are consistent with physics based models including two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations. The analysis indicates that intermediate mass ions (e.g., 12-18 amu) control the nominal impedance evolution rather than expected lighter mass ions such as hydrogen. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.

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Demonstration of the self-magnetic-pinch diode as an X-ray source for flash core-punch radiography

Portillo, Salvador; Oliver, Bryan V.; Cordova, S.; Rovang, Dean C.

Minimization of the radiographic spot size and maximization of the radiation dose is a continuing long-range goal for development of electron beam driven X-ray radiography sources. In collaboration with members of the Atomic Weapons Establishment(AWE), Aldermaston UK, the Advanced Radiographic Technologies Dept. 1645 is conducting research on the development of X-ray sources for flash core-punch radiography. The Hydrodynamics Dept. at AWE has defined a near term radiographic source requirement for scaled core-punch experiments to be 250 rads{at}m with a 2.75 mm source spot-size. As part of this collaborative effort, Dept. 1645 is investigating the potential of the Self-Magnetic-Pinched (SMP) diode as a source for core-punch radiography. Recent experiments conducted on the RITS-6 accelerator [1,2] demonstrated the potential of the SMP diode by meeting and exceeding the near term radiographic requirements established by AWE. During the demonstration experiments, RITS-6 was configured with a low-impedance (40 {Omega}) Magnetically Insulated Transmission Line (MITL), which provided a 75-ns, 180-kA, 7.5-MeV forward going electrical pulse to the diode. The use of a low-impedance MITL enabled greater power coupling to the SMP diode and thus allowed for increased radiation output. In addition to reconfiguring the driver (accelerator), geometric changes to the diode were also performed which allowed for an increase in dose production without sacrificing the time integrated spot characteristics. The combination of changes to both the pulsed power driver and the diode significantly increased the source x-ray intensity.

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Adaptive particle management in a particle-in-cell code

Journal of Computational Physics

Oliver, Bryan V.

In particle-based plasma simulation, when dealing with source terms such as ionization, emission from boundaries, etc., the total number of particles can grow, at times, exponentially. Additionally, problems involving the spatial expansion of dynamic plasmas can result in statistical under representation of particle distributions in critical regions. Furthermore, when considering code optimization for massively parallel operation, it is useful to maintain a uniform number of particles per cell. Accordingly, we have developed an algorithm for coalescing or fissioning particles on 2D and 3D orthogonal grids that is based on a method of Assous et al. [F. Assous, T. Pougeard Dulimbert, J. Segre, J. Comput. Phys. 187 (2003) 550]. Here, we present the algorithm and describe in detail its application to particle-in-cell simulations of gas ionization/streamer formation and dynamic, expanding plasmas.

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One-dimensional ablation in multiwire arrays

Proposed for publication in Physics of Plasmas.

Yu, Edmund Y.; Oliver, Bryan V.; Mehlhorn, Thomas A.

The main physical processes responsible for plasma ablation in multiwire Z pinches are considered via eigensolutions to one-dimensional steady state magnetohydrodynamics. A double scale-length structure of the plasma accelerating layer is demonstrated. The width of the resistive scale-length that defines the current layer structure is significantly larger than the thermal scale-length, where transport of energy toward the cores and plasma pressure play important roles. The transport of energy is provided mainly by radiation, though electron thermal conduction is also important very close to the plasma-core interface. Another type of solution of the steady state problem is revealed, when local Ohmic heating is important down to the interface. Selection between these two types of solutions is considered from multiple points of view. Although the one-dimensional problem is mainly considered in this paper, it is shown how the one-dimensional results may help to understand results of two-dimensional models.

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Excitation of electromagnetic flute modes in the process of interaction of plasma flow with inhomogeneous magnetic field

Astrophysics and Space Science

Sotnikov, V.I.; Presura, R.; Ivanov, V.V.; Cowan, T.E.; Leboeuf, J.N.; Oliver, Bryan V.

Laboratory experiments on the interaction of a plasma flow, produced by laser ablation of a solid target with the inhomogeneous magnetic field from the Zebra pulsed power generator demonstrated the presence of strong wave activity in the region of the flow deceleration. The deceleration of the plasma flow can be interpreted as the appearance of a gravity-like force. The drift due to this force can lead to the excitation of flute modes. In this paper a linear dispersion equation for the excitation of electromagnetic flute-type modes with plasma and magnetic field parameters, corresponding to the ongoing experiments is examined. Results indicate that the wavelength of the excited flute modes strongly depends on the strength of the external magnetic field. For magnetic field strengths ∼ 0.1 MG the excited wavelengths are larger than the width of the laser ablated plasma plume and cannot be observed during the experiment. But for magnetic field strengths ∼ 1 MG the excited wavelengths are much smaller and can then be detected. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2007.

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Towards a predictive MHD simulation capability for designing hypervelocity magnetically-driven flyer plates and PWclass z-pinch x-ray sources on Z and ZR

Mehlhorn, Thomas A.; Yu, Edmund Y.; Vesey, Roger A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Jones, Brent M.; Knudson, Marcus D.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Robinson, Allen C.; Trucano, Timothy G.; Brunner, Thomas A.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Garasi, Christopher J.; Haill, Thomas A.; Hanshaw, Heath L.; Lemke, Raymond W.; Oliver, Bryan V.; Peterson, Kyle J.

Abstract not provided.

Operational characteristics and analysis of the immersed-Bz diode on RITS-3

Rovang, Dean C.; Johnston, Mark D.; Maenchen, John E.; Oliver, Bryan V.; Portillo, Salvador; Madrid, Elizabeth A.

The immersed-B{sub z} diode is being developed as a high-brightness, flash x-ray radiography source. This diode is a foil-less electron-beam diode with a long, thin, needle-like cathode inserted into the bore of a solenoid. The solenoidal magnetic field guides the electron beam emitted from the cathode to the anode while maintaining a small beam radius. The electron beam strikes a thin, high-atomic-number anode and produces bremsstrahlung. We report on an extensive series of experiments where an immersed-B{sub z} diode was fielded on the RITS-3 pulsed power accelerator, a 3-cell inductive voltage generator that produced peak voltages between 4 and 5 MV, {approx}140 kA of total current, and power pulse widths of {approx}50 ns. The diode is a high impedance device that, for these parameters, nominally conducts {approx}30 kA of electron beam current. Diode operating characteristics are presented and two broadly characterized operating regimes are identified: a nominal operating regime where the total diode current is characterized as classically bipolar and an anomalous impedance collapse regime where the total diode current is in excess of the bipolar limit and up to the full accelerator current. The operating regimes are approximately separated by cathode diameters greater than {approx}3 mm for the nominal regime and less than {approx} 3 mm for the anomalous impedance collapse regime. This report represents a compilation of data taken on RITS-3. Results from key parameter variations are presented in the main body of the report and include cathode diameter, anode-cathode gap, and anode material. Results from supporting parameter variations are presented in the appendices and include magnetic field strength, prepulse, pressure and accelerator variations.

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Transport of a relativistic electron beam in gas and plasma-filled focusing cells for x-ray radiography

Physics of Plasmas

Welch, Dale R.; Rose, D.V.; Oliver, Bryan V.; Schamiloglu, E.; Hahn, K.; Maenchen, John E.

The propagation of a 30 kA, 3.5 Mev electron beam which was focused into gas and plasma-filled cells was discussed. Gas cells which were used for X-ray radiography were produced using pulsed-power accelerators, onto a high atomic number target to generate bremsstrahlung radiation. The effectiveness of beam focusing using neutral gas, partially ionized gas, and fully ionized (plasma-filled) cells was investigated using numerical simulation. It was observed in an optimized gas cell that an initial plasma density approaching 1016 cm-3 was sufficient to prevent significant net currents and the subsequent beam sweep.

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Sheath-current retrapping in the Z MITLs

Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference

Hughes, Thomas P.; Clark, Robert E.; Oliver, Bryan V.; Pointon, Timothy D.; Stygar, William A.

An important issue in designing a higher-power version of the Z machine at Sandia National Laboratories is electron current loss in the vacuum section, which consists of four radial transmission lines and a convolute (current-adder). There is evidence from experiments on Z that 1-2MA of current out of about 20MA is lost in the vacuum section before reaching the wire-array load [1]. Calculations using the LSP [2] and QUICKSILVER [3] particle-in-cell codes have shown much less current loss [4,5,6]. The current loss in the calculations is due to sheath-current loss in the region of the convolute, and is associated with the magnetic nulls which are intrinsic to the current splitting in the convolute Detailed 2-D calculations for the radial MITLs show that, in the region between the insulator stack and a radius of about 20cm (over which the radial-line vacuum impedance increases slowly from 2Ω to 3Ω), excess electron sheath current is mostly retrapped to the cathode electrode. The electron sheath current is given approximately by Mendel's force-balance expression [7] applied locally, and as a result, the sheath current decreases as Zv-2, where Zv is the vacuum impedance. Between a radius of 20cm and the convolute, where the radial-line vacuum impedance increases more sharply (to 6Ω at 10cm) there is significant "launching" of sheath current. The sheath behavior in this region is qualitatively similar to that predicted using a "constant flow impedance" model, but in the simulations the sheath is unstable and breaks up into vortices.

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Initial experimental results of re-trapping studies on a large area diode on RITS-3

Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference

Portillo, Salvador; Hahn, K.; Maenchen, John E.; Molina, I.; Cordova, S.; Johnson, David L.; Rose, D.; Oliver, Bryan V.; Welch, D.

As part of a continuous research effort into advanced flash radiographic sources using intense electron beams, Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) has been investigating coupling vacuum power flow into various high power diodes. Of key importance is the issue of the re-trapping of electrons from the sheath current of a magnetically insulated vacuum transmission line (MITL) into the diode load. Results of electron re-trapping studies on a large area diode (LAD) on the RITS-3 accelerator are presented here. RITS-3 is a 4.5 MV, 160 kA inductive voltage adder pulsed power accelerator. Results show that re-trapping of the sheath current does occur and compares favorably with particle in cell (PIC) predictions of the LSP modeling code.

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Survey of plasma diagnostic techniques applicable to radiographic diodes

Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference

Schamiloglu, E.; Hahn, K.; Rovang, Dean C.; Maenchen, John E.; Cordova, S.; Molina, I.; Welch, Dale R.; Rose, D.V.; Oliver, Bryan V.; Weber, B.V.; Ponce, D.; Hinshelwood, D.D.

Plasmas are ubiquitous in the high-power electron beam diodes used for radiographic applications. In rod pinch and immersed Bz diodes they are found adjacent to the cathode and anode electrodes, and are suspected of affecting the diodes' impedance characteristics as well as the radiographic spot size. In paraxial diodes, preionized plasmas or beam-formed plasmas are also found in the gas focusing section. A common feature of the plasmas adjacent to the electrodes is that their densities can range from 10 12-1017 cm-3, and their velocity is on the order of 107 cm/s. Researchers from the Naval Research Laboratory have developed a high-sensitivity two-color interferometer that is presently being tested on Gamble II for future use on the Sandia RITS accelerator operating with a Bz diode. This diagnostic is capable of resolving a line-integrated electron density of 2×1012 cm-2, a density that might be capable of even observing the electron beam directly. This paper will present an overview of laser-based and spectroscopic diagnostics that could be used to measure plasmas found in radiographic diodes with spatial and temporal resolutions on the order of 1-5 mm and 5 ns, respectively. Plans for the use of this diagnostic on a preionized plasma cell of a paraxial diode on the Sandia RITS experiment will be discussed.

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Characterization of composite rod-pinch-diode radiographic sources at 5 to 6 MV on Asterix

Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference

Mosher, D.; Allen, R.J.; Commisso, R.J.; Swanekamp, S.B.; Young, F.C.; Cooperstein, G.; Vermare, C.; Delvaux, J.; Hordé, Y.; Merle, E.; Nicolas, R.; Noré, D.; Pierret, O.; Rosol, Y.R.; Tailleur, Y.; Véron, L.; Bayol, F.; Garrigues, A.; Delbos, C.; Nicot, G.; Oliver, Bryan V.; Rose, D.V.; Rovang, Dean C.; Maenchen, John E.

Composite-rod-pinch loads on Asterix consisting of hollow aluminum tubes supporting either 1-cm-long, 1-mm-diam blunt-end or tapered gold slugs, or 1.5- to 2-mm-diam gold spheres are characterized. Composite-slug loads have slightly-lower doses than the 1.6- or 2-mm-diam standard rod pinches reported elsewhere and smaller spot sizes, leading to higher measured radiographic figures-of-merit (FOM). The FOM for the gold-sphere loads is substantially-smaller than for the slug loads.

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Scaling of high-mass tungsten-wire-array z-pinch discrete-wire implosion dynamics at 20 MA

Proposed for publication in Physical Review Letters.

Cuneo, M.E.; Yu, Edmund Y.; Garasi, Christopher J.; Oliver, Bryan V.; Aragon, Rafael A.; Bliss, David E.; Lazier, Steven E.; Mehlhorn, Thomas A.; Nielsen, D.S.; Sarkisov, Gennady S.; Cuneo, M.E.; Vesey, Roger A.; Wagoner, Tim C.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Waisman, Eduardo M.; Stygar, William A.; Nash, Thomas J.; Yu, Edmund Y.

Abstract not provided.

Retrapping studies on RITS

Hahn, Kelly D.; Welch, Dale R.; Johnson, David L.; Schamiloglu, E.; Hahn, Kelly D.; Maenchen, John E.; Cordova, S.; Molina, I.; Portillo, Salvador; Rovang, Dean C.; Oliver, Bryan V.

SNL is developing intense sources for flash x-ray radiography. The goals of the experiments presented here were to assess power flow issues and to help benchmark the LSP particle-in-cell code used to design the experiment. Comparisons between LSP simulations and experimental data are presented.

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Experimental Comparison of 2-3MV X-Ray Sources for Flash Radiography

Menge, Peter R.; Welch, Dale R.; Johnson, David L.; Maenchen, John E.; Olson, Craig L.; Rovang, Dean C.; Oliver, Bryan V.; Rose, David V.

High-brightness flash x-ray sources are needed for penetrating dynamic radiography for a variety of applications. Various bremsstrahlung source experiments have been conducted on the TriMeV accelerator (3MV, 60 {Omega}, 20 ns) to determine the best diode and focusing configuration in the 2-3 MV range. Three classes of candidate diodes were examined: gas cell focusing, magnetically immersed, and rod pinch. The best result for the gas cell diode was 6 rad at 1 meter from the source with a 5 mm diameter x-ray spot. Using a 0.5 mm diameter cathode immersed in a 17 T solenoidal magnetic field, the best shot produced 4.1 rad with a 2.9 mm spot. The rod pinch diode demonstrated very reproducible radiographic spots between 0.75 and 0.8 mm in diameter, producing 1.2 rad. This represents a factor of eight improvement in the TriMeV flash radiographic capability above the original gas cell diode to a figure of merit (dose/spot diameter) > 1.8 rad/mm. These results clearly show the rod pinch diode to be the choice x-ray source for flash radiography at 2-3 M V endpoint.

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173 Results
173 Results