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PACT Module Preconditioning Protocol (V.0.1)

King, Bruce H.; Stein, Joshua S.; Schelhas, Laura S.; Silverman, Timothy S.

The purpose of this protocol is to bring metal halide perovskite (MHP) modules to a repeatable and relevant state prior to making a performance measurement. Performance measurements are made before and after a stressor has been applied to the module to quantify the degree of loss resulting from the stressor. This procedure is intended to be carried out both before and after the accelerated test.

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PACT Data Management Plan (V.1.0)

White, Robert W.; Kirsten, Perry K.; King, Bruce H.

The Perovskite PV Accelerator for Commercial Technology (PACT) is an independent validation center for the evaluation of perovskite PV technologies and their bankability. The center is led by Sandia National Laboratories and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and includes as part of its team Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), CFV Labs, Black and Veatch (B&V), and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). The goals of the center are to: Develop and improve indoor and outdoor performance characterization methods, Develop and validate accelerated qualification testing for early failures (5-10 years), Research degradation and failure modes, Validate outdoor performance, and Provide bankability services to US perovskite PV (PSC) industry. The importance of data and data management to the success and outcomes of the PACT center is paramount. This report describes how data will be managed and protected by PACT and identifies important data management principles that will guide our approach.

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Effects of Solar Angle of Incidence on Intramodular Photovoltaic Irradiance Uniformity

Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference

Coston, Joseph; Robinson, Charles D.; King, Bruce H.; Braid, Jennifer L.; Riley, Daniel R.; Stein, Joshua S.

Using a photovoltaic module where each of the 72 cells are monitored separately, we have measured the optical effects of sunlight hitting the module at different angles. As the angle of incidence increased to 60-70 degrees, we observed an increase in the nonuniformity of the light reaching the cells across the module area (up to 4% as measured by resulting cell current). The effect is hypothesized to be the result of a combination of two mechanisms: light trapping within the top sheet glass layer and reflection from the aluminum frame at the edge of the module. We confirm these effects with time-series measurements on split reference cells fielded outdoors, and with ray-tracing modeling to determine how this phenomenon may affect PV performance and module characterization.

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Determining Series Resistance for Equivalent Circuit Models of a PV Module

IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics

Hansen, Clifford H.; King, Bruce H.

Literature describes various methods for determining a series resistance for a photovoltaic device from measured IV curves. We investigate use of these techniques to estimate the series resistance parameter for a single diode equivalent circuit model. With simulated IV curves we demonstrate that the series resistance values obtained by these techniques differ systematically from the known series resistance parameter values used to generate the curves, indicating that these methods are not suitable for determining the series resistance parameter for the single diode model equation. We present an alternative method to determine the series resistance parameter jointly with the other parameters for the single diode model equation, and demonstrate the accuracy and reliability of this technique in the presence of measurement errors.

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Nishati Prototype 72-Cell Endurance Modules (Test Report)

King, Bruce H.; Yellowhair, Julius; Robinson, Charles D.

US Manufacturer Nishati provided three prototype, 72-cell photovoltaic modules to Sandia for characterization under the US Department of Energy Small Business Voucher program. Nishati is developing the Endurance© product to address the stringent requirements associated with PV system installations sited near airports and military bases. These prototype modules are uniquely constructed of a polymeric matrix and an internal honeycomb structural element. Target features of the module design are reduced reflectivity from the front surface and reduced weight. Sandia applied a variety of in-house characterization methods to these modules with the goal of validating performance and identifying any areas for improvement. Reflectance testing revealed extremely low specular reflection, dramatically surpassing the performance of industry standard PV panels. Electrical performance testing validated performance in line with expectations for similar size and power class modules. Complimentary to reflection testing, outdoor angle of incidence testing indicated performance far exceeding expectations for industry standard PV panels. It is possible that the extremely low reflectance properties of these modules will convey an advantage in annual energy production in comparison to industry standard modules. Detailed performance modeling and experimental field validation would be required to verify this possible advantage. During the course of this testing, no obvious deficiencies in this module design were discovered. It is recommended that Nishati and Sandia proceed to the final Task associated with the SBV award. This final task will involve fielding modules at Sandia for reliability and energy production validation.

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PV Lifetime Project: Measuring PV Module PerformanceDegradation: 2018 Indoor Flash TestingResults

2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, WCPEC 2018 - A Joint Conference of 45th IEEE PVSC, 28th PVSEC and 34th EU PVSEC

Stein, Joshua S.; Robinson, Charles D.; King, Bruce H.; Deline, Chris; Rummel, Steve; Sekulic, Bill

Photovoltaic (PV) module and system performance degradation is being measured by periodic flash testing of fielded PV modules at three sites. As of early 2018, results from modules fielded in New Mexico and Colorado are now available. These data indicate that module degradation varies significantly between module types and can also vary between modules of the same model. In addition, degradation rates for some module types appear to vary over time. Great care is made to control for stability and repeatability in the measurements over time, but there is still a +/-0.5% uncertainty in flash test stability. Therefore, it will take several more years for degradation rate results to be known with higher confidence.

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Application of the Sandia Array Performance Model to Assess Multiyear Performance of Fielded CIGS PV Arrays

2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, WCPEC 2018 - A Joint Conference of 45th IEEE PVSC, 28th PVSEC and 34th EU PVSEC

King, Bruce H.; Robinson, Charles D.; Carmignani, Craig K.; Riley, Daniel R.; Jones, C.B.

Copper indium gallium (di)serenade (CIGS) photovoltaic cell technology has long been promoted as a cost-effective alternative to traditional PV modules based on crystalline silicon cells. However, adoption of CIGS is hindered by significant uncertainties regarding long-term reliability and performance stability, as well as a lack of accurate modeling tools to predict CIGS system performance. Sandia is conducting a multi-year study of fielded CIGS systems that range in age from 3-6 years and represent a cross-section of commercial manufacturing and packaging. Most of these arrays include modules that were thoroughly characterized prior to deployment. In this paper, we explore uncertainty in the long-term reliability and performance stability of CIGS modules by analyzing real world performance and degradation rates of these systems.

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Comparative Angle of Incidence Characterization of Utility Grade Photovoltaic Modules

King, Bruce H.; Robinson, Charles D.

Angle of incidence response of a photovoltaic module describes its light gathering capability when incident sunlight is at an orientation other than normal to the module's surface. At low incident angles (i.e. close to normal), most modules have similar responses. However, at increasing incident angles, reflective losses dominate response and relative module performance becomes differentiated. Relative performance in this range is important for understanding the potential power output of utility - scale ph otovoltaic systems. In this report, we document the relative angle of incidence response of four utility - grade panels to each other and to four First Solar modules. We found that response was nearly identical between all modules up to an incident angle of ~55°. At higher angles, differences of up to 5% were observed. A module from Yingli was the best performing commercial module while a First Solar test module with a non - production anti - reflective coating was the best overall performer. This page left blank

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Wondering what to blame? Turn PV performance assessments into maintenance action items through the deployment of learning algorithms embedded in a Raspberry Pi device

Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference

Jones, C.B.; Martinez-Ramon, Manel; Carmignani, Craig K.; Stein, Joshua S.; King, Bruce H.

Monitoring of photovoltaic (PV) systems can maintain efficient operations. However, extensive monitoring of large quantities of data can be a cumbersome process. The present work introduces a simple, inexpensive, yet effective data monitoring strategy for detecting faults and determining lost revenues automatically. This was achieved through the deployment of Raspberry Pi (RPI) device at a PV system's combiner box. The RPI was programmed to collect PV data through Modbus communications, and store the data locally in a MySQL database. Then, using a Gaussian Process Regression algorithm the RPI device was able to accurately estimate string level current, voltage, and power values. The device could also detect system faults using a Support Vector Novelty Detection algorithm. Finally, the RPI was programmed to output the potential lost revenue caused by the abnormal condition. The system analytics information was then displayed on a user interface. The interface could be accessed by operations personal to direct maintenance activity so that critical issues can be solved quickly.

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Outdoor test and analysis procedures for generating coefficients for the Sandia Array Performance Model

Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference

King, Bruce H.; Hansen, Clifford H.; Riley, Daniel R.; Robinson, Charles D.; Pratt, Larry

The Sandia Array Performance Model (SAPM), a semi-empirical model for predicting PV system power, has been in use for more than a decade. While several studies have presented laboratory intercomparisons of measurements and analysis, detailed procedures for determining model coefficients have never been published. Independent test laboratories must develop in-house procedures to determine SAPM coefficients, which contributes to uncertainty in the resulting models. In response to requests from commercial laboratories and module manufacturers, Sandia has formally documented the measurement and analysis methods as a supplement to the original model description. In this paper we present a description of the measurement procedures and an example analysis for calibrating the SAPM.

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Statistical Approach for Determining the Sandia Array Performance Model Coefficients that Considers String-Level Mismatch

Jones, Christian B.; Hansen, Clifford H.; King, Bruce H.

Commonly used performance models, such as PVsyst, Sandia Array Performance Model (SAPM), and PV LIB, treat the PV array as being constructed of identical modules. Each of the models attempts to account for mismatch losses by applying a simple percent reduction factor to the overall estimated power. The present work attempted to reduce uncertainty of mismatch losses by determining a representative set of performance coefficients for the SAPM that were developed from a characterization of a sample of modules. This approach was compared with current practice, where only a single module’s thermal and electrical properties are testing. However, the results indicate that minimal to no improvements in model predictions were achieved.

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Pattern Effects of Soil on Photovoltaic Surfaces

IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics

Burton, Patrick D.; Hendrickson, Alex; Ulibarri, Stephen S.; Riley, Daniel R.; Boyson, William E.; King, Bruce H.

The texture or patterning of soil on PV surfaces may influence light capture at various angles of incidence (AOI). Accumulated soil can be considered a microshading element, which changes with respect to AOI. Laboratory deposition of simulated soil was used to prepare test coupons for simultaneous AOI and soiling loss experiments. A mixed solvent deposition technique was used to consistently deposit patterned test soils onto glass slides. Transmission decreased as soil loading and AOI increased. Dense aggregates significantly decreased transmission. However, highly dispersed particles are less prone to secondary scattering, improving overall light collection. In order to test AOI losses on relevant systems, uniform simulated soil coatings were applied to split reference cells to further examine this effect. The measured optical transmission and area coverage correlated closely to the observed ISC. Angular losses were significant at angles as low as 25°.

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Results 1–50 of 88
Results 1–50 of 88