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Noncontinuum gas-phase heat transfer from a heated microbeam to the adjacent substrate

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems Division, (Publications) MEMS

Gallis, Michail A.; Torczynski, J.R.; Rader, Daniel J.; Bainbridge, Bruce L.

Noncontinuum gas-phase heat transfer in two microscale geometries is investigated using two computational methods. The motivation is microscale thermal actuation produced by heating-induced expansion of a near-substrate microbeam in air. The first geometry involves a 1-μm microgap filled with gas and bounded by parallel solid slabs. The second geometry involves a heated I-shaped microbeam 2 μm from the adjacent substrate, with gas in between. Two computational methods are applied. The Navier-Stokes slip-jump (NSSJ) method uses continuum heat transfer in the gas, with temperature jumps at boundaries to treat noncontinuum effects. The Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method uses computational molecules to simulate noncontinuum gas behavior accurately. For the microgap, the heat-flux values from both methods are in good agreement for all pressures and accommodation coefficients. For the microbeam, there is comparably good agreement except for cases with low pressures and near-unity accommodation coefficients. The causes of this discrepancy are discussed. Copyright © 2005 by ASME.

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Modeling microscale heat transfer using Calore

Torczynski, J.R.; Wong, Chungnin C.; Piekos, Edward S.; Gallis, Michail A.; Rader, Daniel J.; Bainbridge, Bruce L.

Modeling microscale heat transfer with the computational-heat-transfer code Calore is discussed. Microscale heat transfer problems differ from their macroscopic counterparts in that conductive heat transfer in both solid and gaseous materials may have important noncontinuum effects. In a solid material, three noncontinuum effects are considered: ballistic transport of phonons across a thin film, scattering of phonons from surface roughness at a gas-solid interface, and scattering of phonons from grain boundaries within the solid material. These processes are modeled for polycrystalline silicon, and the thermal-conductivity values predicted by these models are compared to experimental data. In a gaseous material, two noncontinuum effects are considered: ballistic transport of gas molecules across a thin gap and accommodation of gas molecules to solid conditions when reflecting from a solid surface. These processes are modeled for arbitrary gases by allowing the gas and solid temperatures across a gas-solid interface to differ: a finite heat transfer coefficient (contact conductance) is imposed at the gas-solid interface so that the temperature difference is proportional to the normal heat flux. In this approach, the behavior of gas in the bulk is not changed from behavior observed under macroscopic conditions. These models are implemented in Calore as user subroutines. The user subroutines reside within Sandia's Source Forge server, where they undergo version control and regression testing and are available to analysts needing these capabilities. A Calore simulation is presented that exercises these models for a heated microbeam separated from an ambient-temperature substrate by a thin gas-filled gap. Failure to use the noncontinuum heat transfer models for the solid and the gas causes the maximum temperature of the microbeam to be significantly underpredicted.

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Visualization of Instrumental Verification Information Details (VIVID) : code development, description, and usage

Potter, Donald L.; Blottner, Frederick G.; Black, Amalia R.; Bainbridge, Bruce L.

The formulation, implementation and usage of a numerical solution verification code is described. This code uses the Richardson extrapolation procedure to estimate the order of accuracy and error of a computational program solution. It evaluates multiple solutions performed in numerical grid convergence studies to verify a numerical algorithm implementation. Analyses are performed on both structured and unstructured grid codes. Finite volume and finite element discretization programs are examined. Two and three-dimensional solutions are evaluated. Steady state and transient solution analysis capabilities are present in the verification code. Multiple input data bases are accepted. Benchmark options are included to allow for minimal solution validation capability as well as verification.

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3 Results