The mechanism by which aerodynamic effects of jet/fin interaction arise from the flow structure of a jet in crossflow is explored using particle image velocimetry measurements of the crossplane velocity field as it impinges on a downstream fin instrumented with high-frequency pressure sensors. A Mach 3.7 jet issues into a Mach 0.8 crossflow from either a normal or inclined nozzle, and three lateral fin locations are tested. Conditional ensemble-averaged velocity fields are generated based upon the simultaneous pressure condition. Additional analysis relates instantaneous velocity vectors to pressure fluctuations. The pressure differential across the fin is driven by variations in the spanwise velocity component, which substitutes for the induced angle of attack on the fin. Pressure changes at the fin tip are strongly related to fluctuations in the streamwise velocity deficit, wherein lower pressure is associated with higher velocity and vice versa. The normal nozzle produces a counter-rotating vortex pair that passes above the fin, and pressure fluctuations are principally driven by the wall horseshoe vortex and the jet wake deficit. In conclusion, the inclined nozzle produces a vortex pair that impinges the fin and yields stronger pressure fluctuations driven more directly by turbulence originating from the jet mixing.
Pulse-burst Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) has been employed to acquire time-resolved data at 25 kHz of a supersonic jet exhausting into a subsonic compressible crossflow. Data were acquired along the windward boundary of the jet shear layer and used to identify turbulent eddies as they convect downstream in the far-field of the interaction. Eddies were found to have a tendency to occur in closely spaced counter-rotating pairs and are routinely observed in the PIV movies, but the variable orientation of these pairs makes them difficult to detect statistically. Correlated counter-rotating vortices are more strongly observed to pass by at a larger spacing, both leading and trailing the reference eddy. This indicates the paired nature of the turbulent eddies and the tendency for these pairs to recur at repeatable spacing. Velocity spectra reveal a peak at a frequency consistent with this larger spacing between shear-layer vortices rotating with identical sign. The spatial scale of these vortices appears similar to previous observations of compressible jets in crossflow. Super-sampled velocity spectra to 150 kHz reveal a power-law dependency of -5/3 in the inertial subrange as well as a -1 dependency at lower frequencies attributed to the scales of the dominant shear-layer eddies.
Time-resolved particle image velocimetry (TR-PIV) measurements were made in a shock tube using a pulse-burst laser. Two transient flowfields were investigated including the baseline flow in the empty shock tube and the wake growth downstream of a cylinder spanning the width of the test section. Boundary layer growth was observed following the passage of the incident shock in the baseline flow, while the core flow velocity increased with time. The measured core flow acceleration was compared to that predicted using a classical unsteady boundary layer growth model. The model typically provided good estimates of core flow acceleration at early times, but then typically underestimated the acceleration. As a result of wall boundary layers, a significant amount of spatial non-uniformity remained in the flow following the passage of the end-wall reflected shock, which could be an important factor in combustion chemistry experiments. In the transient wake growth measurements, the wake downstream of the cylinder was symmetric immediately following the passage of the incident shock. At later times (≈ 0.5 ms), the wake transitioned to a von Kármán vortex street. The TR-PIV data were bandpass filtered about the vortex shedding frequency to reveal additional details on the transient wake growth.
Time-resolved particle image velocimetry (PIV) using a pulse-burst laser has been acquired of a supersonic jet issuing into a Mach 0.8 crossflow. Simultaneously, the final pulse pair in each burst has been imaged using conventional PIV cameras to produce an independent two-component measurement and two stereoscopic measurements. Each measurement depicts generally similar flowfield features with vorticity contours marking turbulent eddies at corresponding locations. Probability density functions of the velocity fluctuations are essentially indistinguishable but the precision uncertainty estimated using correlation statistics shows that the pulse-burst PIV data have notably greater uncertainty than the three conventional measurements. This occurs due to greater noise in the cameras and a smaller size for the final iteration of the interrogation window. A small degree of peak locking is observed in the aggregate of the pulse-burst PIV data set. However, some of the individual vector fields show peak locking to non-integer pixel values as a result of real physical effects in the flow. Even if peak locking results entirely from measurement bias, the effect occurs at too low a level to anticipate a significant effect on data analysis.
The interaction of a Mach 1.67 shock wave with a dense particle curtain is quantified using flash radiography. These new data provide a view of particle transport inside a compressible, dense gas–solid flow of high optical opacity. The curtain, composed of 115-µm glass spheres, initially spans 87 % of the test section width and has a streamwise thickness of about 2 mm. Radiograph intensities are converted to particle volume fraction distributions using the Beer–Lambert law. The mass in the particle curtain, as determined from the X-ray data, is in reasonable agreement with that given from a simpler method using a load cell and particle imaging. Following shock impingement, the curtain propagates downstream and the peak volume fraction decreases from about 23 to about 4 % over a time of 340 µs. The propagation occurs asymmetrically, with the downstream side of the particle curtain experiencing a greater volume fraction gradient than the upstream side, attributable to the dependence of particle drag on volume fraction. Bulk particle transport is quantified from the time-dependent center of mass of the curtain. The bulk acceleration of the curtain is shown to be greater than that predicted for a single 115-µm particle in a Mach 1.67 shock-induced flow.
The flow over an aircraft bay is often represented using a rectangular cavity; however, this simplification neglects many features of actual flight geometry that could affect the unsteady pressure field and resulting loading in the bay. To address this shortcoming, a complex cavity geometry was developed to incorporate more realistic aircraft-bay features including shaped inlets, internal cavity structure, and doors. A parametric study of these features was conducted based on fluctuating pressure measurements at subsonic and supersonic Mach numbers. Resonance frequencies and amplitudes increased in the complex geometry compared to a simple rectangular cavity that could produce severe loading conditions for store carriage. High-frequency content and dominant frequencies were generated by features that constricted the flow such as leading-edge overhangs, internal cavity variations, and the presence of closed doors. Broadband frequency components measured at the aft wall of the complex cavities were also significantly higher than in the rectangular geometry. Furthermore, these changes highlight the need to consider complex geometric effects when predicting the flight loading of aircraft bays.
A previous experiment by the present authors studied the flow over a finite-width rectangular cavity at freestream Mach numbers 1.5–2.5. In addition, this investigation considered the influence of three-dimensional geometry that is not replicated by simplified cavities that extend across the entire wind-tunnel test section. The latter configurations have the attraction of easy optical access into the depths of the cavity, but they do not reproduce effects upon the turbulent structures and acoustic modes due to the length-to-width ratio, which is becoming recognized as an important parameter describing the nature of the flow within narrower cavities.
The flow over an open aircraft bay is often represented in a wind tunnel with a cavity. In flight, this flow is unconfined, though in experiments, the cavity is surrounded by wind tunnel walls. If untreated, wind tunnel wall effects can lead to significant distortions of cavity acoustics in subsonic flows. To understand and mitigate these cavity–tunnel interactions, a parametric approach was taken for flow over an L/D = 7 cavity at Mach numbers 0.6–0.8. With solid tunnel walls, a dominant cavity tone was observed, likely due to an interaction with a tunnel duct mode. An acoustic liner opposite the cavity decreased the amplitude of the dominant mode and its harmonics, a result observed by previous researchers. Acoustic dampeners were also placed in the tunnel sidewalls, which further decreased the dominant mode amplitudes and peak amplitudes associated with nonlinear interactions between cavity modes. This indicates that cavity resonance can be altered by tunnel sidewalls and that spanwise coupling should be addressed when conducting subsonic cavity experiments. Though mechanisms for dominant modes and nonlinear interactions likely exist in unconfined cavity flows, these effects can be amplified by the wind tunnel walls.
Two-component and stereoscopic particle image velocimetry measurements have been acquired in the streamwise plane for supersonic flow over a rectangular cavity of variable width, peering over the sidewall lip to view the depths of the cavity. The data reveal the turbulent shear layer over the cavity and the recirculation region within it. The mean position of the recirculation region was found to be a function of the length-to-width ratio of the cavity, as was the turbulence intensity within both the shear layer and the recirculation region. Compressibility effects were observed in which turbulence levels dropped, and the shear layer thickness decreased as the Mach number was raised from 1.5 to 2.0 and 2.5. Supplemental measurements in the crossplane and the planform view suggest that zones of high turbulence were affixed to each sidewall centered on the cavity lip, with a strip of turbulence stretched out across the cavity shear layer for which the intensity was a function of the length-to-width ratio. These sidewall features are attributed to spillage, which is greatly reduced for the narrowest cavity. Such effects cannot be found in experiments lacking finite spanwise extent.
Sandia’s Hypersonic Wind Tunnel (HWT) became operational in 1962, providing a test capability for the nation’s nuclear weapons complex. The first modernization program was completed in 1977. A blowdown facility with a 0.46-m diameter test section, the HWT operates at Mach 5, 8, and 14 with stagnation pressures to 21 MPa and temperatures to 1400K. Minimal further alteration to the facility occurred until 2008, but in recent years the HWT has received considerable investment to ensure its viability for at least the next 25 years. This has included reconditioning of the vacuum spheres, replacement of the high-pressure air tanks for Mach 5, new compressors to provide the high-pressure air, upgrades to the cryogenic nitrogen source for Mach 8 and 14, an efficient high-pressure water cooling system for the nozzle throats, and refurbishment of the electric-resistance heaters. The HWT is now returning to operation following the largest of the modernization projects, in which the old variable transformer for the 3-MW electrical system powering the heaters was replaced with a silicon-controlled rectifier power system. The final planned upgrade is a complete redesign of the control console and much of the gas-handling equipment.
Experiments were conducted at freestream Mach numbers of 0.55, 0.80, and 0.90 in open cavity flows having a length-to-depth ratio L/D of 5 and an incoming turbulent boundary having a thickness of about 0.5D. To ascertain aspect ratio effects, the length-to-width ratio L/W was varied between 1.00, 1.67, and 5.00. Two stereoscopic PIV systems were used simultaneously to characterize the flow in the plane at the spanwise center of the cavity. For each aspect ratio, trends in the mean and turbulence fields were identified, regardless of Mach number. The recirculation region had the weakest reverse velocities in the L/W = 1.67 cavity, a trend previously observed at supersonic Mach numbers. Also, like the previous supersonic experiments, the L/W = 1.00 and L/W = 5.00 mean streamwise velocities were similar. The L/W = 1.00 cavity flows had the highest turbulence intensities, whereas the two narrower cavities exhibited lower turbulence intensities of a comparable level. This is in contrast to previous supersonic experiments, which showed the lowest turbulence levels in the L/W = 1.67 cavity.