
31 Results
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Photoemission Induced Plasma Breakdown (Update)

Bentz, Brian Z.; Youngman, Kevin Y.; Iqbal, Asif I.; Zhou, Yang Z.; Zhang, Peng Z.

Laser-induced photoemission of electrons offers opportunities to trigger and control plasmas and discharges. However, the underlying mechanisms are not sufficiently characterized to be fully utilized. Photoemission is highly nonlinear, achieved through multiphoton absorption, above threshold ionization, photo-assisted tunneling, etc., where the dominant process depends on the work function of the material, photon energy and associated fields, surface heating, background fields, etc. To characterize the effects of photoemission on breakdown, breakdown experiments were performed and interpreted using a 0D plasma discharge circuit model and quantum model of photoemission.

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Incorporating the effects of objects in an approximate model of light transport in scattering media

Optics Letters

Bentz, Brian Z.; Pattyn, Christian A.; Vander Laan, John D.; Redman, Brian J.; Glen, Andrew G.; Sanchez, A.L.; Westlake, Karl W.; Wright, Jeremy B.

A computationally efficient radiative transport model is presented that predicts a camera measurement and accounts for the light reflected and blocked by an object in a scattering medium. The model is in good agreement with experimental data acquired at the Sandia National Laboratory Fog Chamber Facility (SNLFC). The model is applicable in computational imaging to detect, localize, and image objects hidden in scattering media. Here, a statistical approach was implemented to study object detection limits in fog.

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Tomographic imaging of atmospheric pressure plasma on complex surfaces

Bentz, Brian Z.

Many plasma types and behaviors such as streamer, arcs, cathode spots, anode spots, ionization waves, and magnetic field interactions create non-symmetric, fully 3D plasma structures. The plasma distribution in 3D space is heavily influenced by complex surfaces and the coupling interactions between plasma properties and the interfacing material properties. For example, ionization waves propagate in directions where ionization rates are highest, leading to complex configurations that are not fully understood or well characterized. Recent advances in laser diagnostics and models have been able to investigate well-controlled idealized plasmas in 2D fashion, but the complex structure in actual plasmas requires a technique than can provide a more complete 3D picture. However, 3D plasma diagnostics do not currently exist. To address this limitation, this activity will leverage available equipment to build a new tomographic optical imaging capability and advance the state-of-the-art in plasma diagnostics to investigate 3D phenomena on complex surfaces.

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Light transport with weak angular dependence in fog

Optics Express

Bentz, Brian Z.; Redman, Brian J.; Vander Laan, John D.; Westlake, Karl W.; Glen, Andrew G.; Sanchez, A.L.; Wright, Jeremy B.

Random scattering and absorption of light by tiny particles in aerosols, like fog, reduce situational awareness and cause unacceptable down-time for critical systems or operations. Computationally efficient light transport models are desired for computational imaging to improve remote sensing capabilities in degraded optical environments. To this end, we have developed a model based on a weak angular dependence approximation to the Boltzmann or radiative transfer equation that appears to be applicable in both the moderate and highly scattering regimes, thereby covering the applicability domain of both the small angle and diffusion approximations. An analytic solution was derived and validated using experimental data acquired at the Sandia National Laboratory Fog Chamber facility. The evolution of the fog particle density and size distribution were measured and used to determine macroscopic absorption and scattering properties using Mie theory. A three-band (0.532, 1.55, and 9.68 μm) transmissometer with lock-in amplifiers enabled changes in fog density of over an order of magnitude to be measured due to the increased transmission at higher wavelengths, covering both the moderate and highly scattering regimes. The meteorological optical range parameter is shown to be about 0.6 times the transport mean free path length, suggesting an improved physical interpretation of this parameter.

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Simultaneous imaging and localization in a heavily scattering random medium with speckle data from a moving object

Optics InfoBase Conference Papers

Hastings, Ryan L.; Bentz, Brian Z.; Lin, Dergan; Webb, Kevin J.

Recorded speckle from a moving object hidden in a heavily scattering random medium is used to determine positions and coherently image at high resolution and through an amount of scatter limited only by detector noise.

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Localization of Fluorescent Targets in Deep Tissue with Expanded Beam Illumination for Studies of Cancer and the Brain

IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging

Bentz, Brian Z.; Mahalingam, Sakkarapalayam M.; Ysselstein, Daniel; Montenegro Larrea, Paola C.; Cannon, Jason R.; Rochet, Jean C.; Low, Philip S.; Webb, Kevin

Imaging fluorescence through millimeters or centimeters of tissue has important in vivo applications, such as guiding surgery and studying the brain. Often, the important information is the location of one of more optical reporters, rather than the specifics of the local geometry, motivating the need for a localization method that provides this information. We present an optimization approach based on a diffusion model for the fast localization of fluorescent inhomogeneities in deep tissue with expanded beam illumination that simplifies the experiment and the reconstruction. We show that the position of a fluorescent inhomogeneity can be estimated while assuming homogeneous tissue parameters and without having to model the excitation profile, reducing the computational burden and improving the utility of the method. We perform two experiments as a demonstration. First, a tumor in a mouse is localized using a near infrared folate-targeted fluorescent agent (OTL38). This result shows that localization can quickly provide tumor depth information, which could reduce damage to healthy tissue during fluorescence-guided surgery. Second, another near infrared fluorescent agent (ATTO647N) is injected into the brain of a rat, and localized through the intact skull and surface tissue. This result will enable studies of protein aggregation and neuron signaling.

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Multiresolution Localization with Temporal Scanning for Super-Resolution Diffuse Optical Imaging of Fluorescence

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

Bentz, Brian Z.; Lin, Dergan; Patel, Justin A.; Webb, Kevin J.

A super-resolution optical imaging method is presented that relies on the distinct temporal information associated with each fluorescent optical reporter to determine its spatial position to high precision with measurements of heavily scattered light. This multiple-emitter localization approach uses a diffusion equation forward model in a cost function, and has the potential to achieve micron-scale spatial resolution through centimeters of tissue. Utilizing some degree of temporal separation for the reporter emissions, position and emission strength are determined using a computationally efficient temporal-scanning multiresolution algorithm. The approach circumvents the spatial resolution challenges faced by earlier optical imaging approaches by using a diffusion equation forward model, and is promising for in vivo applications. For example, in principle, the method could be used to localize individual neurons firing throughout a rodent brain, enabling the direct imaging of neural network activity.

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Towards computational imaging for intelligence in highly scattering aerosols

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Bentz, Brian Z.; Redman, Brian J.; Vander Laan, John D.; Westlake, Karl W.; Glen, Andrew; Sanchez, A.L.; Wright, Jeremy B.

This communication reports progress towards the development of computational sensing and imaging methods that utilize highly scattered light to extract information at greater depths in degraded visual environments like fog for improved situational awareness. As light propagates through fog, information is lost due to random scattering and absorption by micrometer sized water droplets. Computational diffuse optical imaging shows promise for interpreting the detected scattered light, enabling greater depth penetration than current methods. Developing this capability requires verification and validation of diffusion models of light propagation in fog. We report models that were developed and compared to experimental data captured at the Sandia National Laboratory Fog Chamber facility. The diffusion approximation to the radiative transfer equation was found to predict light propagation in fog under the appropriate conditions.

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Superresolution Diffuse Optical Imaging by Localization of Fluorescence

Physical Review Applied

Bentz, Brian Z.; Lin, Dergan; Webb, Kevin J.

The multiple scattering of light presents major challenges in realizing useful in vivo imaging at tissue depths of more than about one millimeter, where many answers to health questions lie. Visible through near-infrared photons can be readily and safely detected through centimeters of tissue; however, limited information is available for image formation. One strategy for obtaining images is to model the photon transport and a simple incoherent model is the diffusion equation approximation to the Boltzmann transport equation. Such an approach provides a prediction of the mean intensity of heavily scattered light and hence provides a forward model for optimization-based computational imaging. While diffuse optical imaging methods have received substantial attention, they remain restricted in terms of resolution because of the loss of high-spatial-frequency information that is associated with the multiple scattering of photons. Consequently, only relatively large inhomogeneities, such as tumors or organs in small animals, can be effectively resolved. Here, we introduce a superresolution imaging approach based on point localization in a diffusion framework that enables over two orders of magnitude improvement in the spatial resolution of diffuse optical imaging. The method is demonstrated experimentally by localizing a fluorescent inhomogeneity in a highly scattering slab and characterizing the localization uncertainty. The approach allows imaging through centimeters of tissue with a resolution of tens of microns, thereby enabling cells or cell clusters to be resolved. More generally, this high-resolution imaging approach could be applied with any physical transport or wave model and hence to a broad class of physical problems. Paired with a suitable optical contrast mechanism, as can be realized with targeted fluorescent molecules or genetically modified animals, superresolution diffuse imaging should open alternative dimensions for in vivo applications.

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31 Results
31 Results