
31 Results
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Embedded-Error Bayesian Calibration of Thermal Decomposition of Organic Materials

Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification

Frankel, Ari L.; Wagman, Ellen B.; Keedy, Ryan M.; Houchens, Brent C.; Scott, Sarah N.

Organic materials are an attractive choice for structural components due to their light weight and versatility. However, because they decompose at low temperatures relative to traditional materials, they pose a safety risk due to fire and loss of structural integrity. To quantify this risk, analysts use chemical kinetics models to describe the material pyrolysis and oxidation using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). This process requires the calibration of many model parameters to closely match experimental data. Previous efforts in this field have largely been limited to finding a single best-fit set of parameters even though the experimental data may be very noisy. Furthermore, the chemical kinetics models are often simplified representations of the true decomposition process. The simplification induces model-form errors that the fitting process cannot capture. In this work, we propose a methodology for calibrating decomposition models to TGA data that accounts for uncertainty in the model-form and experimental data simultaneously. The methodology is applied to the decomposition of a carbon fiber epoxy composite with a three-stage reaction network and Arrhenius kinetics. The results show a good overlap between the model predictions and TGA data. Uncertainty bounds capture deviations of the model from the data. The calibrated parameter distributions are also presented. The distributions may be used in forward propagation of uncertainty in models that leverage this material.

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High-fidelity wind farm simulation methodology with experimental validation

Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics

Hsieh, Alan H.; Brown, Kenneth B.; deVelder, Nathaniel d.; Herges, Thomas H.; Knaus, Robert C.; Sakievich, Philip S.; Cheung, Lawrence C.; Houchens, Brent C.; Blaylock, Myra L.; Maniaci, David C.

The complexity and associated uncertainties involved with atmospheric-turbine-wake interactions produce challenges for accurate wind farm predictions of generator power and other important quantities of interest (QoIs), even with state-of-the-art high-fidelity atmospheric and turbine models. A comprehensive computational study was undertaken with consideration of simulation methodology, parameter selection, and mesh refinement on atmospheric, turbine, and wake QoIs to identify capability gaps in the validation process. For neutral atmospheric boundary layer conditions, the massively parallel large eddy simulation (LES) code Nalu-Wind was used to produce high-fidelity computations for experimental validation using high-quality meteorological, turbine, and wake measurement data collected at the Department of Energy/Sandia National Laboratories Scaled Wind Farm Technology (SWiFT) facility located at Texas Tech University's National Wind Institute. The wake analysis showed the simulated lidar model implemented in Nalu-Wind was successful at capturing wake profile trends observed in the experimental lidar data.

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Performance of aeromines for distributed wind energy

AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum

Pol, Suhas; Houchens, Brent C.; Marian, David V.; Westergaard, Carsten H.

AeroMINE (Motionless, INtegrated Extraction) wind harvesters provide distributed power generation with no external moving parts. The patent-protected design easily integrates into buildings and can operate stand-alone or in conjunction with rooftop solar photovoltaics. Here, the AeroMINE configuration of a single-pair of opposing foils is investigated in wind tunnel tests. Through various geometric optimizations (foil spacing, angle-of-attack and air-jet configuration) a mechanical efficiency of approximately 1/3 of the Betz limit is achieved at a Reynolds number corresponding to the low-end wind speed for operation at full-scale. Intermittent operation at significantly higher efficiency approaching ½ of the Betz limit is demonstrated for higher angles-of-attack, but steady operation is impeded by an aerodynamic instability. In addition to pressure and anemometry, particle image velocimetry is utilized to characterize the flow around and through the AeroMINE pair.

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Comparison of field measurements and large eddy simulations of the scaled wind farm technology (SWIFT) site

ASME-JSME-KSME 2019 8th Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, AJKFluids 2019

Blaylock, Myra L.; Houchens, Brent C.; Maniaci, David C.; Herges, Thomas H.; Hsieh, Alan H.; Knaus, Robert C.; Sakievich, Philip S.

Power production of the turbines at the Department of Energy/Sandia National Laboratories Scaled Wind Farm Technology (SWiFT) facility located at the Texas Tech University’s National Wind Institute Research Center was measured experimentally and simulated for neutral atmospheric boundary layer operating conditions. Two V27 wind turbines were aligned in series with the dominant wind direction, and the upwind turbine was yawed to investigate the impact of wake steering on the downwind turbine. Two conditions were investigated, including that of the leading turbine operating alone and both turbines operating in series. The field measurements include meteorological evaluation tower (MET) data and light detection and ranging (lidar) data. Computations were performed by coupling large eddy simulations (LES) in the three-dimensional, transient code Nalu-Wind with engineering actuator line models of the turbines from OpenFAST. The simulations consist of a coarse precursor without the turbines to set up an atmospheric boundary layer inflow followed by a simulation with refinement near the turbines. Good agreement between simulations and field data are shown. These results demonstrate that Nalu-Wind holds the promise for the prediction of wind plant power and loads for a range of yaw conditions.

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A novel energy-conversion device for wind and hydrokinetic applications

ASME-JSME-KSME 2019 8th Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, AJKFluids 2019

Houchens, Brent C.; Marian, David V.; Pol, Suhas; Westergaard, Carsten H.

In its simplest implementation, patent-protected AeroMINE consists of two opposing foils, where a low-pressure zone is generated between them. The low pressure draws fluid through orifices in the foil surfaces from plenums inside the foils. The inner plenums are connected to ambient pressure. If an internal turbine-generator is placed in the path of the flow to the plenums, energy can be extracted. The fluid transports the energy through the plenums, and the turbine-generator can be located at ground level, inside a controlled environment for easy access and to avoid inclement weather conditions or harsh environments. This contained internal turbine-generator has the only moving parts in the system, isolated from people, birds and other wildlife. AeroMINEs could be used in distributed-wind energy settings, where the stationary foil pairs are located on warehouse rooftops, for example. Flow created by several such foil pairs could be combined to drive a common turbine-generator.

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Aero-MINE (Motionless INtegrated Energy) for Distributed Scalable Wind Power

Houchens, Brent C.; Blaylock, Myra L.

The proposed Aero-MINE technology will extract energy from wind without any exterior moving parts. Aero-MINEs can be integrated into buildings or function stand-alone, and are scalable. This gives them advantages similar to solar panels, but with the added benefit of operation in cloudy or dark conditions. Furthermore, compared to solar panels, Aero-MINEs can be manufactured at lower cost and with less environmental impact. Power generation is isolated internally by the pneumatic transmission of air and the outlet air-jet nozzles amplify the effectiveness. Multiple units can be connected to one centrally located electric generator. Aero-MINEs are ideal for the built-environment, with numerous possible configurations ranging from architectural integration to modular bolt-on products. Traditional wind turbines suffer from many fundamental challenges. The fast-moving blades produce significant aero-acoustic noise, visual disturbances, light-induced flickering and impose wildlife mortality risks. The conversion of massive mechanical torque to electricity is a challenge for gears, generators and power conversion electronics. In addition, the installation, operation and maintenance of wind turbines is required at significant height. Furthermore, wind farms are often in remote locations far from dense regions of electricity customers. These technical and logistical challenges add significantly to the cost of the electricity produced by utility-scale wind farms. In contrast, distributed wind energy eliminates many of the logistical challenges. However, solutions such as micro-turbines produce relatively small amounts of energy due to the reduction in swept area and still suffer from the motion-related disadvantages of utility-scale turbines. Aero-MINEs combine the best features of distributed generation, while eliminating the disadvantages.

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31 Results
31 Results