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Identification of the optimal carbon fiber shape for cost-specific compressive performance

Materials Today Communications

Ennis, Brandon L.; Perez, Hector S.; Norris, Robert N.

We report carbon fiber composites offer superior mechanical performance compared to nearly all other useful materials for the design of structures. However, for cost-driven industries, such as with the wind energy and vehicle industries, the cost of commercial carbon fiber materials is often prohibitive for their usage compared to alternatives. This paper develops an approach to optimize fiber geometries for use in carbon fiber reinforced polymers to increase the compressive strength per unit cost. Compressive strength is a composite property that depends on the fiber, matrix, and interface, and an exact analytic expression does not exist that can accurately represent these complicated relationships. The approach taken instead is to use a weighted summation between the fiber cross-sectional area moment of inertia and perimeter as a proxy for compressive strength, with different weightings explored within the paper. Analyses are performed to identify optimal fiber geometries that increase the cost-specific compressive strength based on various assumptions and desired fiber volume fraction. Robust optimal shapes are identified which outperform circular fibers due to increases in area moment of inertia and perimeter, as well as decreases in carbon fiber processing costs.

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Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Steady and Unsteady Aerodynamics for Curved Deforming Blades

AIAA Journal

Moore, Kevin R.; Ennis, Brandon L.

Vertical-axis wind turbines’ simpler design and low center of gravity make them ideal for floating wind applications. However, efficient design optimization of floating systems requires fast and accurate models. Low-fidelity vertical-axis turbine aerodynamic models, including double multiple streamtube and actuator cylinder theory, were created during the 1980s. Commercial development of vertical-axis turbines all but ceased in the 1990s until around 2010 when interest resurged for floating applications. Despite the age of these models, the original assumptions (2-D, rigid, steady, straight bladed) have not been revisited in full. When the current low-fidelity formulations are applied to modern turbines in the unsteady domain, aerodynamic load errors nearing 50% are found, consistent with prior literature. However, a set of steady and unsteady modifications that remove the majority of error is identified, limiting it near 5%. This paper shows how to reformulate the steady models to allow for unsteady inputs including turbulence, deforming blades, and variable rotational speed. A new unsteady approximation that increases numerical speed by 5–10× is also presented. Combined, these modifications enable full-turbine unsteady simulations with accuracy comparable to higher-fidelity vortex methods, but over 5000× faster.

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Big Adaptive Rotor Phase I Final Report

Johnson, Nick J.; Paquette, Joshua P.; Bortolotti, Pietro B.; Bolinger, Mark B.; Camarena, Ernesto C.; Anderson, Evan M.; Ennis, Brandon L.

The Big Adaptive Rotor (BAR) project was initiated by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in 2018 with the goal of identifying novel technologies that can enable large (>100 meter [m]) blades for low-specific-power wind turbines. Five distinct tasks were completed to achieve this goal: 1. Assessed the trends, impacts, and value of low-specific-power wind turbines; 2. Developed a wind turbine blade cost-reduction road map study; 3. Completed research-and-development opportunity screening; 4. Performed detailed design and analysis; and, 5. Assessed low-cost carbon fiber. These tasks were completed by the national laboratory team consisting of Sandia National Laboratories (Sandia), the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

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Development of a compressive failure model for carbon fiber composites and associated uncertainties

Composites Science and Technology

Camarena, Ernesto C.; Clarke, Ryan J.; Ennis, Brandon L.

An approach to increase the value of carbon fiber for wind turbines blades, and other compressive strength driven designs, is to identify pathways to increase its cost-specific compressive strength. A finite element model has been developed to evaluate the predictiveness of current finite element methods and to lay groundwork for future studies that focus on improving the cost-specific compressive strength. Parametric studies are conducted to understand which uncertainties in the model inputs have the greatest impact on compressive strength predictions. A statistical approach is also presented that enables the micromechanical model, which is deterministic, to efficiently account for statistical variability in the fiber misalignment present in composite materials; especially if the results from the hexagonal and square pack models are averaged. The model was found to agree well with experimental results for a Zoltek PX-35 pultrusion. The sensitivity studies suggest that the fiber packing and the interface shear strength have the greatest impact on compressive strength prediction for the fiber reinforced polymer studied here. Based on the performance of the modeling approach presented in this work, it is deemed sufficient for future work which will seek to identify carbon fiber composites with improved cost-specific compressive strength.

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Vertical-axis wind turbine steady and unsteady aerodynamics for curved deforming blades

AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum

Moore, Kevin R.; Ennis, Brandon L.

With interest resurging in vertical-axis wind turbines, there is a need for a fast and accurate vertical-axis turbine aerodynamics model. Although 3-D vortex methods are faster than 3-D computational fluid dynamics, they are orders of magnitude slower than required for design optimization. Lower fidelity models like actuator cylinder and double multiple streamtube are popular choices. However, both original formulations assume a steady-state infinite cylinder of unchanging radius, uncharacteristic of offshore turbines. Although stacks of cylinders can be used to approximate curved blades, this yields errors in excess of 50% and does not capture active deformation. Despite current consensus that these are errors inherent to the 2-D formulation, we show the error can nearly all be resolved by including considerations for curved blades. Unsteady effects have historically been captured using a first-order filter on the steady-state induced velocities. Although active deformation can be captured with proper discretization, the unsteady model requires a full revolution solution at each timestep. We found that with a rotating point iterative approach, only solutions at the blade positions are required, which gives a 5-10x speedup. These modifications together enable full-turbine unsteady simulations with accuracy comparable to vortex methods, but as much as 5000x faster.

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Mechanical Testing Summary: Optimized Carbon Fiber Composites in Wind Turbine Blade Design

Miller, David A.; Samborsky, Daniel D.; Ennis, Brandon L.

The objective of the Optimized Carbon Fiber project is to assess the commercial viability to develop cost-competitive wind-specific carbon fiber composites to enable larger rotors for increased energy capture. Although glass fiber reinforcement is the primary structural material in wind blade manufacturing, utilization of carbon fiber has been identified as a key enabler for achieving larger rotors because of its higher specific stiffness (stiffness per unit mass), specific strength (strength per unit mass), and fatigue resistance in comparison to glass. This report contains the testing process and results from the mechanical characterization portion of the project. Low-cost textile carbon fiber materials are tested along with a baseline, commercial carbon fiber system common to the wind industry. Material comparisons are made across coupons of similar manufacturing and quality to assess the properties of the novel carbon fibers. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work has been funded by the United States Department of Energy Wind Energy Technologies Office as part of the Optimized Carbon Fiber Composites for Wind Turbine Blades project. The authors would also like to recognize the contributions of project member Bob Norris at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in identification of the low-cost carbon fiber materials studied, in addition to his work with a commercial pultruder to produce the third-party pultrusions tested within this study.

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Optimal Floating Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Platform Identification Design and Cost Estimation

Ennis, Brandon L.

This report houses the deliverables provided by Stress Engineering Services on the floating platform design identification studies and the detailed final design iterations. The results were ob- tained under contract to and in partnership with Sandia to iterate between the platform design and the aero-hydro-elastic load simulations of the coupled vertical-axis wind turbine system. Through the analysis summarized in this report, a tension-leg platform with multiple columns was identified as the optimal platform when considering cost and performance. The detailed design and cost esti- mate of this platform architecture was produced in the final phase of study which is also described within this report.

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System Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis for Floating Offshore Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines

Ennis, Brandon L.

The levelized cost of energy for an offshore wind plant consisting of floating vertical-axis wind turbines is studied in this report. A 5 MW Darrieus vertical-axis wind turbine rotor is used as the study turbine as this architecture was determined to have the greatest ability to reduce the system cost. The rotor structural design was used with blade manufacturing cost model studies to estimate its cost. A two-bladed, carbon fiber rotor was selected in this analysis since the lower topside mass resulted in a reduction of the platform costs which exceeded the increased rotor cost. A direct- drive, medium efficiency drivetrain was designed which represents 25% of the costs and 45% of the mass of the combined rotor/drivetrain system. A direct-drive, permanent magnet generator drivetrain was selected due to the improved reliability of this type of system, while the cost was not significantly higher than for geared drivetrains. A platform was designed by first identifying the optimal architecture for the vertical-axis wind turbine at a water depth of 150 m. A survey was performed of floating platform types, and six characteristic designs were analyzed which span the range of stability mechanisms available to floating systems. A multi-cellular tension-leg platform was identified as the lowest cost platform which additionally provided some interesting perfor- mance benefits. The small motions of the tension-leg platform benefit the system energy capture while limiting inertial loads placed on the rotor's tower and blades. A final design was produced for the multi-cellular tension-leg platform considering operational fatigue, storm wind and wave conditions, and tow-out design cases. The driving design load was stability during tow-out while ballasting the platform. System levelized cost of energy was calculated, including operational ex- penses and balance of system costs estimated for the wind plant. Opportunities for reduction in the component costs are predicted and used to make projections of the system levelized cost of energy for future developments. The opportunities and challenges for floating vertical-axis wind turbines are identified by the system design and levelized cost of energy analysis.

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Wind turbine blade load characterization under yaw offset at the SWiFT facility

Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Ennis, Brandon L.; White, Jonathan; Paquette, Joshua P.

Wind turbine yaw offset reduces power and alters the loading on a stand-alone wind turbine. The manner in which loads are affected by yaw offset has been analyzed and characterized based on atmospheric conditions in this paper using experimental data from the SWiFT facility to better understand the correlation between yaw offset and turbine performance.

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SWiFT site atmospheric characterization

Ennis, Brandon L.

Historical meteorological tall tower data are analyzed from the Texas Tech University 200 m tower to characterize the atmospheric trends of the Scaled Wind Farm Technologies (SWiFT) site. In this report the data are analyzed to reveal bulk atmospheric trends, temporal trends and correlations of atmospheric variables. Through this analysis for the SWiFT turbines the site International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) classification is determined to be class III-C. Averages and distributions of atmospheric variables are shown, revealing large fluctuations and the importance of understanding the actual site trends as opposed to simply using averages. The site is significantly directional with the average wind speed from the south, and particularly so in summer and fall. Site temporal trends are analyzed from both seasonal (time of the year) to daily (hour of the day) perspectives. Atmospheric stability is seen to vary most with time of day and less with time of year. Turbulence intensity is highly correlated with stability, and typical daytime unstable conditions see double the level of turbulence intensity versus that experienced during the average stable night. Shear, veer and atmospheric stability correlations are shown, where shear and veer are both highest for stable atmospheric conditions. An analysis of the Texas Tech University tower anemometer measurements is performed which reveals the extent of the tower shadow effects and sonic tilt misalignment.

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NRT Rotor Structural / Aeroelastic Analysis for the Preliminary Design Review

Ennis, Brandon L.; Paquette, Joshua P.

This document describes the initial structural design for the National Rotor Testbed blade as presented during the preliminary design review at Sandia National Laboratories on October 28- 29, 2015. The document summarizes the structural and aeroelastic requirements placed on the NRT rotor for satisfactory deployment at the DOE/SNL SWiFT experimental facility to produce high-quality datasets for wind turbine model validation. The method and result of the NRT blade structural optimization is also presented within this report, along with analysis of its satisfaction of the design requirements.

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Dynamic wake meandering model comparison with varying fidelity models for wind turbine wake prediction

Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International

Ennis, Brandon L.; Kelley, Christopher L.; Maniaci, David C.

The dynamic wake meandering model (DWM) is a common wake model used for fast prediction of wind farm power and loads. This model is compared to higher fidelity vortex method (VM) and actuator line large eddy simulation (AL-LES) model results. By looking independently at the steady wake deficit model of DWM, and performing a more rigorous comparison than averaged result comparisons alone can produce, the models and their physical processes can be compared. The DWM and VM results of wake deficit agree best in the mid-wake region due to the consistent recovery prior to wake breakdown predicted in the VM results. DWM and AL-LES results agree best in the far-wake due to the low recovery of the laminar flow field AL-LES simulation. The physical process of wake recovery in the DWM model differed from the higher fidelity models and resulted solely from wake expansion downstream, with no momentum recovery up to 10 diameters. Sensitivity to DWM model input boundary conditions and their effects are shown, with greatest sensitivity to the rotor loading and to the turbulence model.

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Results 1–50 of 51
Results 1–50 of 51