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Sandia National Laboratories FY21 Progress Report

Aguirre, Brandon A.

The Energetic Neutrons campaign led by Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) had a successful year testing electronic devices and printed circuit boards (PCBs) under 14 MeV neutron irradiation at OMEGA. During FY21 Sandia’s Neutron Effects Diagnostics (NEDs) and data acquisition systems were upgraded to test novel commercial off-the-shelf and Sandia-fabricated electronic components that support SNL’s National Security mission. The upgrades to the Sandia platform consisted of new cable chains, sample mount fixtures and a new fiber optics platform for testing optoelectronic devices.

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Sandia National Laboratories FY20 Progress Report

Aguirre, Brandon A.; Martin, William J.

The Energetic Neutrons campaign led by Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) had a successful year testing electronic devices and printed circuit boards (PCBs) under 14 MeV neutron irradiation at OMEGA. During FY20 the Energetic Neutrons campaign increased the number and complexity of experiments, continued collaborations with external organizations, and generated knowledge that supports SNL’s National Security mission. In FY20 the Energetic Neutrons campaign was executed by an early career team led by a new PI. The SNL team members were trained to take over new responsibilities during the shot day to increase the number and complexity of experiments in the campaigns. Also, in FY20 for the first time the Energetic Neutrons campaign had a graduate student contributing with pre and post-irradiation characterizations at SNL of the semiconductor devices irradiated at OMEGA. In FY20 SNL collaborated with the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center (AFNWC) and supported experiments related to radiation effects in semiconductor devices. SNL also gave the opportunity to ride along to Los Alamos National Laboratory and multiple scientists from MIT and LLE. SNL continued using the last two generations of the Neutron Effects Diagnostics (NEDs) to field active and passive experiments but also redesigned the latest generation of the NEDs to accommodate larger components and improve the vacuum sealing as shown in figure 1a. The redesigned NEDs allowed SNL to perform active tests of a high voltage (HV) PCB for the first time at OMEGA; where signals before, during and after the irradiation were recorded. The HV PCB installed in one of the SNL NEDs is shown in figure 1b where a 3D-printed nosecone was used to check for mechanical and electrical interference. Passive irradiations of multiple components were followed up with leakage current, gain measurements and radiation-induced defect characterization.

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Analysis of the IBL and LBNL irradiated PIN and PN diodes

Vizkelethy, Gyorgy V.; Bielejec, Edward S.; Aguirre, Brandon A.

This report is a follow-up to the previous report on the difference between high fluence, high and low flux irradiations. There was a discrepancy in the data for the LBNL irradiated S5821 PIN diodes. There were diodes irradiated in the two batches (high and low flux) with the same flux and fluence for reference (lell ions/cm2/shot and 5, 10, and 20 ions/cm2 total flux). Although these diodes should have the same electrical characteristics their leakage currents were different by a factor of 5-6 (batch 2 was larger). Also, the C-V measurements showed drastically different results. It was speculated that these discrepancies were due to one of the following two reasons: 1. Different times elapsed between radiation and characterization. 2. Different areas were irradiated (roughly half of the diodes were covered during irradiation). To address the first concern, we annealed the devices according to the ASTM standard [1]. The differences remained the same. To determine the irradiated area, we performed large area IBIC scans on several devices. Error! Reference source not found. below shows the IBIC maps of two devices one from each batch. The irradiated areas are approximately the same.

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Stochastic Gain Degradation in III-V Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors Due to Single Particle Displacement Damage

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

Vizkelethy, Gyorgy V.; Bielejec, Edward S.; Aguirre, Brandon A.

As device dimensions decrease, single displacement effects become more important. We measured the gain degradation in III-V heterojunction bipolar transistors due to single particles using a heavy ion microbeam. Two devices with different sizes were irradiated with various ion species ranging from oxygen to gold to study the effect of the irradiation ion mass on gain change. From the single steps in the inverse gain (which is proportional to the number of defects), we calculated cumulative distribution functions to help determine design margins. The displacement process was modeled using the MARLOWE binary collision approximation code. The entire structure of the device was modeled and the defects in the base-emitter junction were counted to be compared with the experimental results. While we found good agreement for the large device, we had to modify our model to reach reasonable agreement for the small device.

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Ion-damage-free planarization or shallow angle sectioning of solar cells for mapping grain orientation and nanoscale photovoltaic properties


Kutes, Yasemin; Luria, Justin; Sun, Yu; Moore, Andrew; Aguirre, Brandon A.; Cruz-Campa, Jose L.; Aindow, Mark; Zubia, David; Huey, Bryan D.

Ion beam milling is the most common modern method for preparing specific features for microscopic analysis, even though concomitant ion implantation and amorphization remain persistent challenges, particularly as they often modify materials properties of interest. Atomic force microscopy (AFM), on the other hand, can mechanically mill specific nanoscale regions in plan-view without chemical or high energy ion damage, due to its resolution, directionality, and fine load control. As an example, AFM-nanomilling (AFM-NM) is implemented for top-down planarization of polycrystalline CdTe thin film solar cells, with a resulting decrease in the root mean square (RMS) roughness by an order of magnitude, even better than for a low incidence FIB polished surface. Subsequent AFM-based property maps reveal a substantially stronger contrast, in this case of the short-circuit current or open circuit voltage during light exposure. Electron back scattering diffraction (EBSD) imaging also becomes possible upon AFM-NM, enabling direct correlations between the local materials properties and the polycrystalline microstructure. Smooth shallow-angle cross-sections are demonstrated as well, based on targeted oblique milling. As expected, this reveals a gradual decrease in the average short-circuit current and maximum power as the underlying CdS and electrode layers are approached, but a relatively consistent open-circuit voltage through the diminishing thickness of the CdTe absorber. AFM-based nanomilling is therefore a powerful tool for material characterization, uniquely providing ion-damage free, selective area, planar smoothing or low-angle sectioning of specimens while preserving their functionality. This enables novel, co-located advanced AFM measurements, EBSD analysis, and investigations by related techniques that are otherwise hindered by surface morphology or surface damage.

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Comparison of Gain Degradation and Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy in pnp Si Bipolar Junction Transistors Irradiated With Different Ion Species

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

Aguirre, Brandon A.; Bielejec, E.; Fleming, R.M.; Vizkelethy, Gyorgy V.; Vaandrager, B.; Campbell, Jonathan C.; Martin, W.J.; King, D.B.

We studied the effect of light ion and heavy ion irradiations on pnp Si BJTs. A mismatch in DLTS deep peak amplitude for devices with same final gain but irradiated with different ion species was observed. Also, different ions cause different gain degradation when the DLTS spectra are matched. Pre-dosed ion-irradiated samples show that ion induced ionization does not account for the differences in DLTS peak height but isochronal annealing studies suggest that light ions produce more VP defects than heavy ions to compensate for the lack of clusters that heavy ions produce. The creation of defect clusters by heavy ions is evident by the higher content of E4 and V2∗ defects compared to light ions.

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Fabrication and characterization of a co-planar detector in diamond for low energy single ion implantation

Applied Physics Letters

Abraham, John B.; Aguirre, Brandon A.; Pacheco, Jose L.; Vizkelethy, Gyorgy V.; Bielejec, E.

We demonstrate low energy single ion detection using a co-planar detector fabricated on a diamond substrate and characterized by ion beam induced charge collection. Histograms are taken with low fluence ion pulses illustrating quantized ion detection down to a single ion with a signal-to-noise ratio of approximately 10. We anticipate that this detection technique can serve as a basis to optimize the yield of single color centers in diamond. The ability to count ions into a diamond substrate is expected to reduce the uncertainty in the yield of color center formation by removing Poisson statistics from the implantation process.

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Results 1–25 of 45
Results 1–25 of 45