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High-fidelity modeling of breakdown in helium: Initiation processes and secondary electron emission

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics

Lietz, Amanda M.; Barnat, Edward V.; Nail, George R.; Roberds, Nicholas R.; Fierro, Andrew S.; Yee, Benjamin T.; Moore, Christopher H.; Clem, Paul G.; Hopkins, Matthew M.

Understanding the role of physical processes contributing to breakdown is critical for many applications in which breakdown is undesirable, such as capacitors, and applications in which controlled breakdown is intended, such as plasma medicine, lightning protection, and materials processing. The electron emission from the cathode is a critical source of electrons which then undergo impact ionization to produce electrical breakdown. In this study, the role of secondary electron yields due to photons (γ ph) and ions (γ i) in direct current breakdown is investigated using a particle-in-cell direct simulation Monte Carlo model. The plasma studied is a one-dimensional discharge in 50 Torr of pure helium with a platinum cathode, gap size of 1.15 cm, and voltages of 1.2-1.8 kV. The current traces are compared with experimental measurements. Larger values of γ ph generally result in a faster breakdown, while larger values of γ i result in a larger maximum current. The 58.4 nm photons emitted from He(21P) are the primary source of electrons at the cathode before the cathode fall is developed. Of the values of γ ph and γ i investigated, those which provide the best agreement with the experimental current measurements are γ ph = 0.005 and γ i = 0.01. These values are significantly lower than those in the literature for pristine platinum or for a graphitic carbon film which we speculate may cover the platinum. This difference is in part due to the limitations of a one-dimensional model but may also indicate surface conditions and exposure to a plasma can have a significant effect on the secondary electron yields. The effects of applied voltage and the current produced by a UV diode which was used to initiate the discharge, are also discussed.

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Data needs for modeling low-temperature non-equilibrium plasmas: The LXCat project, history, perspectives and a tutorial


Carbone, Emile; Graef, Wouter; Hagelaar, Gerjan; Boer, Daan; Hopkins, Matthew M.; Stephens, Jacob C.; Yee, Benjamin T.; Pancheshnyi, Sergey; Van Dijk, Jan; Pitchford, Leanne

Technologies based on non-equilibrium, low-temperature plasmas are ubiquitous in today’s society. Plasma modeling plays an essential role in their understanding, development and optimization. An accurate description of electron and ion collisions with neutrals and their transport is required to correctly describe plasma properties as a function of external parameters. LXCat is an open-access, web-based platform for storing, exchangig and manipulating data needed for modeling the electron and ion components of non-equilibrium, low-temperature plasmas. The data types supported by LXCat are electron- and ion-scattering cross-sections with neutrals (total and differential), interaction potentials, oscillator strengths, and electron- and ion-swarm/transport parameters. Online tools allow users to identify and compare the data through plotting routines, and use the data to generate swarm parameters and reaction rates with the integrated electron Boltzmann solver. In this review, the historical evolution of the project and some perspectives on its future are discussed together with a tutorial review for using data from LXCat.

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November 2016 HERMES Outdoor Shot Series 10268-313: Free Space Fields and Current Coupling

Yee, Benjamin T.; Cartwright, Keith C.; Pointon, Timothy D.

During the trials during November 2016 at the HERMES III facility, a number of sensors were fielded to measure the free fields and currents coupled to aerial and buried cables. Here, we report on the work done to compensate, correct, and analyze these signals. Average results are presented for selected sets of sensors and prelimi- nary analyses are provided of the time and frequency domain signals. Electric fields were typically on the order of 10 kV/m, magnetic fields were approximately 10 AT, and currents were around 10 A. Several opportunities for improvement are identified including quantification of radiation effects on sensors, higher accuracy compensation techniques, increased sensitivity in differential sensor measurements, and exploration of the use of I-dots in conductivity calculations.

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Coupled EM-PIC/Radiation Transport Simulations of HERMES Courtyard Experiments

Pointon, Timothy D.; Pointon, Timothy D.; Cartwright, Keith C.; Renk, Timothy J.; Yee, Benjamin T.

A suite of coupled computational models for simulating the radiation, plasma, and electromagnetic (EM) environment in the High-Energy Radiation Megavolt Electron Source (HERMES) courtyard has been developed. In principle, this provides a predictive forward-simulation capability based solely on measured upstream anode and cathode current waveforms in the Magnetically Insulated Transmission Line (MITL). First, 2D R-Z ElectroMagnetic Particle-in-Cell (EM-PIC) simulations model the MITL and diode to compute a history of all electrons incident on the converter. Next, radiation transport simulations use these electrons as a source to compute the time-dependent dose rate and volumetric electron production in the courtyard. Finally, the radiation transport output is used as sources for EM-PIC simulations of the courtyard to com- pute electromagnetic responses. This suite has been applied to the November 2016 trials, shots 10268-10313. Modeling and experiment differ in significant ways. This is just the first iteration of a long process to improve the agreement, as outlined in the summary.

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ATLOG Modeling of Buried Cables from the November 2016 HERMES Electromagnetic Pulse Experiments

Warne, Larry K.; Campione, Salvatore; Yee, Benjamin T.; Cartwright, Keith C.; Basilio, Lorena I.

This report compares ATLOG modeling results for the response of a finite-length dissipative buried conductor interacting with a conducting ground to a measurement taken November 2016 at the High-Energy Radiation Megavolt Electron Source (HERMES) facility. We use the ATLOG frequency-domain method based on transmission line theory. Estimates of the impedance per unit length and admittance per unit length for a cable laying in a PVC pipe embedded in a concrete block are reported. Current wave shapes from both a single conductor and composite differential mode and antenna mode arrangements are close to those observed in the experiments. Intentionally Left Blank

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Theory and simulation of anode spots in low pressure plasmas

Physics of Plasmas

Scheiner, Brett; Barnat, Edward V.; Baalrud, Scott D.; Hopkins, Matthew M.; Yee, Benjamin T.

When electrodes are biased above the plasma potential, electrons accelerated through the associated electron sheath can dramatically increase the ionization rate of neutrals near the electrode surface. It has previously been observed that if the ionization rate is great enough, a double layer separates a luminous high-potential plasma attached to the electrode surface (called an anode spot or fireball) from the bulk plasma. Here, results of the first 2D particle-in-cell simulations of anode spot formation are presented along with a theoretical model describing the formation process. It is found that ionization leads to the build-up of an ion-rich layer adjacent to the electrode, forming a narrow potential well near the electrode surface that traps electrons born from ionization. It is shown that anode spot onset occurs when a quasineutral region is established in the potential well and the density in this region becomes large enough to violate the steady-state Langmuir condition, which is a balance between electron and ion fluxes across the double layer. A model for steady-state properties of the anode spot is also presented, which predicts values for the anode spot size, double layer potential drop, and form of the sheath at the electrode by considering particle, power, and current balance. These predictions are found to be consistent with the presented simulation and previous experiments.

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ATLOG Modeling of Aerial Cable from the November 2016 HERMES Electromagnetic Pulse Experiments

Campione, Salvatore; Warne, Larry K.; Yee, Benjamin T.; Cartwright, Keith C.; Basilio, Lorena I.

This report details the comparison of ATLOG modeling results for the response of a finite-length dissipative aerial conductor interacting with a conducting ground to a measurement taken November 2016 at the High-Energy Radiation Megavolt Electron Source (HERMES) facility. We use the ATLOG time-domain method based on transmission line theory. Good agreement is observed between simulations and experiments. Intentionally Left Blank

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Radiation transport in kinetic simulations and the influence of photoemission on electron current in self-sustaining discharges

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics

Fierro, Andrew S.; Moore, Chris; Scheiner, Brett; Yee, Benjamin T.; Hopkins, Matthew M.

A kinetic description for electronic excitation of helium for principal quantum number n 4 has been included into a particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation utilizing direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) for electron-neutral interactions. The excited electronic levels radiate state-dependent photons with wavelengths from the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) to visible regimes. Photon wavelengths are chosen according to a Voigt distribution accounting for the natural, pressure, and Doppler broadened linewidths. This method allows for reconstruction of the emission spectrum for a non-thermalized electron energy distribution function (EEDF) and investigation of high energy photon effects on surfaces, specifically photoemission. A parallel plate discharge with a fixed field (i.e. space charge neglected) is used to investigate the effects of including photoemission for a Townsend discharge. When operating at a voltage near the self-sustaining discharge threshold, it is observed that the electron current into the anode is higher when including photoemission from the cathode than without even when accounting for self-absorption from ground state atoms. The photocurrent has been observed to account for as much as 20% of the total current from the cathode under steady-state conditions.

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Fundamental Scaling of Microplasmas and Tunable UV Light Generation

Manginell, Ronald P.; Sillerud, Colin H.; Hopkins, Matthew M.; Yee, Benjamin T.; Moorman, Matthew W.; Schwindt, Peter S.; Anderson, John M.; Pfeifer, Nathaniel B.

The temporal evolution of spectral lines from microplasma devices (MD) was studied, including impurity transitions. Long-wavelength emission diminishes more rapidly than deep UV with decreasing pulse width and RF operation. Thus, switching from DC to short pulsed or RF operation, UV emissions can be suppressed, allowing for real-time tuning of the ionization energy of a microplasma photo-ionization source, which is useful for chemical and atomic physics. Scaling allows MD to operate near atmospheric pressure where excimer states are efficiently created and emit down to 65 nm; laser emissions fall off below 200 nm, making MD light sources attractive for deep UV use. A first fully-kinetic three-dimensional model was developed that explicitly calculates electron-energy distribution function. This, and non-continuum effects, were studied with the model and how they are impacted by geometry and transient or DC operation. Finally, a global non-dimensional model was developed to help explain general trends MD physics.

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Particle-in-cell study of the ion-to-electron sheath transition

Physics of Plasmas

Scheiner, Brett; Baalrud, Scott D.; Hopkins, Matthew M.; Yee, Benjamin T.; Barnat, Edward V.

The form of a sheath near a small electrode, with bias changing from below to above the plasma potential, is studied using 2D particle-in-cell simulations. When the electrode is biased within Te/2e below the plasma potential, the electron velocity distribution functions (EVDFs) exhibit a loss-cone type truncation due to fast electrons overcoming the small potential difference between the electrode and plasma. No sheath is present in this regime, and the plasma remains quasineutral up to the electrode. The EVDF truncation leads to a presheath-like density and flow velocity gradients. Once the bias exceeds the plasma potential, an electron sheath is present. In this case, the truncation driven behavior persists, but is accompanied by a shift in the maximum value of the EVDF that is not present in the negative bias cases. The flow moment has significant contributions from both the flow shift of the EVDF maximum, and the loss-cone truncation.

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The onset of plasma potential locking

Physics of Plasmas

Hopkins, Matthew M.; Yee, Benjamin T.; Baalrud, Scott D.; Barnat, Edward V.

In this paper, we provide insight into the role and impact that a positively biased electrode (anode) has on bulk plasma potential. Using two-dimensional Particle-in-Cell simulations, we investigate the plasma potential as an anode transitions from very small ("probe" mode) to large ("locking" mode). Prior theory provides some guidance on when and how this transition takes place. Initial experimental results are also compared. The simulations demonstrate that as the surface area of the anode is increased transitions in plasma potential and sheath polarity occur, consistent with experimental observations and theoretical predictions. It is expected that understanding this basic plasma behavior will be of interest to basic plasma physics communities, diagnostic developers, and plasma processing devices where control of bulk plasma potential is important.

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Theory of the electron sheath and presheath

Physics of Plasmas

Scheiner, Brett; Baalrud, Scott D.; Yee, Benjamin T.; Hopkins, Matthew M.; Barnat, Edward V.

Electron sheaths are commonly found near Langmuir probes collecting the electron saturation current. The common assumption is that the probe collects the random flux of electrons incident on the sheath, which tacitly implies that there is no electron presheath and that the flux collected is due to a velocity space truncation of the electron velocity distribution function (EVDF). This work provides a dedicated theory of electron sheaths, which suggests that they are not so simple. Motivated by EVDFs observed in particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations, a 1D model for the electron sheath and presheath is developed. In the model, under low temperature plasma conditions (Te 蠑 Ti), an electron pressure gradient accelerates electrons in the presheath to a flow velocity that exceeds the electron thermal speed at the sheath edge. This pressure gradient generates large flow velocities compared to what would be generated by ballistic motion in response to the electric field. It is found that in many situations, under common plasma conditions, the electron presheath extends much further into the plasma than an analogous ion presheath. PIC simulations reveal that the ion density in the electron presheath is determined by a flow around the electron sheath and that this flow is due to 2D aspects of the sheath geometry. Simulations also indicate the presence of ion acoustic instabilities excited by the differential flow between electrons and ions in the presheath, which result in sheath edge fluctuations. The 1D model and time averaged PIC simulations are compared and it is shown that the model provides a good description of the electron sheath and presheath.

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51 Results
51 Results