
31 Results
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Time- and Energy-Resolved Coupled Saturn Radiation Environments Simulations Using the Integrated Tiger Series (ITS) Code

Depriest, Kendall D.; Pointon, Timothy D.; Sirajuddin, David S.; Ulmen, Benjamin A.

Using a newly developed coupling of the ElectroMagnetic Plasma In Realistic Environments (EMPIRE) code with the Integrated Tiger Series (ITS) code, radiation environment calculations have been performed. The effort was completed as part of the Saturn Recapitalization (Recap) program that represents activities to upgrade and modernize the Saturn accelerator facility. The radiation environment calculations performed provide baseline results with current or planned hardware in the facility. As facility design changes are proposed and implemented as part of Saturn Recap, calculations of the radiation environment will be performed to understand how the changes impact the output of the Saturn accelerator.

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An X-ray Intensity Operations Monitor (AXIOM) (Final LDRD Project Report)

Ulmen, Benjamin A.; Webb, Timothy J.; Radtke, Gregg A.; Olson, Aaron J.; Depriest, Kendall D.; Coffey, Sean K.; Looker, Quinn M.; Gao, Xujiao G.; Nicholas, Ryder N.; Edwards, Jarrod D.; McCourt, Andrew L.; Bell, Kate S.

The Saturn accelerator has historically lacked the capability to measure time-resolved spectra for its 3-ring bremsstrahlung x-ray source. This project aimed to create a spectrometer called AXIOM to provide this capability. The project had three major development pillars: hardware, simulation, and unfold code. The hardware consists of a ring of 24 detectors around an existing x-ray pinhole camera. The diagnostic was fielded on two shots at Saturn and over 100 shots at the TriMeV accelerator at Idaho Accelerator Center. A new Saturn x-ray environment simulation was created using measured data to validate. This simulation allows for timeresolved spectra computation to compare the experimental results. The AXIOM-Unfold code is a new parametric unfold code using modern global optimizers and uncertainty quantification. The code was written in Python, uses Gitlab version control and issue tracking, and has been developed with long term code support and maintenance in mind.

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Saturn Radiation Dose Environment Characterization

Ulmen, Benjamin A.; Depriest, Kendall D.; Olson, Aaron J.; Webb, Timothy J.; Edwards, Jarrod D.

To understand the environment where a time-resolved hard x-ray spectrometer (AXIOM) might be fielded, experiments and simulations were performed to analyze the radiation dose environment underneath the Saturn vacuum dome. Knowledge of this environment is critical to the design and placement of the spectrometer. Experiments demonstrated that the machine performance, at least in terms of on-axis dose, has not significantly changed over the decades. Simulations of the off-axis dose were performed to identify possible spectrometer locations of interest. The effects from the source and dome hardware as well as source distributions and angles of incidence on the radiation environment were also investigated. Finally, a unified radiation transport model was developed for two widely used radiation transport codes to investigate the off-axis dose profiles and the time-dependent x-ray energy spectrum. The demonstrated equivalence of the unified radiation transport model between the radiation transport codes allows the team to tie future time-dependent x-ray environment calculations to previous integral simulations for the Saturn facility.

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Measuring Saturn's Electron Beam Energy Spectrum using Webb's Wedges

Ulmen, Benjamin A.; Webb, Timothy J.; McCourt, Andrew L.; Coffey, Sean K.

It is very difficult to measure the voltage of the load on the Saturn accelerator. Time-resolved measurements such as vacuum voltmeters and V-dot monitors are impractical at best and completely change the pulsed power behavior at the load at worst. We would like to know the load voltage of the machine so that we could correctly model the radiation transport and tune our x-ray unfold methodology and circuit simulations of the accelerator. Step wedges have been used for decades as a tool to measure the end - point energies of high energy particle beams. Typically, the technique is used for multi-megavolt accelerators, but we have adapted it to Saturn's modest <2 MV end-point energy and modified the standard bremsstrahlung x-ray source to extract the electron beam without changing the physics of the load region. We found clear evidence of high energy electrons >2 MV. We also attempted to unfold an electron energy spectrum using a machine learning algorithm and while these results come with large uncertainties, they qualitatively agree with PIC simulation results.

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Simulation and Modeling of Time-Resolved X-Ray Detector for the Saturn Accelerator

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

Gao, Xujiao G.; Looker, Quinn M.; Webb, Timothy J.; Depriest, Kendall D.; Ulmen, Benjamin A.

We present the technology-aided computer design (TCAD) device simulation and modeling of a silicon p-i-n diode for detecting time-dependent X-ray radiation. We show that the simulated forward and reverse breakdown current-voltage characteristics agree well with the measured data under nonradiation environment by only calibrating carrier lifetimes for the forward bias case and avalanche model critical fields for the reverse bias condition. Using the calibrated parameters and other nominal material properties, we simulated the radiation responses of the p-i-n diode and compared with experimental data when the diode was exposed to X-ray radiation at Sandia's Saturn facility and the Idaho State University (ISU) TriMeV facility. For Saturn's Gaussian dose-rate pulses, we show three findings from TCAD simulations. First, the simulated photocurrents are in excellent agreement with the measured data for two dose-rate pulses with peak values of 1.16 times 10 -{10} and 1.88 times 10 -{10} rad(Si)/s. Second, the simulation results of high dose-rate pulses predict increased delayed photocurrents with longer time tails in the diode electrical responses due to excess carrier generation. Third, simulated peak values of diode radiation responses versus peak dose rates at different bias conditions provide useful guidance to determine the dose-rate range that the p-i-n diode can reliably detect in experiment. For TriMeV's non-Gaussian dose-rate pulse, our simulated diode response is in decent agreement with the measured data without further calibration. We also studied the effects of device geometry, recombination process, and dose-rate enhancement via TCAD simulations to understand the higher measured response in the time after the peak dose-rate radiation for the p-i-n diode exposed to TriMeV irradiation.

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Automatic data processing and data display system for the HERMES III accelerator

IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference

Coffey, Sean K.; Circle, Adam; Ulmen, Benjamin A.; Grabowski, Chris; Joseph, Nathan R.; Lewis, B.A.; Harper-Slaboszewicz, V.H.

This paper describes the software changes made to the data processing and display system for HERMES III accelerator at the Simulation Technology Laboratory (STL) at Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico. The HERMES III accelerator is a gamma ray simulator producing 100kRad[Si] dose per shot with a full width half max pulse duration of 25 nanoseconds averaging six shots per day. For each accelerator test approximately 400 probe signals are recorded over approximately 65 digitizers. The original data processing system provided the operator a report summarizing the start of probe signal timings for groups of probes located within the power flow conductors. This timing information is indicative of power flow symmetry allowing the operator to make necessary adjustments prior to the next test. The report also provided data overlays concerning laser trigger light output, x-ray diode currents and x-ray source output. Power flow in the HERMES III accelerator is comprised of many circuit paths and detailed current and voltage information within these paths could provide a more thorough understanding of accelerator operation and performance, however this information was either not quickly available to the operators or the display of the data was not optimum. We expanded our data processing abilities to determine the current and voltage amplitudes throughout the power flow conductors and improved the data display abilities so data plots can be presented in a more organized fashion. We detail our efforts creating a software program capable of processing the 400 probe signals together with an organized method for displaying the dozens of current and voltage probes. This process is implemented immediately after all digitizer data has been collected so the operator is provided timing and power flow information shortly after each accelerator shot.

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Coarse spectral characterization of warm x-rays at the Z facility using a filtered thermoluminescent dosimeter array

Review of Scientific Instruments

Harper-Slaboszewicz, V.H.; Ulmen, Benjamin A.; Parzyck, Christopher T.; Ampleford, David A.; McCourt, Andrew L.; Bell, Kate S.; Coverdale, Christine A.

A new collimated filtered thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) array has been developed at the Z facility to characterize warm x-rays (hν > 10 keV) produced by Z pinch radiation sources. This array includes a Kapton debris shield assembly to protect the TLDs from the source debris, a collimator array to limit the field of view of the TLDs to the source region, a filter wheel containing filters of aluminum, copper and tungsten up to 3 mm thick to independently filter each TLD, and a hermetically sealed cassette containing the TLDs as well as tungsten shielding on the sides and back of the array to minimize scattered radiation reaching the TLDs. Here experimental results from a krypton gas puff and silver wire array shot are analyzed using two different functional forms of the energy spectrum to demonstrate the ability of this diagnostic to consistently extend the upper end of the x-ray spectrum characterization from ~50 keV to >1 MeV.

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31 Results
31 Results