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Discrete logic vs optimized dispatch for energy storage in a microgrid

IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting

Headley, Alexander H.; Schenkman, Benjamin L.; Rosewater, David M.

Forward operating base (FOB) microgrids typically use diesel generators with discrete logic control to supply power. However, emerging energy storage systems can be added as spinning reserves and to increase the PV hosting capacity of microgrids to significantly reduce diesel consumption if resources are controlled appropriately. Discrete logic controllers use if/else statements to determine resource dispatch based on inputs such as net load and generator run times but do not account for the capabilities of energy storage systems explicitly. Optimal dispatch controllers could improve upon this architecture by optimizing dispatch based on forecasts of load and generation. However, optimal dispatch controllers are far less intuitive, require more processing power, and the level of potential improvement is unclear.This work seeks to address three points with regards to FOB microgrid operations. Firstly, the impact of energy storage systems on the adoption of solar generation in microgrids is discussed. Secondly, logic is added to the typical discrete controller decision tree to account for energy storage resources. Lastly, fuel savings with energy storage and solar generation using the new discrete control logic and optimal dispatch are compared based on load data measured from a real FOB. The results of these analyses show the potential impact of energy storage on fuel consumption in FOBs and gives guidance as to the appropriate control architecture for management of integrated resource microgrids.

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Adaptive modeling process for a battery energy management system

2020 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion, SPEEDAM 2020

Rosewater, David M.; Schenkman, Benjamin L.; Santoso, Surya

Battery energy storage systems are often controlled through an energy management system (EMS), which may not have access to detailed models developed by battery manu-facturers. The EMS contains a model of the battery system's performance capabilities that enables it to optimize charge and discharge decisions. In this paper, we develop a process for the EMS to calculate and improve the accuracy of its control model using the operational data produced by the battery system. This process checks for data salience and quality, identifies candidate parameters, and then calculates their accuracy. The process then updates its model of the battery based on the candidate parameters and their accuracy. We use a charge reservoir model with a first order equivalent circuit to represent the battery and a flexible open-circuit-voltage function. The process is applied to one year of operational data from two lithium-ion batteries in a battery system located in Sterling, MA USA. Results show that the process quickly learns the optimal model parameters and significantly reduces modeling uncertainty. Applying this process to an EMS can improve control performance and enable risk-averse control by accounting for variations in capacity and efficiency.

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Energy Surety Design Methodology

Broderick, Robert J.; Cook, Marvin A.; DeMenno, Mercy D.; El Khatib, Mohamed E.; Guttromson, Ross G.; Hightower, Michael H.; Jones, Katherine A.; Nanco, Alan N.; Schenkman, Benjamin L.; Schoenwald, David A.; Silva Monroy, Cesar S.

The Energy Surety Design Methodology (ESDM) provides a systematic approach for engineers and researchers to create a preliminary electric grid design, thus establishing a means to preserve and quickly restore customer-specified critical loads. Over a decade ago, Sandia National Laboratories (Sandia) defined Energy Surety for applications with energy systems to include elements of reliability, security, safety, cost, and environmental impact. Since then, Sandia has employed design concepts of energy surety for over 20 military installations and their interaction with utility systems, including the Smart Power Infrastructure Demonstration for Energy Reliability and Security (SPIDERS) Joint Capability Technology Demonstration (JCTD) project. In recent years, resilience has also been added as a key element of energy surety. This methodology document includes both process recommendations and technical guidance, with references to useful tools and analytic approaches at each step of the process.

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Opportunities for Energy Storage to Provide Spinning Reserve in Cordova, Alaska

SPEEDAM 2018 - Proceedings: International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion

Schenkman, Benjamin L.; Benson, Cole B.; Vandermeer, Jeremy B.; Mueller-Stoffels, Marc; Koplin, Clay

The potential benefits from energy storage deployment are highly location dependent. In market areas, remuneration is largely based on market products and prices. In a vertically integrated utility, the benefits are often monetized through cost savings. This paper quantifies the potential benefits of using an energy storage system to provide spinning reserve within the Cordova Electric Cooperative (CEC) grid. The CEC is a small rural electrical cooperative in Cordova, Alaska. Energy storage is being considered to provide spinning reserve. The cost saving is realized through reduced fossil fuel consumption and run time on the diesel generators. In this paper, the cost savings are used to determine the benefit-to-cost ratio for various energy storage configurations. Additional potential benefits of energy storage for the CEC are also presented.

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Electrical cable utilization for wave energy converters

Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy

Bull, Diana L.; Baca, Michael J.; Schenkman, Benjamin L.

This paper investigates the suitability of sizing the electrical export cable based on the rating of the contributing WECs within a farm. These investigations have produced a new methodology to evaluate the probabilities associated with peak power values on an annual basis. It has been shown that the peaks in pneumatic power production will follow an exponential probability function for a linear model. A methodology to combine all the individual probability functions into an annual view has been demonstrated on pneumatic power production by a Backward Bent Duct Buoy (BBDB). These investigations have also resulted in a highly simplified and perfunctory model of installed cable cost as a function of voltage and conductor cross-section. This work solidifies the need to determine electrical export cable rating based on expected energy delivery as opposed to device rating as small decreases in energy delivery can result in cost savings.

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Electrical components for marine renewable energy arrays: A techno-economic review


Collin, Adam J.; Nambiar, Anup J.; Bould, David; Whitby, Ben; Moonem, M A.; Schenkman, Benjamin L.; Atcitty, Stanley A.; Chainho, Paulo; Kiprakis, Aristides E.

This paper presents a review of the main electrical components that are expected to be present in marine renewable energy arrays. The review is put in context by appraising the current needs of the industry and identifying the key components required in both device and array-scale developments. For each component, electrical, mechanical and cost considerations are discussed; with quantitative data collected during the review made freely available for use by the community via an open access online repository. This data collection updates previous research and addresses gaps specific to emerging offshore technologies, such as marine and floating wind, and provides a comprehensive resource for the techno-economic assessment of offshore energy arrays.

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Benefit Anlaysis of Energy Storage for Cordova Electric Cooperative

Schenkman, Benjamin L.; Vandermeer, Jeremy B.; Mueller-Stoffels, Marc M.; Koplin, Clay K.; Benson, Cole B.

This report is a follow on to a previous study performed by Sandia National Labs and Alaska Center for Energy and Power which investigated the use of an energy storage system (ESS) providing spinning reserve within the Cordova Electric Cooperative (CEC) grid. The study provided the savings using the ESS as spinning reserve through reduced fossil fuel consumption and runtime on the diesel generators. In this report, the saving values are used from the previous study to determine the benefit-to- cost ratio for various ratings of ESS performing spinning reserve and quantifying other applications that are applicable to CEC.

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Cordova Electric Cooperative Energy Storage Evaluation

Schenkman, Benjamin L.; Schenkman, Benjamin L.; Vandermeer, Jeremy B.; Schenkman, Benjamin L.; Baca, Michael J.; Mueller-Stoffels, Marc M.; Koplin, Clay K.

The community of Cordova, Alaska currently uses diesel and run-of-river hydro generation for its electricity needs. In the past, 60% of the Cordova summer load was supplied by the run-of-river generation. The majority of the time, the load was supplied only by the run-of-river generation. The bulk of generated electricity is delivered to Cordova's industrial fish processing plants and to other industrial loads. With the expansion of Cordova's fishing industry, the run-of-river generation is less often able to supply 100% of the load demand. When the run-of-river generation is not able to supply 100% of the load demand it has to be supplemented by diesel generation. There are also many times when the load demand is low and the available run-of-river generation has to be curtailed by spilling water which could be stored in an energy storage system. Sandia National Laboratories and Alaska Center for Energy and Power collaborated to evaluate how an energy storage system can be used to capture the spilled water and how it can economically and technically benefit Cordova during the fishing season and other times throughout the year. Results from this study are summarized in this report. 3

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Statement of Work Electrical Energy Storage System Installation at Sandia National Laboratories

Schenkman, Benjamin L.

Sandia is seeking to procure a 1 MWh energy storage system. It will be installed at the existing Energy Storage Test Pad, which is located at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This energy storage system will be a daily operational system, but will also be used as a tool in our Research and development work. The system will be part of a showcase of Sandia distributed energy technologies viewed by many distinguished delegates.

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Sandia Third-Party Witness Test of UniEnergy Technologies 1 MW / 3.2 MWh Uni.SystemTM

Schenkman, Benjamin L.; Borneo, Daniel R.; Borneo, Daniel R.

Sandia National Laboratories performs third-party witness testing for energy storage systems installed on the electric grid. Witness testing verifies that the energy storage system that is installed can meet its performance specifications through a thorough evaluation which includes testing, document review, and physical inspection. This document contains the results for the Sandia National Laboratories witness test on the UniEnergy Technologies 1 MW / 3.2 MWh vanadium flow battery known as the Uni.SystemTM.

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City of Hoboken Energy Surety Analysis: Preliminary Design Summary

Stamp, Jason E.; Baca, Michael J.; Eddy, John P.; Guttromson, Ross G.; Henry, Jordan M.; Munoz-Ramos, Karina M.; Schenkman, Benjamin L.; Smith, Mark A.

In 2012, Hurricane Sandy devastated much of the U.S. northeast coastal areas. Among those hardest hit was the small community of Hoboken, New Jersey, located on the banks of the Hudson River across from Manhattan. This report describes a city-wide electrical infrastructure design that uses microgrids and other infrastructure to ensure the city retains functionality should such an event occur in the future. The designs ensure that up to 55 critical buildings will retain power during blackout or flooded conditions and include analysis for microgrid architectures, performance parameters, system control, renewable energy integration, and financial opportunities (while grid connected). The results presented here are not binding and are subject to change based on input from the Hoboken stakeholders, the integrator selected to manage and implement the microgrid, or other subject matter experts during the detailed (final) phase of the design effort.

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Test Report : GS Battery, EPC power HES RESCU

Rosewater, David M.; Schenkman, Benjamin L.; Borneo, Daniel R.

The Department of Energy Office of Electricity (DOE/OE), Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and the Base Camp Integration Lab (BCIL) partnered together to incorporate an energy storage system into a microgrid configured Forward Operating Base to reduce the fossil fuel consumption and to ultimately save lives. Energy storage vendors will be sending their systems to SNL Energy Storage Test Pad (ESTP) for functional testing and then to the BCIL for performance evaluation. The technologies that will be tested are electro-chemical energy storage systems comprising of lead acid, lithium-ion or zinc-bromide. GS Battery and EPC Power have developed an energy storage system that utilizes zinc-bromide flow batteries to save fuel on a military microgrid. This report contains the testing results and some limited analysis of performance of the GS Battery, EPC Power HES RESCU.

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Test report :

Rosewater, David M.; Schenkman, Benjamin L.; Borneo, Daniel R.

The Department of Energy Office of Electricity (DOE/OE), Sandia National Laboratory (SNL) and the Base Camp Integration Lab (BCIL) partnered together to incorporate an energy storage system into a microgrid configured Forward Operating Base to reduce the fossil fuel consumption and to ultimately save lives. Energy storage vendors will be sending their systems to SNL Energy Storage Test Pad (ESTP) for functional testing and then to the BCIL for performance evaluation. The technologies that will be tested are electro-chemical energy storage systems comprised of lead acid, lithium-ion or zinc-bromide. Princeton Power Systems has developed an energy storage system that utilizes lithium ion phosphate batteries to save fuel on a military microgrid. This report contains the testing results and some limited analysis of performance of the Princeton Power Systems Prototype Energy Storage System.

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Initial operating experience of the 12-MW La Ola photovoltaic system

Johnson, Jay; Schenkman, Benjamin L.; Ellis, Abraham E.; Quiroz, Jimmy E.

The 1.2-MW La Ola photovoltaic (PV) power plant in Lanai, Hawaii, has been in operation since December 2009. The host system is a small island microgrid with peak load of 5 MW. Simulations conducted as part of the interconnection study concluded that unmitigated PV output ramps had the potential to negatively affect system frequency. Based on that study, the PV system was initially allowed to operate with output power limited to 50% of nameplate to reduce the potential for frequency instability due to PV variability. Based on the analysis of historical voltage, frequency, and power output data at 50% output level, the PV system has not significantly affected grid performance. However, it should be noted that the impact of PV variability on active and reactive power output of the nearby diesel generators was not evaluated. In summer 2011, an energy storage system was installed to counteract high ramp rates and allow the PV system to operate at rated output. The energy storage system was not fully operational at the time this report was written; therefore, analysis results do not address system performance with the battery system in place.

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Proton exchange membrane fuel cells for electrical power generation on-board commercial airplanes

Klebanoff, Leonard E.; Munoz-Ramos, Karina M.; Akhil, Abbas A.; Curgus, Dita B.; Schenkman, Benjamin L.

Deployed on a commercial airplane, proton exchange membrane fuel cells may offer emissions reductions, thermal efficiency gains, and enable locating the power near the point of use. This work seeks to understand whether on-board fuel cell systems are technically feasible, and, if so, if they offer a performance advantage for the airplane as a whole. Through hardware analysis and thermodynamic and electrical simulation, we found that while adding a fuel cell system using today's technology for the PEM fuel cell and hydrogen storage is technically feasible, it will not likely give the airplane a performance benefit. However, when we re-did the analysis using DOE-target technology for the PEM fuel cell and hydrogen storage, we found that the fuel cell system would provide a performance benefit to the airplane (i.e., it can save the airplane some fuel), depending on the way it is configured.

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PhotoVoltaic distributed generation for Lanai power grid real-time simulation and control integration scenario

SPEEDAM 2010 - International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion

Schenkman, Benjamin L.; Wilson, David G.; Robinett, R.D.; Kukolich, Keith

This paper1 discusses the modeling, analysis, and testing in a real-time simulation environment of the Lanai power grid system for the integration and control of PhotoVoltaic (PV) distributed generation. The Lanai Island in Hawaii is part of the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative (HCEI) to transition to 30% renewable green energy penetration by 2030. In Lanai the primary loads come from two Castle and Cook Resorts, in addition to residential needs. The total peak load profile is 12470V, 5.5 MW. Currently there are several diesel generators that meet these loading requirements. As part of the HCEI, Lanai has initially installed 1.2MW of PV generation. The goal of this study has been to evaluate the impact of the PV with respect to the conventional carbon-based diesel generation in real time simulation. For intermittent PV distributed generation, the overall stability and transient responses are investigated. A simple Lanai "like" model has been developed in the Matlab/Simulink environment [1] (see Fig. 1) and to accommodate real-time simulation of the hybrid power grid system the Opal-RT Technologies RT-Lab environment [2] is used. The diesel generators have been modelled using the SimPowerSystems toolbox [3] swing equations and a custom Simulink module has been developed for the High level PV generation. All of the loads have been characterized primarily as distribution lines with series resistive load banks with one VAR load bank. Three-phase faults are implemented for each bus. Both conventional and advanced control architectures will be used to evaluate the integration of the PV onto the current power grid system. The baselne numerical results include the stable performance of the power grid during varying cloud cover (PV generation ramping up/down) scenarios. The importance of assessing the real-time scenario is included. © 2010 IEEE.

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58 Results
58 Results