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IDC Re-Engineering Phase 2 Iteration E2 Use Case Realizations

Harris, James M.; Burns, John F.; Hamlet, Benjamin R.; Lober, Randy R.; Vickers, James W.

This architecturally significant use case describes how the System acquires meteorological data to build atmospheric models used in automatic and interactive processing of infrasound data. The System requests the latest available high-resolution global meteorological data from external data centers and puts it into the correct formats for generation of infrasound propagation models. The system moves the meteorological data from Data Acquisition Partition to the Data Processing Partition and stores the meteorological data. The System builds a new atmospheric model based on the meteorological data. This use case is architecturally significant because it describes acquiring meteorological data from various sources and creating dynamic atmospheric transmission model to support the prediction of infrasonic signal detection

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US NDC Modernization: Service Oriented Architecture Study Status

Hamlet, Benjamin R.; Encarnacao, Andre V.; Harris, James M.; Young, Christopher J.

This report is a progress update on the USNDC Modernization Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) study describing results from Inception Iteration 1, which occurred between October 2012 and March 2013. The goals during this phase are 1) discovering components of the system that have potential service implementations, 2) identifying applicable SOA patterns for data access, service interfaces, and service orchestration/choreography, and 3) understanding performance tradeoffs for various SOA patterns

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US NDC Modernization: Service Oriented Architecture Proof of Concept

Hamlet, Benjamin R.; Encarnacao, Andre V.; Jackson, Keilan R.; Hays, Ian A.; Barron, Nathan E.; Simon, Luke B.; Harris, James M.; Young, Christopher J.

This report is a progress update on the US NDC Modernization Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) study describing results from a proof of concept project completed from May through September 2013. Goals for this proof of concept are 1) gain experience configuring, using, and running an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), 2) understand the implications of wrapping existing software in standardized interfaces for use as web services, and 3) gather performance metrics for a notional seismic event monitoring pipeline implemented using services with various data access and communication patterns. The proof of concept is a follow on to a previous SOA performance study. Work was performed by four undergraduate summer student interns under the guidance of Sandia staff.

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US NDC Modernization Iteration E1 Prototyping Report: Processing Control Framework

Prescott, Ryan M.; Hamlet, Benjamin R.

During the first iteration of the US NDC Modernization Elaboration phase (E1), the SNL US NDC modernization project team developed an initial survey of applicable COTS solutions, and established exploratory prototyping related to the processing control framework in support of system architecture definition. This report summarizes these activities and discusses planned follow-on work.

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NetCAP status report for the end of fiscal year 2010

Hamlet, Benjamin R.; Young, Christopher J.

Fiscal year 2010 (FY10) is the second full year of NetCAP development and the first full year devoted largely to new feature development rather than the reimplementation of existing capabilities found in NetSim (Sereno et al., 1990). Major tasks completed this year include: (1) Addition of hydroacoustic simulation; (2) Addition of event Identification simulation; and (3) Initial design and preparation for infrasound simulation. The Network Capability Assessment Program (NetCAP) is a software tool under development at Sandia National Laboratories used for studying the capabilities of nuclear explosion monitoring networks. This report discusses motivation and objectives for the NetCAP project, lists work performed prior to fiscal year 2010 (FY10) and describes FY10 accomplishments in detail.

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Ion trap simulation tools

Hamlet, Benjamin R.

Ion traps present a potential architecture for future quantum computers. These computers are of interest due to their increased power over classical computers stemming from the superposition of states and the resulting capability to simultaneously perform many computations. This paper describes a software application used to prepare and visualize simulations of trapping and maneuvering ions in ion traps.

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30 Results
30 Results