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Thermally programmable pH buffers

ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces

Van Gough, Dara; Bunker, B.C.; Roberts, Mark E.; Huber, Dale L.; Zarick, Holly F.; Austin, Mariah J.; Wheeler, Jill S.; Moore, Diana; Spoerke, Erik D.

Many reactions in both chemistry and biology rely on the ability to precisely control and fix the solution concentrations of either protons or hydroxide ions. In this report, we describe the behavior of thermally programmable pH buffer systems based on the copolymerization of varying amounts of acrylic acid (AA) groups into N-isopropylacrylamide polymers. Because the copolymers undergo phase transitions upon heating and cooling, the local environment around the AA groups can be reversibly switched between hydrophobic and hydrophilic states affecting the ionization behavior of the acids. Results show that moderate temperature variations can be used to change the solution pH by two units. However, results also indicate that the nature of the transition and its impact on the pH values are highly dependent on the AA content and the degree of neutralization. © 2012 American Chemical Society.

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Targeting proteins to liquid-ordered domains in lipid membranes


Stachowiak, Jeanne C.; Hayden, Carl C.; Sanchez, Mari A.; Wang, Julia W.; Bunker, B.C.; Voigt, James A.; Sasaki, Darryl Y.

We demonstrate the construction of novel protein-lipid assemblies through the design of a lipid-like molecule, DPIDA, endowed with tail-driven affinity for specific lipid membrane phases and head-driven affinity for specific proteins. In studies performed on giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) with varying mole fractions of dipalymitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), cholesterol, and diphytanoylphosphatidyl choline (DPhPC), DPIDA selectively partitioned into the more ordered phases, either solid or liquid-ordered (Lo) depending on membrane composition. Fluorescence imaging established the phase behavior of the resulting quaternary lipid system. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy confirmed the fluidity of the Lo phase containing DPIDA. In the presence of CuCl2, the iminodiacetic acid (IDA) headgroup of DPIDA forms the Cu(II)-IDA complex that exhibits a high affinity for histidine residues. His-tagged proteins were bound specifically to domains enriched in DPIDA, demonstrating the capacity to target protein binding selectively to both solid and Lo phases. Steric pressure from the crowding of surface-bound proteins transformed the domains into tubules with persistence lengths that depended on the phase state of the lipid domains. © 2010 American Chemical Society.

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Nanoporous carbon for electrochemical capacitors

Yelton, William G.; Siegal, Michael P.; Bunker, B.C.; Limmer, Steven J.

Nanoporous carbon (NPC) is a purely graphitic material with highly controlled densities ranging from less than 0.1 to 2.0 g/cm3, grown via pulsed-laser deposition. Decreasing the density of NPC increases the interplanar spacing between graphene-sheet fragments. This ability to tune the interplanar spacing makes NPC an ideal model system to study the behavior of carbon electrodes in electrochemical capacitors and batteries. We examine the capacitance of NPC films in alkaline and acidic electrolytes, and measure specific capacitances as high as 242 F/g.

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Size effects in Ni/Ni(OH)2 nanomaterials for electrochemical capacitors

Limmer, Steven J.; Yelton, William G.; Bunker, B.C.

Electrochemical capacitors based on redox-active metal oxides show great promise for many energy-storage applications. These materials store charge through both electric double-layer charging and faradaic reactions in the oxide. The dimensions of the oxide nanomaterials have a strong influence on the performance of such capacitors. Not just due to surface area effects, which influence the double-layer capacitance, but also through bulk electrical and ionic conductivities. Ni(OH)2 is a prime candidate for such applications, due to low cost and high theoretical capacity. We have examined the relationship between diameter and capacity for Ni/Ni(OH)2 nanorods. Specific capacitances of up to 511 F/g of Ni were recorded in 47 nm diameter Ni(OH)2 nanorods.

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Nanoporous carbon for electrochemical capacitors

Limmer, Steven J.; Yelton, William G.; Siegal, Michael P.; Overmyer, Donald L.; Bunker, B.C.

Nanoporous carbon (NPC) is a purely graphitic material with highly controlled densities ranging from less than 0.1 to 2.0 g/cm3, grown via pulsed-laser deposition. Decreasing the density of NPC increases the interplanar spacing between graphene-sheet fragments. This ability to tune the interplanar spacing makes NPC an ideal model system to study the behavior of carbon electrodes in electrochemical capacitors and batteries. We examine the capacitance of NPC films in alkaline and acidic electrolytes, and measure specific capacitances as high as 242 F/g.

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Exploiting interfacial water properties for desalination and purification applications

Cygan, Randall T.; Jiang, Ying B.; Alam, Todd M.; Brinker, C.J.; Bunker, B.C.; Leung, Kevin L.; Nenoff, T.M.; Nyman, M.; Ockwig, Nathan O.; Orendorff, Christopher O.; Rempe, Susan R.; Singh, Seema S.; Criscenti, Louise C.; Stevens, Mark J.; Thurmer, Konrad T.; Van Swol, Frank; Varma, Sameer V.; Crozier, Paul C.; Feibelman, Peter J.; Houston, Jack E.; Huber, Dale L.

A molecular-scale interpretation of interfacial processes is often downplayed in the analysis of traditional water treatment methods. However, such an approach is critical for the development of enhanced performance in traditional desalination and water treatments. Water confined between surfaces, within channels, or in pores is ubiquitous in technology and nature. Its physical and chemical properties in such environments are unpredictably different from bulk water. As a result, advances in water desalination and purification methods may be accomplished through an improved analysis of water behavior in these challenging environments using state-of-the-art microscopy, spectroscopy, experimental, and computational methods.

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Monolayer Engineered Microchannels for Motor Protein Transport

Sandia journal manuscript; Not yet accepted for publication

Bunker, B.C.; Bachand, George B.; Manginell, Ronald P.

Here, self-assembled monolayers (SAMS) have been investigated for their ability to confine the absorption of the motor protein kinesin and direct the movement of microtubule shuttles (MTs) within channels of a lithographically patterned microfluidic device. Channels were made from gold films deposited on a silicon wafer to provide chemically distinct surfaces for the selective formation of a range of alkane thiol monolayers on channel walls. Devices were then exposed to solutions containing casein and kinesin to develop protein monolayers capable of propelling microtubules in the presence of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) fuel. Fluorescence microscopy images were used to observe the attachment of MTs to chemically distinct regions and to evaluate the ability of the various monolayer coatings to confine the movement of MTs within the channel system. Ellipsometry was used to characterize the protein adsorption characteristics of SAMS terminated with different functional groups to help establish confinement mechanisms. Finally, both anti-fouling and cationic monolayers were found to be effective in confining MT movement within the channels by controlling the adsorption or orientation of the casein buffer layers that mediate motor protein attachment and functionality.

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Active assembly for large-scale manufacturing of integrated nanostructures

Bachand, George B.; Orendorff, Christopher O.; McKenzie, Bonnie B.; Bunker, B.C.; Spoerke, Erik D.

Microtubules and motor proteins are protein-based biological agents that work cooperatively to facilitate the organization and transport of nanomaterials within living organisms. This report describes the application of these biological agents as tools in a novel, interdisciplinary scheme for assembling integrated nanostructures. Specifically, selective chemistries were used to direct the favorable adsorption of active motor proteins onto lithographically-defined gold electrodes. Taking advantage of the specific affinity these motor proteins have for microtubules, the motor proteins were used to capture polymerized microtubules out of suspension to form dense patterns of microtubules and microtubule bridges between gold electrodes. These microtubules were then used as biofunctionalized templates to direct the organization of functionalized nanocargo including single-walled carbon nanotubes and gold nanoparticles. This biologically-mediated scheme for nanomaterials assembly has shown excellent promise as a foundation for developing new biohybrid approaches to nanoscale manufacturing.

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Assembly and actuation of nanomaterials using active biomolecules

Sasaki, Darryl Y.; Koch, Steven J.; Thayer, Gayle E.; Corwin, Alex D.; De Boer, Maarten P.; Bunker, B.C.; Bachand, George B.; Rivera, Susan B.; Gaudioso, Jennifer M.; Trent, Amanda M.; Spoerke, Erik D.

The formation and functions of living materials and organisms are fundamentally different from those of synthetic materials and devices. Synthetic materials tend to have static structures, and are not capable of adapting to the functional needs of changing environments. In contrast, living systems utilize energy to create, heal, reconfigure, and dismantle materials in a dynamic, non-equilibrium fashion. The overall goal of the project was to organize and reconfigure functional assemblies of nanoparticles using strategies that mimic those found in living systems. Active assembly of nanostructures was studied using active biomolecules to drive the organization and assembly of nanocomposite materials. In this system, kinesin motor proteins and microtubules were used to direct the transport and interactions of nanoparticles at synthetic interfaces. In addition, the kinesin/microtubule transport system was used to actively assemble nanocomposite materials capable of storing significant elastic energy. Novel biophysical measurement tools were also developed for measuring the collective force generated by kinesin motor proteins, which will provide insight on the mechanical constraints of active assembly processes. Responsive reconfiguration of nanostructures was studied in terms of using active biomolecules to mediate the optical properties of quantum dot (QD) arrays through modulation of inter-particle spacing and associated energy transfer interaction. Design rules for kinesin-based transport of a wide range of nanoscale cargo (e.g., nanocrystal quantum dots, micron-sized polymer spheres) were developed. Three-dimensional microtubule organizing centers were assembled in which the polar orientation of the microtubules was controlled by a multi-staged assembly process. Overall, a number of enabling technologies were developed over the course of this project, and will drive the exploitation of energy-driven processes to regulate the assembly, disassembly, and dynamic reorganization of nanomaterials.

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Switching surface chemistry with supramolecular machines

Proposed for publication in Nanoletters.

Bunker, B.C.; Huber, Dale L.; Kelley, Michael J.

Tethered supramolecular machines represent a new class of active self-assembled monolayers in which molecular configurations can be reversibly programmed using electrochemical stimuli. We are using these machines to address the chemistry of substrate surfaces for integrated microfluidic systems. Interactions between the tethered tetracationic cyclophane host cyclobis(paraquat-p-phenylene) and dissolved {pi}-electron-rich guest molecules, such as tetrathiafulvalene, have been reversibly switched by oxidative electrochemistry. The results demonstrate that surface-bound supramolecular machines can be programmed to adsorb or release appropriately designed solution species for manipulating surface chemistry.

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Adsorption kinetics of 1-alkanethiols on hydrogenated Ge(111)


Kosuri, Madhava R.; Cone, Roya; Li, Qiming; Han, Sang M.; Bunker, B.C.; Mayer, T.M.

We have investigated the liquid-phase self-assembly of 1-alkanethiols (HS(CH2)n-1CH3, n = 8, 16, and 18) on hydrogenated Ge(111), using attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy as well as water contact angle measurements. The infrared absorbance of C-H stretching modes of alkanethiolates on Ge, in conjunction with water contact angle measurements, demonstrates that the final packing density is a function of alkanethiol concentration in 2-propanol and its chain length. High concentration and long alkyl chain increase the steady-state surface coverage of alkanethiolates. A critical chain length exists between n = 8 and 16, above which the adsorption kinetics is comparable for all long alkyl chain 1-alkanethiols. The steady-state coverage of hexadecanethiolates, representing long-chain alkanethiolates, reaches a maximum at approximately 5.9 × 1014 hexadecanethiolates/cm2 in 1 M solution. The characteristic time constant to reach a steady state also decreases with increasing chain length. This chain length dependence is attributed to the attractive chain-to-chain interaction in long-alkyl-chain self-assembled monolayers, which reduces the desorption-to-adsorption rate ratio (kd/ka). We also report the adsorption and desorption rate constants (ka and kd) of 1-hexadecanethiol on hydrogenated Ge(111) at room temperature. The alkanethiol adsorption is a two-step process following a first-order Langmuir isotherm: (1) fast adsorption with ka = 2.4 ± 0.2 cm3/(mol s) and kd = (8.2 ± 0.5) × 10-6 s-1; (2) slow adsorption with ka = 0.8 ± 0.5 cm3/(mol s) and kd = (3 ± 2) × 10-6 s-1.

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Vapor-Phase Adsorption Kinetics of 1-Decene on H-Terminated Si(100)


Kosuri, Madhava R.; Gerung, Henry; Li, Qiming; Han, Sang M.; Bunker, B.C.; Mayer, T.M.

We have investigated in situ and in real time vapor-phase self-assembly of 1-decene on Si, using attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIRS). The adsorption of 1-decene on hydrogenated Si(100) results in a decane-terminated hydrophobic surface, indicated by the sessile-drop water contact angle at 107 ± 2°. This maximum contact angle is achieved at 160 °C under 30 mTorr of vapor-phase 1-decene. The fractional surface coverage of decane, calculated from the IR absorbance of C-H stretching vibrational modes near 2900 cm-1, follows a Langmuir isotherm. The absolute surface coverage calculated from the IR absorbance saturates at 3.2 × 1014 cm-2. On the basis of this isotherm, the empirical rate constant (k2′) that governs the rate-limiting step in 1-decene adsorption on HF-treated Si(100) is (3.3 ± 0.7) × 10-2 min-1. The thickness and cant angle of the decane monolayer at the saturation coverage are calculated from angle resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (AR-XPS). The calculated thickness ranges from 8.4 to 18 Å due to the uncertainty in the attenuation lengths of C(1s) and Si(2p) photoelectrons through the decane layer. For the same uncertainty, the calculated cant angle ranges from 0 to 55°. Spectroscopic ellipsometry is independently used to approximate the film thickness at 16 Å. Monitoring the decane monolayer over a period of 50 days using AR-XPS indicates that the Si surface underneath the decane monolayer gets oxidized with time, leading to the degradation of the decane layer.

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Microtubule-templated biomimetic mineralization of lepidocrocite

Proposed for publication in Advanced Functional Materials.

Bunker, B.C.; Boal, Andrew B.; Headley, Thomas J.; Tissot, Ralph G.; Bunker, B.C.

Protein microtubules (MTs) 25 nm in diameter and tens of micrometers long have been used as templates for the biomimetic mineralization of FeOOH. Exposure of MTs to anaerobic aqueous solutions of Fe{sup 2+} buffered to neutral pH followed by aerial oxidation leads to the formation of iron oxide coated MTs. The iron oxide layer was found to grow via a two-step process: initially formed 10-30 nm thick coatings were found to be amorphous in structure and comprised of several iron-containing species. Further growth resulted in MTs coated with highly crystalline layers of lepidocrocite with a controllable thickness of up to 125 nm. On the micrometer size scale, these coated MTs were observed to form large, irregular bundles containing hundreds of individually coated MTs. Iron oxide grew selectively on the MT surface, a result of the highly charged MT surface that provided an interface favorable for iron oxide nucleation. This result illustrates that MTs can be used as scaffolds for the in-situ production of high-aspect-ratio inorganic nanowires.

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Switchable Hydrophobic-Hydrophilic Surfaces

Bunker, B.C.; Huber, Dale L.; Kent, Michael S.; Yim, Hyun Y.; Curro, John G.; Manginell, Ronald P.; Mendez, Sergio M.

Tethered films of poly n-isopropylacrylamide (PNIPAM) films have been developed as materials that can be used to switch the chemistry of a surface in response to thermal activation. In water, PNIPAM exhibits a thermally-activated phase transition that is accompanied by significant changes in polymer volume, water contact angle, and protein adsorption characteristics. New synthesis routes have been developed to prepare PNIPAM films via in-situ polymerization on self-assembled monolayers. Swelling transitions in tethered films have been characterized using a wide range of techniques including surface plasmon resonance, attenuated total reflectance infrared spectroscopy, interfacial force microscopy, neutron reflectivity, and theoretical modeling. PNIPAM films have been deployed in integrated microfluidic systems. Switchable PNIPAM films have been investigated for a range of fluidic applications including fluid pumping via surface energy switching and switchable protein traps for pre-concentrating and separating proteins on microfluidic chips.

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The influence of coating structure on micromachine stiction

Tribology Letters

Kushmerick, J.G.; Hankins, M.G.; De Boer, Maarten P.; Clews, Peggy J.; Carpick, R.W.; Bunker, B.C.

Stiction and friction in micromachines is commonly inhibited through the use of silane coupling agents such as 1H-, 1H-, 2H-, 2H-perfluorodecyltrichlorosilane (FDTS). FDTS coatings have allowed micromachine parts processed in water to be released without debilitating capillary adhesion occurring. These coatings are frequently considered as densely-packed monolayers, well-bonded to the substrate. In this paper, it is demonstrated that FDTS coatings can exhibit complex nanoscale structures, which control whether micromachine parts release or not. Surface images obtained via atomic force microscopy reveal that FDTS coating solutions can generate micellar aggregates that deposit on substrate surfaces. Interferometric imaging of model beam structures shows that stiction is high when the droplets are present and low when only monolayers are deposited. As the aggregate thickness (tens of nanometers) is insufficient to bridge the 2 μm gap under the beams, the aggregates appear to promote beam-substrate adhesion by changing the wetting characteristics of coated surfaces. Contact angle measurements and condensation figure experiments have been performed on surfaces and under coated beams to quantify the changes in interfacial properties that accompany different coating structures. These results may explain the irreproducibility that is often observed with these films.

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47 Results
47 Results