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Metabolomics Analysis of Bacterial Pathogen Burkholderia thailandensis and Mammalian Host Cells in Co-culture

ACS Infectious Diseases

Aiosa, Nicole A.; Sinha, Anupama S.; Jaiyesimi, Olakunle J.; da Silva, Ricardo d.; Branda, Steven B.; Garg, Neha G.

The Tier 1 HHS/USDA Select Agent Burkholderia pseudomallei is a bacterial pathogen that is highly virulent when introduced into the respiratory tract and intrinsically resistant to many antibiotics. Transcriptomic- and proteomic-based methodologies have been used to investigate mechanisms of virulence employed by B. pseudomallei and Burkholderia thailandensis, a convenient surrogate; however, analysis of the pathogen and host metabolomes during infection is lacking. Changes in the metabolites produced can be a result of altered gene expression and/or post-transcriptional processes. Thus, metabolomics complements transcriptomics and proteomics by providing a chemical readout of a biological phenotype, which serves as a snapshot of an organism’s physiological state. However, the poor signal from bacterial metabolites in the context of infection poses a challenge in their detection and robust annotation. In this work, we coupled mammalian cell culture-based metabolomics with feature-based molecular networking of mono- and co-cultures to annotate the pathogen’s secondary metabolome during infection of mammalian cells. These methods enabled us to identify several key secondary metabolites produced by B. thailandensis during infection of airway epithelial and macrophage cell lines. Additionally, the use of in silico approaches provided insights into shifts in host biochemical pathways relevant to defense against infection. Using chemical class enrichment analysis, for example, we identified changes in a number of host-derived compounds including immune lipids such as prostaglandins, which were detected exclusively upon pathogen challenge. Taken together, our findings indicate that co-culture of B. thailandensis with mammalian cells alters the metabolome of both pathogen and host and provides a new dimension of information for in-depth analysis of the host–pathogen interactions underlying Burkholderia infection.

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Nanoparticle Mediated Delivery of Therapeutic mRNA for Protection Against Lung Damage

Branda, Steven B.; Mosesso, Richard M.; Sinha, Anupama S.; Thatcher, Christine T.; Collette, Nicole C.; Phillips, Ashlee P.; Tanner, Tanya T.

Medical countermeasures (MCMs) based on messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) are promising due to their programmability, targeting precision and specificity, predictable physicochemical properties, and amenability to scalable manufacture. However, safe and effective delivery vehicles are needed, especially for targeting the lung. We developed a generalized approach to nanoparticle-mediated mRNA delivery to lung, and used it to evaluate candidate therapies. In initial studies, reporter mRNA was delivered using lipid-coated mesoporous silica nanoparticles (LC-MSNs) and lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), the latter with greater consistency. Then, mRNA encoding known protein therapies were delivered using LNPs. These formulations showed some toxicity in mice with lung damage, but those with IL-1RA, sACE2-Ig, and ANGPT1 mRNA were modestly therapeutic on balance. Our work advances the state of the art for mRNA delivery to lung, and provides a foundation for evaluating and characterizing mRNA-based lung therapies, including three that appear to be exceptionally promising.

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Supercritical CO2 sterilization of N95 Masks

Koplow, Jeffrey P.; Smith, Kent S.; Jouravel, Natalia J.; Buffleben, George M.; Sinha, Anupama S.; Negrete, Oscar N.; Barnett, T.; Karnesky, Richard A.

A preliminary investigation of the use of supercritical carbon dioxide for treating of 3M 1860 N95 masks was undertaken to evaluate a potential route to low-cost, scalable, sterilization of personal protective equipment for multiple reuse in hospital settings. Upon entering the supercritical regime, the normally distinct liquid and gaseous phases of CO2 merge into a single homogeneous phase that has density, short-range order, and solvation capacity of a liquid, but the volume-filling and permeation properties that of a gas. This enables supercritical CO2 to function as a vehicle for delivery of biocidal agents such peracetic acid into microporous structures. The potentially adverse effect of a liquid-to-gas phase transition on mask filter media is avoided by conducting cleaning operations above 31 C, the critical temperature for carbon dioxide. A sample of fifteen 3M 1860 N95 masks was subjected to ten consecutive cycles of supercritical CO2 cleaning to determine its effect on mask performance. These 15 masks, along with 5 control samples then underwent a battery of standardized tests at the CDC NIOSH NPPTL research facility in Pittsburgh, PA. The data from these tests strongly suggest (but do not prove) that supercritical carbon dioxide do not damage 3M 1860 N95 masks. Additional tests conducted during this project confirmed the compatibility of supercritical CO2 with ventilator tubing that, like N95 masks, has been in short supply during portions of the COVID-19 pandemic and cannot be sterilized by conventional means. Finally, a control experiment was also conducted to examine the effect of supercritical CO2 on a BSL-2 surrogate virus, vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), Indiana serotype strain. In the absence of biocidal additives, supercritical CO2 exhibited no measurable lethality against VSV. This surrogate virus experiment suggests that a biocidal additive such as peracetic acid will be necessary to achieve required sterilization metrics.

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Genome Sequences of Burkholderia thailandensis Strains E421, E426, and DW503

Microbiology Resource Announcements

Mageeney, Catherine M.; Sinha, Anupama S.; Williams, Kelly P.; Branda, Steven B.

We present the draft genome sequences of three Burkholderia thailandensis strains, E421, E426, and DW503. E421 consists of 90 contigs of 6,639,935 bp and 67.73% GC content. E426 consists of 106 contigs of 6,587,853 bp and 67.73% GC content. DW503 consists of 102 contigs of 6,458,767 bp and 67.64% GC content.

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Library preparation for the Oxford Minion sequencer with 'ASPIRE': Automated sample PrEP by indexed rotary exchange

21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2017

Jayamohan, Harikrishnan J.; Sinha, Anupama S.; Krishnakumar, Raga K.; Edwards, Harrison E.; Younis, Tariq A.; Trevithick, Jacob D.; Patel, Kamlesh P.; Bartsch, Michael B.

We report a prototype system to automate the DNA library preparation of bacterial genomes for analysis with the Oxford MinION nanopore sequencer as a first step towards a universal bacterial pathogen identification and biosurveillance tool. The ASPIRE (Automated Sample Preparation by Indexed Rotary Exchange) platform incorporates a rotary hydrophobic substrate that provides sequential delivery of sample and reagent droplets to heater and magnetic bead trapping modules via a single capillary coupled to a syringe pump. We have applied ASPIRE-based library preparation to lambda-phage and E. coli genomic DNA (gDNA) and verified its ability to produce libraries with DNA yield and ultimate sequenced read size distribution, quality, and reference-mapping percentages comparable to those obtained for benchtop prep methods.

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Elucidation of Host-Pathogen Interactions via Dual RNA-Seq Analysis to Support Development of Countermeasures Against the Intracellular Bacterial Pathogen Burkholderia pseudomallei

Branda, Steven B.; Wang, Pei-Li W.; LaBauve, Annette E.; Sinha, Anupama S.; Poorey, Kunal N.; Williams, Kelly P.; Michailidis, George M.; Schoeniger, Joseph S.; Mageeney, Catherine M.; Courtney, Colleen M.; El-Etr, Sahar E.; Franco, Magda F.; Lao, Victoria L.; D'haeseleer, Patrik D.; Pena, Jose P.; Segelke, Brent S.

Abstract not provided.

Systematic and stochastic influences on the performance of the MinION nanopore sequencer across a range of nucleotide bias

Scientific Reports

Krishnakumar, Raga K.; Sinha, Anupama S.; Bird, Sara W.; Jayamohan, Harikrishnan; Edwards, Harrison S.; Schoeniger, Joseph S.; Patel, Kamlesh P.; Branda, Steven B.; Bartsch, Michael B.

Emerging sequencing technologies are allowing us to characterize environmental, clinical and laboratory samples with increasing speed and detail, including real-time analysis and interpretation of data. One example of this is being able to rapidly and accurately detect a wide range of pathogenic organisms, both in the clinic and the field. Genomes can have radically different GC content however, such that accurate sequence analysis can be challenging depending upon the technology used. Here, we have characterized the performance of the Oxford MinION nanopore sequencer for detection and evaluation of organisms with a range of genomic nucleotide bias. We have diagnosed the quality of base-calling across individual reads and discovered that the position within the read affects base-calling and quality scores. Finally, we have evaluated the performance of the current state-of-the-art neural network-based MinION basecaller, characterizing its behavior with respect to systemic errors as well as context- and sequence-specific errors. Overall, we present a detailed characterization the capabilities of the MinION in terms of generating high-accuracy sequence data from genomes with a wide range of nucleotide content. This study provides a framework for designing the appropriate experiments that are the likely to lead to accurate and rapid field-forward diagnostics.

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Real-Time Automated Pathogen Identification by Enhanced Ribotyping (RAPIER) LDRD Final Report

Bartsch, Michael B.; Bird, Sara W.; Branda, Steven B.; Edwards, Harrison E.; Jayamohan, Harikrishnan J.; Krishnakumar, Raga K.; Patel, Kamlesh P.; Schoeniger, Joseph S.; Sinha, Anupama S.

Funded through the IHNS/E&HS investment area for FY16-18, the RAPIER LDRD sought to evaluate the potential benefits and applicability of the new Oxford MinION nanopore sequencer to pathogen diagnostic applications in biodefense, biosurveillance, and global/public health. The project had four primary objectives: 1) to investigate the performance of the MinION sequencer while building facility with its operation, 2) to develop microfluidic library prep automation facilitating the use of the MinION in field-forward or point-of-care applications, 3) to leverage CRISPR/Cas9 technology to enable targeted identification of bacterial pathogens, and 4) to capitalize on the real- time data output capabilities of the MinION to enable rapid sequence-based diagnostics. While the rapid evolution of the MinION sequencing technology during the course of the project posed a number of challenges and required a reassessment of initial project priorities, it also provided unique opportunities, notably culminating in our development of the RUBRIC real-time selective sequencing software.

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Experimental single-strain mobilomics reveals events that shape pathogen emergence

Nucleic Acids Research

Schoeniger, Joseph S.; Hudson, Corey H.; Bent, Zachary W.; Sinha, Anupama S.; Williams, Kelly P.

Virulence genes on mobile DNAs such as genomic islands (GIs) and plasmids promote bacterial pathogen emergence. Excision is an early step in GI mobilization, producing a circular GI and a deletion site in the chromosome; circular forms are also known for some bacterial insertion sequences (ISs). The recombinant sequence at the junctions of such circles and deletions can be detected sensitively in high-throughput sequencing data, using new computational methods that enable empirical discovery of mobile DNAs. For the rich mobilome of a hospital Klebsiella pneumoniae strain, circularization junctions (CJs) were detected for six GIs and seven IS types. Our methods revealed differential biology of multiple mobile DNAs, imprecision of integrases and transposases, and differential activity among identical IS copies for IS26, ISKpn18 and ISKpn21. Using the resistance of circular dsDNA molecules to exonuclease, internally calibrated with the native plasmids, showed that not all molecules bearing GI CJs were circular. Transpositions were also detected, revealing replicon preference (ISKpn18 prefers a conjugative IncA/C2 plasmid), local action (IS26), regional preferences, selection (against capsule synthesis) and IS polarity inversion. Efficient discovery and global characterization of numerous mobile elements per experiment improves accounting for the new gene combinations that arise in emerging pathogens.

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Genome sequence of the historical clinical isolate Burkholderia pseudomallei PHLS 6

Genome Announcements

D'haeseleer, Patrik; Johnson, Shannon L.; Davenport, Karen W.; Chain, Patrick S.; Schoeniger, Joseph S.; Ray, Debjit R.; Sinha, Anupama S.; Williams, Kelly P.; Peña, José; Branda, Steven B.; El-Etr, Sahar

Here, we present the draft genome sequence of Burkholderia pseudomallei PHLS 6, a virulent clinical strain isolated from a melioidosis patient in Bangladesh in 1960. The draft genome consists of 39 contigs and is 7,322,181 bp long.

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A transcriptomic analysis of Yersinia enterocolitica biovar 1B infecting murine macrophages reveals new mechanisms of intracellular survival

Infection and Immunity

Poorey, Kunal N.; Sinha, Anupama S.; Curtis, Deanna J.; Williams, Kelly P.; Branda, Steven B.; Meagher, Robert M.

Yersinia enterocolitica is typically considered an extracellular pathogen; however, during the course of an infection, a significant number of bacteria are stably maintained within host cell vacuoles. Little is known about this population and the role it plays during an infection. To address this question and to elucidate the spatially and temporally dynamic gene expression patterns of Y. enterocoliticabiovar 1B through the course of an in vitro infection, transcriptome sequencing and differential gene expression analysis of bacteria infecting murine macrophage cells were performed under four distinct conditions. Bacteria were first grown in a nutrient-rich medium at 26°C to establish a baseline of gene expression that is unrelated to infection. The transcriptomes of these bacteria were then compared to bacteria grown in a conditioned cell culture medium at 37°C to identify genes that were differentially expressed in response to the increased temperature and medium but not in response to host cells. Infections were then performed, and the transcriptomes of bacteria found on the extracellular surface and intracellular compartments were analyzed individually. The upregulated genes revealed potential roles for a variety of systems in promoting intracellular virulence, including the Ysa type III secretion system, the Yts2 type II secretion system, and the Tad pilus. It was further determined that mutants of each of these systems had decreased virulence while infecting macrophages. Overall, these results reveal the complete set of genes expressed by Y. enterocolitica in response to infection and provide the groundwork for future virulence studies.

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The rotary zone thermal cycler: A low-power system enabling automated rapid PCR


Bartsch, Michael B.; Edwards, Harrison S.; Lee, Daniel; Moseley, Caroline E.; Tew, Karen E.; Renzi, Ronald F.; Van De Vreugde, James L.; Kim, Hanyoup; Knight, Daniel L.; Sinha, Anupama S.; Branda, Steven B.; Patel, Kamlesh P.

Advances in molecular biology, microfluidics, and laboratory automation continue to expand the accessibility and applicability of these methods beyond the confines of conventional, centralized laboratory facilities and into point of use roles in clinical, military, forensic, and field-deployed applications. As a result, there is a growing need to adapt the unit operations of molecular biology (e.g., aliquoting, centrifuging, mixing, and thermal cycling) to compact, portable, low-power, and automation-ready formats. Here we present one such adaptation, the rotary zone thermal cycler (RZTC), a novel wheel-based device capable of cycling up to four different fixed-temperature blocks into contact with a stationary 4-microliter capillarybound sample to realize 1-3 second transitions with steady state heater power of less than 10 W. We demonstrate the utility of the RZTC for DNA amplification as part of a highly integrated rotary zone PCR (rzPCR) system that uses low-volume valves and syringe-based fluid handling to automate sample loading and unloading, thermal cycling, and between-run cleaning functionalities in a compact, modular form factor. In addition to characterizing the performance of the RZTC and the efficacy of different online cleaning protocols, we present preliminary results for rapid single-plex PCR, multiplex short tandem repeat (STR) amplification, and second strand cDNA synthesis.

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A solvent replenishment solution for managing evaporation of biochemical reactions in air-matrix digital microfluidics devices

Lab on a Chip

Jebrail, Mais J.; Renzi, Ronald F.; Sinha, Anupama S.; Van De Vreugde, James L.; Gondhalekar, Carmen; Ambriz, Cesar; Meagher, Robert M.; Branda, Steven B.

Digital microfluidics (DMF) is a powerful technique for sample preparation and analysis for a broad range of biological and chemical applications. In many cases, it is desirable to carry out DMF on an open surface, such that the matrix surrounding the droplets is ambient air. However, the utility of the air-matrix DMF format has been severely limited by problems with droplet evaporation, especially when the droplet-based biochemical reactions require high temperatures for long periods of time. We present a simple solution for managing evaporation in air-matrix DMF: just-in-time replenishment of the reaction volume using droplets of solvent. We demonstrate that this solution enables DMF-mediated execution of several different biochemical reactions (RNA fragmentation, first-strand cDNA synthesis, and PCR) over a range of temperatures (4-95°C) and incubation times (up to 1 h or more) without use of oil, humidifying chambers, or off-chip heating modules. Reaction volumes and temperatures were maintained roughly constant over the course of each experiment, such that the reaction kinetics and products generated by the air-matrix DMF device were comparable to those of conventional benchscale reactions. This simple yet effective solution for evaporation management is an important advance in developing air-matrix DMF for a wide variety of new, high-impact applications, particularly in the biomedical sciences.

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A Microfluidic DNA Library Preparation Platform for Next-Generation Sequencing


Kim, Hanyoup; Jebrail, Mais J.; Sinha, Anupama S.; Bent, Zachary B.; Solberg, Owen D.; Williams, Kelly P.; Langevin, Stanley A.; Renzi, Ronald F.; Van De Vreugde, James L.; Meagher, Robert M.; Schoeniger, Joseph S.; Lane, Todd L.; Branda, Steven B.; Bartsch, Michael B.; Patel, Kamlesh D.

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is emerging as a powerful tool for elucidating genetic information for a wide range of applications. Unfortunately, the surging popularity of NGS has not yet been accompanied by an improvement in automated techniques for preparing formatted sequencing libraries. To address this challenge, we have developed a prototype microfluidic system for preparing sequencer-ready DNA libraries for analysis by Illumina sequencing. Our system combines droplet-based digital microfluidic (DMF) sample handling with peripheral modules to create a fully-integrated, sample-in library-out platform. In this report, we use our automated system to prepare NGS libraries from samples of human and bacterial genomic DNA. E. coli libraries prepared on-device from 5 ng of total DNA yielded excellent sequence coverage over the entire bacterial genome, with >99% alignment to the reference genome, even genome coverage, and good quality scores. Furthermore, we produced a de novo assembly on a previously unsequenced multi-drug resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae strain BAA-2146 (KpnNDM). The new method described here is fast, robust, scalable, and automated. Our device for library preparation will assist in the integration of NGS technology into a wide variety of laboratories, including small research laboratories and clinical laboratories. © 2013 Kim et al.

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Identification of host response signatures of infection

Sinha, Anupama S.; Bent, Zachary B.

Biological weapons of mass destruction and emerging infectious diseases represent a serious and growing threat to our national security. Effective response to a bioattack or disease outbreak critically depends upon efficient and reliable distinguishing between infected vs healthy individuals, to enable rational use of scarce, invasive, and/or costly countermeasures (diagnostics, therapies, quarantine). Screening based on direct detection of the causative pathogen can be problematic, because culture- and probe-based assays are confounded by unanticipated pathogens (e.g., deeply diverged, engineered), and readily-accessible specimens (e.g., blood) often contain little or no pathogen, particularly at pre-symptomatic stages of disease. Thus, in addition to the pathogen itself, one would like to detect infection-specific host response signatures in the specimen, preferably ones comprised of nucleic acids (NA), which can be recovered and amplified from tiny specimens (e.g., fingerstick draws). Proof-of-concept studies have not been definitive, however, largely due to use of sub-optimal sample preparation and detection technologies. For purposes of pathogen detection, Sandia has developed novel molecular biology methods that enable selective isolation of NA unique to, or shared between, complex samples, followed by identification and quantitation via Second Generation Sequencing (SGS). The central hypothesis of the current study is that variations on this approach will support efficient identification and verification of NA-based host response signatures of infectious disease. To test this hypothesis, we re-engineered Sandia's sophisticated sample preparation pipelines, and developed new SGS data analysis tools and strategies, in order to pioneer use of SGS for identification of host NA correlating with infection. Proof-of-concept studies were carried out using specimens drawn from pathogen-infected non-human primates (NHP). This work provides a strong foundation for large-scale, highly-efficient efforts to identify and verify infection-specific host NA signatures in human populations.

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43 Results
43 Results