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Critical steps in preventing future pandemics. Early lessons from the Covid-19 crisis for addressing natural and deliberate biological threats

Singh, Anup K.

This report summarizes a virtual workshop on early lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic as they pertain to proactively addressing future biological threats. Co-hosted by Sandia National Laboratory (Sandia) and the Council on Strategic Risks (CSR) in August 2020, the discussion involved experts who at that time were leading innovative efforts in various U.S. government agencies, industry, and academia sharing observations from their ongoing pandemic response efforts. Based on the input by these expert participants, it is clear that even though the pandemic response is ongoing, the following recommendations will be important to consider for more successfully addressing biological threats in the future: Continue building on the cross-sector collaboration and agility shown in the COVID-19 response; Expand capabilities for detecting biological threats early; Prioritize ways to create and disseminate medical countermeasures even faster; Create the U.S. bio industrial base needed for rapid response to biological threats, and keep it healthy; and, Major government reorganization may not be needed if there is effective work to form coalitions, improve coordination, and expand steady-state and surge capacities.

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A versatile and robust droplet-based microfluidic automation system for high-throughput optimization of biosynthetic pathways

23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2019

Iwai, Kosuke; Wehrs, Maren; Kim, Peter W.; Sustarich, Jess; Northen, Trent R.; Martin, Hector G.; Adams, Paul D.; Singh, Anup K.

We present a novel fully-automated droplet-based microfluidic system to enable programmable combinatorial mixing, electroporation for CRISPR-based gene editing, and high-throughput screening on chip. It is highly robust and compatible with conventional liquid handler systems to interface, enabling 100 different reactions at a time with dramatically lower reagents consumption. Utilizing proposed system, we perform accelerated optimization of biosynthetic pathway of indigoidine in Escherichia coli (E. coli).

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Integrated LAMP and immunoassay platform for diarrheal disease detection

Biosensors and Bioelectronics

Phaneuf, Christopher P.; Mangadu, Betty; Tran, Huu T.; Light, Yooli K.; Sinha, Anchal; Charbonier, Frank W.; Eckles, Tyler P.; Singh, Anup K.; Koh, Chung-Yan K.

The challenges of diagnosing infectious disease, especially in the developing world, and the shortcomings of available instrumentation have exposed the need for portable, easy-to-use diagnostic tools capable of detecting the wide range of causative microbes while operating in low resource settings. We present a centrifugal microfluidic platform that combines ultrasensitive immunoassay and isothermal amplification-based screening for the orthogonal detection of both protein and nucleic acid targets at the point-of-care. A disposable disc with automatic aliquoting inlets is paired with a non-contact heating system and precise rotary control system to yield an easy-to-use, field-deployable platform with versatile screening capabilities. The detection of three enterotoxins (cholera toxin, Staphylococcal enterotoxin B, and Shiga-like toxin 1) and three enteric bacteria (C. jejuni, E. coli, and S. typhimurium) were performed independently and shown to be highly sensitive (limit of detection = 1.35–5.50 ng/mL for immunoassays and 1–30 cells for isothermal amplification), highly exclusive in the presence of non-specific targets, and capable of handling a complex sample matrix like stool. The full panel of toxins and bacteria were reliably detected simultaneously on a single disc at clinically relevant sample concentrations in less than an hour. The ability of our technology to detect multiple analyte types in parallel at the point-of-care can serve a variety of needs, from routine patient care to outbreak triage, in a variety of settings to reduce disease impact and expedite effective treatment.

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Droplet microfluidics for synthetic biology

Lab on a Chip

Gach, Philip C.; Iwai, Kosuke; Kim, Peter W.; Hillson, Nathan J.; Singh, Anup K.

Synthetic biology is an interdisciplinary field that aims to engineer biological systems for useful purposes. Organism engineering often requires the optimization of individual genes and/or entire biological pathways (consisting of multiple genes). Advances in DNA sequencing and synthesis have recently begun to enable the possibility of evaluating thousands of gene variants and hundreds of thousands of gene combinations. However, such large-scale optimization experiments remain cost-prohibitive to researchers following traditional molecular biology practices, which are frequently labor-intensive and suffer from poor reproducibility. Liquid handling robotics may reduce labor and improve reproducibility, but are themselves expensive and thus inaccessible to most researchers. Microfluidic platforms offer a lower entry price point alternative to robotics, and maintain high throughput and reproducibility while further reducing operating costs through diminished reagent volume requirements. Droplet microfluidics have shown exceptional promise for synthetic biology experiments, including DNA assembly, transformation/transfection, culturing, cell sorting, phenotypic assays, artificial cells and genetic circuits.

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Centrifugal Microfluidic Platform for Rapid, Multiplexed Detection of TB and HIV Biomarkers in Whole Blood Samples

Journal of Bioengineering & Biomedical Science

Litvinov, Julia L.; Moen, Scott T.; Koh, Chung-Yan K.; Singh, Anup K.

Infection with Mycobacterium Tuberculosis represents a significant threat to people with immune disorders, such as HIV-positive individuals, and can result in significant health complications or death if not diagnosed and treated early. We present a centrifugal microfluidic platform for multiplexed detection of tuberculosis and HIV biomarkers in human whole blood with minimal sample preparation and a sample-to-answer time of 30 minutes. This multiplexed assay was developed for the detection of two M.tuberculosis secreted proteins, whose secretion represents an active and ongoing infection, as well as detection of HIV p24 protein and human anti-p24 antibodies. The limit of detection for this multiplex assay is in the pg/mL range for both HIV and M.tuberculosis proteins, making this assay potentially useful in the clinical diagnosis of both HIV and Tuberculosis proteins indicative of active infection. Antigen detection for the HIV assay sensitivity was 89%, the specificity 85%. Serological detection had 100% sensitivity and specificity for the limited sample pool. The centrifugal microfluidic platform presented here offers the potential for a portable, fast and inexpensive multiplexed diagnostic device that can be used in resource-limited settings for diagnosis of TB and HIV.

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Digital droplet multiple displacement amplification (DDMDA) for whole genome sequencing of limited DNA samples


Rhee, Minsoung R.; Light, Yooli K.; Meagher, Robert M.; Singh, Anup K.

Multiple displacement amplification (MDA) is a widely used technique for amplification of DNA from samples containing limited amounts of DNA (e.g., uncultivable microbes or clinical samples) before whole genome sequencing. Despite its advantages of high yield and fidelity, it suffers from high amplification bias and non-specific amplification when amplifying sub-nanogram of template DNA. Here, we present a microfluidic digital droplet MDA (ddMDA) technique where partitioning of the template DNA into thousands of sub-nanoliter droplets, each containing a small number of DNA fragments, greatly reduces the competition among DNA fragments for primers and polymerase thereby greatly reducing amplification bias. Consequently, the ddMDA approach enabled a more uniform coverage of amplification over the entire length of the genome, with significantly lower bias and non-specific amplification than conventional MDA. For a sample containing 0.1 pg/μL of E. coli DNA (equivalent of ~3/1000 of an E. coli genome per droplet), ddMDA achieves a 65-fold increase in coverage in de novo assembly, and more than 20-fold increase in specificity (percentage of reads mapping to E. coli) compared to the conventional tube MDA. ddMDA offers a powerful method useful for many applications including medical diagnostics, forensics, and environmental microbiology.

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Centrifugal microfluidic platform for integrated analysis of proteins and nucleic acids from clinical and environmental samples

20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2016

Koh, Chung-Yan K.; Phaneuf, C.R.; Light, Yooli K.; Mangadu, B.; Tran, Huu T.; Helm, J.I.; Throckmorton, Daniel J.; Singh, Anup K.

Portable, sensitive, easy-to-use diagnostics are urgently needed to meet the growing need for advanced healthcare in the developing world. As the recent outbreaks of infectious diseases have demonstrated, early detection and treatment are vital tools to containing outbreaks and minimizing loss of life. Toward addressing these concerns, we have developed a centrifugal microfluidic platform capable of detecting both proteins and nucleic acids signatures from biological threats. This platform utilizes a novel sedimentation assay format to integrate sample preparation into a single step. Platform performance is competitive with traditional benchtop techniques.

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Rapid, portable, multiplexed detection of bacterial pathogens directly from clinical sample matrices


Phaneuf, Christopher P.; Mangadu, Betty; Piccini, Matthew E.; Singh, Anup K.; Koh, Chung-Yan K.

Enteric and diarrheal diseases are a major cause of childhood illness and death in countries with developing economies. Each year, more than half of a million children under the age of five die from these diseases. We have developed a portable, microfluidic platform capable of simultaneous, multiplexed detection of several of the bacterial pathogens that cause these diseases. This platform can perform fast, sensitive immunoassays directly from relevant, complex clinical matrices such as stool without extensive sample cleanup or preparation. Using only 1 μL of sample per assay, we demonstrate simultaneous multiplexed detection of four bacterial pathogens implicated in diarrheal and enteric diseases in less than 20 min.

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Centrifugal sedimentation immunoassays for multiplexed detection of enteric bacteria in ground water


Litvinov, Julia; Moen, Scott T.; Koh, Chung-Yan K.; Singh, Anup K.

Waterborne pathogens pose significant threat to the global population and early detection plays an important role both in making drinking water safe, as well as in diagnostics and treatment of water-borne diseases. We present an innovative centrifugal sedimentation immunoassay platform for detection of bacterial pathogens in water. Our approach is based on binding of pathogens to antibody-functionalized capture particles followed by sedimentation of the particles through a density-media in a microfluidic disk. Beads at the distal end of the disk are imaged to quantify the fluorescence and determine the bacterial concentration. Our platform is fast (20 min), can detect as few as ~10 bacteria with minimal sample preparation, and can detect multiple pathogens simultaneously. The platform was used to detect a panel of enteric bacteria (Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Shigella, Listeria, and Campylobacter) spiked in tap and ground water samples.

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Portable centrifugal microfluidic platform for nucleic acid detection

20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2016

Phaneuf, C.R.; Light, Yooli K.; Tran, Huu T.; Singh, Anup K.; Koh, Chung-Yan K.

The threats of disease outbreaks and bioterrorism demand field-deployable technology capable of rapid, sensitive, and accurate diagnosis. In order to address such public health concerns, we present a portable centrifugal microfluidic platform and demonstrate sensitive detection of E. coli down to single digit starting copies using isothermal amplification via loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP). The platform, which is composed of a compact optical system for laser induced fluorescence (LIF) detection, a quiet brushless motor, and an efficient non-contact heater, offers an easy-to-use system capable of performing sensitive pathogen screening in a lab-free environment.

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Centrifugal microfluidic platform for ultrasensitive detection of botulinum toxin

Analytical Chemistry

Koh, Chung-Yan K.; Schaff, Ulrich Y.; Piccini, Matthew E.; Stanker, Larry H.; Cheng, Luisa W.; Ravichandran, Easwaran; Singh, Bal R.; Sommer, Greg J.; Singh, Anup K.

We present an innovative centrifugal microfluidic immunoassay platform (SpinDx) to address the urgent biodefense and public health need for ultrasensitive point-of-care/incident detection of botulinum toxin. The simple, sample-to-answer centrifugal microfluidic immunoassay approach is based on binding of toxins to antibody-laden capture particles followed by sedimentation of the particles through a density-media in a microfluidic disk and quantification by laser-induced fluorescence. A blind, head-to-head comparison study of SpinDx versus the gold-standard mouse bioassay demonstrates 100-fold improvement in sensitivity (limit of detection = 0.09 pg/mL), while achieving total sample-to-answer time of <30 min with 2-∼L required volume of the unprocessed sample. We further demonstrate quantification of botulinum toxin in both exogeneous (human blood and serum spiked with toxins) and endogeneous (serum from mice intoxicated via oral, intranasal, and intravenous routes) samples. SpinDx can analyze, without any sample preparation, multiple sample types including whole blood, serum, and food. It is readily expandable to additional analytes as the assay reagents (i.e., the capture beads and detection antibodies) are disconnected from the disk architecture and the reader, facilitating rapid development of new assays. SpinDx can also serve as a general-purpose immunoassay platform applicable to diagnosis of other conditions and diseases.

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A Portable Immunoassay Platform for Multiplexed Detection of Biotoxins in Clinical and Environmental Samples

Sandia journal manuscript; Not yet accepted for publication

Koh, Chung-Yan K.; Piccini, Matthew E.; Schaff, Ulrich, Y.; Stanker, Larry H.; Cheng, Luisa W.; Ravichandran, Easwaran R.; Singh, Bal-Ram S.; Sommer, Greg J.; Singh, Anup K.

Multiple cases of attempted bioterrorism events using biotoxins have highlighted the urgent need for tools capable of rapid screening of suspect samples in the field (e.g., mailroom and public events). We present a portable microfluidic device capable of analyzing environmental (e.g., white powder), food (e.g., milk) and clinical (e.g., blood) samples for multiplexed detection of biotoxins. The device is rapid (<15-30 min sample-to-answer), sensitive (< 0.08 pg/mL detection limit for botulinum toxin), multiplexed (up to 64 parallel assays) and capable of analyzing small volume samples (< 20 μL total sample input). The immunoassay approach (SpinDx) is based on binding of toxins in a sample to antibody-laden capture particles followed by sedimentation of particles through a density-media in a microfluidic disk and quantification using a laser-induced fluorescence detector. A direct, blinded comparison with a gold standard ELISA revealed a 5-fold more sensitive detection limit for botulinum toxin while requiring 250-fold less sample volume and a 30 minute assay time with a near unity correlation. A key advantage of the technique is its compatibility with a variety of sample matrices with no additional sample preparation required. Ultrasensitive quantification has been demonstrated from direct analysis of multiple clinical, environmental and food samples, including white powder, whole blood, saliva, salad dressing, whole milk, peanut butter, half and half, honey, and canned meat. We believe that this device can met an urgent need in screening both potentially exposed people as well as suspicious samples in mail-rooms, airports, public sporting venues and emergency rooms. The general-purpose immunodiagnostics device can also find applications in screening of infectious and systemic diseases or serve as a lab device for conducting rapid immunoassays.

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Microfluidic Molecular Assay Platform for the Detection of miRNAs, mRNAs, Proteins, and Posttranslational Modifications at Single-Cell Resolution

Journal of Laboratory Automation

Wu, Meiye; Singh, Anup K.

Cell signaling is a dynamic and complex process. A typical signaling pathway may begin with activation of cell surface receptors, leading to activation of a kinase cascade that culminates in induction of messenger RNA (mRNA) and noncoding microRNA (miRNA) production in the nucleus, followed by modulation of mRNA expression by miRNAs in the cytosol, and end with production of proteins in response to the signaling pathway. Signaling pathways involve proteins, miRNA, and mRNAs, along with various forms of transient posttranslational modifications, and detecting each type of signaling molecule requires categorically different sample preparation methods such as Western blotting for proteins, PCR for nucleic acids, and flow cytometry for posttranslational modifications. Since we know that cells in populations behave heterogeneously,1 especially in the cases of stem cells, cancer, and hematopoiesis, there is need for a new technology that provides capability to detect and quantify multiple categories of signaling molecules in intact single cells to provide a comprehensive view of the cell’s physiological state. In this Technology Brief, we describe our automated microfluidic platform with a portfolio of customized molecular assays that can detect nucleic acids, proteins, and posttranslational modifications in single intact cells with >95% reduction in reagent requirement in under 8 h.

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miRNA detection at single-cell resolution using microfluidic LNA flow-FISH

Methods in Molecular Biology

Wu, Meiye W.; Singh, Anup K.

Flow cytometry in combination with fluorescent in situ hybridization (flow-FISH) is a powerful technique that can be utilized to rapidly detect nucleic acids at single-cell resolution without the need for homogenization or nucleic acid extraction. Here, we describe a microfluidic-based method which enables the detection of microRNAs or miRNAs in single intact cells by flow-FISH using locked nucleic acid (LNA)-containing probes. Our method can be applied to all RNA species including mRNA and small noncoding RNA and is suitable for multiplexing with protein immunostaining in the same cell. For demonstration of our method, this chapter details the detection of miR155 and CD69 protein in PMA and ionomycin-stimulated Jurkat cells. Here, we also include instructions on how to set up a microfluidic chip sample preparation station to prepare cells for imaging and analysis on a commercial flow cytometer or a custom-built micro-flow cytometer.

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Towards synthetic biology in a chip: An integrated digital microfluidic platform for transformation, culture and expression

18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2014

Gach, Philip C.; Shih, Steve C.C.; Sustarich, Jess; Hillson, Nathan J.; Adams, Paul D.; Singh, Anup K.

Synthetic biology experiments require optimization of pathways consisting of many genes and other genetic elements and given the large number of alternatives available for each element, optimization of a pathway can require large number of experiments consuming prohibitively-expensive amounts of DNA and enzymes. Digital microfluidics (DMF), because of its ability to process small volumes, presents a cost-effective solution for conducting high-throughput cloning and expression experiments. We describe the first DMF device for automating all critical steps of transformation and culture including plasmid addition, transformation by heat-shock, addition of selection medium, culture and expression of GFP.

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Microfluidic platforms for RNA interference screening of virus-host interactions

Lab on a Chip

Schudel, Benjamin R.; Harmon, Brooke N.; Abhyankar, Vinay V.; Pruitt, Benjamin W.; Negrete, Oscar N.; Singh, Anup K.

RNA interference (RNAi) is a powerful tool for functional genomics with the capacity to comprehensively analyze host-pathogen interactions. High-throughput RNAi screening is used to systematically perturb cellular pathways and discover therapeutic targets, but the method can be tedious and requires extensive capital equipment and expensive reagents. To aid in the development of an inexpensive miniaturized RNAi screening platform, we have developed a two part microfluidic system for patterning and screening gene targets on-chip to examine cellular pathways involved in virus entry and infection. First, a multilayer polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-based spotting device was used to array siRNA molecules into 96 microwells targeting markers of endocytosis, along with siRNA controls. By using a PDMS-based spotting device, we remove the need for a microarray printer necessary to perform previously described small scale (e.g. cellular microarrays) and microchip-based RNAi screening, while still minimizing reagent usage tenfold compared to conventional screening. Second, the siRNA spotted array was transferred to a reversibly sealed PDMS-based screening platform containing microchannels designed to enable efficient cell loading and transfection of mammalian cells while preventing cross-contamination between experimental conditions. Validation of the screening platform was examined using Vesicular stomatitis virus and emerging pathogen Rift Valley fever virus, which demonstrated virus entry pathways of clathrin-mediated endocytosis and caveolae-mediated endocytosis, respectively. The techniques here are adaptable to other well-characterized infection pathways with a potential for large scale screening in high containment biosafety laboratories. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.

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Microfluidic devices to elucidate human gene participation in infection of rift valley fever virus

15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2011, MicroTAS 2011

Schudel, Benjamin R.; Negrete, Oscar N.; Harmon, Brooke N.; Pruitt, Benjamin W.; Singh, Anup K.

A microfluidic RNA interference screening device was designed to study which genes are involved in Rift Valley Fever Virus (RVFV) infection. Spots of small interfering RNA (siRNA) are manually spotted onto a glass microscope slide, and aligned to a screening device designed to accommodate cell seeding, siRNA transfection, cell culture, virus infection and imaging analysis. This portable and disposable PDMS-based microfluidic device for RNAi screening was designed for a 96-well library of transfection against variety of gene targets. Current results show transfection of GFP-22 siRNA within the device, as compared to controls, which inhibit the expression of GFP produced by recombinant RVFV. This technique can be applied to host-pathogen interactions for highly dangerous systems in BSL-3/4 laboratories, where bulky robotic equipment is not ideal.

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Fish 'N' chips - A single cell genomic analyzer for the human microbiome

14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2010, MicroTAS 2010

Meagher, Robert M.; Liu, Peng L.; Light, Yooli K.; Patel, K.D.; Perroud, T.D.; Singh, Anup K.

Uncultivable microorganisms likely play significant roles in the ecology within the human body, with subtle but important implications for human health. Focusing on the oral microbiome, we are developing a processor for targeted isolation of individual microbial cells, facilitating whole-genome analysis without the need for isolation of pure cultures. The processor consists of three microfluidic modules: identification based on 16S rRNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), fluorescence-based sorting, and encapsulation of individual selected cells into small droplets for whole-genome amplification. We present here a technique for performing microscale FISH and flow cytometry, as a prelude to single cell sorting.

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A fully-integrated aptamer-based affinity assay platform for monitoring astronaut health in space

14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2010, MicroTAS 2010

Sommer, G.J.; Hecht, A.H.; Durland, R.H.; Yang, X.; Singh, Anup K.; Hatch, Anson H.

Here we demonstrate the suitability of robust nucleic acid affinity reagents in an integrated point-of-care diagnostic platform for monitoring proteomic biomarkers indicative of astronaut health in spaceflight applications. A model thioaptamer[1] targeting nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-KB) is evaluated in an on-chip electrophoretic gel-shift assay for human serum. Key steps of i) mixing sample with the aptamer, ii) buffer exchange, and iii) preconcentration of sample were successfully integrated upstream of fluorescence-based detection. Challenges due to i) nonspecific interactions with serum, and ii) preconcentration at a nanoporous membrane are discussed and successfully resolved to yield a robust, rapid, and fully-integrated diagnostic system.

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An ultra-sensitive microfluidic immunoassay using living radical polymerization and porous polymer monoliths

14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2010, MicroTAS 2010

Abhyankar, Vinay V.; Singh, Anup K.; Hatch, Anson H.

We present a platform that combines patterned photopolymerized polymer monoliths with living radical polymerization (LRP) to develop a low cost microfluidic based immunoassay capable of sensitive (low to sub pM) and rapid (<30 minute) detection of protein in 100 μL sample. The introduction of LRP functionality to the porous monolith allows one step grafting of functionalized affinity probes from the monolith surface while the composition of the hydrophilic graft chain reduces non-specific interactions and helps to significantly improve the limit of detection.

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Electrophoretic concentration of DNA at nanoporous polymer membranes for separations and diagnostics

Meagher, Robert M.; Thaitrong, Numrin T.; Singh, Anup K.

We report on the use of thin ({approx}30 micron) photopatterned polymer membranes for on-line preconcentration of single- or double-stranded DNA samples prior to electrophoretic analysis. Shaped UV laser light is used to quickly ({approx}10 seconds) polymerize a highly crosslinked polyacrylamide plug. By applying an electric field across the membrane, DNA from a dilute sample can be concentrated into a narrow zone (<100 micron wide) at the outside edge of the membrane. The field at the membrane can then be reversed, allowing the narrow plug to be cleanly injected into a separation channel filled with a sieving polymer for analysis. Concentration factors >100 are possible, increasing the sensitivity of analysis for dilute samples. We have fabricated both neutral membranes (purely size-based exclusion) as well as anionic membranes (size and charge exclusion), and characterized the rate of preconcentration as well as the efficiency of injection from both types of membrane, for DNA, ranging from a 20 base ssDNA oligonucleotide to >14 kbp dsDNA. We have also investigated the effects of concentration polarization on device performance for the charged membrane. Advantages of the membrane preconcentration approach include the simplicity of device fabrication and operation, and the generic (non-sequence specific) nature of DNA capture, which is useful for complex or poorly characterized samples where a specific capture sequence is not present. The membrane preconcentration approach is well suited to simple single-level etch glass chips, with no need for patterned electrodes, integrated heaters, valves, or other elements requiring more complex chip fabrication. Additionally, the ability to concentrate multiple charged analytes into a narrow zone enables a variety of assay functionalities, including enzyme-based and hybridization-based analyses.

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Chip-based in situ hybridization for identification of bacteria from the human microbiome

Meagher, Robert M.; Liu, Peng L.; Light, Yooli K.; Singh, Anup K.

The emerging field of metagenomics seeks to assess the genetic diversity of complex mixed populations of bacteria, such as those found at different sites within the human body. A single person's mouth typically harbors up to 100 bacterial species, while surveys of many people have found more than 700 different species, of which {approx}50% have never been cultivated. In typical metagenomics studies, the cells themselves are destroyed in the process of gathering sequence information, and thus the connection between genotype and phenotype is lost. A great deal of sequence information may be generated, but it is impossible to assign any given sequence to a specific cell. We seek non-destructive, culture-independent means of gathering sequence information from selected individual cells from mixed populations. As a first step, we have developed a microfluidic device for concentrating and specifically labeling bacteria from a mixed population. Bacteria are electrophoretically concentrated against a photopolymerized membrane element, and then incubated with a specific fluorescent label, which can include antibodies as well as specific or non-specific nucleic acid stains. Unbound stain is washed away, and the labeled bacteria are released from the membrane. The stained cells can then be observed via epifluorescence microscopy, or counted via flow cytometry. We have tested our device with three representative bacteria from the human microbiome: E. coli (gut, Gram-negative), Lactobacillus acidophilus (mouth, Gram-positive), and Streptococcus mutans (mouth, Gram-positive), with results comparable to off-chip labeling techniques.

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FISH 'N' Chips : a single cell genomic analyzer for the human microbiome

Meagher, Robert M.; Patel, Kamlesh P.; Light, Yooli K.; Liu, Peng L.; Singh, Anup K.

Uncultivable microorganisms likely play significant roles in the ecology within the human body, with subtle but important implications for human health. Focusing on the oral microbiome, we are developing a processor for targeted isolation of individual microbial cells, facilitating whole-genome analysis without the need for isolation of pure cultures. The processor consists of three microfluidic modules: identification based on 16S rRNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), fluorescence-based sorting, and encapsulation of individual selected cells into small droplets for whole genome amplification. We present here a technique for performing microscale FISH and flow cytometry, as a prelude to single cell sorting.

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A microfluidic platform for the fluidic isolation and observation of cells challenged with pathogens

Technical Digest - Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems Workshop

James, Conrad D.; Moorman, M.W.; Carson, Bryan C.; Joo, J.; Branda, C.S.; Manginell, Ronald P.; Lantz, J.; Renzi, R.; Martino, Anthony M.; Singh, Anup K.

Single-cell analysis offers a promising method of studying cellular functions including investigation of mechanisms of host-pathogen interaction. We are developing a microfluidic platform that integrates single-cell capture along with an optimized interface for high-resolution fluorescence microscopy. The goal is to monitor, using fluorescent reporter constructs and labeled antibodies, the early events in signal transduction in innate immunity pathways of macrophages and other immune cells. The work presented discusses the development of the single-cell capture device, the iCellator chip, that isolates, captures, and exposes cells to pathogenic insults. We have successfully monitored the translocation of NF-κB, a transcription factor, from the cytoplasm to the nucleus after lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation of RAW264.7 macrophages.

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Microscale Immune Studies Laboratory

Singh, Anup K.

The overarching goal is to develop novel technologies to elucidate molecular mechanisms of the innate immune response in host cells to pathogens such as bacteria and viruses including the mechanisms used by pathogens to subvert/suppress/obfuscate the immune response to cause their harmful effects. Innate immunity is our first line of defense against a pathogenic bacteria or virus. A comprehensive 'system-level' understanding of innate immunity pathways such as toll-like receptor (TLR) pathways is the key to deciphering mechanisms of pathogenesis and can lead to improvements in early diagnosis or developing improved therapeutics. Current methods for studying signaling focus on measurements of a limited number of components in a pathway and hence, fail to provide a systems-level understanding. We have developed a systems biology approach to decipher TLR4 pathways in macrophage cell lines in response to exposure to pathogenic bacteria and their lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Our approach integrates biological reagents, a microfluidic cell handling and analysis platform, high-resolution imaging and computational modeling to provide spatially- and temporally-resolved measurement of TLR-network components. The Integrated microfluidic platform is capable of imaging single cells to obtain dynamic translocation data as well as high-throughput acquisition of quantitative protein expression and phosphorylation information of selected cell populations. The platform consists of multiple modules such as single-cell array, cell sorter, and phosphoflow chip to provide confocal imaging, cell sorting, flow cytomtery and phosphorylation assays. The single-cell array module contains fluidic constrictions designed to trap and hold single host cells. Up to 100 single cells can be trapped and monitored for hours, enabling detailed statistically-significant measurements. The module was used to analyze translocation behavior of transcription factor NF-kB in macrophages upon activation by E. coli and Y. pestis LPS. The chip revealed an oscillation pattern in translocation of NF-kB indicating the presence of a negative feedback loop involving IKK. Activation of NF-kB is preceded by phosphorylation of many kinases and to correlate the kinase activity with translocation, we performed flow cytometric assays in the PhosphoChip module. Phopshorylated forms of p38. ERK and RelA were measured in macrophage cells challenged with LPS and showed a dynamic response where phosphorylation increases with time reaching a maximum at {approx}30-60min. To allow further downstream analysis on selected cells, we also implemented an optical-trapping based sorting of cells. This has allowed us to sort macrophages infected with bacteria from uninfected cells with the goal of obtaining data only on the infected (the desired) population. The various microfluidic chip modules and the accessories required to operate them such as pumps, heaters, electronic control and optical detectors are being assembled in a bench-top, semi-automated device. The data generated is being utilized to refine existing TLR pathway model by adding kinetic rate constants and concentration information. The microfluidic platform allows high-resolution imaging as well as quantitative proteomic measurements with high sensitivity (<pM) and time-resolution ({approx}15 s) in the same population of cells, a feat not achievable by current techniques. Furthermore, our systems approach combining the microfluidic platform and high-resolution imaging with the associated computational models and biological reagents will significantly improve our ability to study cell-signaling involved in host-pathogen interactions and other diseases such as cancer. The advances made in this project have been presented at numerous national and international conferences and are documented in many peer-reviewed publications as listed. Finer details of many of the component technologies are described in these publications. The chapters to follow in this report are also adapted from other manuscripts that are accepted for publication, submitted or in preparation to be submitted to peer-reviewed journals.

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Microfluidic-based cell sorting of Francisella tularensis infected macrophages using optical forces

Analytical Chemistry

Perroud, Thomas D.; Kaiser, Julia N.; Sy, Jay C.; Lane, Todd L.; Branda, Catherine B.; Singh, Anup K.; Patel, Kamlesh P.

We have extended the principle of optical tweezers as a noninvasive technique to actively sort hydrodynamically focused cells based on their fluorescence signal in a microfluidic device. This micro fluorescence-activated cell sorter (μFACS) uses an infrared laser to laterally deflect cells into a collection channel. Green-labeled macrophages were sorted from a 40/60 ratio mixture at a through-put of 22 cells/s over 30 min achieving a 93% sorting purity and a 60% recovery yield. To rule out potential photoinduced cell damage during optical deflection, we investigated the response of mouse macrophage to brief exposures (<4 ms) of focused 1064-nm laser light (9.6 W at the sample). We found no significant difference in viability, cell proliferation, activation state, and functionality between infrared-exposed and unexposed cells. Activation state was measured by the phosphorylation of ERK and nuclear translocation of NF-κB, while functionality was assessed in a similar manner, but after a lipopolysaccharide challenge. To demonstrate the selective nature of optical sorting, we isolated a subpopulation of macrophages highly infected with the fluorescently labeled pathogen Francisella tularensis subsp. novicida. A total of 10 738 infected cells were sorted at a throughput of 11 cells/s with 93% purity and 39% recovery. © 2008 American Chemical Society.

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On-chip isoelectric focusing using photopolymerized immobilized pH gradients

Analytical Chemistry

Sommer, Greg J.; Singh, Anup K.; Hatch, Anson V.

We present the first successful adaptation of immobilized pH gradients (IPGs) to the microscale (μIPGs) using a new method for generating precisely defined polymer gradients on-chip. Gradients of monomer were established via diffusion along 6 mm flow-restricted channel segments. Precise control over boundary conditions and the resulting gradient is achieved by continuous flow of stock solutions through side channels flanking the gradient segment. Once the desired gradient is established, it is immobilized via photopolymerization. Precise gradient formation was verified with spatial and temporal detection of a fluorescent dye added to one of the flanking streams. Rapid (<20 min) isoelectric focusing of several fluorescent pI markers and proteins is demonstrated across pH 3.8-7.0 μIPGs using both denaturing and nondenaturing conditions, without the addition of carrier ampholytes. The μIPG format yields improved stability and comparable resolution to prominent on-chip IEF techniques. In addition to rapid, high-resolution separations, the reported μIPG format is amenable to multiplexed and multidimensional analysis via custom gradients as well as integration with other on-chip separation methods. © 2008 American Chemical Society.

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Ultra-rapid sample preconcentration under slant field using high-aspect-ratio nanoporous membranes

12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences - The Proceedings of MicroTAS 2008 Conference

Wang, Ying C.; Singh, Anup K.; Hatch, Anson H.

We describe a novel approach to fabricate high-aspect-ratio membranes in microchannels by direct laser scanning, and demonstrate >10-fold improvement in sample preconcentration speed by achieving lower fM detection of proteins within 5 minutes. The integrated device can be used for continuous sample preparation, injection, preconcentration, and biochemical binding/reaction applications. © 2008 CBMS.

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Selective extraction of recombinant proteins by multiple-affinity two-phase partitioning in microchannels

12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences - The Proceedings of MicroTAS 2008 Conference

Meagher, Robert M.; Light, Yooli K.; Singh, Anup K.

We have demonstrated purification of proteins in a simple aqueous two-phase extraction process in a microfluidic device. The laminar flows inherent to microchannels allows us to perform a binary split of a complex cell lysate sample, in an open channel with no chromatography support and no moving parts. This mild process allows recovery of functional proteins with a modest increase in purity. Aromatic-rich fusion tags are used to drive partitioning of enzymes in a generic PEG-salt two-phase system. Addition of affinity ligands to the PEG phase allows us to exploit other popular fusion tags, such as polyhistidine tags and GST-tags. © 2008 CBMS.

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Rapid microchip-based electrophoretic immunoassays for the detection of swine influenza virus

Lab on a Chip

Reichmuth, David S.; Wang, Serena K.; Barrett, Louise M.; Throckmorton, Daniel J.; Einfeld, Wayne E.; Singh, Anup K.

Towards developing rapid and portable diagnostics for detecting zoonotic diseases, we have developed microchip-based electrophoretic immunoassays for sensitive and rapid detection of viruses. Two types of microchip-based electrophoretic immunoassays were developed. The initial assay used open channel electrophoresis and laser-induced fluorescence detection with a labeled antibody to detect influenza virus. However, this assay did not have adequate sensitivity to detect viruses at relevant concentrations for diagnostic applications. Hence, a novel assay was developed that allows simultaneous concentration and detection of viruses using a microfluidic chip with an integrated nanoporous membrane. The size-exclusion properties of the in situ polymerized polyacrylamide membrane are exploited to simultaneously concentrate viral particles and separate the virus/fluorescent antibody complex from the unbound antibody. The assay is performed in two simple steps-addition of fluorescently labeled antibodies to the sample, followed by concentration of antibody-virus complexes on a porous membrane. Excess antibodies are removed by electrophoresis through the membrane and the complex is then detected downstream of the membrane. This new assay detected inactivated swine influenza virus at a concentration four times lower than that of the open-channel electrophoresis assay. The total assay time, including device regeneration, is six minutes and requires <50 μl of sample. The filtration effect of the polymer membrane eliminates the need for washing, commonly required with surface-based immunoassays, increasing the speed of the assay. This assay is intended to form the core of a portable device for the diagnosis of high-consequence animal pathogens such as foot-and-mouth disease. The electrophoretic immunoassay format is rapid and simple while providing the necessary sensitivity for diagnosis of the illness state. This would allow the development of a portable, cost-effective, on-site diagnostic system for rapid screening of large populations of livestock, including sheep, pigs, cattle, and potentially birds. © The Royal Society of Chemistry.

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Precise microscale polymer gradients applied to isoelectric focusing and pore limit electrophoresis

12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences - The Proceedings of MicroTAS 2008 Conference

Sommer, G.J.; Singh, Anup K.; Hatch, Anson H.

We demonstrate the power of our technique for establishing and immobilizing well-defined polymer gradients in microchannels by fabricating two miniaturized analytical platforms: microscale immobilized pH gradients (μIPGs) for rapid and high resolution isoelectric focusing (IEF) applications, and polyacrylamide porosity gradients to achieve microscale pore limit electrophoresis (μPLE) in which species are separated based on molecular size by driving them toward the pore size at which migration ceases. Both separation techniques represent the first microscale implementation of their respective methodologies.

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Global analysis of heat shock response in Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough

Journal of Bacteriology

Chhabra, Swapnil R.; He, Q.; Huang, K.H.; Gaucher, Sara P.; Alm, E.J.; He, Z.; Hadi, M.Z.; Hazen, T.C.; Wall, J.D.; Zhou, J.; Arkin, A.P.; Singh, Anup K.

Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough belongs to a class of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) and is found ubiquitously in nature. Given the importance of SRB-mediated reduction for bioremediation of metal ion contaminants, ongoing research on D. vulgaris has been in the direction of elucidating regulatory mechanisms for this organism under a variety of stress conditions. This work presents a global view of this organism's response to elevated growth temperature using whole-cell transcriptomics and proteomics tools. Transcriptional response (1.7-fold change or greater; Z ≥ 1.5) ranged from 1,135 genes at 15 min to 1,463 genes at 120 min for a temperature up-shift of 13°C from a growth temperature of 37°C for this organism and suggested both direct and indirect modes of heat sensing. Clusters of orthologous group categories that were significantly affected included posttranslational modifications; protein turnover and chaperones (up-regulated); energy production and conversion (down-regulated), nucleotide transport, metabolism (down-regulated), and translation; ribosomal structure; and biogenesis (down-regulated). Analysis of the genome sequence revealed the presence of features of both negative and positive regulation which included the CIRCE element and promoter sequences corresponding to the alternate sigma factors σ32 and σ54. While mechanisms of heat shock control for some genes appeared to coincide with those established for Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis, the presence of unique control schemes for several other genes was also evident. Analysis of protein expression levels using differential in-gel electrophoresis suggested good agreement with transcriptional profiles of several heat shock proteins, including DnaK (DVU0811), HtpG (DVU2643), HtrA (DVU1468), and AhpC (DVU2247). The proteomics study also suggested the possibility of posttranslational modifications in the chaperones DnaK, AhpC, GroES (DVU1977), and GroEL (DVU1976) and also several periplasmic ABC transporters. Copyright © 2006, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

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Voltage-gated protein transport through nanoporous membranes

Micro Total Analysis Systems - Proceedings of MicroTAS 2006 Conference: 10th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences

Hatch, Anson V.; Singh, Anup K.

We report a novel means of fractionating proteins based on their voltage-dependent electromigration through nanopores of a polymer membrane. The nanoporous membranes were fabricated in situ in channels of a microchip using photopolymerization. The pores (1-10 nm) are small enough that proteins are excluded from passage with low applied electric fields, but increasing the field enables proteins to pass through. The magnitude of field required for a change in exclusion behavior is protein-specific with a correlation to protein size. Passage of proteins through the pores at higher field strengths could be attributed to partial unfolding or deformation of proteins due to the driving force of the applied field. The field-dependent exclusion mechanism could be useful as a multifaceted fractionation tool with single membranes or a network of membranes. Another exciting possibility is characterizing protein conformation, folding and stability based on field-dependent transport through nanopores. © 2006 Society for Chemistry and Micro-Nano Systems.

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Pseudo-stationary separation materials for highly parallel separations

Singh, Anup K.

Goal of this study was to develop and characterize novel polymeric materials as pseudostationary phases in electrokinetic chromatography. Fundamental studies have characterized the chromatographic selectivity of the materials as a function of chemical structure and molecular conformation. The selectivities of the polymers has been studied extensively, resulting in a large body of fundamental knowledge regarding the performance and selectivity of polymeric pseudostationary phases. Two polymers have also been used for amino acid and peptide separations, and with laser induced fluorescence detection. The polymers performed well for the separation of derivatized amino acids, and provided some significant differences in selectivity relative to a commonly used micellar pseudostationary phase. The polymers did not perform well for peptide separations. The polymers were compatible with laser induced fluorescence detection, indicating that they should also be compatible with chip-based separations.

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On-chip preconcentration of proteins for picomolar detection in oral fluids

Micro Total Analysis Systems - Proceedings of MicroTAS 2005 Conference: 9th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences

Hatch, A.V.; Herr, A.E.; Throckmorton, Daniel J.; Brennan, J.P.; Giannobile, W.V.; Singh, Anup K.

We report an automated on-chip clinical diagnostic that integrates analyte mixing, preconcentration, and subsequent detection using native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) immunoanalysis. Sample proteins are concentrated > 100-fold with an in situ polymerized size exclusion membrane. The membrane also facilitates rapid mixing of reagents and sample prior to analysis. The integrated system was used to rapidly (minutes) detect immune-response markers in saliva acquired from periodontal diseased patients. Copyright © 2005 by the Transducer Research Foundation, Inc.

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LDRD final report on nanovehicle light-driven propulsion

Shelnutt, John A.; Medforth, Craig J.; Singh, Anup K.; Van Swol, Frank

Having demonstrated the possibility of constructing nanoscale metallic vehicular bodies as described in last year's proposal, our goals have been to make uniform preparations of the metallized lipid assemblies and to determine the feasibility of powering these nanostructures with biological motors that are activated and driven by visible light. We desired that the propulsion system be constructed entirely by self-assembly and powered by a photocatalytic process partially already built into the nanovehicle. The nanovehicle we desire to build is composed of both natural biological components (ATPase, kinesin-microtubules) and biomimetic components (platinized liposomes, photosynthetic membrane) as functional units. The vehicle's body was originally envisioned to be composed of a surfactant liposomal bilayer coated with platinum nanoparticles, but instead of the expected nanoparticles we were able to grow dendritic 2-nm thick platinum sheets on the liposomes. Now, we have shown that it is possible to completely enclose the liposomes with sheeting to form porous platinum spheres, which show good structural stability as evidenced by their ability to survive the stresses of electron-microscopy sample preparation. Our goals were to control the synthesis of the platinized liposomes well enough to make uniform preparations of the coated individual liposomes and to develop the propulsion system for these nanovehicles a hydrogen-evolving artificial photosynthetic system in the liposomal bilayer that generates the pH gradient across the membrane that is necessary to drive the synthesis of ATP by ATP-synthase incorporated in the membrane. ATP produced would fuel the molecular motor (kinesin) attached to the vehicle, needing only light, storable ADP, phosphate, and an electron donor to be produced by ATP-synthase in the membrane. These research goals appear to be attainable, but growing the uniform preparations of the liposomes coated with dendritic platinum sheeting, a necessary accomplishment that would simplify the task of incorporating and verifying the photosynthetic function of the nanovehicle membrane, has proved to be difficult. The detailed understanding of the relative locations of surfactant and Pt in the liposomal bodies has also forced a change in the nanovehicle design strategies. Nevertheless, we have found no insurmountable obstacles to making these nanovehicles given a larger and longer term research effort. These nanovehicles could potentially respond to chemical gradients, light intensity, and field gradients, in the same manner that magnetic bacteria navigate. The cargo might include decision-making and guidance components, drugs and other biological and chemical agents, explosives, catalytic reactors, and structural materials.

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Controlled synthesis of 2-D and 3-D dendritic platinum nanostructures

Proposed for publication in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.

Shelnutt, John A.; Medforth, Craig J.; Singh, Anup K.; Brinker, C.J.; Van Swol, Frank

Seeding and autocatalytic reduction of platinum salts in aqueous surfactant solution using ascorbic acid as the reductant leads to remarkable dendritic metal nanostructures. In micellar surfactant solutions, spherical dendritic metal nanostructures are obtained, and the smallest of these nanodendrites resemble assemblies of joined nanoparticles and the nanodendrites are single crystals. With liposomes as the template, dendritic platinum sheets in the form of thin circular disks or solid foam-like nanomaterials can be made. Synthetic control over the morphology of these nanodendrites, nanosheets, and nanostructured foams is realized by using a tin-porphyrin photocatalyst to conveniently and effectively produce a large initial population of catalytic growth centers. The concentration of seed particles determines the ultimate average size and uniformity of these novel two- and three-dimensional platinum nanostructures.

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LDRD final report on light-powered nanovehicles

Shelnutt, John A.; Van Swol, Frank; Qiu, Yan Q.; Shelnutt, John A.; Medforth, Craig J.; Singh, Anup K.

We have investigated the possibility of constructing nanoscale metallic vehicles powered by biological motors or flagella that are activated and powered by visible light. The vehicle's body is to be composed of the surfactant bilayer of a liposome coated with metallic nanoparticles or nanosheets grown together into a porous single crystal. The diameter of the rigid metal vesicles is from about 50 nm to microns. Illumination with visible light activates a photosynthetic system in the bilayer that can generate a pH gradient across the liposomal membrane. The proton gradient can fuel a molecular motor that is incorporated into the membrane. Some molecular motors require ATP to fuel active transport. The protein ATP synthase, when embedded in the membrane, will use the pH gradient across the membrane to produce ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate. The nanoscale vehicle is thus composed of both natural biological components (ATPase, flagellum; actin-myosin, kinesin-microtubules) and biomimetic components (metal vehicle casing, photosynthetic membrane) as functional units. Only light and storable ADP, phosphate, water, and weak electron donor are required fuel components. These nano-vehicles are being constructed by self-assembly and photocatalytic and autocatalytic reactions. The nano-vehicles can potentially respond to chemical gradients and other factors such as light intensity and field gradients, in a manner similar to the way that magnetic bacteria navigate. The delivery package might include decision-making and guidance components, drugs or other biological and chemical agents, explosives, catalytic reactors, and structural materials. We expected in one year to be able only to assess the problems and major issues at each stage of construction of the vehicle and the likely success of fabricating viable nanovehicles with our biomimetic photocatalytic approach. Surprisingly, we have been able to demonstrate that metallized photosynthetic liposomes can indeed be made. We have completed the synthesis of metallized liposomes with photosynthetic function included and studied these structures by electron microscopy. Both platinum and palladium nanosheeting have been used to coat the micelles. The stability of the vehicles to mechanical stress and the solution environment is enhanced by the single-crystalline platinum or palladium coating on the vesicle. With analogous platinized micelles, it is possible to dry the vehicles and re-suspend them with full functionality. However, with the liposomes drying on a TEM grid may cause the platinized liposomes to collapse, although probably stay viable in solution. It remains to be shown whether a proton motive force across the metallized bilayer membrane can be generated and whether we will also be able to incorporate various functional capabilities including ATP synthesis and functional molecular motors. Future tasks to complete the nanovehicles would be the incorporation of ATP synthase into metallized liposomes and the incorporation of a molecular motor into metallized liposomes.

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DOE/BES/NSET annual report on growth of metal and semiconductor nanostructures using localized photocatalysts

Shelnutt, John A.; Brinker, C.J.; Van Swol, Frank; Haddad, Raid E.; Shelnutt, John A.; Medforth, Craig J.; Pereira, Eulalia P.; Singh, Anup K.

Our overall goal is to understand and develop a novel light-driven approach to the controlled growth of unique metal and semiconductor nanostructures and nanomaterials. In this photochemical process, bio-inspired porphyrin-based photocatalysts reduce metal salts in aqueous solutions at ambient temperatures to provide metal nucleation and growth centers. Photocatalyst molecules are pre-positioned at the nanoscale to control the location and morphology of the metal nanostructures grown. Self-assembly, chemical confinement, and molecular templating are some of the methods used for nanoscale positioning of the photocatalyst molecules. When exposed to light, the photocatalyst molecule repeatedly reduces metal ions from solution, leading to deposition and the synthesis of the new nanostructures and nanostructured materials. Studies of the photocatalytic growth process and the resulting nanostructures address a number of fundamental biological, chemical, and environmental issues and draw on the combined nanoscience characterization and multi-scale simulation capabilities of the new DOE Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, the University of New Mexico, and Sandia National Laboratories. Our main goals are to elucidate the processes involved in the photocatalytic growth of metal nanomaterials and provide the scientific basis for controlled synthesis. The nanomaterials resulting from these studies have applications in nanoelectronics, photonics, sensors, catalysis, and micromechanical systems. The proposed nanoscience concentrates on three thematic research areas: (1) the creation of nanoscale structures for realizing novel phenomena and quantum control, (2) understanding nanoscale processes in the environment, and (3) the development and use of multi-scale, multi-phenomena theory and simulation. Our goals for FY03 have been to understand the role of photocatalysis in the synthesis of dendritic platinum nanostructures grown from aqueous surfactant solutions under ambient conditions. The research is expected to lead to highly nanoengineered materials for catalysis mediated by platinum, palladium, and potentially other catalytically important metals. The nanostructures made also have potential applications in nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, and nanomagnetic systems. We also expect to develop a fundamental understanding of the uses and limitations of biomimetic photocatalysis as a means of producing metal and semiconductor nanostructures and nanomaterials. The work has already led to a relationship with InfraSUR LLC, a small business that is developing our photocatalytic metal reduction processes for environmental remediation. This work also contributes to science education at a predominantly Hispanic and Native American university.

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Distributed Sensor Particles for Remote Fluorescence Detection of Trace Analytes: UXO/CW

Singh, Anup K.; Schmitt, Randal L.; Johnson, Mark S.; Hargis, Philip J.; Simonson, Robert J.; Simonson, Robert J.; Schoeniger, Joseph S.; Ashley, Carol S.; Brinker, C.J.; Hance, Bradley G.

This report summarizes the development of sensor particles for remote detection of trace chemical analytes over broad areas, e.g residual trinitrotoluene from buried landmines or other unexploded ordnance (UXO). We also describe the potential of the sensor particle approach for the detection of chemical warfare (CW) agents. The primary goal of this work has been the development of sensor particles that incorporate sample preconcentration, analyte molecular recognition, chemical signal amplification, and fluorescence signal transduction within a ''grain of sand''. Two approaches for particle-based chemical-to-fluorescence signal transduction are described: (1) enzyme-amplified immunoassays using biocompatible inorganic encapsulants, and (2) oxidative quenching of a unique fluorescent polymer by TNT.

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