
19 Results
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Auto-Curation of Seismic Event Data for Signal Denoising

Fox, Dylan T.; Hammond, Patrick H.; Gonzales, Antonio G.; Lewis, Phillip J.

Denoising contaminated seismic signals for later processing is a fundamental problem in seismic signals analysis. Neural network approaches have shown success denoising local signals when trained on short-time Fourier transform spectrograms. One challenge of this approach is the onerous process of hand-labeling event signals for training. By leveraging the SCALODEEP seismic event detector, we develop an automated set of techniques for labeling event data. Despite region specific challenges, training the neural network denoiser on machine curated events shows comparable performance to the neural network trained on hand curated events. We showcase our technique with two experiments, one using Utah regional data and one using regional data from the Korean peninsula.

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Evaluating Scalograms for Seismic Event Denoising

Lewis, Phillip J.; Gonzales, Antonio G.; Hammond, Patrick H.

Denoising contaminated seismic signals for later processing is a fundamental problem in seismic signals analysis. The most straightforward denoising approach, using spectral filtering, is not effective when noise and seismic signal occupy the same frequency range. Neural network approaches have shown success denoising local signal when trained on short-time Fourier transform spectrograms (Zhu et al 2018; Tibi et al 2021). Scalograms, a wavelet-based transform, achieved ~15% better reconstruction as measured by dynamic time warping on a seismic waveform test set than spectrograms, suggesting their use as an alternative for denoising. We train a deep neural network on a scalogram dataset derived from waveforms recorded by the University of Utah Seismograph Stations network. We find that initial results are no better than a spectrogram approach, with additional overhead imposed by the significantly larger size of scalograms. A robust exploration of neural network hyperparameters and network architecture was not performed, which could be done in follow on work.

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Rapid and robust cross-correlation-based seismic signal identification using an approximate nearest neighbor method

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Tibi, Rigobert T.; Young, Christopher J.; Gonzales, Antonio G.; Ballard, Sanford B.; Encarnacao, Andre V.

The matched filtering technique that uses the cross correlation of a waveform of interest with archived signals from a template library has proven to be a powerful tool for detecting events in regions with repeating seismicity. However, waveform correlation is computationally expensive and therefore impractical for large template sets unless dedicated distributed computing hardware and software are used. In this study, we introduce an approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) approach that enables the use of very large template libraries for waveform correlation. Our method begins with a projection into a reduced dimensionality space, based on correlation with a randomized subset of the full template archive. Searching for a specified number of nearest neighbors for a query waveform is accomplished by iteratively comparing it with the neighbors of its immediate neighbors. We used the approach to search for matches to each of ∼2300 analyst-reviewed signal detections reported in May 2010 for the International Monitoring System station MKAR. The template library in this case consists of a data set of more than 200,000 analyst-reviewed signal detections for the same station from February 2002 to July 2016 (excluding May 2010). Of these signal detections, 73% are teleseismic first P and 17% regional phases (Pn, Pg, Sn, and Lg). The analyses performed on a standard desktop computer show that the proposed ANN approach performs a search of the large template libraries about 25 times faster than the standard full linear search and achieves recall rates greater than 80%, with the recall rate increasing for higher correlation thresholds.

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Enhanced Approximate Nearest Neighbor via Local Area Focused Search

Gonzales, Antonio G.; Blazier, Nicholas P.

Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) algorithms are increasingly important in machine learning, data mining, and image processing applications. There is a large family of space- partitioning ANN algorithms, such as randomized KD-Trees, that work well in practice but are limited by an exponential increase in similarity comparisons required to optimize recall. Additionally, they only support a small set of similarity metrics. We present Local Area Fo- cused Search (LAFS), a method that enhances the way queries are performed using an existing ANN index. Instead of a single query, LAFS performs a number of smaller (fewer similarity comparisons) queries and focuses on a local neighborhood which is refined as candidates are identified. We show that our technique improves performance on several well known datasets and is easily extended to general similarity metrics using kernel projection techniques.

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19 Results
19 Results