Uncertainty analysis for a silicon bulk micromachined dimensional metrology artifact
Proceedings of the 21st Annual ASPE Meeting, ASPE 2006
A mesoscale dimensional artifact based on silicon bulk micromachining fabrication has been developed with the intention of evaluating the artifact both on a high precision Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM), and on a video-probe based measuring system. A high accuracy touch-probe based CMM can achieve accuracies that are as good as the 2-D repeatability of video-probe systems. While video-probe based systems are commonly used to inspect mesoscale mechanical components, a video-probe system's certified accuracy is generally much worse than its repeatability. By using a hybrid artifact where the same features can be extracted by both a touch-probe and a video-probe, the accuracy of video-probe systems can be improved. In order to use the micromachined device as a calibration artifact, it is important to understand the uncertainty present in the touch-probe measurements. An uncertainty analysis is presented to show the potential accuracy of the measurement of these artifacts on a high precision CMM.