Quantum information processing has reached an inflection point, transitioning from proof-of-principle scientific experiments to small, noisy quantum processors. To accelerate this process and eventually move to fault-tolerant quantum computing, it is necessary to provide the scientific community with access to whitebox testbed systems. The Quantum Scientific Computing Open User Testbed (QSCOUT) provides scientists unique access to an innovative system to help advance quantum computing science.
Aspuru-Guzik, Alan A.; van Dam, Wim v.; Farhi, Edward F.; Gaitan, Frank G.; Humble, Travis S.; Jordan, Stephen J.; Landahl, Andrew J.; Love, Peter J.; Lucas, Robert F.; Preskill, John P.; Muller, Richard P.; Svore, Krysta S.; Wiebe, Nathan W.; Williams, Carl W.
This report details the findings of the DOE ASCR Workshop on Quantum Computing for Science that was organized to assess the viability of quantum computing technologies to meet the computational requirements of the DOE’s science and energy mission, and to identify the potential impact of quantum technologies. The workshop was held on February 17-18, 2015, in Bethesda, MD, to solicit input from members of the quantum computing community. The workshop considered models of quantum computation and programming environments, physical science applications relevant to DOE's science mission as well as quantum simulation, and applied mathematics topics including potential quantum algorithms for linear algebra, graph theory, and machine learning. This report summarizes these perspectives into an outlook on the opportunities for quantum computing to impact problems relevant to the DOE’s mission as well as the additional research required to bring quantum computing to the point where it can have such impact.
We lay the foundation for a benchmarking methodology for assessing current and future quantum computers. We pose and begin addressing fundamental questions about how to fairly compare computational devices at vastly different stages of technological maturity. We critically evaluate and offer our own contributions to current quantum benchmarking efforts, in particular those involving adiabatic quantum computation and the Adiabatic Quantum Optimizers produced by D-Wave Systems, Inc. We find that the performance of D-Wave's Adiabatic Quantum Optimizers scales roughly on par with classical approaches for some hard combinatorial optimization problems; however, architectural limitations of D-Wave devices present a significant hurdle in evaluating real-world applications. In addition to identifying and isolating such limitations, we develop algorithmic tools for circumventing these limitations on future D-Wave devices, assuming they continue to grow and mature at an exponential rate for the next several years.
This report summarizes the first year’s effort on the Enceladus project, under which Sandia was asked to evaluate the potential advantages of adiabatic quantum computing for analyzing large data sets in the near future, 5-to-10 years from now. We were not specifically evaluating the machine being sold by D-Wave Systems, Inc; we were asked to anticipate what future adiabatic quantum computers might be able to achieve. While realizing that the greatest potential anticipated from quantum computation is still far into the future, a special purpose quantum computing capability, Adiabatic Quantum Optimization (AQO), is under active development and is maturing relatively rapidly; indeed, D-Wave Systems Inc. already offers an AQO device based on superconducting flux qubits. The AQO architecture solves a particular class of problem, namely unconstrained quadratic Boolean optimization. Problems in this class include many interesting and important instances. Because of this, further investigation is warranted into the range of applicability of this class of problem for addressing challenges of analyzing big data sets and the effectiveness of AQO devices to perform specific analyses on big data. Further, it is of interest to also consider the potential effectiveness of anticipated special purpose adiabatic quantum computers (AQCs), in general, for accelerating the analysis of big data sets. The objective of the present investigation is an evaluation of the potential of AQC to benefit analysis of big data problems in the next five to ten years, with our main focus being on AQO because of its relative maturity. We are not specifically assessing the efficacy of the D-Wave computing systems, though we do hope to perform some experimental calculations on that device in the sequel to this project, at least to provide some data to compare with our theoretical estimates.