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Computationally Accelerated Discovery and Experimental Demonstration of Gd0.5La0.5Co0.5Fe0.5O3 for Solar Thermochemical Hydrogen Production

Frontiers in Energy Research

Park, James E.; Bare, Zachary J.L.; Morelock, Ryan J.; Rodriguez, Mark A.; Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Musgrave, Charles B.; McDaniel, Anthony H.; Coker, Eric N.

Solar thermochemical hydrogen (STCH) production is a promising method to generate carbon neutral fuels by splitting water utilizing metal oxide materials and concentrated solar energy. The discovery of materials with enhanced water-splitting performance is critical for STCH to play a major role in the emerging renewable energy portfolio. While perovskite materials have been the focus of many recent efforts, materials screening can be time consuming due to the myriad chemical compositions possible. This can be greatly accelerated through computationally screening materials parameters including oxygen vacancy formation energy, phase stability, and electron effective mass. In this work, the perovskite Gd0.5La0.5Co0.5Fe0.5O3 (GLCF), was computationally determined to be a potential water splitter, and its activity was experimentally demonstrated. During water splitting tests with a thermal reduction temperature of 1,350°C, hydrogen yields of 101 μmol/g and 141 μmol/g were obtained at re-oxidation temperatures of 850 and 1,000°C, respectively, with increasing production observed during subsequent cycles. This is a significant improvement from similar compounds studied before (La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3 and LaFe0.75Co0.25O3) that suffer from performance degradation with subsequent cycles. Confirmed with high temperature x-ray diffraction (HT-XRD) patterns under inert and oxidizing atmosphere, the GLCF mainly maintained its phase while some decomposition to Gd2-xLaxO3 was observed.

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Air separation via a two-step solar thermochemical cycle based on (Ba,La)xSr1-xFeO3-δ: Thermodynamic analysis

Solid State Ionics

Bush, Hagan E.; Nguyen, Nhu P.; Farr, Tyler; Loutzenhiser, Peter G.; Ambrosini, Andrea A.

A two-step solar thermochemical cycle was considered for air separation to produce N2 based on (Ba,La)xSr1-xFeO3-δ perovskite reduction/oxidation (redox) reactions for A-site fractions of 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.2. The cycle steps encompassed (1) thermal reduction and O2 release via concentrated solar input and (2) re-oxidation with air to uptake O2 and produce high-purity N2. Thermogravimetry at temperatures between 400 and 1100 °C in atmospheres of 0.005 to 90% O2/Ar at 1 bar was performed to measure equilibrium nonstoichiometries. The compound energy formalism was applied to model redox thermodynamics for both Ba2+ and La3+ substitution. Non-linear regression was used to determine the empirical parameters based on the thermogravimetric measurements. The model was used to define partial molar reaction enthalpies and entropies and predicted equilibrium oxygen nonstoichiometry as functions of oxide stoichiometry, site fraction, temperature, and O2 partial pressure. The thermodynamic analysis showed the materials are appealing for air separation at temperatures below 800 °C.

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Solar-Thermal Ammonia Production: System Design and Technoeconomic Analysis [Slides]

de la Calle, Alberto d.; Bush, Hagan E.; Ermanoski, Ivan E.; Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Stechel, Ellen B.

CO2-neutral ammonia production with concentrated solar technology is theoretically possible based on advanced solar thermochemical looping technology. The parametric analysis points to the re-oxidation temperature and the H3 yield as the most influential parameters in the energy balance. The cycle time and the nitride cost are the most influential parameters on the CAPEX. The techno-economics analysis shows the potential of the plant to achieve a target price <125 $\$$/tonne.

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Metal nitride materials for solar-thermal ammonia production [Slides]

Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Bush, Hagan E.; Gao, Xiang G.; Berquist, Zachary B.; Anbar, Nathaniel A.; Stechel, Ellen B.; Miller, James A.

Solar Thermal Ammonia Production has the potential to synthesize ammonia in a green, renewable process that can greatly reduce the carbon footprint left by the conventional Haber-Bosch reaction. Co3Mo3N has been identified as a potential candidate for ammonia production. It is synthesized via oxide precursor synthesis followed by nitridation under 10% H2/N2. The synthesis method can be extended to other candidate nitrides. The Co3Mo3N → Co6Mo6N reduction is demonstrated on TGA with rapid kinetics. The formation of NH3 is qualitatively observed, but not quantitatively determined. The material retains crystal structure, but no secondary phases are observed in XRD. Partial re-nitridation back to CMN331 of ~35% of max nitridation is observed. Reaction parameters in TGA differ from experimental conditions in the literature. Experiments at Georgia Tech better mimic re-nitridation conditions with more sensitive, quantitative analytical techniques (GC-MS). The ASU NH3 synthesis/re-nitridation reactor is under development and will permit experiments (reduction/re-nitridation) under precisely controlled T, pH2.

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Compositional and operational impacts on the thermochemical reduction of CO2to CO by iron oxide/yttria-stabilized zirconia

RSC Advances

Coker, Eric N.; Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Miller, James E.

Ferrites have potential for use as active materials in solar-thermochemical cycles because of their versatile redox chemistry. Such cycles utilize solar-thermal energy for the production of hydrogen from water and carbon monoxide from carbon dioxide. Although ferrites offer the potential for deep levels of reduction (e.g., stoichiometric conversion of magnetite to wüstite) and correspondingly large per-cycle product yields, in practice reactions are limited to surface regions made smaller by rapid sintering and agglomeration. Combining ferrites with zirconia or yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) greatly improves the cyclability of the ferrites and enables a move away from powder to monolithic systems. We have studied the behavior of iron oxides composited with YSZ using thermogravimetric analysis under operando conditions. Samples in which the iron was fully dissolved within the YSZ matrix showed greater overall extent of thermochemical redox and higher rate of reaction than samples with equal iron loading but in which the iron was only partially dissolved, with the rest existing as agglomerates of iron oxide within the ceramic matrix. Varying the yttria content of the YSZ revealed a maximum thermochemical capacity (yield per cycle) for 6 mol% Y2O3 in YSZ. The first thermochemical redox cycle performed for each sample resulted in a net mass loss that was proportional to the iron oxide loading in the material and was stoichiometrically consistent with complete reduction of Fe2O3 to Fe3O4 and further partial reduction of the Fe3O4 to FeO. Mass gains upon reaction with CO2 were consistent with re-oxidation of the FeO fraction back to Fe3O4. The Fe dissolved in the YSZ matrix, however, is capable of cycling stoichiometrically between Fe3+ and Fe2+. Varying the re-oxidation temperature between 1000 and 1200 °C highlighted the trade-off between re-oxidation rate and equilibrium limitations. This journal is

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An a-and b-site substitutional study of srfeo3−δ perovskites for solar thermochemical air separation


Farr, Tyler P.; Nguyen, Nhu P.; Bush, Hagan E.; Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Loutzenhiser, Peter G.

An A-and B-site substitutional study of SrFeO3−δ perovskites (A’x A1−x B’y B1−y O3−δ, where A = Sr and B = Fe) was performed for a two-step solar thermochemical air separation cycle. The cycle steps encompass (1) the thermal reduction of A’x Sr1−x B’y Fe1−y O3−δ driven by concentrated solar irradiation and (2) the oxidation of A’x Sr1−x B’y Fe1−y O3−δ in air to remove O2, leaving N2 . The oxidized A’x Sr1−x B’y Fe1−y O3−δ is recycled back to the first step to complete the cycle, resulting in the separation of N2 from air and concentrated solar irradiation. A-site substitution fractions between 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.2 were examined for A’ = Ba, Ca, and La. B-site substitution fractions between 0 ≤ y ≤ 0.2 were examined for B’ = Cr, Cu, Co, and Mn. Samples were prepared with a modified Pechini method and characterized with X-ray diffractometry. The mass changes and deviations from stoichiometry were evaluated with thermogravimetry in three screenings with temperature-and O2 pressure-swings between 573 and 1473 K and 20% O2 /Ar and 100% Ar at 1 bar, respectively. A’ = Ba or La and B’ = Co resulted in the most improved redox capacities amongst temperature-and O2 pressure-swing experiments.

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Experimental demonstration of a 5 kWth granular-flow reactor for solar thermochemical energy storage with aluminum-doped calcium manganite particles

Applied Thermal Engineering

Schrader, Andrew J.; Schieber, Garrett L.; Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Loutzenhiser, Peter G.

A two-step cycle was considered for solar thermochemical energy storage based on aluminum-doped calcium manganite reduction/oxidation reactions for direct integration into Air Brayton cycles. The two steps encompassed (1) the storage of concentrated solar direct irradiation via the thermal reduction of aluminum-doped calcium manganite and (2) the delivery of heat to an Air-Brayton cycle via re-oxidation of oxygen-deficient aluminum-doped calcium manganite. The re-oxidized aluminum-doped calcium manganite was fed back to the first step to complete the cycle. A 5 kWth solar thermochemical reactor operating under vacuum was fabricated and tested to examine the first cycle reduction step. Reactor operating conditions and high-flux solar simulator control were tuned for continuous reactor operation with particle temperatures >1073 K. Continuous operation was achieved using intermittent, dense granular flows. A maximum absorption efficiency of 64.7% was demonstrated, accounting for both sensible and chemical heat storage.

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Renewable hydrogen production via thermochemical/electrochemical coupling

Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Babiniec, Sean M.; Miller, James A.

A coupled electrochemical/thermochemical cycle was investigated to produce hydrogen from renewable resources. Like a conventional thermochemical cycle, this cycle leverages chemical energy stored in a thermochemical working material that is reduced thermally by solar energy. However, in this concept, the stored chemical energy only needs to be partially, but not fully, capable of splitting steam to produce hydrogen. To complete the process, a proton-conducting membrane is driven to separate hydrogen as it is produced, thus shifting the thermodynamics toward further hydrogen production. This novel coupled-cycle concept provides several benefits. First, the required oxidation enthalpy of the reversible thermochemical material is reduced, enabling the process to occur at lower temperatures. Second, removing the requirement for spontaneous steam-splitting widens the scope of materials compositions, allowing for less expensive/more abundant elements to be used. Lastly, thermodynamics calculations suggest that this concept can potentially reach higher efficiencies than photovoltaic-to-electrolysis hydrogen production methods. This Exploratory Express LDRD involved assessing the practical feasibility of the proposed coupled cycle. A test stand was designed and constructed and proton-conducting membranes were synthesized. While the full proof of concept was not achieved, the individual components of the experiment were validated and new capabilities that can be leveraged by a variety of programs were developed.

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Thermodynamic assessment of an electrically-enhanced thermochemical hydrogen production (EETHP) concept for renewable hydrogen generation

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

Babiniec, Sean M.; Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Miller, James E.

A novel concept for coupling a thermochemical cycle with an electrochemical separation device for the generation of hydrogen from steam is reported and a thermodynamic analysis of the system is presented. In a conventional thermochemical cycle, an oxygen carrier material is thermally reduced, cooled, and then reoxidized in steam thereby generating hydrogen. However, this process often requires high temperatures (>1700 K) and/or low oxygen partial pressures (<0.001 atm) in order to meet thermodynamic requirements. Such extreme conditions can adversely affect the stability of the reactive oxides, reactor materials, and system efficiency. In our proposed technology, we seek to decrease the required reduction temperature by several hundred degrees Kelvin by relaxing the requirement for spontaneous oxidation reaction at atmospheric pressure. This is accomplished by incorporating a proton-conducting membrane (PCM) to separate hydrogen produced at equilibrium concentrations from reactant steam. We also suggest the use of mixed ionic-electronic conducting (MIEC) oxygen carrier materials that reduce through a continuum of oxidation states at lower temperatures (∼1200 °C). This concept allows the generation of a high-quality hydrogen stream while avoiding the challenging high temperatures/low partial pressures required in conventional water-splitting reaction schemes.

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Doped calcium manganites for advanced high-temperature thermochemical energy storage

International Journal of Energy Research

Babiniec, Sean M.; Coker, Eric N.; Miller, James E.; Ambrosini, Andrea A.

Developing efficient thermal storage for concentrating solar power plants is essential to reducing the cost of generated electricity, extending or shifting the hours of operation, and facilitating renewable penetration into the grid. Perovskite materials of the CaBxMn1-xO3-δ family, where B=Al or Ti, promise improvements in cost and energy storage density over other perovskites currently under investigation. Thermogravimetric analysis of the thermal reduction and reoxidation of these materials was used to extract equilibrium thermodynamic parameters. The results demonstrate that these novel thermochemical energy storage media display the highest reaction enthalpy capacity for perovskites reported to date, with a reaction enthalpy of 390kJ/kg, a 56% increase over previously reported compositions.

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Considerations for the design of a high-temperature particle reoxidation reactor for extraction of heat in thermochemical energy storage systems

ASME 2016 10th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2016, collocated with the ASME 2016 Power Conference and the ASME 2016 14th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology

Babiniec, Sean M.; Miller, James E.; Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Stechel, Ellen; Coker, Eric N.; Loutzenhiser, Peter G.; Ho, Clifford K.

In an effort to increase thermal energy storage densities and turbine inlet temperatures in concentrating solar power (CSP) systems, focus on energy storage media has shifted from molten salts to solid particles. These solid particles are stable at temperatures far greater than that of molten salts, allowing the use of efficient high-temperature turbines in the power cycle. Furthermore, many of the solid particles under development store heat via reversible chemical reactions (thermochemical energy storage, TCES) in addition to the heat they store as sensible energy. The heat-storing reaction is often the thermal reduction of a metal oxide. If coupled to an Air-Brayton system, wherein air is used as the turbine working fluid, the subsequent extraction of both reaction and sensible heat, as well as the transfer of heat to the working fluid, can be accomplished in a direct-contact, counter-flow reoxidation reactor. However, there are several design challenges unique to such a reactor, such as maintaining requisite residence times for reactions to occur, particle conveying and mitigation of entrainment, and the balance of kinetics and heat transfer rates to achieve reactor outlet temperatures in excess of 1200 °C. In this paper, insights to addressing these challenges are offered, and design and operational tradeoffs that arise in this highlycoupled system are introduced and discussed.

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High performance reduction/oxidation metal oxides for thermochemical energy storage (PROMOTES)

ASME 2016 10th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2016, collocated with the ASME 2016 Power Conference and the ASME 2016 14th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology

Miller, James E.; Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Babiniec, Sean M.; Coker, Eric N.; Ho, Clifford K.; Al-Ansary, Hany; Jeter, Sheldon M.; Loutzenhiser, Peter G.; Johnson, Nathan G.; Stechel, Ellen B.

Thermochemical energy storage (TCES) offers the potential for greatly increased storage density relative to sensible-only energy storage. Moreover, heat may be stored indefinitely in the form of chemical bonds via TCES, accessed upon demand, and converted to heat at temperatures significantly higher than current solar thermal electricity production technology and is therefore well-suited to more efficient high-temperature power cycles. The PROMOTES effort seeks to advance both materials and systems for TCES through the development and demonstration of an innovative storage approach for solarized Air-Brayton power cycles and that is based on newly-developed redox-active metal oxides that are mixed ionic-electronic conductors (MIEC). In this paper we summarize the system concept and review our work to date towards developing materials and individual components.

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Levelized cost of energy (LCOE) metric to characterize solar absorber coatings for the CSP industry

Renewable Energy

Boubault, Antoine; Ho, Clifford K.; Hall, Aaron C.; Lambert, Timothy N.; Ambrosini, Andrea A.

The contribution of each component of a power generation plant to the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) can be estimated and used to increase the power output while reducing system operation and maintenance costs. The LCOE is used in order to quantify solar receiver coating influence on the LCOE of solar power towers. Two new parameters are introduced: the absolute levelized cost of coating (LCOC) and the LCOC efficiency. Depending on the material properties, aging, costs, and temperature, the absolute LCOC enables quantifying the cost-effectiveness of absorber coatings, as well as finding optimal operating conditions. The absolute LCOC is investigated for different hypothetic coatings and is demonstrated on Pyromark 2500 paint. Results show that absorber coatings yield lower LCOE values in most cases, even at significant costs. Optimal reapplication intervals range from one to five years. At receiver temperatures greater than 700 °C, non-selective coatings are not always worthwhile while durable selective coatings consistently reduce the LCOE-up to 12% of the value obtained for an uncoated receiver. The absolute LCOC is a powerful tool to characterize and compare different coatings, not only considering their initial efficiencies but also including their durability.

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Thermal stability of oxide-based solar selective coatings for CSP central receivers

ASME 2015 9th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2015, collocated with the ASME 2015 Power Conference, the ASME 2015 13th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, and the ASME 2015 Nuclear Forum

Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Lambert, Timothy N.; Boubault, Antoine; Hunt, Andrew; Davis, Danae J.; Adams, David P.; Hall, Aaron C.

Efforts at Sandia National Laboratories are addressing more efficient solar selective coatings for tower applications, based on oxide materials deposited by a variety of methods. Over the course of this investigation, several compositions with optical properties competitive to Pyromark have been identified. These promising coatings were deposited on Inconel 625 and Haynes 230 Ni alloys and isothermally aged in air at temperatures between 600-800 °C for up to 480 hours, concurrently with Pyromark®, which was used as a reference standard. At various heating times, the samples were removed from the furnace and their optical properties (solar-weighted absorptance and emittance) were measured. In addition, x-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy were utilized to investigate any structural or morphological changes that occurred over time with heating, in an attempt to correlate with changes in optical properties. At 600 and 700 °C, several of the coatings maintained an absorptivity > 90%. While the chemical makeup of the coating material greatly influences its optical properties, the morphology of the surface also plays in important part. A thermal sprayed coating modified using a novel laser treatment showed improved properties versus the untreated coating, on par with Pyromark™ at 600 °C, with little degradation after 480 hours. The results of aging on the optical, structural, and morphological properties of these novel coatings will be discussed.

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Final LDRD report :

Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Allendorf, Mark D.; Coker, Eric N.; Ermanoski, Ivan E.; Hogan, Roy E.; McDaniel, Anthony H.

Despite rapid progress, solar thermochemistry remains high risk; improvements in both active materials and reactor systems are needed. This claim is supported by studies conducted both prior to and as part of this project. Materials offer a particular large opportunity space as, until recently, very little effort apart from basic thermodynamic analysis was extended towards understanding this most fundamental component of a metal oxide thermochemical cycle. Without this knowledge, system design was hampered, but more importantly, advances in these crucial materials were rare and resulted more from intuition rather than detailed insight. As a result, only two basic families of potentially viable solid materials have been widely considered, each of which has significant challenges. Recent efforts towards applying an increased level of scientific rigor to the study of thermochemical materials have provided a much needed framework and insights toward developing the next generation of highly improved thermochemically active materials. The primary goal of this project was to apply this hard-won knowledge to rapidly advance the field of thermochemistry to produce a material within 2 years that is capable of yielding CO from CO2 at a 12.5 % reactor efficiency. Three principal approaches spanning a range of risk and potential rewards were pursued: modification of known materials, structuring known materials, and identifying/developing new materials for the application. A newly developed best-of-class material produces more fuel (9x more H2, 6x more CO) under milder conditions than the previous state of the art. Analyses of thermochemical reactor and system efficiencies and economics were performed and a new hybrid concept was reported. The larger case for solar fuels was also further refined and documented.

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Using in-situ techniques to probe high-temperature reactions: Thermochemical cycles for the production of synthetic fuels from CO2 and water

Powder Diffraction

Coker, Eric N.; Rodriguez, Marko A.; Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Miller, James E.; Stechel, Ellen B.

Ferrites are promising materials for enabling solar-thermochemical cycles. Such cycles utilize solar-thermal energy to reduce the metal oxide, which is then re-oxidized by H2O or CO2, producing H2 or CO, respectively. Mixing ferrites with zirconia or yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) greatly improves their cyclabilities. In order to understand this system, we have studied the behavior of iron oxide/8YSZ (8 mol-% Y2O3 in ZrO2) using in situ X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetric analyses at temperatures up to 1500 °C and under controlled atmosphere. The solubility of iron oxide in 8YSZ measured by XRD at room temperature was 9.4 mol-% Fe. The solubility increased to at least 10.4 mol-% Fe when heated between 800 and 1000 °C under inert atmosphere. Furthermore iron was found to migrate in and out of the 8YSZ phase as the temperature and oxidation state of the iron changed. In samples containing >9.4 mol-% Fe, stepwise heating to 1400 °C under helium caused reduction of Fe2O3 to Fe3O4 to FeO. Exposure of the FeO-containing material to CO2 at 1100 °C re-oxidized FeO to Fe3O4 with evolution of CO. Thermogravimetric analysis during thermochemical cycling of materials with a range of iron contents showed that samples with mostly dissolved iron utilized a greater proportion of the iron atoms present than did samples possessing a greater fraction of un-dissolved iron oxides.© 2012 JCPDS-ICDD.

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Characterization of pyromark 2500 for high-temperature solar receivers

ASME 2012 6th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2012, Collocated with the ASME 2012 10th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology

Ho, Clifford K.; Mahoney, A.R.; Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Bencomo, Marlene B.; Hall, Aaron C.; Lambert, Timothy N.

Pyromark 2500 is a silicone-based high-temperature paint that has been used on central receivers to increase solar absorptance. The cost, application, curing methods, radiative properties, and absorber efficiency of Pyromark 2500 are presented in this paper for use as a baseline for comparison to high-temperature solar selective absorber coatings currently being developed. The directional solar absorptance was calculated from directional spectral absorptance data, and values for pristine samples of Pyromark 2500 were as high as 0.96-0.97 at near normal incidence angles. At higher irradiance angles (>40° - 60°), the solar absorptance decreased. The total hemispherical emittance of Pyromark 2500 was calculated from spectral directional emittance data measured at room temperature and 600°C. The total hemispherical emittance values ranged from ∼0.80-0.89 at surface temperatures ranging from 100°C - 1,000°C. The aging and degradation of Pyromark 2500 with exposure at elevated temperatures were also examined. Previous tests showed that solar receiver panels had to be repainted after three years due to a decrease in solar absorptance to 0.88 at the Solar One central receiver pilot plant. Laboratory studies also showed that exposure of Pyromark 2500 at high temperatures (750°C and higher) resulted in significant decreases in solar absorptance within a few days. However, at 650°C and below, the solar absorptance did not decrease appreciably after several thousand hours of testing. Finally, the absorber efficiency of Pyromark 2500 was determined as a function of temperature and irradiance using the calculated solar absorptance and emittance values presented in this paper. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.

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Reimagining liquid transportation fuels : sunshine to petrol

Allendorf, Mark D.; Staiger, Chad S.; Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Chen, Ken S.; Coker, Eric N.; Dedrick, Daniel E.; Hogan, Roy E.; Ermanoski, Ivan E.; Johnson, Terry A.; McDaniel, Anthony H.

Two of the most daunting problems facing humankind in the twenty-first century are energy security and climate change. This report summarizes work accomplished towards addressing these problems through the execution of a Grand Challenge LDRD project (FY09-11). The vision of Sunshine to Petrol is captured in one deceptively simple chemical equation: Solar Energy + xCO{sub 2} + (x+1)H{sub 2}O {yields} C{sub x}H{sub 2x+2}(liquid fuel) + (1.5x+.5)O{sub 2} Practical implementation of this equation may seem far-fetched, since it effectively describes the use of solar energy to reverse combustion. However, it is also representative of the photosynthetic processes responsible for much of life on earth and, as such, summarizes the biomass approach to fuels production. It is our contention that an alternative approach, one that is not limited by efficiency of photosynthesis and more directly leads to a liquid fuel, is desirable. The development of a process that efficiently, cost effectively, and sustainably reenergizes thermodynamically spent feedstocks to create reactive fuel intermediates would be an unparalleled achievement and is the key challenge that must be surmounted to solve the intertwined problems of accelerating energy demand and climate change. We proposed that the direct thermochemical conversion of CO{sub 2} and H{sub 2}O to CO and H{sub 2}, which are the universal building blocks for synthetic fuels, serve as the basis for this revolutionary process. To realize this concept, we addressed complex chemical, materials science, and engineering problems associated with thermochemical heat engines and the crucial metal-oxide working-materials deployed therein. By project's end, we had demonstrated solar-driven conversion of CO{sub 2} to CO, a key energetic synthetic fuel intermediate, at 1.7% efficiency.

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Summary report : direct approaches for recycling carbon dioxide into synthetic fuel

Siegel, Nathan P.; Diver, Richard B.; Gelbard, Fred G.; Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Allendorf, Mark D.

The consumption of petroleum by the transportation sector in the United States is roughly equivalent to petroleum imports into the country, which have totaled over 12 million barrels a day every year since 2004. This reliance on foreign oil is a strategic vulnerability for the economy and national security. Further, the effect of unmitigated CO{sub 2} releases on the global climate is a growing concern both here and abroad. Independence from problematic oil producers can be achieved to a great degree through the utilization of non-conventional hydrocarbon resources such as coal, oil-shale and tarsands. However, tapping into and converting these resources into liquid fuels exacerbates green house gas (GHG) emissions as they are carbon rich, but hydrogen deficient. Revolutionary thinking about energy and fuels must be adopted. We must recognize that hydrocarbon fuels are ideal energy carriers, but not primary energy sources. The energy stored in a chemical fuel is released for utilization by oxidation. In the case of hydrogen fuel the chemical product is water; in the case of a hydrocarbon fuel, water and carbon dioxide are produced. The hydrogen economy envisions a cycle in which H{sub 2}O is re-energized by splitting water into H{sub 2} and O{sub 2}, by electrolysis for example. We envision a hydrocarbon analogy in which both carbon dioxide and water are re-energized through the application of a persistent energy source (e.g. solar or nuclear). This is of course essentially what the process of photosynthesis accomplishes, albeit with a relatively low sunlight-to-hydrocarbon efficiency. The goal of this project then was the creation of a direct and efficient process for the solar or nuclear driven thermochemical conversion of CO{sub 2} to CO (and O{sub 2}), one of the basic building blocks of synthetic fuels. This process would potentially provide the basis for an alternate hydrocarbon economy that is carbon neutral, provides a pathway to energy independence, and is compatible with much of the existing fuel infrastructure.

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Fundamental Materials Issues for Thermochemical H2O and CO2 Splitting: Final Report (FY08)

Coker, Eric N.; Rodriguez, Marko A.; Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Stumpf, Roland R.; Stechel-Speicher, Ellen B.

Hydrogen and carbon monoxide may be produced using solar-thermal energy in two-stage reactions of water and carbon dioxide, respectively, over certain metal oxide materials. The most active materials observed experimentally for these processes are complex mixtures of ferrite and zirconia based solids, and it is not clear how far the ferrites, the zirconia, or a solid solution between the two participate in the change of oxidation state during the cycling. Identification of the key phases in the redox material that enable splitting is of paramount importance to developing a working model of the materials. A three-pronged approach was adopted here: computer modeling to determine thermodynamically favorable materials compositions, bench reactor testing to evaluate materials’ performance, and in-situ characterization of reactive materials to follow phase changes and identify the phases active for splitting. For the characterization and performance evaluation thrusts, cobalt ferrites were prepared by co-precipitation followed by annealing at 1400 °C. An in-situ X-ray diffraction capability was developed and tested, allowing phase monitoring in real time during thermochemical redox cycling. Key observations made for an un-supported cobalt ferrite include: 1) ferrite phases partially reduce to wustite upon heating to 1400 °C in helium; 2) exposing the material to air at 1100 °C causes immediate re-oxidation; 3) the re-oxidized material may be thermally reduced at 1400 °C under inert; 4) exposure of a reduced material to CO2 results in gradual re-oxidation at 1100 °C, but minimization of background O2-levels is essential; 5) even after several redox cycles, the lattice parameters of the ferrites remain constant, indicating that irreversible phase separation does not occur, at least over the first five cycles; 6) substituting chemical (hydrogen) reduction for thermal reduction resulted in formation of a CoFe metallic alloy. Materials were also evaluated for their CO2-splitting performance in bench reactor systems utilizing chemical reduction in place of thermal reduction. These tests lead to the following general conclusions: 1) despite over-reduction of the cobalt ferrite phase to CoFe alloy on chemical reduction, splitting of CO2 still occurs; 2) the kinetics of chemical reduction follow the sequence: un-supported < ZrO2-supported < yttria-stabilized ZrO2 (YSZ)-supported ferrite; 3) ferrite/YSZ re-oxidizes faster than ferrite/ZrO2 under CO2 in the range 400 – 700 °C. The temperature and pressure regimes in which the thermal reduction and water-splitting steps are thermodynamically favorable in terms of the enthalpy and entropy of oxide reduction, were determined. These metrics represent a useful design goal for any proposed water-splitting cycle. Applying this theoretical framework to available thermodynamic data, it was shown that none of the 105 binary oxide redox couples that were screened possess both energetically favorable reduction and oxidation steps. However, several driving forces, including low pressure and a large positive solid-state entropy of reduction of the oxide, have the potential to enable thermodynamically-favored two-step cycles.

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Membranes for H2 generation from nuclear powered thermochemical cycles

Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Gelbard, Fred G.; Garino, Terry J.; Leung, Kevin L.

In an effort to produce hydrogen without the unwanted greenhouse gas byproducts, high-temperature thermochemical cycles driven by heat from solar energy or next-generation nuclear power plants are being explored. The process being developed is the thermochemical production of Hydrogen. The Sulfur-Iodide (SI) cycle was deemed to be one of the most promising cycles to explore. The first step of the SI cycle involves the decomposition of H{sub 2}SO{sub 4} into O{sub 2}, SO{sub 2}, and H{sub 2}O at temperatures around 850 C. In-situ removal of O{sub 2} from this reaction pushes the equilibrium towards dissociation, thus increasing the overall efficiency of the decomposition reaction. A membrane is required for this oxygen separation step that is capable of withstanding the high temperatures and corrosive conditions inherent in this process. Mixed ionic-electronic perovskites and perovskite-related structures are potential materials for oxygen separation membranes owing to their robustness, ability to form dense ceramics, capacity to stabilize oxygen nonstoichiometry, and mixed ionic/electronic conductivity. Two oxide families with promising results were studied: the double-substituted perovskite A{sub x}Sr{sub 1-x}Co{sub 1-y}B{sub y}O{sub 3-{delta}} (A=La, Y; B=Cr-Ni), in particular the family La{sub x}Sr{sub 1-x}Co{sub 1-y}Mn{sub y}O{sub 3-{delta}} (LSCM), and doped La{sub 2}Ni{sub 1-x}M{sub x}O{sub 4} (M = Cu, Zn). Materials and membranes were synthesized by solid state methods and characterized by X-ray and neutron diffraction, SEM, thermal analyses, calorimetry and conductivity. Furthermore, we were able to leverage our program with a DOE/NE sponsored H{sub 2}SO{sub 4} decomposition reactor study (at Sandia), in which our membranes were tested in the actual H{sub 2}SO{sub 4} decomposition step.

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A tunable electrochromic fabry-perot filter for adaptive optics applications

Kammler, Daniel K.; Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Yelton, William G.; Verley, Jason V.; Heller, Edwin J.; Sweatt, W.C.

The potential for electrochromic (EC) materials to be incorporated into a Fabry-Perot (FP) filter to allow modest amounts of tuning was evaluated by both experimental methods and modeling. A combination of chemical vapor deposition (CVD), physical vapor deposition (PVD), and electrochemical methods was used to produce an ECFP film stack consisting of an EC WO{sub 3}/Ta{sub 2}O{sub 5}/NiO{sub x}H{sub y} film stack (with indium-tin-oxide electrodes) sandwiched between two Si{sub 3}N{sub 4}/SiO{sub 2} dielectric reflector stacks. A process to produce a NiO{sub x}H{sub y} charge storage layer that freed the EC stack from dependence on atmospheric humidity and allowed construction of this complex EC-FP stack was developed. The refractive index (n) and extinction coefficient (k) for each layer in the EC-FP film stack was measured between 300 and 1700 nm. A prototype EC-FP filter was produced that had a transmission at 500 nm of 36%, and a FWHM of 10 nm. A general modeling approach that takes into account the desired pass band location, pass band width, required transmission and EC optical constants in order to estimate the maximum tuning from an EC-FP filter was developed. Modeling shows that minor thickness changes in the prototype stack developed in this project should yield a filter with a transmission at 600 nm of 33% and a FWHM of 9.6 nm, which could be tuned to 598 nm with a FWHM of 12.1 nm and a transmission of 16%. Additional modeling shows that if the EC WO{sub 3} absorption centers were optimized, then a shift from 600 nm to 598 nm could be made with a FWHM of 11.3 nm and a transmission of 20%. If (at 600 nm) the FWHM is decreased to 1 nm and transmission maintained at a reasonable level (e.g. 30%), only fractions of a nm of tuning would be possible with the film stack considered in this study. These tradeoffs may improve at other wavelengths or with EC materials different than those considered here. Finally, based on our limited investigation and material set, the severe absorption associated with the refractive index change suggests that incorporating EC materials into phase correcting spatial light modulators (SLMS) would allow for only negligible phase correction before transmission losses became too severe. However, we would like to emphasize that other EC materials may allow sufficient phase correction with limited absorption, which could make this approach attractive.

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