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The iterative processing framework: A new paradigm for automatic event building

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Tibi, Rigobert T.; Encarnacao, Andre V.; Ballard, Sanford B.; Young, Christopher J.; Brogan, Ronald; Sundermier, Amy S.

In a traditional data-processing pipeline, waveforms are acquired, a detector makes the signal detections (i.e., arrival times, slownesses, and azimuths) and passes them to an associator. The associator then links the detections to the fitting-event hypotheses to generate an event bulletin. Most of the time, this traditional pipeline requires substantial human-analyst involvement to improve the quality of the resulting event bulletin. For the year 2017, for example, International Data Center (IDC) analysts rejected about 40% of the events in the automatic bulletin and manually built 30% of the legitimate events. We propose an iterative processing framework (IPF) that includes a new data-processing module that incorporates automatic analyst behaviors (auto analyst [AA]) into the event-building pipeline. In the proposed framework, through an iterative process, the AA takes over many of the tasks traditionally performed by human analysts. These tasks can be grouped into two major processes: (1) evaluating small events with a low number of location-defining arrival phases to improve their formation; and (2) scanning for and exploiting unassociated arrivals to form potential events missed by previous association runs. To test the proposed framework, we processed a two-week period (15–28 May 2010) of the signal-detections dataset from the IDC. Comparison with an expert analyst-reviewed bulletin for the same time period suggests that IPF performs better than the traditional pipelines (IDC and baseline pipelines). Most of the additional events built by the AA are low-magnitude events that were missed by these traditional pipelines. The AA also adds additional signal detections to existing events, which saves analyst time, even if the event locations are not significantly affected.

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Rapid and robust cross-correlation-based seismic signal identification using an approximate nearest neighbor method

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Tibi, Rigobert T.; Young, Christopher J.; Gonzales, Antonio G.; Ballard, Sanford B.; Encarnacao, Andre V.

The matched filtering technique that uses the cross correlation of a waveform of interest with archived signals from a template library has proven to be a powerful tool for detecting events in regions with repeating seismicity. However, waveform correlation is computationally expensive and therefore impractical for large template sets unless dedicated distributed computing hardware and software are used. In this study, we introduce an approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) approach that enables the use of very large template libraries for waveform correlation. Our method begins with a projection into a reduced dimensionality space, based on correlation with a randomized subset of the full template archive. Searching for a specified number of nearest neighbors for a query waveform is accomplished by iteratively comparing it with the neighbors of its immediate neighbors. We used the approach to search for matches to each of ∼2300 analyst-reviewed signal detections reported in May 2010 for the International Monitoring System station MKAR. The template library in this case consists of a data set of more than 200,000 analyst-reviewed signal detections for the same station from February 2002 to July 2016 (excluding May 2010). Of these signal detections, 73% are teleseismic first P and 17% regional phases (Pn, Pg, Sn, and Lg). The analyses performed on a standard desktop computer show that the proposed ANN approach performs a search of the large template libraries about 25 times faster than the standard full linear search and achieves recall rates greater than 80%, with the recall rate increasing for higher correlation thresholds.

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GeoTess: A generalized Earth model software utility

Seismological Research Letters

Ballard, Sanford B.; Hipp, James R.; Kraus, Brian; Encarnacao, Andre V.; Young, Christopher J.

GeoTess is a model parameterization and software support library that manages the construction, population, storage, and interrogation of data stored in 2D and 3D Earth models. The software is available in Java and C++, with a C interface to the C++ library. The software has been tested on Linux, Mac, Sun, and PC platforms. It is open source and is available online (see Data and Resources).

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US NDC Modernization: Service Oriented Architecture Study Status

Hamlet, Benjamin R.; Encarnacao, Andre V.; Harris, James M.; Young, Christopher J.

This report is a progress update on the USNDC Modernization Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) study describing results from Inception Iteration 1, which occurred between October 2012 and March 2013. The goals during this phase are 1) discovering components of the system that have potential service implementations, 2) identifying applicable SOA patterns for data access, service interfaces, and service orchestration/choreography, and 3) understanding performance tradeoffs for various SOA patterns

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US NDC Modernization: Service Oriented Architecture Proof of Concept

Hamlet, Benjamin R.; Encarnacao, Andre V.; Jackson, Keilan R.; Hays, Ian A.; Barron, Nathan E.; Simon, Luke B.; Harris, James M.; Young, Christopher J.

This report is a progress update on the US NDC Modernization Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) study describing results from a proof of concept project completed from May through September 2013. Goals for this proof of concept are 1) gain experience configuring, using, and running an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), 2) understand the implications of wrapping existing software in standardized interfaces for use as web services, and 3) gather performance metrics for a notional seismic event monitoring pipeline implemented using services with various data access and communication patterns. The proof of concept is a follow on to a previous SOA performance study. Work was performed by four undergraduate summer student interns under the guidance of Sandia staff.

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A global 3D P-velocity model of the Earth's crust and mantle for improved event location : SALSA3D

Ballard, Sanford B.; Young, Christopher J.; Hipp, James R.; Chang, Marcus C.; Encarnacao, Andre V.

To test the hypothesis that high quality 3D Earth models will produce seismic event locations which are more accurate and more precise, we are developing a global 3D P wave velocity model of the Earth's crust and mantle using seismic tomography. In this paper, we present the most recent version of our model, SALSA3D version 1.5, and demonstrate its ability to reduce mislocations for a large set of realizations derived from a carefully chosen set of globally-distributed ground truth events. Our model is derived from the latest version of the Ground Truth (GT) catalog of P and Pn travel time picks assembled by Los Alamos National Laboratory. To prevent over-weighting due to ray path redundancy and to reduce the computational burden, we cluster rays to produce representative rays. Reduction in the total number of ray paths is {approx}50%. The model is represented using the triangular tessellation system described by Ballard et al. (2009), which incorporates variable resolution in both the geographic and radial dimensions. For our starting model, we use a simplified two layer crustal model derived from the Crust 2.0 model over a uniform AK135 mantle. Sufficient damping is used to reduce velocity adjustments so that ray path changes between iterations are small. We obtain proper model smoothness by using progressive grid refinement, refining the grid only around areas with significant velocity changes from the starting model. At each grid refinement level except the last one we limit the number of iterations to prevent convergence thereby preserving aspects of broad features resolved at coarser resolutions. Our approach produces a smooth, multi-resolution model with node density appropriate to both ray coverage and the velocity gradients required by the data. This scheme is computationally expensive, so we use a distributed computing framework based on the Java Parallel Processing Framework, providing us with {approx}400 processors. Resolution of our model is assessed using a variation of the standard checkerboard method. We compare the travel-time prediction and location capabilities of SALSA3D to standard 1D models via location tests on a global event set with GT of 5 km or better. These events generally possess hundreds of Pn and P picks from which we generate different realizations of station distributions, yielding a range of azimuthal coverage and ratios of teleseismic to regional arrivals, with which we test the robustness and quality of relocation. The SALSA3D model reduces mislocation over standard 1D ak135 regardless of Pn to P ratio, with the improvement being most pronounced at higher azimuthal gaps.

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SALSA3D : a global 3D p-velocity model of the Earth's crust and mantle for improved event location

Young, Christopher J.; Hipp, James R.; Chang, Marcus C.; Encarnacao, Andre V.

To test the hypothesis that high quality 3D Earth models will produce seismic event locations which are more accurate and more precise, we are developing a global 3D P wave velocity model of the Earth's crust and mantle using seismic tomography. In this paper, we present the most recent version of our model, SALSA3D version 1.5, and demonstrate its ability to reduce mislocations for a large set of realizations derived from a carefully chosen set of globally-distributed ground truth events. Our model is derived from the latest version of the Ground Truth (GT) catalog of P and Pn travel time picks assembled by Los Alamos National Laboratory. To prevent over-weighting due to ray path redundancy and to reduce the computational burden, we cluster rays to produce representative rays. Reduction in the total number of ray paths is {approx}50%. The model is represented using the triangular tessellation system described by Ballard et al. (2009), which incorporates variable resolution in both the geographic and radial dimensions. For our starting model, we use a simplified two layer crustal model derived from the Crust 2.0 model over a uniform AK135 mantle. Sufficient damping is used to reduce velocity adjustments so that ray path changes between iterations are small. We obtain proper model smoothness by using progressive grid refinement, refining the grid only around areas with significant velocity changes from the starting model. At each grid refinement level except the last one we limit the number of iterations to prevent convergence thereby preserving aspects of broad features resolved at coarser resolutions. Our approach produces a smooth, multi-resolution model with node density appropriate to both ray coverage and the velocity gradients required by the data. This scheme is computationally expensive, so we use a distributed computing framework based on the Java Parallel Processing Framework, providing us with {approx}400 processors. Resolution of our model is assessed using a variation of the standard checkerboard method. We compare the travel-time prediction and location capabilities of SALSA3D to standard 1D models via location tests on a global event set with GT of 5 km or better. These events generally possess hundreds of Pn and P picks from which we generate different realizations of station distributions, yielding a range of azimuthal coverage and ratios of teleseismic to regional arrivals, with which we test the robustness and quality of relocation. The SALSA3D model reduces mislocation over standard 1D ak135 regardless of Pn to P ratio, with the improvement being most pronounced at higher azimuthal gaps.

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A global 3D P-Velocity model of the Earth%3CU%2B2019%3Es crust and mantle for improved event location

Ballard, Sanford B.; Young, Christopher J.; Hipp, James R.; Chang, Marcus C.; Encarnacao, Andre V.; Lewis, Jennifer E.

To test the hypothesis that high quality 3D Earth models will produce seismic event locations which are more accurate and more precise, we are developing a global 3D P wave velocity model of the Earth's crust and mantle using seismic tomography. In this paper, we present the most recent version of our model, SALSA3D (SAndia LoS Alamos) version 1.4, and demonstrate its ability to reduce mislocations for a large set of realizations derived from a carefully chosen set of globally-distributed ground truth events. Our model is derived from the latest version of the Ground Truth (GT) catalog of P and Pn travel time picks assembled by Los Alamos National Laboratory. To prevent over-weighting due to ray path redundancy and to reduce the computational burden, we cluster rays to produce representative rays. Reduction in the total number of ray paths is > 55%. The model is represented using the triangular tessellation system described by Ballard et al. (2009), which incorporates variable resolution in both the geographic and radial dimensions. For our starting model, we use a simplified two layer crustal model derived from the Crust 2.0 model over a uniform AK135 mantle. Sufficient damping is used to reduce velocity adjustments so that ray path changes between iterations are small. We obtain proper model smoothness by using progressive grid refinement, refining the grid only around areas with significant velocity changes from the starting model. At each grid refinement level except the last one we limit the number of iterations to prevent convergence thereby preserving aspects of broad features resolved at coarser resolutions. Our approach produces a smooth, multi-resolution model with node density appropriate to both ray coverage and the velocity gradients required by the data. This scheme is computationally expensive, so we use a distributed computing framework based on the Java Parallel Processing Framework, providing us with {approx}400 processors. Resolution of our model is assessed using a variation of the standard checkerboard method, as well as by directly estimating the diagonal of the model resolution matrix based on the technique developed by Bekas, et al. We compare the travel-time prediction and location capabilities of this model over standard 1D models. We perform location tests on a global, geographically-distributed event set with ground truth levels of 5 km or better. These events generally possess hundreds of Pn and P phases from which we can generate different realizations of station distributions, yielding a range of azimuthal coverage and proportions of teleseismic to regional arrivals, with which we test the robustness and quality of relocation. The SALSA3D model reduces mislocation over standard 1D ak135, especially with increasing azimuthal gap. The 3D model appears to perform better for locations based solely or dominantly on regional arrivals, which is not unexpected given that ak135 represents a global average and cannot therefore capture local and regional variations.

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A global 3D P-velocity model of the Earth's crust and mantle for improved event location

Young, Christopher J.; Ballard, Sanford B.; Hipp, James R.; Chang, Marcus C.; Encarnacao, Andre V.; Lewis, Jennifer E.

To test the hypothesis that high quality 3D Earth models will produce seismic event locations which are more accurate and more precise, we are developing a global 3D P wave velocity model of the Earth's crust and mantle using seismic tomography. In this paper, we present the most recent version of our model, SALSA3D (SAndia LoS Alamos) version 1.4, and demonstrate its ability to reduce mislocations for a large set of realizations derived from a carefully chosen set of globally-distributed ground truth events. Our model is derived from the latest version of the Ground Truth (GT) catalog of P and Pn travel time picks assembled by Los Alamos National Laboratory. To prevent over-weighting due to ray path redundancy and to reduce the computational burden, we cluster rays to produce representative rays. Reduction in the total number of ray paths is > 55%. The model is represented using the triangular tessellation system described by Ballard et al. (2009), which incorporates variable resolution in both the geographic and radial dimensions. For our starting model, we use a simplified two layer crustal model derived from the Crust 2.0 model over a uniform AK135 mantle. Sufficient damping is used to reduce velocity adjustments so that ray path changes between iterations are small. We obtain proper model smoothness by using progressive grid refinement, refining the grid only around areas with significant velocity changes from the starting model. At each grid refinement level except the last one we limit the number of iterations to prevent convergence thereby preserving aspects of broad features resolved at coarser resolutions. Our approach produces a smooth, multi-resolution model with node density appropriate to both ray coverage and the velocity gradients required by the data. This scheme is computationally expensive, so we use a distributed computing framework based on the Java Parallel Processing Framework, providing us with {approx}400 processors. Resolution of our model is assessed using a variation of the standard checkerboard method, as well as by directly estimating the diagonal of the model resolution matrix based on the technique developed by Bekas, et al. We compare the travel-time prediction and location capabilities of this model over standard 1D models. We perform location tests on a global, geographically-distributed event set with ground truth levels of 5 km or better. These events generally possess hundreds of Pn and P phases from which we can generate different realizations of station distributions, yielding a range of azimuthal coverage and proportions of teleseismic to regional arrivals, with which we test the robustness and quality of relocation. The SALSA3D model reduces mislocation over standard 1D ak135, especially with increasing azimuthal gap. The 3D model appears to perform better for locations based solely or dominantly on regional arrivals, which is not unexpected given that ak135 represents a global average and cannot therefore capture local and regional variations.

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49 Results
49 Results