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Water Weakening of Calcium Oxide

Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Rimsza, Jessica R.; Ilgen, Anastasia G.

Chemomechanical processes such as water weakening can control the permeability and deformation of rocks and manmade materials. Here, atomistic modeling and nanomechanical experiments were used to identify molecular origins of chemomechanical effects in calcium oxide (CaO) and its effect on observed elastic, plastic, and brittle deformation. Classical molecular dynamics simulations with the bond order-based reactive force-field ReaxFF were used to assess brittle fracture. In the presence of water, CaO fractured earlier and more often during quasi-static loading, with a calculated reduction in fracture toughness of ∼80% associated with changes in the stress distribution around the crack tip. Experimentally, elastic and plastic deformation of CaO surfaces exposed to water was assessed experimentally using in situ liquid nanoindentation. Nanoindentation showed that following exposure to water, the contact hardness decreased by 1-2 orders of magnitude and decreased the modulus by 2-3 orders of magnitude due to surface hydroxylation. The strong chemomechanical effects on the mechanical processes in CaO suggests that minerals with similar structures may exhibit comparable effects, influencing the stability of cements and geomaterials.

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Isotopic fractionation as in-situ sensor of subsurface reactive flow and precursor for rock failure

Ilgen, Anastasia G.; Choens, Robert C.; Knight, Andrew W.; Harvey, Jacob A.; Martinez, Mario J.; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.; Wilson, Jennifer E.; Mills, Melissa M.; Wang, Qiaoyi W.; Gruenwald, Michael G.; Newell, Pania N.; Schuler, Louis S.; Davis, Haley J.

Greater utilization of subsurface reservoirs perturbs in-situ chemical-mechanical conditions with wide ranging consequences from decreased performance to project failure. Understanding the chemical precursors to rock deformation is critical to reducing the risks of these activities. To address this need, we investigated the coupled flow-dissolution- precipitation-adsorption reactions involving calcite and environmentally-relevant solid phases. Experimentally, we quantified (1) stable isotope fractionation processes for strontium during calcite nucleation and growth, and during reactive fluid flow; (2) consolidation behavior of calcite assemblages in the common brines. Numerically, we quantified water weakening of calcite using molecular dynamics simulations; and quantified the impact of calcite dissolution rate on macroscopic fracturing using finite element models. With microfluidic experiments and modeling, we show the effect of local flow fields on the dissolution kinetics of calcite. Taken together across a wide range of scales and methods, our studies allow us to separate the effects of reaction, flow, and transport, on calcite fracturing and the evolution of strontium isotopic signatures in the reactive fluids.

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Effects of nanoconfinement and surface charge on iron adsorption on mesoporous silica

Environmental Science: Nano

Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Duncan, Tyler J.; Ilgen, Anastasia G.; Harvey, Jacob H.; Criscenti, Louise C.; Knight, Andrew W.

We present a combined molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopic investigation of aqueous iron adsorption on nanoconfined amorphous silica surfaces. The simulation models examine the effects of pore size, pH (surface charge), iron valency, and counter-ion (chloride or hydroxide). The simulation methods were validated by comparing the coordination environment of adsorbed iron with coordination numbers and bond lengths derived from XAFS. In the MD models, nanoconfinement effects on local iron coordination were investigated by comparing results for unconfined silica surfaces and in confined domains within 2 nm, 4 nm, and 8 nm pores. Experimentally, coordination environments of iron adsorbed onto mesoporous silica with 4 nm and 8 nm pores at pH 7.5 were investigated. The effect of pH in the MD models was included by simulating Fe(ii) adsorption onto negatively charged SiO2surfaces and Fe(iii) adsorption on neutral surfaces. The simulation results show that iron adsorption depends significantly on silica surface charge, as expected based on electrostatic interactions. Adsorption on a negatively charged surface is an order of magnitude greater than on the neutral surface, and simulated surface coverages are consistent with experimental results. Pore size effects from the MD simulations were most notable in the adsorption of Fe(ii) at deprotonated surface sites (SiO−), but adsorption trends varied with concentration and aqueous Fe speciation. The coordination environment of adsorbed iron varied significantly with the type of anion. Considerable ion pairing with hydroxide anions led to the formation of oligomeric surface complexes and aqueous species, resulting in larger iron hydroxide clusters at higher surface loadings.

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Interplay of physically different properties leading to challenges in separating lanthanide cations - anab initiomolecular dynamics and experimental study

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Leung, Kevin L.; Ilgen, Anastasia G.; Criscenti, Louise J.

Lanthanide elements have well-documented similarities in their chemical behavior, which make the valuable trivalent lanthanide cations (Ln3+) particularly difficult to separate from each other in water. In this work, we applyab initiomolecular dynamics simulations to compare the free energies (ΔGads) associated with the adsorption of lanthanide cations to silica surfaces at a pH condition where SiO−groups are present. The predicted ΔGadsfor lutetium (Lu3+) and europium (Eu3+) are similar within statistical uncertainties; this is in qualitative agreement with our batch adsorption measurements on silica. This finding is remarkable because the two cations exhibit hydration free energies (ΔGhyd) that differ by >2 eV, different hydration numbers, and different hydrolysis behavior far from silica surfaces. We observe that the similarity in Lu3+and Eu3+ΔGadsis the result of a delicate cancellation between the difference in Eu3+and Lu3+hydration (ΔGhyd), and their difference in binding energies to silica. We propose that disrupting this cancellation at the two end points, either for adsorbed or completely desorbed lanthanides (e.g.,viananoconfinment or mixed solvents), will lead to effective Ln3+separation.

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Simulations of the IR and Raman spectra of water confined in amorphous silica slit pores

Journal of Chemical Physics

Senanayake, Hasini S.; Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Ilgen, Anastasia G.; Thompson, Ward H.

Water in nano-scale confining environments is a key element in many biological, material, and geological systems. The structure and dynamics of the liquid can be dramatically modified under these conditions. Probing these changes can be challenging, but vibrational spectroscopy has emerged as a powerful tool for investigating their behavior. A critical, evolving component of this approachis a detailed understanding of the connection between spectroscopic features and molecular-level details. In this paper, this issue is addressed by using molecular dynamics simulations to simulate the linear infrared (IR) and Raman spectra for isotopically dilute HOD in D2O confined inhydroxylated amorphous silica slit pores. The effect of slit-pore width and hydroxyl density on thesilica surface on the vibrational spectra is also investigated. The primary effect of confinement is a blueshift in the frequency of OH groups donating a hydrogen bond to the silica surface. Thisappears as a slight shift in the total (measurable) spectra but is clearly seen in the distance-based IR and Raman spectra. Analysis indicates that these changes upon confinement are associated withtheweaker hydrogen-bond accepting properties of silica oxygens compared to water molecules.

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Impacts on mechanical strength of chemical reactions induced by hydrous supercritical CO2 in Boise Sandstone

International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control

Choens, R.C.; Ilgen, Anastasia G.; Espinoza, D.N.; Aman, Michael; Wilson, Jennifer E.; Dewers, Thomas D.

Geomechanics experiments were used to assess mechanical alteration of Boise Sandstone promoted by reactions with supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) and water vapor. During geologic carbon storage, scCO2 is injected into subsurface reservoirs, forming buoyant plumes. At brine-plume interfaces, scCO2 can dissolve into native brines, and water from brines can partition into scCO2, forming hydrous scCO2. This study investigates the effect of hydrous scCO2 on the strength of Boise Sandstone. Samples are first exposed to recirculating hydrous scCO2 for 24 h at 70 °C and 13.8 MPa scCO2 pressure. Samples are reacted with scCO2 with added water contents up to 500 mL. After scCO2 exposure, samples are deformed at room temperature under confining pressures of 3.4, 6.9, and 10.3 MPa. The results demonstrate that hydrous scCO2 induces chemical reactions in Boise Sandstone, with ions migrating from the solid into the hydrous scCO2 phase. At the longer time-scales, these reactions could lead to mechanical weakening in the samples; however, on the scale of our experiments, the strength changes are within sample variability. Because the solubility of water in scCO2 is extremely low (0.008 mol H2O per 1 mol CO2), the mineral dissolution of Boise Sandstone was under 0.002 wt.%. Additionally, mineral grains and pore throats in Boise Sandstone are cemented with quartz, which is not susceptible to dissolution at these conditions. Our results indicate that humidity in scCO2 plumes is unlikely to sustain chemical reactions and induce long term strength changes in quartz cemented sandstones due to resistant mineralogies and low water solubility.

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Supercritical CO2-induced atomistic lubrication for water flow in a rough hydrophilic nanochannel


Ho, Tuan A.; Wang, Yifeng; Ilgen, Anastasia G.; Criscenti, Louise C.; Tenney, Craig M.

A fluid flow in a nanochannel highly depends on the wettability of the channel surface to the fluid. The permeability of the nanochannel is usually very low, largely due to the adhesion of fluid at the solid interfaces. Using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, we demonstrate that the flow of water in a nanochannel with rough hydrophilic surfaces can be significantly enhanced by the presence of a thin layer of supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) at the water-solid interfaces. The thin scCO2 layer acts like an atomistic lubricant that transforms a hydrophilic interface into a super-hydrophobic one and triggers a transition from a stick- to- a slip boundary condition for a nanoscale flow. This work provides an atomistic insight into multicomponent interactions in nanochannels and illustrates that such interactions can be manipulated, if needed, to increase the throughput and energy efficiency of nanofluidic systems.

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Concerted Metal Cation Desorption and Proton Transfer on Deprotonated Silica Surfaces

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

Leung, Kevin L.; Criscenti, Louise C.; Knight, Andrew W.; Ilgen, Anastasia G.; Ho, Tuan A.; Greathouse, Jeffery A.

The adsorption equilibrium constants of monovalent and divalent cations to material surfaces in aqueous media are central to many technological, natural, and geochemical processes. Cation adsorption-desorption is often proposed to occur in concert with proton transfer on hydroxyl-covered mineral surfaces, but to date this cooperative effect has been inferred indirectly. This work applies density functional theory-based molecular dynamics simulations of explicit liquid water/mineral interfaces to calculate metal ion desorption free energies. Monodentate adsorption of Na+, Mg2+, and Cu2+ on partially deprotonated silica surfaces are considered. Na+ is predicted to be unbound, while Cu2+ exhibits binding free energies to surface SiO- groups that are larger than those of Mg2+. The predicted trends agree with competitive adsorption measurements on fumed silica surfaces. As desorption proceeds, Cu2+ dissociates one of the H2O molecules in its first solvation shell, turning into Cu2+(OH-)(H2O)3, while Mg remains Mg2+(H2O)6. The protonation state of the SiO- group at the initial binding site does not vary monotonically with cation desorption.

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Adsorption of copper (II) on mesoporous silica: the effect of nano-scale confinement

Geochemical Transactions

Knight, Andrew W.; Tigges, Austen T.; Ilgen, Anastasia G.

Nano-scale spatial confinement can alter chemistry at mineral–water interfaces. These nano-scale confinement effects can lead to anomalous fate and transport behavior of aqueous metal species. When a fluid resides in a nanoporous environments (pore size under 100 nm), the observed density, surface tension, and dielectric constant diverge from those measured in the bulk. To evaluate the impact of nano-scale confinement on the adsorption of copper (Cu2+), we performed batch adsorption studies using mesoporous silica. Mesoporous silica with the narrow distribution of pore diameters (SBA-15; 8, 6, and 4 nm pore diameters) was chosen since the silanol functional groups are typical to surface environments. Batch adsorption isotherms were fit with adsorption models (Langmuir, Freundlich, and Dubinin–Radushkevich) and adsorption kinetic data were fit to a pseudo-first-order reaction model. We found that with decreasing pore size, the maximum surface area-normalized uptake of Cu2+ increased. The pseudo-first-order kinetic model demonstrates that the adsorption is faster as the pore size decreases from 8 to 4 nm. We attribute these effects to the deviations in fundamental water properties as pore diameter decreases. Additionally, these effects are most notable in SBA-15 with a 4-nm pore where the changes in water properties may be responsible for the enhanced Cu mobility, and therefore, faster Cu adsorption kinetics.

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CO2-induced chemo-mechanical alteration in reservoir rocks assessed via batch reaction experiments and scratch testing

Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology

Aman, Michael; Espinoza, D.N.; Ilgen, Anastasia G.; Major, Jonathan R.; Eichhubl, Peter; Dewers, Thomas D.

The injection of carbon dioxide (CO2) into geological formations results in a chemical re-equilibration between the mineral assemblage and the pore fluid, with ensuing mineral dissolution and re-precipitation. Hence, target rock formations may exhibit changes of mechanical and petrophysical properties due to CO2 exposure. We conducted batch reaction experiments with Entrada Sandstone and Summerville Siltstone exposed to de-ionized water and synthetic brine under reservoir pressure (9–10 MPa) and temperature (80°C) for up to four weeks. Samples originate from the Crystal Geyser field site, where a naturally occurring CO2 seepage alters portions of these geologic formations. We conducted micro-scratch tests on rock samples without alteration, altered under laboratory conditions, and naturally altered over geologic time. Scratch toughness and hardness decrease as a function of exposure time and water salinity up to 52% in the case of Entrada and 87% in the case of Summerville after CO2-induced alteration in the laboratory. Imaging of altered cores with SEM-EDS and X-ray microCT methods show dissolution of carbonate and silica cements and matrix accompanied by minor dissolution of Fe-oxides, clays, and other silicates. Parallel experiments using powdered samples confirm that dissolution of carbonate and silica are the primary reactions. The batch reaction experiments in the autoclave utilize a high fluid to rock volume ratio and represent an end member of possible alteration associated with CO2 storage systems. These types of tests serve as a pre-screening tool to identify the susceptibility of rock facies to CO2-related chemical-mechanical alteration during long-term CO2 storage. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Density Fluctuation in Aqueous Solutions and Molecular Origin of Salting-Out Effect for CO2

Journal of Physical Chemistry. B, Condensed Matter, Materials, Surfaces, Interfaces and Biophysical Chemistry

Ho, Tuan A.; Ilgen, Anastasia G.

Using molecular dynamics simulation, we studied the density fluctuations and cavity formation probabilities in aqueous solutions and their effect on the hydration of CO2. With increasing salt concentration, we report an increased probability of observing a larger than the average number of species in the probe volume. Our energetic analyses indicate that the van der Waals and electrostatic interactions between CO2 and aqueous solutions become more favorable with increasing salt concentration, favoring the solubility of CO2 (salting in). However, due to the decreasing number of cavities forming when salt concentration is increased, the solubility of CO2 decreases. The formation of cavities was found to be the primary control on the dissolution of gas, and is responsible for the observed CO2 salting-out effect. Finally, our results provide the fundamental understanding of the density fluctuation in aqueous solutions and the molecular origin of the salting-out effect for real gas.

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Geologic Carbon Storage and Fracture Fate: Chemistry Heterogeneity Models and What to do with it all

Dewers, Thomas D.; Rinehart, Alex R.; Major, Jonathan R.; Lee, Sanghyun L.; Reber, Jacqueline R.; Choens, Robert C.; Feldman, Joshua D.; Eichhubl, Peter E.; Wheeler, Mary W.; Ganis, Ben G.; Hayman, Nick H.; Ilgen, Anastasia G.; Prodanovic, Masa P.; Bishop, Joseph E.; Balhoff, Matt B.; Espinoza, Nicolas E.; Martinez, Mario J.; Yoon, Hongkyu Y.

Abstract not provided.

Inelastic Neutron Scattering and Molecular Simulation of the Dynamics of Interlayer Water in Smectite Clay Minerals

Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Cygan, Randall T.; Daemen, Luke L.; Ilgen, Anastasia G.; Krumhansl, James L.; Nenoff, T.M.

The study of mineral-water interfaces is of great importance to a variety of applications including oil and gas extraction, gas subsurface storage, environmental contaminant treatment, and nuclear waste repositories. Understanding the fundamentals of that interface is key to the success of those applications. Confinement of water in the interlayer of smectite clay minerals provides a unique environment to examine the interactions among water molecules, interlayer cations, and clay mineral surfaces. Smectite minerals are characterized by a relatively low layer charge that allows the clay to swell with increasing water content. Montmorillonite and beidellite varieties of smectite were investigated to compare the impact of the location of layer charge on the interlayer structure and dynamics. Inelastic neutron scattering of hydrated and dehydrated cation-exchanged smectites was used to probe the dynamics of the interlayer water (200-900 cm-1 spectral region) and identify the shift in the librational edge as a function of the interlayer cation. Molecular dynamics simulations of equivalent phases and power spectra, derived from the resulting molecular trajectories, indicate a general shift in the librational behavior with interlayer cation that is generally consistent with the neutron scattering results for the monolayer hydrates. Both neutron scattering and power spectra exhibit librational structures affected by the location of layer charge and by the charge of the interlayer cation. Divalent cations (Ba2+ and Mg2+) characterized by large hydration enthalpies typically exhibit multiple broad librational peaks compared to monovalent cations (Cs+ and Na+), which have relatively small hydration enthalpies.

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Draft Geologic Disposal Requirements Basis for STAD Specification

Ilgen, Anastasia G.; Bryan, Charles R.; Hardin, Ernest H.

This document provides the basis for requirements in the current version of Performance Specification for Standardized Transportation, Aging, and Disposal Canister Systems, (FCRD-NFST-2014-0000579) that are driven by storage and geologic disposal considerations. Performance requirements for the Standardized Transportation, Aging, and Disposal (STAD) canister are given in Section 3.1 of that report. Here, the requirements are reviewed and the rationale for each provided. Note that, while FCRD-NFST-2014-0000579 provides performance specifications for other components of the STAD storage system (e.g. storage overpack, transfer and transportation casks, and others), these have no impact on the canister performance during disposal, and are not discussed here.

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Improving water quality for human and livestock consumption on cattle ranches in Lincoln and Socorro Counties New Mexico

Teich-McGoldrick, Stephanie T.; Ilgen, Anastasia G.; Dwyer, Brian P.; Rigali, Mark J.; Stewart, Thomas A.

This report summarizes the assistance provided to Shafer Ranches, Inc., Hightower Ranch, and Western Environmental by Sandia National Laboratories under a Leveraged New Mexico Small Business Assistance grant. The work was conducted between April to November, 2014. Therefore, Sandia National Laboratories has been asked to investigate and develop a water treatment system that would result in reduced cost associated with infrastructure, maintenance, elimination of importing water, and improved cattle health.

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DPC materials and corrosion environments

Ilgen, Anastasia G.; Bryan, Charles R.; Teich-McGoldrick, Stephanie T.; Hardin, Ernest H.

After an exposition of the materials used in DPCs and the factors controlling material corrosion in disposal environments, a survey is given of the corrosion rates, mechanisms, and products for commonly used stainless steels. Research needs are then identified for predicting stability of DPC materials in disposal environments. Stainless steel corrosion rates may be low enough to sustain DPC basket structural integrity for performance periods of as long as 10,000 years, especially in reducing conditions. Uncertainties include basket component design, disposal environment conditions, and the in-package chemical environment including any localized effects from radiolysis. Prospective disposal overpack materials exist for most disposal environments, including both corrosion allowance and corrosion resistant materials. Whereas the behavior of corrosion allowance materials is understood for a wide range of corrosion environments, demonstrating corrosion resistance could be more technically challenging and require environment-specific testing. A preliminary screening of the existing inventory of DPCs and other types of canisters is described, according to the type of closure, whether they can be readily transported, and what types of materials are used in basket construction.

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Materials for Consideration in Standardized Canister Design Activities

Bryan, Charles R.; Ilgen, Anastasia G.; Enos, David E.; Teich-McGoldrick, Stephanie T.; Hardin, Ernest H.

This document identifies materials and material mitigation processes that might be used in new designs for standardized canisters for storage, transportation, and disposal of spent nuclear fuel. It also addresses potential corrosion issues with existing dual-purpose canisters (DPCs) that could be addressed in new canister designs. The major potential corrosion risk during storage is stress corrosion cracking of the weld regions on the 304 SS/316 SS canister shell due to deliquescence of chloride salts on the surface. Two approaches are proposed to alleviate this potential risk. First, the existing canister materials (304 and 316 SS) could be used, but the welds mitigated to relieve residual stresses and/or sensitization. Alternatively, more corrosion-resistant steels such as super-austenitic or duplex stainless steels, could be used. Experimental testing is needed to verify that these alternatives would successfully reduce the risk of stress corrosion cracking during fuel storage. For disposal in a geologic repository, the canister will be enclosed in a corrosion-resistant or corrosion-allowance overpack that will provide barrier capability and mechanical strength. The canister shell will no longer have a barrier function and its containment integrity can be ignored. The basket and neutron absorbers within the canister have the important role of limiting the possibility of post-closure criticality. The time period for corrosion is much longer in the post-closure period, and one major unanswered question is whether the basket materials will corrode slowly enough to maintain structural integrity for at least 10,000 years. Whereas there is extensive literature on stainless steels, this evaluation recommends testing of 304 and 316 SS, and more corrosion-resistant steels such as super-austenitic, duplex, and super-duplex stainless steels, at repository-relevant physical and chemical conditions. Both general and localized corrosion testing methods would be used to establish corrosion rates and component lifetimes. Finally, it is unlikely that the aluminum-based neutron absorber materials that are commonly used in existing DPCs would survive for 10,000 years in disposal environments, because the aluminum will act as a sacrificial anode for the steel. We recommend additional testing of borated and Gd-bearing stainless steels, to establish general and localized corrosion resistance in repository-relevant environmental conditions.

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112 Results
112 Results