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A cross-platform comparison of dynamic material strength for tantalum

Flicker, Dawn G.; Prime, Michael, L.; Gray, GT, L.; Chen, SR, L.; Schraad, M.S.; Dattelbaum, D.D.; Fensin, S.F.; Preston, D.P.; Butler, W.B.; Sjue, S.S.; Arsenlis, T.A.; Park, H-S P.; McNabb, D.M.; Barton, N.B.; Remington, B.R.; Prisbey, S.P.; Austin, R.A.; Swift, D.S.; Benage, John F.; Lane, James M.; Brown, Justin L.; Lim, Hojun L.; Battaile, Corbett C.; Mattsson, Thomas M.; Sun, Amy C.; Moore, Alexander M.

Abstract not provided.

Advanced Capabilities in GOMA 6.0 - Augmenting Conditions Automatic Continuation and Linear Stability Analysis

Schunk, Randy; Labreche, Duane A.; Hopkins, Matthew M.; Sun, Amy C.; Wilkes, Ed W.

This document describes the form and use of three supplemental capabilities added to Goma during 1998 -- augmenting conditions, automatic continuation and linear stability analysis. Augmenting conditions allow the addition of constraints and auxiliary conditions which describe the relationship between unknowns, boundary conditions, material properties and post-processing extracted quantities. Automatic continuation refers to a family of algorithms (zeroth and first order here, single and multi-parameter) that allow tracking steady-state solution paths as material parameters or boundary conditions are varied. The stability analysis capability in Goma uses the method of small disturbances and superposition of normal modes to test the stability of a steady- state flow, i.e., it determines if the disturbance grows or decays in time.

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Chemical supply chain modeling for analysis of homeland security events

Computers and Chemical Engineering

Ehlen, Mark E.; Sun, Amy C.; Pepple, Mark A.; Eidson, Eric D.; Jones, Brian S.

The potential impacts of man-made and natural disasters on chemical plants, complexes, and supply chains are of great importance to homeland security. To be able to estimate these impacts, we developed an agent-based chemical supply chain model that includes: chemical plants with enterprise operations such as purchasing, production scheduling, and inventories; merchant chemical markets, and multi-modal chemical shipments. Large-scale simulations of chemical-plant activities and supply chain interactions, running on desktop computers, are used to estimate the scope and duration of disruptive-event impacts, and overall system resilience, based on the extent to which individual chemical plants can adjust their internal operations (e.g., production mixes and levels) versus their external interactions (market sales and purchases, and transportation routes and modes). To illustrate how the model estimates the impacts of a hurricane disruption, a simple example model centered on 1,4-butanediol is presented. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.

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Modeling the Gila-San Francisco Basin using system dynamics in support of the 2004 Arizona Water Settlement Act

Sun, Amy C.; Tidwell, Vincent C.; Klise, Geoffrey T.

Water resource management requires collaborative solutions that cross institutional and political boundaries. This work describes the development and use of a computer-based tool for assessing the impact of additional water allocation from the Gila River and the San Francisco River prescribed in the 2004 Arizona Water Settlements Act. Between 2005 and 2010, Sandia National Laboratories engaged concerned citizens, local water stakeholders, and key federal and state agencies to collaboratively create the Gila-San Francisco Decision Support Tool. Based on principles of system dynamics, the tool is founded on a hydrologic balance of surface water, groundwater, and their associated coupling between water resources and demands. The tool is fitted with a user interface to facilitate sensitivity studies of various water supply and demand scenarios. The model also projects the consumptive use of water in the region as well as the potential CUFA (Consumptive Use and Forbearance Agreement which stipulates when and where Arizona Water Settlements Act diversions can be made) diversion over a 26-year horizon. Scenarios are selected to enhance our understanding of the potential human impacts on the rivers ecological health in New Mexico; in particular, different case studies thematic to water conservation, water rights, and minimum flow are tested using the model. The impact on potential CUFA diversions, agricultural consumptive use, and surface water availability are assessed relative to the changes imposed in the scenarios. While it has been difficult to gage the acceptance level from the stakeholders, the technical information that the model provides are valuable for facilitating dialogues in the context of the new settlement.

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Thermodynamic Analysis of Solid–Liquid Phase Equilibria of Nitrate Salts

Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research

Davison, Scott M.; Sun, Amy C.

In this work, we analyze solid–liquid phase equilibria of molten nitrate salt mixtures. Molten salts are used as heat transfer fluids within concentrated solar power systems. Further understanding of the thermophysical properties of the salt solutions is integral to designing the newest generation of solar power systems. We make use of classical thermodynamics to quickly model the phase equilibrium of mixtures of nitrate salts. This modeling work can serve as a complement to existing experimental efforts in identifying appropriate multicomponent salt mixtures for solar power applications. We present phase calculations of ternary and quaternary mixtures of LiNO3, NaNO3, KNO3, and CsNO3 modeled using the Wilson equation for liquid phase activity coefficients and binary solid–liquid equilibrium data.

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Results 1–25 of 69
Results 1–25 of 69