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Out Brief for the Structural Reliability Partnership Workshop

Boyce, Brad B.; Fang, H.E.; Zimmerman, Jonathan A.; Kolski, Alyssa J.; Amann, Clare M.

The Structural Reliability Partnership Workshop was held in Albuquerque, NM on August 29-30, 2017 and was hosted by Sandia National Laboratories. Attendees were present from academia, industry and several other national laboratories. The workshop kicked off with an introduction to the SRP to familiarize potential members with what the purpose, structure and benefits would be to their organization. Technical overviews were given on several topics by attendees from each sector – national labs, universities and industry – to provide a snapshot of the type of work that is currently being conducted on structural reliability. Attendees were then given the opportunity to suggest and discuss potential Challenge Scenario topics. Three were ultimately decided upon as being the most important: Additive Manufacturing, Hydrogen Pipeline Steels, and Bolted Joined Structures. These were then analyzed using Quad Charts to determine What, How, Who, and Why these areas would be further investigated. Rather than restricting future research to only one area, the option was left open to investigate both the top two, depending on interest and cost associated with hosting such an event. More informal collaboration may be undertaken for the third topic if members have time and interest. Other items discussed pertained to the organization, structure and policies of the Partnership. Topics including Data Management, IP, and mechanisms of partnering/information sharing were touched upon but final decisions were not made. Further action is needed before this can be done. Action items were outlined and assigned, where possible. The next workshop is to be held in early August 2018 in Boulder, CO and is to be hosted by NIST. In the interim, quarterly updates are to take place via WebEx to maintain a line of communication and to ensure progress on both the administrative and technical tasks.

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11 Results