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An Enhanced Safeguards Approach for Accelerator Driven Systems utilized to Close the Fuel Cycle

Farley, David R.; Uribe, Eva U.; Horowitz, Steven M.; Solodov, Alexander A.

Further to our previous safeguards approach for Accelerator Driven Systems, which focused on estimates of fissile material production using relevant proton accelerator systems and corresponding safeguards needs for fuel storage, the subcritical reactor, and spent fuel storage material balances areas, this report is more expansive and considers utilization of ADS for either burning of transuranics or breeding of fissile materials. We find that the recycled fuels likely intended for ADS will be thermally and radioactively hot to such a degree that it is likely reprocessing and fuel fabrication will have to be co - located with the ADS reactor facility to avoid impractical hot fuel transportation issues. As such, we consider in detail the full ADS system to include material balance areas for spent fuel receiving, reprocessing, storage & cooling, fuel fabrication, subcritical reactor area, and waste storage & handling. Furthermore, aqueous - based separation methods like PUREX cannot tolerate the intense heat of the ADS fuels, so pyroprocessing will likely be required. With these considerations, we developed an Enhanced Safeguards Approach for ADS beyond the work done in our first report, and conclude that significant diagnostic development is needed , a nd provide safeguards recommendations. We have also included an appendix regarding some country programs, in particular the Chinese ADANES burner/breeder program a nd the Indian thorium - based breeder program.

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The Gulf Nuclear Energy Infrastructure Institute (GNEII): Origins, Objectives, and Operations—A Joint Report

Williams, Adam D.; Solodov, Alexander A.; Mohagheghi, Amir H.; Beeley, Philip B.; Alameri, Saeed A.

The Gulf Nuclear Energy Infrastructure Institute (GNEII—pronounced "genie") seeks to develop expertise among future leaders of Gulf-region nuclear power programs in global standards, norms and best practices in nuclear energy programs. More specifically, the institute aims to contribute to the enhancement of nuclear security, safety, and safeguards (the so-called nuclear "3S") by providing an avenue for regional nuclear interaction, technical collaboration, lessons-learned discussions, and best-practices sharing. It is a multidisciplinary human capacity development institute offering education, research and technical services to support responsible nuclear energy programs in the Gulf and Middle East regions. In this Joint Report, Chapter 2 discusses GNEII's origins (including drivers, milestones, and design principles), Chapter 3 discusses GNEII's objectives (including goals, mission, and vision), Chapter 4 discusses GNEII's operations (including education, research, and technical service pillars), Chapter 5 discusses major insights and next steps, and Chapter 6 provides a list of publications offering additional depictions and details of GNEII's evolution. Though only one piece of a multi-faceted, multi-national effort to develop human infrastructure needs for nascent nuclear energy programs, GNEII offers a model that addresses the socio-technical attributes of nuclear 3S that can be replicated globally.

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30 Results