
43 Results
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Corrosion Monitors for Embedded Evaluation

Robinson, Alex L.; Pfeifer, Kent B.; Casias, Adrian L.; Howell, Stephen W.; Sorensen, Neil R.; Missert, Nancy A.

We have developed and characterized novel in-situ corrosion sensors to monitor and quantify the corrosive potential and history of localized environments. Embedded corrosion sensors can provide information to aid health assessments of internal electrical components including connectors, microelectronics, wires, and other susceptible parts. When combined with other data (e.g. temperature and humidity), theory, and computational simulation, the reliability of monitored systems can be predicted with higher fidelity.

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Development of MEMS photoacoustic spectroscopy

Eichenfield, Matthew S.; Givler, R.C.; Pfeifer, Kent B.; Reinke, Charles M.; Robinson, Alex L.; Resnick, Paul J.; Griffin, Benjamin G.; Langlois, Eric L.; Nielson, Gregory N.; Okandan, Murat O.

After years in the field, many materials suffer degradation, off-gassing, and chemical changes causing build-up of measurable chemical atmospheres. Stand-alone embedded chemical sensors are typically limited in specificity, require electrical lines, and/or calibration drift makes data reliability questionable. Along with size, these "Achilles' heels" have prevented incorporation of gas sensing into sealed, hazardous locations which would highly benefit from in-situ analysis. We report on development of an all-optical, mid-IR, fiber-optic based MEMS Photoacoustic Spectroscopy solution to address these limitations. Concurrent modeling and computational simulation are used to guide hardware design and implementation.

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MOF @ MEMS: Design optimization for high sensitivity chemical detection

Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical

Venkatasubramanian, Anandram; Lee, Jin H.; Stavila, Vitalie; Robinson, Alex L.; Allendorf, Mark D.; Hesketh, Peter J.

Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) are a rapidly developing class of nanoporous materials with numerous applications in diverse fields such as chemical detection, hazardous gas detection, and carbon capture. Even though numerous articles have been written emphasizing the adsorption properties of these MOFs, their compatibility with respect to the sensing device has not been explored. While there are numerous types of sensing devices that could benefit from the use of MOF-based coatings to enhance sensitivity and selectivity, we are particularly interested in microcantilevers because of the high sensitivity they can provide within a compact, lower-power architecture. In this paper, we address this need by analyzing the effect of the mechanical properties of MOFs on the sensor response. In particular, we are interested in the structural flexibility of MOFs, because this unique guest-induced property can be used for strain-induced sensing attribute of the microcantilever. In this regard we examined the effects of important MOF mechanical properties such as the Young's Modulus, Poisson's ratio, and density on the sensor response for a range of values representative of the MOFs available in the literature. From our analysis we determined that increasing the Young's Modulus and Poisson's ratio improve the response, while the density of the MOF has a negligible effect on the cantilever response. In addition, we also examined the influence on cantilever response of the intermediate layer used to bind the MOF, from which we observe that SiO 2 provides the best sensor response for a given MOF layer. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.

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Finite-element analysis of the deformation of thin Mylar films due to measurement forces

Robinson, Alex L.; Tran, Hy D.

Significant deformation of thin films occurs when measuring thickness by mechanical means. This source of measurement error can lead to underestimating film thickness if proper corrections are not made. Analytical solutions exist for Hertzian contact deformation, but these solutions assume relatively large geometries. If the film being measured is thin, the analytical Hertzian assumptions are not appropriate. ANSYS is used to model the contact deformation of a 48 gauge Mylar film under bearing load, supported by a stiffer material. Simulation results are presented and compared to other correction estimates. Ideal, semi-infinite, and constrained properties of the film and the measurement tools are considered.

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Investigation of microcantilever array with ordered nanoporous coatings for selective chemical detection

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Lee, J.H.; Houk, R.T.J.; Robinson, Alex L.; Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Thornberg, Steven M.; Allendorf, M.D.; Hesketh, P.J.

In this paper we demonstrate the potential for novel nanoporous framework materials (NFM) such as metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) to provide selectivity and sensitivity to a broad range of analytes including explosives, nerve agents, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). NFM are highly ordered, crystalline materials with considerable synthetic flexibility resulting from the presence of both organic and inorganic components within their structure. Detection of chemical weapons of mass destruction (CWMD), explosives, toxic industrial chemicals (TICs), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS) devices, such as microcantilevers and surface acoustic wave sensors, requires the use of recognition layers to impart selectivity. Traditional organic polymers are dense, impeding analyte uptake and slowing sensor response. The nanoporosity and ultrahigh surface areas of NFM enhance transport into and out of the NFM layer, improving response times, and their ordered structure enables structural tuning to impart selectivity. Here we describe experiments and modeling aimed at creating NFM layers tailored to the detection of water vapor, explosives, CWMD, and VOCs, and their integration with the surfaces of MEMS devices. Force field models show that a high degree of chemical selectivity is feasible. For example, using a suite of MOFs it should be possible to select for explosives vs. CWMD, VM vs. GA (nerve agents), and anthracene vs. naphthalene (VOCs). We will also demonstrate the integration of various NFM with the surfaces of MEMS devices and describe new synthetic methods developed to improve the quality of VFM coatings. Finally, MOF-coated MEMS devices show how temperature changes can be tuned to improve response times, selectivity, and sensitivity. © 2010 Copyright SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering.

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Nanoporous framework materials interfaced with mechanical sensors for highly-sensitive chemical sensing

Houk, Ronald H.; Robinson, Alex L.; Skinner, J.L.; Thornberg, Steven M.; Allendorf, Mark D.

We will describe how novel nanoporous framework materials (NFM) such as metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) can be interfaced with common mechanical sensors, such as surface acoustic wave (SAW), microcantilever array, and quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) devices, and subsequently be used to provide selectivity and sensitivity to a broad range of analytes including explosives, nerve agents, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). NFM are highly ordered, crystalline materials with considerable synthetic flexibility resulting from the presence of both organic and inorganic components within their structure. Chemical detection using micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS) devices (i.e. SAWs, microcantilevers) requires the use of recognition layers to impart selectivity. Unlike traditional organic polymers, which are dense, the nanoporosity and ultrahigh surface areas of NFM allow for greater analyte uptake and enhance transport into and out of the sensing layer. This enhancement over traditional coatings leads to improved response times and greater sensitivity, while their ordered structure allows chemical tuning to impart selectivity. We describe here experiments and modeling aimed at creating NFM layers tailored to the detection of water vapor, explosives, CWMD, and volatile organic compound (VOCs), and their integration with the surfaces of MEMS devices. Molecular simulation shows that a high degree of chemical selectivity is feasible. For example, a suite of MOFs can select for strongly interacting organics (explosives, CWMD) vs. lighter volatile organics at trace concentrations. At higher gas pressures, the CWMD are deselected in favor of the volatile organics. We will also demonstrate the integration of various NFM on the surface of microcantiliver arrays, QCM crystals, and SAW devices, and describe new synthetic methods developed to improve the quality of NFM coatings. Finally, MOF-coated MEMS devices show how temperature changes can be tuned to improve response times, selectivity, and sensitivity.

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Fiber-optic current sensors based on polarization coherence and power scattering in magneto-optical films

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Hsu, Alan Y.; Robinson, Alex L.; Cernosek, R.W.

Fiber-optic sensors for sensing electrical current are attractive due to their inherent immunity to electromagnetic interference. Several groups have shown the use of Faraday rotation in magneto-optical materials as a function of current-induced magnetic field. In this work, fiber-optic sensors based on different mechanisms such as magnetic-fielddependent polarization coherence and power scattering effects in magneto-optical materials are demonstrated. These novel sensor configurations can have advantages in that they exhibit power-independent or polarization-independent operation which can ultimately lead to fewer components and relaxed light source requirements compared to fiber-optic current sensor systems based on Faraday rotation.

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A low-power pressure-and temperature-programmed separation system for a micro gas chromatograph

Robinson, Alex L.

This thesis presents the theory, design, fabrication and testing of the microvalves and columns necessary in a pressure- and temperature-programmed micro gas chromatograph ({micro}GC). Two microcolumn designs are investigated: a bonded Si-glass column having a rectangular cross section and a vapor-deposited silicon oxynitride (Sion) column having a roughly circular cross section. Both microcolumns contain integrated heaters and sensors for rapid, controlled heating. The 3.2 cm x 3.2 cm, 3 m-long silicon-glass column, coated with a non-polar polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) stationary phase, separates 30 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in less than 6 min. This is the most efficient micromachined column reported to date, producing greater than 4000 plates/m. The 2.7 mm x 1.4 mm Sion column eliminates the glass sealing plate and silicon substrate using deposited dielectrics and is the lowest power and fastest GC column reported to date; it requires only 11 mW to raise the column temperature by 100 C and has a response time of 11s and natural temperature ramp rate of 580 C/min. A 1 m-long PDMS-coated Sion microcolumn separates 10 VOCs in 52s. A system-based design approach was used for both columns.

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Real-time discriminatory sensors for water contamination events :LDRD 52595 final report

Robinson, Alex L.; Showalter, Steven K.; Lewis, Patrick R.; Shelmidine, G.J.; Carrejo Simpkins, Kimberly C.; Dirk, Shawn M.; Borek, Theodore T.; Irwin, Adriane N.

The gas-phase {mu}ChemLab{trademark} developed by Sandia can detect volatile organics and semi-volatiles organics via gas phase sampling . The goal of this three year Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) project was to adapt the components and concepts used by the {mu}ChemLab{trademark} system towards the analysis of water-borne chemicals of current concern. In essence, interfacing the gas-phase {mu}ChemLab{trademark} with water to bring the significant prior investment of Sandia and the advantages of microfabrication and portable analysis to a whole new world of important analytes. These include both chemical weapons agents and their hydrolysis products and disinfection by-products such as Trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs). THMs and HAAs are currently regulated by EPA due to health issues, yet water utilities do not have rapid on-site methods of detection that would allow them to adjust their processes quickly; protecting consumers, meeting water quality standards, and obeying regulations more easily and with greater confidence. This report documents the results, unique hardware and devices, and methods designed during the project toward the goal stated above. It also presents and discusses the portable field system to measure THMs developed in the course of this project.

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Two dimensional modeling and simulation of mass transport in microfabricated preconcentrators

Proposed for publication in IEEE Sensors Journal.

Robinson, Alex L.

The adsorption and desorption behavior of a planar microfabricated preconcentrator (PC) has been modeled and simulated using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) package CFDRC-ACE+trade. By comparison with the results of a designed experiment, model parameters were determined. Assuming a first-order reaction for the adsorption of a light hydrocarbon chemical analyte onto the PC adsorbent and a unity-value sticking coefficient, a rate constant of 36,500 s{sup -1} was obtained. This compares favorably with the value of 25,300 s{sup -1} obtained by application of the Modified-Wheeler equation. The modeled rate constant depends on the concentration of adsorbent sites, estimated to be 6.94 ldr 10{sup -8} kmol/m{sup 2} for the Carboxen 1000 adsorbent used. Using the integral method, desorption was found to be first order with an Arrhenius temperature dependence and an activation energy of 30.1 kj/mol. Validation of this model is reported herein, including the use of Aris-Taylor dispersion to predict the influence of fluidics surrounding the PC. A maximum in desorption peak area with flow rate, predicted from a quadratic fit to the results of the designed experiment, was not observed in the 2-D simulation. Either approximations in the simulated model or the nonphysical nature of the quadratic fit are responsible. Despite the apparent simplicity of the model, the simulation is internally self consistent and capable of predicting performance of new device designs. To apply the method to other analytes and other adsorbent materials, only a limited number of comparisons to experiment are required to obtain the necessary rate constants.

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Microcalibrator system for chemical signature and reagent delivery

Simonson, Robert J.; Rawlinson, Kim S.; Robinson, Alex L.; Ellison, Jennifer A.; Staton, Alan W.; Manginell, Ronald P.; Adkins, Douglas R.; Sokolowski, Sara S.; Hance, Bradley G.

Networked systems of low-cost, small, integrable chemical sensors will enable monitoring of Nonproliferation and Materials Control targets and chemical weapons threats. Sandia-designed prototype chemical sensor systems are undergoing extended field testing supported by DOE and other government agencies. A required surety component will be verification of microanalytical system performance, which can be achieved by providing a programmable source of chemical signature(s) for autonomous calibration of analytical systems. In addition, such a controlled chemical source could be used to dispense microaliquots of derivatization reagents, extending the analysis capability of chemical sensors to a wider range of targets. We have developed a microfabricated system for controlled release of selected compounds (calibrants) into the analytical stream of microsensor systems. To minimize pumping and valve requirements of microfluidic systems, and to avoid degradation issues associated with storage of dilute solutions, we have utilized thermally labile organic salts as solid-phase reservoir materials. Reproducible deposition of tetrapropyl ammonium hydroxide onto arrays of microfabricated heating elements can provide a pair of calibration marker compounds (one fast and one slow-eluting compound) for GC analyses. The use of this microaliquot gas source array for hydrogen generation is currently under further development. The goal of the latter effort will be to provide a source of high-pressure, low viscosity GC carrier gas for Sandia's next-generation microfabricated gas-phase chemical analysis systems.

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Overview of sensors and needs for environmental monitoring

Proposed for publication in Sensors.

Ho, Clifford K.; Robinson, Alex L.; Miller, David R.

This paper surveys the needs associated with environmental monitoring and long-term environmental stewardship. Emerging sensor technologies are reviewed to identify compatible technologies for various environmental monitoring applications. The contaminants that are considered in this report are grouped into the following categories: (1) metals, (2) radioisotopes, (3) volatile organic compounds, and (4) biological contaminants. United States regulatory drivers are evaluated for different applications (e.g., drinking water, storm water, pretreatment, and air emissions), and sensor requirements are derived from these regulatory metrics. Sensor capabilities are then summarized according to contaminant type, and the applicability of the different sensors to various environmental monitoring applications is discussed.

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Sensors for environmental monitoring and long-term environmental stewardship

Ho, Clifford K.; Robinson, Alex L.; Miller, David R.

This report surveys the needs associated with environmental monitoring and long-term environmental stewardship. Emerging sensor technologies are reviewed to identify compatible technologies for various environmental monitoring applications. The contaminants that are considered in this report are grouped into the following categories: (1) metals, (2) radioisotopes, (3) volatile organic compounds, and (4) biological contaminants. Regulatory drivers are evaluated for different applications (e.g., drinking water, storm water, pretreatment, and air emissions), and sensor requirements are derived from these regulatory metrics. Sensor capabilities are then summarized according to contaminant type, and the applicability of the different sensors to various environmental monitoring applications is discussed.

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43 Results
43 Results