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Fluxes across double-diffusive interfaces : a one-dimensional turbulence study

Gonzalez, Esteban D.; Kerstein, Alan R.

The parameterization of the fluxes of heat and salt across double-diffusive interfaces is of interest in geophysics, astrophysics, and engineering. The present work is a parametric study of these fluxes using one-dimensional-turbulence (ODT) simulations. Its main distinction is that it considers a parameter space larger than previous studies. Specifically, this work considers the effect on the fluxes of the stability parameter R{sub {rho}}, Rayleigh number Ra, Prandtl number, Lewis number, and Richardson number. The ratio Ra/R{sub {rho}} is found to be a dominant parameter. Here Ra/R{sub {rho}} can be seen as a ratio of destabilizing and stabilizing effects. Trends predicted by the simulations are in good agreement with previous models and available measurements.

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Analysis and numerical simulation of a laboratory analog of radiatively induced cloud-top entrainment

Kerstein, Alan R.

Numerical simulations using the One-Dimensional-Turbulence model are compared to water-tank measurements [B. J. Sayler and R. E. Breidenthal, J. Geophys. Res. 103 (D8), 8827 (1998)] emulating convection and entrainment in stratiform clouds driven by cloud-top cooling. Measured dependences of the entrainment rate on Richardson number, molecular transport coefficients, and other experimental parameters are reproduced. Additional parameter variations suggest more complicated dependences of the entrainment rate than previously anticipated. A simple algebraic model indicates the ways in which laboratory and cloud entrainment behaviors might be similar and different.

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Exact results and field-theoretic bounds for randomly advected propagating fronts, and implications for turbulent combustion

Mayo, Jackson M.; Kerstein, Alan R.

One of the authors previously conjectured that the wrinkling of propagating fronts by weak random advection increases the bulk propagation rate (turbulent burning velocity) in proportion to the 4/3 power of the advection strength. An exact derivation of this scaling is reported. The analysis shows that the coefficient of this scaling is equal to the energy density of a lower-dimensional Burgers fluid with a white-in-time forcing whose spatial structure is expressed in terms of the spatial autocorrelation of the flow that advects the front. The replica method of field theory has been used to derive an upper bound on the coefficient as a function of the spatial autocorrelation. High precision numerics show that the bound is usefully sharp. Implications for strongly advected fronts (e.g., turbulent flames) are noted.

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Comparison of entrainment rates from a tank experiment with results using the one-dimensional turbulence model

Kerstein, Alan R.

Recent work suggests that cloud effects remain one of the largest sources of uncertainty in model-based estimates of climate sensitivity. In particular, the entrainment rate in stratocumulus-topped mixed layers needs better models. More than thirty years ago a clever laboratory experiment was conducted by McEwan and Paltridge to examine an analog of the entrainment process at the top of stratiform clouds. Sayler and Breidenthal extended this pioneering work and determined the effect of the Richardson number on the dimensionless entrainment rate. The experiments gave hints that the interaction between molecular effects and the one-sided turbulence seems to be crucial for understanding entrainment. From the numerical point of view large-eddy simulation (LES) does not allow explicitly resolving all the fine scale processes at the entrainment interface. Direct numerical simulation (DNS) is limited due to the Reynolds number and is not the tool of choice for parameter studies. Therefore it is useful to investigate new modeling strategies, such as stochastic turbulence models which allow sufficient resolution at least in one dimension while having acceptable run times. We will present results of the One-Dimensional Turbulence stochastic simulation model applied to the experimental setup of Sayler and Breidenthal. The results on radiatively induced entrainment follow quite well the scaling of the entrainment rate with the Richardson number that was experimentally found for a set of trials. Moreover, we investigate the influence of molecular effects, the fluids optical properties, and the artifact of parasitic turbulence experimentally observed in the laminar layer. In the simulations the parameters are varied systematically for even larger ranges than in the experiment. Based on the obtained results a more complex parameterization of the entrainment rate than currently discussed in the literature seems to be necessary.

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ODTLES: A multi-scale model for 3D turbulent flow based on one-dimensional turbulence modeling

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

Schmidt, Rodney C.; Kerstein, Alan R.; McDermott, Randall

A novel multi-scale approach for extending the one-dimensional turbulence (ODT) model of [A.R. Kerstein. One-dimensional turbulence: model formulation and application to homogeneous turbulence, shear flows, and buoyant stratified flows, J. Fluid Mech. 392 (1999) 277] to treat turbulent flow in three-dimensional (3D) domains is described. In this model, here called ODTLES, 3D aspects of the flow are captured by embedding three, mutually orthogonal, one-dimensional ODT domain arrays within a coarser 3D mesh. The ODTLES model is obtained by developing a consistent approach for dynamically coupling the different ODT line sets to each other and to the large scale processes that are resolved on the 3D mesh. The model is implemented computationally and its performance is tested by performing simulations of decaying isotropic turbulence at two different Reynolds numbers and comparing to the experimental data of [H. Kang, S. Chester, C. Meneveau. Decaying turbulence in an active-grid-generated flow and comparisons with large-eddy simulations, J. Fluid Mech. 480 (2003) 129; G. Comte-Bellot, S. Corrsin, Simple Eulerian correlation of full-and narrow band velocity signals in grid-generated 'isotropic' turbulence, J. Fluid Mech. 48 (1971) 273]. © 2008 Elsevier B.V.

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Type Ia supernovae: Advances in large scale simulation

Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Woosley, S.E.; Almgren, A.S.; Aspden, A.J.; Bell, J.B.; Kasen, D.; Kerstein, Alan R.; Ma, H.; Nonaka, A.; Zingale, M.

There are two principal scientific objectives in the study of Type Ia supernovae - first, a better understanding of these complex explosions from as near first principles as possible, and second, enabling the more accurate utilization of their emission to measure distances in cosmology. Both tasks lend themselves to large scale numerical simulation, yet take us beyond the current frontiers in astrophysics, combustion science, and radiation transport. Their study requires novel approaches and the creation of new, highly scalable codes. © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd.

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Fronts in randomly advected and heterogeneous media and nonuniversality of Burgers turbulence: Theory and numerics

Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics

Mayo, Jackson M.; Kerstein, Alan R.

A recently established mathematical equivalence-between weakly perturbed Huygens fronts (e.g., flames in weak turbulence or geometrical-optics wave fronts in slightly nonuniform media) and the inviscid limit of white-noise-driven Burgers turbulence-motivates theoretical and numerical estimates of Burgers-turbulence properties for specific types of white-in-time forcing. Existing mathematical relations between Burgers turbulence and the statistical mechanics of directed polymers, allowing use of the replica method, are exploited to obtain systematic upper bounds on the Burgers energy density, corresponding to the ground-state binding energy of the directed polymer and the speedup of the Huygens front. The results are complementary to previous studies of both Burgers turbulence and directed polymers, which have focused on universal scaling properties instead of forcing-dependent parameters. The upper-bound formula can be heuristically understood in terms of renormalization of a different kind from that previously used in combustion models, and also shows that the burning velocity of an idealized turbulent flame does not diverge with increasing Reynolds number at fixed turbulence intensity, a conclusion that applies even to strong turbulence. Numerical simulations of the one-dimensional inviscid Burgers equation using a Lagrangian finite-element method confirm that the theoretical upper bounds are sharp within about 15% for various forcing spectra (corresponding to various two-dimensional random media). These computations provide a quantitative test of the replica method. The inferred nonuniversality (spectrum dependence) of the front speedup is of direct importance for combustion modeling. © 2008 The American Physical Society.

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Exact results and field-theoretic bounds for randomly advected propagating fronts, and implications for turbulent combustion

Kerstein, Alan R.; Mayo, Jackson M.

One of the authors previously conjectured that the wrinkling of propagating fronts by weak random advection increases the bulk propagation rate (turbulent burning velocity) in proportion to the 4/3 power of the advection strength. An exact derivation of this scaling is reported. The analysis shows that the coefficient of this scaling is equal to the energy density of a lower-dimensional Burgers fluid with a white-in-time forcing whose spatial structure is expressed in terms of the spatial autocorrelation of the flow that advects the front. The replica method of field theory has been used to derive an upper bound on the coefficient as a function of the spatial auto-correlation. High precision numerics show that the bound is usefully sharp. Implications for strongly advected fronts (e.g., turbulent flames) are noted.

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ODTLES : a model for 3D turbulent flow based on one-dimensional turbulence modeling concepts

Schmidt, Rodney C.; Kerstein, Alan R.

This report describes an approach for extending the one-dimensional turbulence (ODT) model of Kerstein [6] to treat turbulent flow in three-dimensional (3D) domains. This model, here called ODTLES, can also be viewed as a new LES model. In ODTLES, 3D aspects of the flow are captured by embedding three, mutually orthogonal, one-dimensional ODT domain arrays within a coarser 3D mesh. The ODTLES model is obtained by developing a consistent approach for dynamically coupling the different ODT line sets to each other and to the large scale processes that are resolved on the 3D mesh. The model is implemented computationally and its performance is tested and evaluated by performing simulations of decaying isotropic turbulence, a standard turbulent flow benchmarking problem.

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Single-column model intercomparison for a stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer

Proposed for publication in Boundary Layer Meteorology.

Kerstein, Alan R.

The parameterization of the stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer is a difficult issue, having a significant impact on medium-range weather forecasts and climate integrations. To pursue this further, a moderately stratified Arctic case is simulated by nineteen single-column turbulence schemes. Statistics from a large-eddy simulation intercomparison made for the same case by eleven different models are used as a guiding reference. The single-column parameterizations include research and operational schemes from major forecast and climate research centers. Results from first-order schemes, a large number of turbulence kinetic energy closures, and other models were used. There is a large spread in the results; in general, the operational schemes mix over a deeper layer than the research schemes, and the turbulence kinetic energy and other higher-order closures give results closer to the statistics obtained from the large-eddy simulations. The sensitivities of the schemes to the parameters of their turbulence closures are partially explored.

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On the Development of the Large Eddy Simulation Approach for Modeling Turbulent Flow: LDRD Final Report

Schmidt, Rodney C.; DesJardin, Paul E.; Voth, Thomas E.; Christon, Mark A.; Kerstein, Alan R.; Wunsch, Scott E.

This report describes research and development of the large eddy simulation (LES) turbulence modeling approach conducted as part of Sandia's laboratory directed research and development (LDRD) program. The emphasis of the work described here has been toward developing the capability to perform accurate and computationally affordable LES calculations of engineering problems using unstructured-grid codes, in wall-bounded geometries and for problems with coupled physics. Specific contributions documented here include (1) the implementation and testing of LES models in Sandia codes, including tests of a new conserved scalar--laminar flamelet SGS combustion model that does not assume statistical independence between the mixture fraction and the scalar dissipation rate, (2) the development and testing of statistical analysis and visualization utility software developed for Exodus II unstructured grid LES, and (3) the development and testing of a novel new LES near-wall subgrid model based on the one-dimensional Turbulence (ODT) model.

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54 Results
54 Results