My Path Through Sandia
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Abstract not provided.
Abstract not provided.
Abstract not provided.
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering
A copolymer of maleic anhydride and styrene is functionalized with Diels–Alder (DA) capable pendant groups to enable the study of this material with different crosslink densities. This constituent is synthesized using commercially available starting materials and relatively simple and uncomplicated chemistries which open the possibility for its use in large-scale applications. The 10%, 25%, 50%, and 100% DA nominal crosslinking based on available pendant furan groups on the polymeric component is investigated. The reaction kinetics are monitored using infrared spectroscopy and rheology. Based on the rheological results, carbon nanotube (CNT) incorporation into the DA matrix is explored in order to determine its effects on the complex modulus of the material. This work done in this report is meant as a proof of concept for this DA material with the possibility of its incorporation into other commonly used bulk materials and/or adhesives to allow for an easily reversible product formulation.
The moisture absorption behavior of two fiber reinforced composite materials was evaluated in a unidirectional manner The flat materials were exposed to varying humidity and temperature conditions inside of an environmental chamber in order to determine their effective moisture equilibrium (M m ) and moisture absorption rate (D z ). Two-ply (thin) and four-ply (thick) materials were utilized to obtain M,,, and Dz, respectively. The results obtained from laboratory work were then compared to modeling data to better understand the material properties. Predictions capabilities were built to forecast the maximum moisture content, time required for saturation, and the moisture content at any given humidity and temperature. A case study was included to demonstrate this capability. Also of interest were cubed samples to investigate directionality preferences in water immersion studies. Several coatings were evaluated for their water permeation properties. Further dissemination authorized to the Department of Energy and DOE contractors only; other requests shall be approved by the originating facility or higher DOE programmatic authority.
Abstract not provided.
A report meant to document the chemistries investigated by the author for covalent surface modification of CNTs. Oxidation, cycloaddition, and radical reactions were explored to determine their success at covalently altering the CNT surface. Characterization through infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and thermo gravimetric analysis was performed in order to determine the success of the chemistries employed. This report is not exhaustive and was performed for CNT surface modification exploration as it pertains to the "Next Gen" project.
Abstract not provided.
Abstract not provided.