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Optimization and Prediction of Spectral Response of Metasurfaces Using Artificial Intelligence


Sarma, Raktim S.; Goldflam, Michael G.; Donahoue, Emily D.; Pribisova, Abigail; Gennaro, Sylvain D.; Wright, Jeremy B.; Brener, Igal B.; Briscoe, Jayson B.

Hot-electron generation has been a topic of intense research for decades for numerous applications ranging from photodetection and photochemistry to biosensing. Recently, the technique of hot-electron generation using non-radiative decay of surface plasmons excited by metallic nanoantennas, or meta-atoms, in a metasurface has attracted attention. These metasurfaces can be designed with thicknesses on the order of the hot-electron diffusion length. The plasmonic resonances of these ultrathin metasurfaces can be tailored by changing the shape and size of the meta-atoms. One of the fundamental mechanisms leading to generation of hot-electrons in such systems is optical absorption, therefore, optimization of absorption is a key step in enhancing the performance of any metasurface based hot-electron device. Here we utilized an artificial intelligence-based approach, the genetic algorithm, to optimize absorption spectra of plasmonic metasurfaces. Using genetic algorithm optimization strategies, we designed a polarization insensitive plasmonic metasurface with 90% absorption at 1550 nm that does not require an optically thick ground plane. We fabricated and optically characterized the metasurface and our experimental results agree with simulations. Finally, we present a convolutional neural network that can predict the absorption spectra of metasurfaces never seen by the network, thereby eliminating the need for computationally expensive simulations. Our results suggest a new direction for optimizing hot-electron based photodetectors and sensors.

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Optimization and prediction of spectral response of metasurfaces using artificial intelligence


Sarma, Raktim S.; Goldflam, Michael G.; Donahue, Emily; Pribisova, Abigail; Gennaro, Sylvain D.; Wright, Jeremy B.; Brener, Igal B.; Briscoe, Jayson B.

Hot-electron generation has been a topic of intense research for decades for numerous applications ranging from photodetection and photochemistry to biosensing. Recently, the technique of hot-electron generation using non-radiative decay of surface plasmons excited by metallic nanoantennas, or meta-atoms, in a metasurface has attracted attention. These metasurfaces can be designed with thicknesses on the order of the hot-electron diffusion length. The plasmonic resonances of these ultrathin metasurfaces can be tailored by changing the shape and size of the meta-atoms. One of the fundamental mechanisms leading to generation of hot-electrons in such systems is optical absorption, therefore, optimization of absorption is a key step in enhancing the performance of any metasurface based hot-electron device. Here we utilized an artificial intelligence-based approach, the genetic algorithm, to optimize absorption spectra of plasmonic metasurfaces. Using genetic algorithm optimization strategies, we designed a polarization insensitive plasmonic metasurface with 90% absorption at 1550 nm that does not require an optically thick ground plane. We fabricated and optically characterized the metasurface and our experimental results agree with simulations. Finally, we present a convolutional neural network that can predict the absorption spectra of metasurfaces never seen by the network, thereby eliminating the need for computationally expensive simulations. Our results suggest a new direction for optimizing hot-electron based photodetectors and sensors.

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Automatic detection of defects in high reliability as-built parts using x-ray CT

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Potter, Kevin M.; Donohoe, Brendan D.; Greene, Benjamin G.; Pribisova, Abigail; Donahue, Emily D.

Automatic detection of defects in as-built parts is a challenging task due to the large number of potential manufacturing flaws that can occur. X-Ray computed tomography (CT) can produce high-quality images of the parts in a non-destructive manner. The images, however, are grayscale valued, often have artifacts and noise, and require expert interpretation to spot flaws. In order for anomaly detection to be reproducible and cost effective, an automated method is needed to find potential defects. Traditional supervised machine learning techniques fail in the high reliability parts regime due to large class imbalance: there are often many more examples of well-built parts than there are defective parts. This, coupled with the time expense of obtaining labeled data, motivates research into unsupervised techniques. In particular, we build upon the AnoGAN and f-AnoGAN work by T. Schlegl et al. and created a new architecture called PandaNet. PandaNet learns an encoding function to a latent space of defect-free components and a decoding function to reconstruct the original image. We restrict the training data to defect-free components so that the encode-decode operation cannot learn to reproduce defects well. The difference between the reconstruction and the original image highlights anomalies that can be used for defect detection. In our work with CT images, PandaNet successfully identifies cracks, voids, and high z inclusions. Beyond CT, we demonstrate PandaNet working successfully with little to no modifications on a variety of common 2-D defect datasets both in color and grayscale.

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4 Results
4 Results