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Designing energy dissipation properties via thermal spray coatings

Surface and Coatings Technology

Brake, M.R.W.; Hall, Aaron C.; Madison, Jonathan D.

The coefficient of restitution is a measure of energy dissipation in a system across impact events. Often, the dissipative qualities of a pair of impacting components are neglected during the design phase. This research looks at the effect of applying a thin layer of metallic coating, using thermal spray technologies, to significantly alter the dissipative properties of a system. The dissipative properties are studied across multiple impacts in order to assess the effects of work hardening, the change in microstructure, and the change in surface topography. The results of the experiments indicate that any work hardening-like effects are likely attributable to the crushing of asperities, and the permanent changes in the dissipative properties of the system, as measured by the coefficient of restitution, are attributable to the microstructure formed by the thermal spray coating. Further, the microstructure appears to be robust across impact events of moderate energy levels, exhibiting negligible changes across multiple impact events.

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Additive Manufacturing of Hybrid Circuits

Annual Review of Materials Research

Sarobol, Pylin S.; Cook, Adam W.; Clem, Paul G.; Keicher, David M.; Hirschfeld, Deidre H.; Hall, Aaron C.; Bell, Nelson S.

There is a rising interest in developing functional electronics using additively manufactured components. Considerations in materials selection and pathways to forming hybrid circuits and devices must demonstrate useful electronic function; must enable integration; and must complement the complex shape, low cost, high volume, and high functionality of structural but generally electronically passive additively manufactured components. This article reviews several emerging technologies being used in industry and research/development to provide integration advantages of fabricating multilayer hybrid circuits or devices. First, we review a maskless, noncontact, direct write (DW) technology that excels in the deposition of metallic colloid inks for electrical interconnects. Second, we review a complementary technology, aerosol deposition (AD), which excels in the deposition of metallic and ceramic powder as consolidated, thick conformal coatings and is additionally patternable through masking. Finally, we show examples of hybrid circuits/devices integrated beyond 2-D planes, using combinations of DW or AD processes and conventional, established processes.

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Room Temperature Deformation Mechanisms of Alumina Particles Observed from In Situ Micro-compression and Atomistic Simulations

Journal of Thermal Spray Technology

Sarobol, Pylin S.; Chandross, M.; Carroll, Jay D.; Mook, William M.; Bufford, Daniel C.; Boyce, Brad B.; Hattar, Khalid M.; Kotula, Paul G.; Hall, Aaron C.

Aerosol deposition (AD) is a solid-state deposition technology that has been developed to fabricate ceramic coatings nominally at room temperature. Sub-micron ceramic particles accelerated by pressurized gas impact, deform, and consolidate on substrates under vacuum. Ceramic particle consolidation in AD coatings is highly dependent on particle deformation and bonding; these behaviors are not well understood. In this work, atomistic simulations and in situ micro-compressions in the scanning electron microscope, and the transmission electron microscope (TEM) were utilized to investigate fundamental mechanisms responsible for plastic deformation/fracture of particles under applied compression. Results showed that highly defective micron-sized alumina particles, initially containing numerous dislocations or a grain boundary, exhibited no observable shape change before fracture/fragmentation. Simulations and experimental results indicated that particles containing a grain boundary only accommodate low strain energy per unit volume before crack nucleation and propagation. In contrast, nearly defect-free, sub-micron, single crystal alumina particles exhibited plastic deformation and fracture without fragmentation. Dislocation nucleation/motion, significant plastic deformation, and shape change were observed. Simulation and TEM in situ micro-compression results indicated that nearly defect-free particles accommodate high strain energy per unit volume associated with dislocation plasticity before fracture. The identified deformation mechanisms provide insight into feedstock design for AD.

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Levelized cost of energy (LCOE) metric to characterize solar absorber coatings for the CSP industry

Renewable Energy

Boubault, Antoine; Ho, Clifford K.; Hall, Aaron C.; Lambert, Timothy N.; Ambrosini, Andrea A.

The contribution of each component of a power generation plant to the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) can be estimated and used to increase the power output while reducing system operation and maintenance costs. The LCOE is used in order to quantify solar receiver coating influence on the LCOE of solar power towers. Two new parameters are introduced: the absolute levelized cost of coating (LCOC) and the LCOC efficiency. Depending on the material properties, aging, costs, and temperature, the absolute LCOC enables quantifying the cost-effectiveness of absorber coatings, as well as finding optimal operating conditions. The absolute LCOC is investigated for different hypothetic coatings and is demonstrated on Pyromark 2500 paint. Results show that absorber coatings yield lower LCOE values in most cases, even at significant costs. Optimal reapplication intervals range from one to five years. At receiver temperatures greater than 700 °C, non-selective coatings are not always worthwhile while durable selective coatings consistently reduce the LCOE-up to 12% of the value obtained for an uncoated receiver. The absolute LCOC is a powerful tool to characterize and compare different coatings, not only considering their initial efficiencies but also including their durability.

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Solid state consolidation nanocrystalline copper-tungsten using cold spray

Hall, Aaron C.; Sarobol, Pylin S.; Argibay, Nicolas A.; Clark, Blythe C.; DiAntonio, Christopher D.

It is well known that nanostructured metals can exhibit significantly improved properties compared to metals with conventional grain size. Unfortunately, nanocrystalline metals typically are not thermodynamically stable and exhibit rapid grain growth at moderate temperatures. This severely limits their processing and use, making them impractical for most engineering applications. Recent work has shown that a number of thermodynamically stable nanocrystalline metal alloys exist. These alloys have been prepared as powders using severe plastic deformation (e.g. ball milling) processes. Consolidation of these powders without compromise of their nanocrystalline microstructure is a critical step to enabling their use as engineering materials. We demonstrate solid-state consolidation of ball milled copper-tantalum nanocrystalline metal powder using cold spray. Unfortunately, the nanocrystalline copper-tantalum powder that was consolidated did not contain the thermodynamically stable copper-tantalum nanostructure. Nevertheless, this does this demonstrates a pathway to preparation of bulk thermodynamically stable nanocrystalline copper-tantalum. Furthermore, it demonstrates a pathway to additive manufacturing (3D printing) of nanocrystalline copper-tantalum. Additive manufacturing of thermodynamically stable nanocrystalline metals is attractive because it enables maximum flexibility and efficiency in the use of these unique materials.

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The effect of process parameters on Twin Wire Arc spray pattern shape


Horner, Allison L.; Hall, Aaron C.; McCloskey, James F.

A design of experiments approach was used to describe process parameter-spray pattern relationships in the Twin Wire Arc process using zinc feed stock in a TAFA 8835 (Praxair, Concord, NH, USA) spray torch. Specifically, the effects of arc current, primary atomizing gas pressure, and secondary atomizing gas pressure on spray pattern size, spray pattern flatness, spray pattern eccentricity, and coating deposition rate were investigated. Process relationships were investigated with the intent of maximizing or minimizing each coating property. It was determined that spray pattern area was most affected by primary gas pressure and secondary gas pressure. Pattern eccentricity was most affected by secondary gas pressure. Pattern flatness was most affected by primary gas pressure. Coating deposition rate was most affected by arc current.

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Thermal stability of oxide-based solar selective coatings for CSP central receivers

ASME 2015 9th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2015, collocated with the ASME 2015 Power Conference, the ASME 2015 13th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, and the ASME 2015 Nuclear Forum

Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Lambert, Timothy N.; Boubault, Antoine; Hunt, Andrew; Davis, Danae J.; Adams, David P.; Hall, Aaron C.

Efforts at Sandia National Laboratories are addressing more efficient solar selective coatings for tower applications, based on oxide materials deposited by a variety of methods. Over the course of this investigation, several compositions with optical properties competitive to Pyromark have been identified. These promising coatings were deposited on Inconel 625 and Haynes 230 Ni alloys and isothermally aged in air at temperatures between 600-800 °C for up to 480 hours, concurrently with Pyromark®, which was used as a reference standard. At various heating times, the samples were removed from the furnace and their optical properties (solar-weighted absorptance and emittance) were measured. In addition, x-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy were utilized to investigate any structural or morphological changes that occurred over time with heating, in an attempt to correlate with changes in optical properties. At 600 and 700 °C, several of the coatings maintained an absorptivity > 90%. While the chemical makeup of the coating material greatly influences its optical properties, the morphology of the surface also plays in important part. A thermal sprayed coating modified using a novel laser treatment showed improved properties versus the untreated coating, on par with Pyromark™ at 600 °C, with little degradation after 480 hours. The results of aging on the optical, structural, and morphological properties of these novel coatings will be discussed.

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Deformation Behavior of Sub-micron and Micron Sized Alumina Particles in Compression

Sarobol, Pylin S.; Chandross, M.; Carroll, Jay D.; Mook, William M.; Boyce, Brad B.; Kotula, Paul G.; McKenzie, Bonnie B.; Bufford, Daniel C.; Hall, Aaron C.

The ability to integrate ceramics with other materials has been limited due to high temperature (>800degC) ceramic processing. Recently, researchers demonstrated a novel process , aerosol deposition (AD), to fabricate ceramic films at room temperature (RT). In this process, sub - micro n sized ceramic particles are accelerated by pressurized gas, impacted on the substrate, plastically deformed, and form a dense film under vacuum. This AD process eliminates high temperature processing thereby enabling new coatings and device integration, in which ceramics can be deposited on metals, plastics, and glass. However, k nowledge in fundamental mechanisms for ceramic particle s to deform and form a dense ceramic film is still needed and is essential in advancing this novel RT technology. In this wo rk, a combination of experimentation and atomistic simulation was used to determine the deformation behavior of sub - micron sized ceramic particle s ; this is the first fundamental step needed to explain coating formation in the AD process . High purity, singl e crystal, alpha alumina particles with nominal size s of 0.3 um and 3.0 um were examined. Particle characterization, using transmission electron microscopy (TEM ), showed that the 0.3 u m particles were relatively defect - free single crystals whereas 3.0 u m p articles were highly defective single crystals or particles contained low angle grain boundaries. Sub - micron sized Al 2 O 3 particles exhibited ductile failure in compression. In situ compression experiments showed 0.3um particles deformed plastically, fractured, and became polycrystalline. Moreover, dislocation activit y was observed within the se particles during compression . These sub - micron sized Al 2 O 3 particles exhibited large accum ulated strain (2 - 3 times those of micron - sized particles) before first fracture. I n agreement with the findings from experimentation , a tomistic simulation s of nano - Al 2 O 3 particles showed dislocation slip and significant plastic deformation during compressi on . On the other hand, the micron sized Al 2 O 3 particles exhibited brittle f racture in compression. In situ compression experiments showed 3um Al 2 O 3 particles fractured into pieces without observable plastic deformation in compression. Particle deformation behaviors will be used to inform Al 2 O 3 coating deposition parameters and particle - particle bonding in the consolidated Al 2 O 3 coatings.

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Feasibility of preparing patterned molybdenum coatings on bismuth telluride thermoelectric modules

Sarobol, Pylin S.; Hall, Aaron C.; Miller, Stephen S.; Knight, Marlene E.; Sobczak, Catherine E.; Wesolowski, Daniel E.

Molybdenum electrical interconnects for thermoelectric modules were produced by air plasma spraying a 30%CE%BCm size molybdenum powder through a laser-cut Kapton tape mask. Initial feasibility demonstrations showed that the molybdenum coating exhibited excellent feature and spacing retention (~170%CE%BCm), adhered to bismuth-telluride, and exhibited electrical conductivity appropriate for use as a thermoelectric module interconnect. A design of experiments approach was used to optimize air plasma spray process conditions to produce a molybdenum coating with low electrical resistivity. Finally, a molybdenum coating was successfully produced on a fullscale thermoelectric module. After the addition of a final titanium/gold layer deposited on top of the molybdenum coating, the full scale module exhibited an electrical resistivity of 128%CE%A9, approaching the theoretical resistivity value for the 6mm module leg of 112%CE%A9. Importantly, air plasma sprayed molybdenum did not show significant chemical reaction with bismuth-telluride substrate at the coating/substrate interface. The molybdenum coating microstructure consisted of lamellar splats containing columnar grains. Air plasma sprayed molybdenum embedded deeply (several microns) into the bismuth-telluride substrate, leading to good adhesion between the coating and the substrate. Clusters of round pores (and cracks radiating from the pores) were found immediately beneath the molybdenum coating. These pores are believed to result from tellurium vaporization during the spray process where the molten molybdenum droplets (2623%C2%B0C) transferred their heat of solidification to the substrate at the moment of impact. Substrate cooling during the molybdenum deposition process was recommended to mitigate tellurium vaporization in future studies.

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Development of advanced strain diagnostic techniques for reactor environments

Holschuh, Thomas V.; Fleming, Darryn F.; Parma, Edward J.; Hall, Aaron C.; Urrea, David A.

The following research is operated as a Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) initiative at Sandia National Laboratories. The long-term goals of the program include sophisticated diagnostics of advanced fuels testing for nuclear reactors for the Department of Energy (DOE) Gen IV program, with the future capability to provide real-time measurement of strain in fuel rod cladding during operation in situ at any research or power reactor in the United States. By quantifying the stress and strain in fuel rods, it is possible to significantly improve fuel rod design, and consequently, to improve the performance and lifetime of the cladding. During the past year of this program, two sets of experiments were performed: small-scale tests to ensure reliability of the gages, and reactor pulse experiments involving the most viable samples in the Annulated Core Research Reactor (ACRR), located onsite at Sandia. Strain measurement techniques that can provide useful data in the extreme environment of a nuclear reactor core are needed to characterize nuclear fuel rods. This report documents the progression of solutions to this issue that were explored for feasibility in FY12 at Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM.

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Characterization of pyromark 2500 for high-temperature solar receivers

ASME 2012 6th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2012, Collocated with the ASME 2012 10th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology

Ho, Clifford K.; Mahoney, A.R.; Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Bencomo, Marlene B.; Hall, Aaron C.; Lambert, Timothy N.

Pyromark 2500 is a silicone-based high-temperature paint that has been used on central receivers to increase solar absorptance. The cost, application, curing methods, radiative properties, and absorber efficiency of Pyromark 2500 are presented in this paper for use as a baseline for comparison to high-temperature solar selective absorber coatings currently being developed. The directional solar absorptance was calculated from directional spectral absorptance data, and values for pristine samples of Pyromark 2500 were as high as 0.96-0.97 at near normal incidence angles. At higher irradiance angles (>40° - 60°), the solar absorptance decreased. The total hemispherical emittance of Pyromark 2500 was calculated from spectral directional emittance data measured at room temperature and 600°C. The total hemispherical emittance values ranged from ∼0.80-0.89 at surface temperatures ranging from 100°C - 1,000°C. The aging and degradation of Pyromark 2500 with exposure at elevated temperatures were also examined. Previous tests showed that solar receiver panels had to be repainted after three years due to a decrease in solar absorptance to 0.88 at the Solar One central receiver pilot plant. Laboratory studies also showed that exposure of Pyromark 2500 at high temperatures (750°C and higher) resulted in significant decreases in solar absorptance within a few days. However, at 650°C and below, the solar absorptance did not decrease appreciably after several thousand hours of testing. Finally, the absorber efficiency of Pyromark 2500 was determined as a function of temperature and irradiance using the calculated solar absorptance and emittance values presented in this paper. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.

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Improved high temperature solar absorbers for use in Concentrating Solar Power central receiver applications

Staiger, Chad S.; Lambert, Timothy N.; Hall, Aaron C.; Bencomo, Marlene B.; Stechel-Speicher, Ellen B.

Concentrating solar power (CSP) systems use solar absorbers to convert the heat from sunlight to electric power. Increased operating temperatures are necessary to lower the cost of solar-generated electricity by improving efficiencies and reducing thermal energy storage costs. Durable new materials are needed to cope with operating temperatures >600 C. The current coating technology (Pyromark High Temperature paint) has a solar absorptance in excess of 0.95 but a thermal emittance greater than 0.8, which results in large thermal losses at high temperatures. In addition, because solar receivers operate in air, these coatings have long term stability issues that add to the operating costs of CSP facilities. Ideal absorbers must have high solar absorptance (>0.95) and low thermal emittance (<0.05) in the IR region, be stable in air, and be low-cost and readily manufacturable. We propose to utilize solution-based synthesis techniques to prepare intrinsic absorbers for use in central receiver applications.

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Creating bulk nanocrystalline metal

Yang, Pin Y.; Hall, Aaron C.; Vogler, Tracy V.; Gill, David D.

Nanocrystalline and nanostructured materials offer unique microstructure-dependent properties that are superior to coarse-grained materials. These materials have been shown to have very high hardness, strength, and wear resistance. However, most current methods of producing nanostructured materials in weapons-relevant materials create powdered metal that must be consolidated into bulk form to be useful. Conventional consolidation methods are not appropriate due to the need to maintain the nanocrystalline structure. This research investigated new ways of creating nanocrystalline material, new methods of consolidating nanocrystalline material, and an analysis of these different methods of creation and consolidation to evaluate their applicability to mesoscale weapons applications where part features are often under 100 {micro}m wide and the material's microstructure must be very small to give homogeneous properties across the feature.

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Solidification Diagnostics for Joining and Microstructural Simulations

Robino, Charles V.; Robino, Charles V.; Hall, Aaron C.; Headley, Thomas J.; Roach, R.A.

Solidification is an important aspect of welding, brazing, soldering, LENS fabrication, and casting. The current trend toward utilizing large-scale process simulations and materials response models for simulation-based engineering is driving the development of new modeling techniques. However, the effective utilization of these models is, in many cases, limited by a lack of fundamental understanding of the physical processes and interactions involved. In addition, experimental validation of model predictions is required. We have developed new and expanded experimental techniques, particularly those needed for in-situ measurement of the morphological and kinetic features of the solidification process. The new high-speed, high-resolution video techniques and data extraction methods developed in this work have been used to identify several unexpected features of the solidification process, including the observation that the solidification front is often far more dynamic than previously thought. In order to demonstrate the utility of the video techniques, correlations have been made between the in-situ observations and the final solidification microstructure. Experimental methods for determination of the solidification velocity in highly dynamic pulsed laser welds have been developed, implemented, and used to validate and refine laser welding models. Using post solidification metallographic techniques, we have discovered a previously unreported orientation relationship between ferrite and austenite in the Fe-Cr-Ni alloy system, and have characterized the conditions under which this new relationship develops. Taken together, the work has expanded both our understanding of, and our ability to characterize, solidification phenomena in complex alloy systems and processes.

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Formability of Aluminum Mild Detonating Fuse

Hall, Aaron C.

Mild detonating fuse is an extruded aluminum tube that contains explosive material. Fuse prepared by a new supplier (Company B) exhibited a formability problem and was analyzed to determine the source of that formability problem. The formability problem was associated with cracking of the aluminum tube when it was bent around a small radius. Mild detonating fuse prepared by the existing supplier of product (Company A) did not exhibit a formability problem. The two fuses were prepared using different aluminum alloys. The microstructure and chemical composition of the two aluminum alloys were compared. It was found that the microstructure of the Company A aluminum exhibited clear signs of dynamic recrystallization while the Company B aluminum did not. Recrystallization results in the removal of dislocations associated with work hardening and will dramatically improve formability. Comparison of the chemical composition of the two aluminum alloys revealed that the Company A aluminum contained significantly lower levels of impurity elements (specifically Fe and Si) than the COMPANY B aluminum. It has been concluded that the formability problem exhibited by the COMPANY B material will be solved by using an aluminum alloy with low impurity content such as 1190-H18 or 1199-0.

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Characterization of Sidewall and Planar Surfaces of Electroformed LIGA Parts

Prasad, Somuri V.; Hall, Aaron C.; Dugger, Michael T.

The nature of surfaces and the way they interact with each other during sliding contact can have a direct bearing on the performance of a microelectromechanical (MEMS) device. Therefore, a study was undertaken to characterize the surfaces of LIGA fabricated Ni and Cu components. Sidewall and planar surfaces were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Surface roughness was quantified using the AFM. Post-processing (e.g. lapping, removal of polymer film) can profoundly influence the morphology of LIGA components. Edge rounding and smearing of ductile materials during lapping can result in undesirable sidewall morphologies. By judicious selection of AFM scan sizes, the native roughness ({approximately}10 nm RMS) can be distinguished from that arising due to post processing, e.g. scratches, debris, polymer films. While certain processing effects on morphology such as those due to lapping or release etch can be controlled, the true side wall morphology appears to be governed by the morphology of the polymer mold or by the electroforming process itself, and may be much less amenable to modification.

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A new discontinuously reinforced aluminum MMC: Al+AlB{sub 2} flakes

Hall, Aaron C.

Development of a novel metal matrix composite based on the Al-B alloy system has been undertaken. Preparation of this discontinuously reinforced material is based on the precipitation of high aspect ratio AlB{sub 2} from an Al-B alloy. This paper describes a number of efforts forced on preparing high volume fractions (> 30 v%) of AlB{sub 2} in aluminum. New insights into the behavior of the Al-B alloys system allowed this effort to be successful.

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73 Results
73 Results