
Publications / SAND Report

Xyce Parallel Electronic Simulator Reference Guide Version 6.10

Keiter, Eric R.; Aadithya, Karthik V.; Mei, Ting M.; Russo, Thomas V.; Schiek, Richard S.; Sholander, Peter E.; Thornquist, Heidi K.; Verley, Jason V.

This document is a reference guide to the Xyce Parallel Electronic Simulator, and is a companion document to the Xyce Users' Guide [1] . The focus of this document is (to the extent possible) exhaustively list device parameters, solver options, parser options, and other usage details of Xyce . This document is not intended to be a tutorial. Users who are new to circuit simulation are better served by the Xyce Users' Guide [1] . Copyright c 2002 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge all the code and test suite developers who have contributed to the Xyce project over the years: Alan Lundin, Arlon Waters, Ashley Meek, Bart van Bloemen Waanders, Brad Bond, Brian Fett, Christina Warrender, David Baur, David Day, David Shirley, Deborah Fixel, Derek Barnes, Eric Rankin, Erik Zeek, Gary Hennigan, Herman "Buddy" Watts, Jim Emery, Keith Santarelli, Laura Boucheron, Lawrence Musson, Mary Meinelt, Mingyu "Genie" Hsieh, Nicholas Johnson, Philip Campbell, Rebecca Arnold, Regina Schells, Richard Drake, Robert Hoekstra, Roger Pawlowski, Russell Hooper, Samuel Browne, Scott Hutchinson, Smitha Sam, Steven Verzi, Tamara Kolda, Timur Takhtaganov, and Todd Coffey. Also, thanks to Hue Lai for the original typesetting of this document in L A T E X. Trademarks Xyce Electronic Simulator TM and Xyce TM are trademarks of National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Contact Information Outside Sandia World Wide Web Email Inside Sandia World Wide Web Email Bug Reports