xLPR Sim Editor 1.0 User's Guide
The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission in cooperation with the Electric Power Research Institute contracted Sandia National Laboratories to develop the framework of a probabilistic fracture mechanics assessment code called xLPR ( Extremely Low Probability of Rupture) Version 2.0 . The purpose of xLPR is to evaluate degradation mechanisms in piping systems at nuclear power plants and to predict the probability of rupture. This report is a user's guide for xLPR Sim Editor 1.0 , a graphical user interface for creating and editing the xLPR Version 2.0 input file and for creating, editing, and using the xLPR Version 2.0 database files . The xLPR Sim Editor, provides a user - friendly way for users to change simulation options and input values, s elect input datasets from xLPR data bases, identify inputs needed for a simulation, and create and modify an input file for xLPR.