
Publications / SAND Report

xLPR Sim Editor 1.0 User's Guide

Mariner, Paul M.

The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission in cooperation with the Electric Power Research Institute contracted Sandia National Laboratories to develop the framework of a probabilistic fracture mechanics assessment code called xLPR ( Extremely Low Probability of Rupture) Version 2.0 . The purpose of xLPR is to evaluate degradation mechanisms in piping systems at nuclear power plants and to predict the probability of rupture. This report is a user's guide for xLPR Sim Editor 1.0 , a graphical user interface for creating and editing the xLPR Version 2.0 input file and for creating, editing, and using the xLPR Version 2.0 database files . The xLPR Sim Editor, provides a user - friendly way for users to change simulation options and input values, s elect input datasets from xLPR data bases, identify inputs needed for a simulation, and create and modify an input file for xLPR.