
Publications / Report

Workshop on Concepts for Self-Healing Critical Infrastructures

Goldsmith, Steven Y.; Goldsmith, Steven Y.

This report describes a workshop on self-healing infrastructures conducted jointly by Sandia National Laboratories, Infrastructure & Information Division, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division. The workshop was held in summer, 2002 and funded under Laboratory-Directed Research and Development (LDRD) No.5 1540. The purpose of the workshop was to obtain a working definition of a self-healing infrastructure, explore concepts for self-healing infrastructures systems, and to propose engineering studies that would lay the foundation for the realization of such systems. The workshop produced a number of useful working documents that clarified the concept of self-healing applied to large-scale system-of-systems exemplified by the US National Critical Infrastructure. The workshop eventually resulted in a joint proposal to the National Science Foundation and a continuing collaboration on intelligent agent based approaches to coordination of infrastructure systems in a self-healing regime.