
Publications / Conference Poster

Wondering what to blame? Turn PV performance assessments into maintenance action items through the deployment of learning algorithms embedded in a Raspberry Pi device

Jones, C.B.; Martinez-Ramon, Manel; Carmignani, Craig K.; Stein, Joshua S.; King, Bruce H.

Monitoring of photovoltaic (PV) systems can maintain efficient operations. However, extensive monitoring of large quantities of data can be a cumbersome process. The present work introduces a simple, inexpensive, yet effective data monitoring strategy for detecting faults and determining lost revenues automatically. This was achieved through the deployment of Raspberry Pi (RPI) device at a PV system's combiner box. The RPI was programmed to collect PV data through Modbus communications, and store the data locally in a MySQL database. Then, using a Gaussian Process Regression algorithm the RPI device was able to accurately estimate string level current, voltage, and power values. The device could also detect system faults using a Support Vector Novelty Detection algorithm. Finally, the RPI was programmed to output the potential lost revenue caused by the abnormal condition. The system analytics information was then displayed on a user interface. The interface could be accessed by operations personal to direct maintenance activity so that critical issues can be solved quickly.