
Publications / Conference Paper

Visualizing the Inter-Area Modes of the Western Interconnection

Elliott, Ryan T.; Schoenwald, David A.

This paper presents a visualization technique for incorporating eigenvector estimates with geospatial data to create inter-area mode shape maps. For each point of measurement, the method specifies the radius, color, and angular orientation of a circular map marker. These characteristics are determined by the elements of the right eigenvector corresponding to the mode of interest. The markers are then overlaid on a map of the system to create a physically intuitive visualization of the mode shape. This technique serves as a valuable tool for differentiating oscillatory modes that have similar frequencies but different shapes. This work was conducted within the Western Interconnection Modes Review Group (WIMRG) in the Western Electric Coordinating Council (WECC). For testing, we employ the WECC 2021 Heavy Summer base case, which features a high-fidelity, industry standard dynamic model of the North American Western Interconnection. Mode estimates are produced via eigen-decomposition of a reduced-order state matrix identified from simulated ringdown data. The results provide improved physical intuition about the spatial characteristics of the inter-area modes. In addition to offline applications, this visualization technique could also enhance situational awareness for system operators when paired with online mode shape estimates.