
Publications / Report

Viability of Applying Curie Point Pyrolysis/Gas Chromatography Techniques for Characterization of Ammonium Perchlorate Based Propellants

Barnett, James B.

Curie Point pyrolysis-gas chromatography was investigated for use as a tool for characterization of aged ammonium perchlorate based composite propellants (1). Successful application of the technique will support the surveillance program for the Explosives Materials and Subsystems Department (1). Propellant samples were prepared by separating the propellant into reacted (oxidated) and unreacted zones. The experimental design included the determination of system reliability followed by, reproducibility, sample preparation and analysis of pyrolysis products. Polystyrene was used to verify the reliability of the system and showed good reproducibility. Application of the technique showed high variation in the data. Modifications to sample preparation did not enhance the reproducibility. It was determined that the high concentration of ammonium perchlorate in the propellant matrix was compromising the repeatability of the analysis.