
Publications / Conference Poster

Updated population and risk assessment for airbursts from near-earth objects (NEOs)

Boslough, Mark B.; Brown, Peter; Harris, Alan

We present a new analysis of airburst risk based on updated estimates for the population of undiscovered NEOs, taking into account the enhanced damage potential of directed airbursts. We define airbursts as events in which small (meters to tens-of-meters in diameter) asteroids deposit most of their energy in the atmosphere as large bolides and where the total energy is comparable to or greater than small nuclear explosions (>0.1 kilotons of TNT). Our tens-of-meter population estimate from optical surveys is now much closer to bolide frequency estimates, resolving most of an earlier discrepancy. Our Tunguska-class (∼40 meters) population estimate has doubled, and Chelyabinsk-class (∼20 meters) has increased by a factor of 2.6. Uncertainty in this population remains quite large, and can only be unambiguously reduced by expanded surveys focused on objects in the tens-of-meters size range. The assessed risk from this population is also increasing for two reasons. First, airbursts are significantly more damaging than assumed in the original risk assessments, because for typical impact geometries they more efficiently couple energy to the surface than nuclear explosions of the same energy. Second, the greater numbers mean that they are more frequent than previously thought. We review the evidence that asteroid airbursts are more damaging than nuclear explosions, and provide arguments that such events are more frequent.