
Publications / Conference

Uncertainty quantification in the presence of limited climate model data with discontinuities

Sargsyan, Khachik S.; Safta, Cosmin S.; Debusschere, Bert D.; Najm, H.N.

Uncertainty quantification in climate models is challenged by the prohibitive cost of a large number of model evaluations for sampling. Another feature that often prevents classical uncertainty analysis from being readily applicable is the bifurcative behavior in the climate data with respect to certain parameters. A typical example is the Meridional Overturning Circulation in the Atlantic Ocean. The maximum overturning stream function exhibits a discontinuity across a curve in the space of two uncertain parameters, namely climate sensitivity and CO2 forcing. In order to propagate uncertainties from model parameters to model output we use polynomial chaos (PC) expansions to represent the maximum overturning stream function in terms of the uncertain climate sensitivity and CO2 forcing parameters. Since the spectral methodology assumes a certain degree of smoothness, the presence of discontinuities suggests that separate PC expansions on each side of the discontinuity will lead to more accurate descriptions of the climate model output compared to global PC expansions. We propose a methodology that first finds a probabilistic description of the discontinuity given a number of data points. Assuming the discontinuity curve is a polynomial, the algorithm is based on Bayesian inference of its coefficients. Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling is used to obtain joint distributions for the polynomial coefficients, effectively parameterizing the distribution over all possible discontinuity curves. Next, we apply the Rosenblatt transformation to the irregular parameter domains on each side of the discontinuity. This transformation maps a space of uncertain parameters with specific probability distributions to a space of i.i.d standard random variables where orthogonal projections can be used to obtain PC coefficients. In particular, we use uniform random variables that are compatible with PC expansions based on Legendre polynomials. The Rosenblatt transformation and the corresponding PC expansions for the model output on either side of the discontinuity are applied successively for several realizations of the discontinuity curve. The climate model output and its associated uncertainty at specific design points is then computed by taking a quadrature-based integration average over PC expansions corresponding to possible realizations of the discontinuity curve.