
Publications / Conference

Top-down fabrication of GaN-based nanorod LEDs and lasers

Wang, George T.; Li, Qiming L.; Wierer, Jonathan W.; Figiel, J.J.; Wright, Jeremy B.; Luk, Ting S.; Brener, Igal B.

Although planar heterostructures dominate current optoelectronic architectures, 1D nanowires and nanorods have distinct and advantageous properties that may enable higher efficiency, longer wavelength, and cheaper devices. We have developed a top-down approach for fabricating ordered arrays of high quality GaN-based nanorods with controllable height, pitch and diameter. This approach avoids many of the limitations of bottom-up synthesis methods. In addition to GaN nanorods, the fabrication and characterization of both axial and radial-type GaN/InGaN nanorod LEDs have been achieved. The precise control over nanorod geometry achiveable by this technique also enables single-mode single nanowire lasing with linewidths of less than 0.1 nm and low lasing thresholds of ∼250kW/cm 2. © 2012 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).