
Publications / Journal Article

Three Artificial Spintronic Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neurons

Brigner, Wesley H.; Hu, Xuan; Hassan, Naimul; Jiang-Wei, Lucian; Bennett, Christopher H.; Garcia-Sanchez, Felipe; Akinola, Otitoaleke; Pasquale, Massimo; Marinella, Matthew J.; Incorvia, Jean A.; Friedman, Joseph S.

Due to their nonvolatility and intrinsic current integration capabilities, spintronic devices that rely on domain wall (DW) motion through a free ferromagnetic track have garnered significant interest in the field of neuromorphic computing. Although a number of such devices have already been proposed, they require the use of external circuitry to implement several important neuronal behaviors. As such, they are likely to result in either a decrease in energy efficiency, an increase in fabrication complexity, or even both. To resolve this issue, we have proposed three individual neurons that are capable of performing these functionalities without the use of any external circuitry. To implement leaking, the first neuron uses a dipolar coupling field, the second uses an anisotropy gradient and the third uses shape variations of the DW track.