
Publications / Conference Poster

Thermodynamic investigation of concentrating solar power with thermochemical storage

Gorman, Brandon T.; Miller, James E.; Johnson, Nathan G.; Stechel, Ellen B.

Concentrating solar power systems coupled to energy storage schemes, e.g. storage of sensible energy in a heat transfer fluid, are attractive options to reduce the transient effects of clouding on solar power output and to provide power after sunset and before sunrise. Common heat transfer fluids used to capture heat in a solar receiver include steam, oil, molten salt, and air. These high temperature fluids can be stored so that electric power can be produced on demand, limited primarily by the size of the capacity and the energy density of the storage mechanism. Phase changing fluids can increase the amount of stored energy relative to non-phase changing fluids due to the heat of vaporization or the heat of fusion. Reversible chemical reactions can also store heat; an endothermic reaction captures the heat, the chemical products are stored, and an exothermic reaction later releases the heat and returns the chemical compound to its initial state. Ongoing research is investigating the scientific and commercial potential of such reaction cycles with, for example, reduction (endothermic) and re-oxidation (exothermic) of metal oxide particles. This study includes thermodynamic analyses and considerations for component sizing of concentrating solar power towers with redox active metal oxide based thermochemical storage to reach target electrical output capacities of 0.1 MW to 100 MW. System-wide analyses here use one-dimensional energy and mass balances for the solar field, solar receiver reduction reactor, hot reduced particle storage, re-oxidizer reactor, power block, cold particle storage, and other components pertinent to the design. This work is part of a US Department of Energy (DOE) SunShot project entitled High Performance Reduction Oxidation of Metal Oxides for Thermochemical Energy Storage (PROMOTES).