
Publications / Journal Article

Thermochemistry of the smallest QOOH radical from the roaming fragmentation of energy selected methyl hydroperoxide ions

Covert, Kyle J.; Voronova, Krisztina; Torma, Krisztián G.; Bodi, Andras; Zador, Judit Z.; Sztáray, Bálint

The dissociative photoionization processes of methyl hydroperoxide (CH3OOH) have been studied by imaging Photoelectron Photoion Coincidence (iPEPICO) spectroscopy experiments as well as quantum-chemical and statistical rate calculations. Energy selected CH3OOH+ ions dissociate into CH2OOH+, HCO+, CH3 +, and H3O+ ions in the 11.4-14.0 eV photon energy range. The lowest-energy dissociation channel is the formation of the cation of the smallest "QOOH" radical, CH2OOH+. An extended RRKM model fitted to the experimental data yields a 0 K appearance energy of 11.647 ± 0.005 eV for the CH2OOH+ ion, and a 74.2 ± 2.6 kJ mol-1 mixed experimental-theoretical 0 K heat of formation for the CH2OOH radical. The proton affinity of the Criegee intermediate, CH2OO, was also obtained from the heat of formation of CH2OOH+ (792.8 ± 0.9 kJ mol-1) to be 847.7 ± 1.1 kJ mol-1, reducing the uncertainty of the previously available computational value by a factor of 4. RRKM modeling of the complex web of possible rearrangement-dissociation processes was used to model the higher-energy fragmentation. Supported by Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics simulations, we found that the HCO+ fragment ion is produced through a roaming transition state followed by a low barrier. H3O+ is formed in a consecutive process from the CH2OOH+ fragment ion, while direct C-O fission of the molecular ion leads to the methyl cation.