
Publications / Journal Article

The nuclear energy non-proliferation link and what the IAEA can do now

Ellis, Doris E.; Sellers, Tom; Duggan, Ruth

Projections of the World Bank indicate that world energy demand is increasing and may more than double by 2050. Several political leaders have recognised the importance of nuclear energy to meet growing energy needs. Indeed, availability of a secure, economically viable energy source is a major factor in the developing world’s progress. This expansion, with the potential spread of sensitive material and technology that could be used to develop nuclear weapons, reinforces the need for a comprehensive strategy to counter or mitigate the proliferation risks. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is qualified to lead in developing and promoting a systems approach to enrich and integrate the wide range of national and international efforts required to manage this risk. This paper addresses specific actions that the IAEA, with other bilateral and multilateral efforts, could undertake to facilitate the expansion of nuclear energy while managing security risks. © 2006 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.