
Publications / Journal Article

The effect of gradients at stagnation on K-shell x-ray line emission in high-current Ar gas-puff implosions

Jones, Brent M.; Apruzese, J.P.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Ampleford, David A.; Jennings, C.A.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Moore, Nathan W.; Lamppa, Derek C.; Johnson, Drew J.; Jones, Brent M.; Waisman, Eduardo M.; Coverdale, Christine A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Rochau, G.A.; Giuliani, J.L.; Thornhill, J.W.; Ouart, N.D.; Chong, Y.K.; Velikovich, A.L.; Dasgupta, A.; Krishnan, M.; Coleman, P.L.

Argon gas puffs have produced 330kJ ± 9% of x-ray radiation above 3keV photon energy in fast z-pinch implosions, with remarkably reproducible K-shell spectra and power pulses. This reproducibility in x-ray production is particularly significant in light of the variations in instability evolution observed between experiments. Soft x-ray power measurements and K-shell line ratios from a time-resolved spectrum at peak x-ray power suggest that plasma gradients in these high-mass pinches may limit the K-shell radiating mass, K-shell power, and K-shell yield from high-current gas puffs.