
Publications / Journal Article

The correct balance between analysis and test

Smallwood, David O.

During the last 20 years there has been a tremendous increase in computational capabilities. It seems to accelerate every year. Models are now constructed with millions of degrees of freedom. Sandia National Laboratories recently computed modes and transient response for a 4,000,000 degree of freedom model. There is also an increase in the cost of testing as the unit price of test items increases and manpower costs escalate. One is reminded of Augustine's Laws, ``Simple systems are not feasible because they require infinite testing.'' Or conversely, extremely complex systems require no testing. In his discussion he uses data from actual systems to show how increasing complexity of systems appears to require less testing. A hundred dollar item required several thousand developments tests, where a ten million dollar item required a few tens of development tests. Of course, this results from the large increase in test costs caused in large part by the large cost of the test hardware that comes with increasing complexity. The complex system (costly) is coupled with the perceived need to reduce nonessential costs. At Sandia National Laboratories they are also faced with the prospect that some of the tests they ran in the past are not even feasible to run today.