
Publications / SAND Report

Terry Turbopump Expanded Operating Band Modeling and Simulation Efforts in Fiscal Year 2021 Extended Period of Performance (Final Report)

Beeny, Bradley A.

This report documents the progress made under the Terry Turbine Expanded Operating Band (TTEXOB) program's modeling and simulation (MODSIM) initiative at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL ). It describes the US Federal Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21) extended period-of-performance MODSIM work completed since the closure of FY20 with due reference to the Texas A&M University (TAMU) hybrid milestone 5/6 experimental program. This work, which falls under Milestone 7 of the program, provides a counterpart to the various experiments. The overall TTEXOB program and its milestone-based approach are described in the program's Summary Plan. Details of the individual milestone test plans can be found in the corresponding detailed test plan, e.g. the Milestone 3 and 4 Detailed Test Plan. SNL MODISM is conducted alongside experiments performed at TAMU, and SNL technical staff regularly consults with TAMU on the experimental program. In FY21, MELCOR code models and capabilities were exercised in two different contexts: experimental comparisons to the TAMU ZS-1 and GS-2, and stand-alone analyses of a station black-out (SBO) scenario in a generic boiling water reactor (BWR). Code to experiment comparisons met with fair success when turbine losses were well characterized as for the ZS-1 turbine. Both deterministic and Bayesian calibration processes were used to find a recommended turbine torque multiplier for ZS-1 type turbines. This process could be repeated for GS-2 type turbines if GS-2 losses were better understood. Stand-alone generic BWR SBO calculations revealed that three different modes of self-regulating turbopump behavior may be observed depending on certain modeling parameters and choices having to do with turbine nozzles. Aspects of this predicted behavior may have been observed in TAMU GS-2 experiments.