
Publications / Journal Article

Sub-Micron Resolution of Localized Ion Beam Induced Charge Reduction in Silicon Detectors Damaged by Heavy Ions

Auden, Elizabeth C.; Pacheco, Jose L.; Bielejec, Edward S.; Vizkelethy, Gyorgy V.; Abraham, John B.; Doyle, Barney L.

Displacement damage reduces ion beam induced charge (IBIC) through Shockley-Read-Hall recombination. Closely spaced pulses of 200 keVions focused in a 40 nm beam spot are used to create damage cascades within areas. Damaged areas are detected through contrast in IBIC signals generated with focused ion beams of {200 ions and 60 keV ions. IBIC signal reduction can be resolved over sub-micron regions of a silicon detector damaged by as few as 1000 heavy ions.